Plus size edition
Character art thread
Like this?
In defiance of the OP's requested theme, I am going to ask if anyone has a scrawny guy in a cloak/robes. Bonus points if they seem to be scared or trying to hide.
I will see what I have.
Thank you.
>would be a 10/10 if she just lost the gut fat and nothing else
The fact that women can't control the distribution of fat on their bodies is proof that there is no loving god.
The fact that I am able to enjoy all fat distributions and you are not is proof that god loves me, but not you.
Gut fat is the least healthy type of fat. Fat carried around the hips/thighs/buttocks or in the breasts has little impact on health; fat carried around the midriff is what contributes most to heart disease, increased cancer risk, exacerbation of asthma symptoms, etc.
Can I get some good shaman images? Bonus points for indian aesthetics.
still hot tho
I guess if that's your preference, but it certainly doesn't feel sexy to be constantly out of breath.
Unless you've got a very pronounced choking fetish or something, I guess.
More eskimo than indian but it's what I got...
Also isn't it weird most of those plus size characters come in minus size pics?
Goddamn, Liliana ATE the Vale
This is a fetish pic.
Thanks anyways, should've clarified though that I'm trying to look for an old man for this character, as well.
Still, cute image, I'll keep it handy.
Do you mean Indian or Native American?
Anons help, I need some healers
Indian, like actual Indian. Or anything with similar aesthetics
Like this?
I might be able to scrounge something up, but my personal collection's a bit sparse on men, old men in particular.
On that subject, a request I've made a few times before but haven't found: I'm looking for sort of a handsome, middle-aged, salt-and-pepper type spellcaster.
I just found this guy, would he work?
You are WRONG
Why can't people understand their fetishes are WRONG?
Oh Inidian from India... I only got this lady who looks shamanish, all ym guys are warriors or an old scholar.
Just a little bit to angry for what I'm going for, but I appreciate the images regardless.
Gonna dump some stuff that I have lying around myself.
Adjust your sexual preferences accordingly
No worries. I found some half-decent middle-aged spellcasters while I was looking.
No salt-and-pepper ones, though.
Serously though I'm looking for pics of lvl 1 adventurers with lanterns or similar. Specific I know
Only two pics I have
No lanterns, but my personal favorite level 1 adventurers.
>thinking your disgusting fetishes are better than the one True Fetish of God
An I late to the fat party?
Does anyone have any Goblin Archers? I'd appreciate them very much.
Do you have a preference of male vs female?
Not particularly. Marrowsnap could be a unisex name.
I got a few more.
I can get more if necessary, though at this point it might be easier if you just make yourself a Pinterest account.
God, I hope you're a fat fetishist and not an sjw.
He could have just thought "hmm, I only ever play fit characters, maybe I'll try something else".
You're a disgusting fetishist who finds revolting parodies of the human form attractive and glorifies one of the most prominent signs of excess in the modern age.
All feeders should be considered abusive partners since they try to make their partners ruin their health in order to feed their own disgusting perversion.
Lol wat.
>That projecting
Stop getting so worked up over bodies. They break down, big whoop.
I think that goes beyond 'plus size'
Maybe ++ Size
Look at this dead slut
Being anally fisted by nuns wearing spiked knuckle dusters?
How about fat characters who are drawn normal?
Also what the fuck? Is that chick drawing a child from her belt?
Not fat but Ive got some characters to post.
I need an overweight female caster for my bloatmage character.
Will any of these fat adventurers walk more than 10 minutes without losing their breath? I can only see them being used as an avenue of escape for the real adventurers when they're running from lions or some shut.
Nszi campaign
>Is that chick drawing a child from her belt?
>"I cast INFANT!"
Is that Noh?
HOMM? I liked that game.
The placement of that tentacle/snake/tail thing really makes me think it's some sort of prolapse...
Well... its specifically to make her horrific breeding duties more efficient...
It IS Kingdom Death, after all.