Hi Veeky Forums! NoobGM here, again. I was told that a good thing to do is to provide rough images of NPCs whom the players will be meeting, as it helps ground them better than a simple name and a description. I understand this partly goes against the whole "describe the scene," but I figure if it'll help, I might as well try it.
Specifically, I am looking for some characters they'll be meeting in Mistaken Identity -- the first prong of the Enemy Within campaign for Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay. Only one of them will definitely reappear in a later adventure.
>Josef Quartjin, River Boat Captain An old friend of one of the characters. He's got a tiny little photo in the campaign module which gives him a beard and long hair. He is tall and muscular and forty years old. He has a large bristly beard that grows down over his huge belly. Josef has a jolly temperament and enjoys good company. He tends to drink whenever the players aren't around. He'll be taking them on his boat down the river.
>Max Ernst, Protagonist Max Ernst is a professional protagonist. This means that he hires his "services" out to pick fights with people that rich nobles don't like. His services being a pair of hard-knuckled fists and a penchant for inflicting pain. He is a mean-looking, cold-blooded sadist and he wears black. His picture seems to be a short-haired, scarred man.
>Gustav Fondleburger, Innkeeper A very large and jolly fellow with a bald head and muttonchops. He always has plenty to say whether people are listening or not.
>Gunnar and Hultz A pair of alcoholic coachmen.
>Lady Isolde von Strudlehoff An arrogant, young noblewoman in ostentatious noble garb.
>Marie Isolde's stern-faced Nurse Ratchet/Shame Priestess from Game of Thrones-looking bodyguard/chaperone.
>Janna Isolde's mousey, quiet maid.
>Ernst Heidelmann A skinny, shifty-looking student who's actually a cultist.
>Philippe Descartes, a Gambler An adventurer and professional gambler from Bretonnia (France) with a pencil mustache and long, curly hair.
Asher James
Got your captain right here, though the beard is a bit short.
Christopher Thomas
Punchy Protagonist maybe?
Logan Sanchez
He just needs a mustache
Joseph Williams
I like it. It doesn't need to be exact. He has the kind of world-weary face I'm going for. Perfect.
It'd work, except he's meant to be a bit more subtle (and the setting is the renaissance, but that's minor if I can find something suitable from another period).
Usually he's hired because you slept with the wrong woman or insulted the wrong person's son. He beats the shit out of you, takes some of your teeth or breaks some bones, and gets paid. In this case, a pair of nobles have hired him as their 'bodyguard' for the night so they can insult the "poorfags" of the tavern they've decided to terrorize and sick Max on anybody who gets too mouthy.
I could actually make it work for Max Ernst or Philippe.
Asher Carter
Fuck of.
Adrian Powell
That's mean. But also a bump, so thanks?
Hudson Baker
WHFBshieaters aren't welcomed here.
Kevin Murphy
Leo Sanders
Veeky Forums dislikes WHFB.
Xavier Jackson
>40kids unironically believe this WHFB WHFRP will always be the superior warhammer.
Wyatt Peterson
No, just you and another handful of autists
Bentley Hall
If you're stumped, I could also use:
>Young Karl-Franz The timeline of the campaign I'm using starts in 2500, two years before Karl-Franz becomes Emperor. In addition, it gives him an older brother and marries him to Boris Todbringer's daughter.
>Emperor Leopold Karl-Franz's old and ailing father who recently issued an edict barring people from executing mutants.
>Prince Wolfgang Karl-Franz's older brother and the heir-apparent. A heroic and later tragic figure.
David Ross
>WHFB WHFRP will always be the superior warhammer. If so, then why they are so dead? Go cry to whineseer.
Noah Adams
Bc age of sigmar sucks Also this is WFRP not WHFB More importantly, still just an art thread. Why so angry about it user?
Jordan Russell
Dead because Games Workshop is run by buffoons. The success of Vermintide and Total War shows there's a market, but a combination of rules and box prices made WHFB much more intimidating to get into that 40k. I'm not saying 40k is worse, mind, I'm just stating that they had different points of entry.
For example, 40k still had Kill Team, and the fact that its pieces moved individually made it seem far easier to get into (and the smaller unit size meant it was far cheaper tobuy a couple of models and see if you liked it).
By contrast, WHFB's rules were putting increasing weight in greater numbers "Horde" mechanics and monstrous creatures. Meaning if you wanted to be competitive, at all, you either had to buy shit-tons of models or a small amount of overpriced bullshit. Furthermore, it lacked a smaller, skirmish-based game mode like Kill Team, so it was much more difficult to justify buying a few models, at first, unless you were just into modelling.
Games Workshop could have alleviated this issue by reintroducing Mordheim with new rules to make it skirmish-friendly and justify any army. Essentially, name it "Mordheim" and have the City of Mordheim be the main setting, but "Mordheim" games can be run anywhere you just want a small skirmish with free-moving pieces. This would make it easier for new-comers to try with a small investment as well as give them a reason to come out with new units for each army at one time and re-invigorate the scene (as opposed to the foolish policy of introducing new Army Books + Units for one army at a time).
Henry Kelly
I think I might use this, anyway, just because I like his face.
Christopher Gutierrez
>Dead because Games Workshop is run by buffoons. If so than why 40k and AoS alive and popular? >The success of Vermintide and Total War >source:my ass
Hunter Myers
I explained it, you moron. "Read, nigga, reaaaaad!" as Uncle Ruckus would say.