Bards are under-represented, post bard pics to show how cool they are
Bards are under-represented, post bard pics to show how cool they are
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Bards are tops.
Best bard passing by
seriosuly, Kubo is the best example of a bard in any recent media
God, the DS version of Edward was so much fucking better than his SNES version. You could choose the song he used, and his songs were fucking useful. Free in-battle healing was goddamn wonderful and saved me so much gil and MP. Being able to stick Bardsong on another party member after he fucked off was great, too.
This shit got a BRrip yet?
What other examples are there?
Bard, with just enough rogue to set traps.
All performance arts can be bard
oh fuck, that's literally my character!
dammit, I thought I was being clever.
Sorry, friendo. Here's another one you can use for free
>profession: acting
>uses skills: Performance, intimidation, persuasion and diplomacy to convince foes they're in a play and have to go on
>makes plays violent, so that the foes end up dying on stage
>the musical rendition of setting's MacBeth killed most of BBEG's army
>Neki Basara X giant mecha pilot green babe ROCK OFF!
>Nekki Basara - Giving space elves projectile orgasm since 2045
>Neki Basara - turning whole fleets of giantesses amazons unto moist teenaged girls.
>you will never go on adventures with a sexy bard gril who dresses like this and belly dances as her performance skill
Born to die, world is a fuck.
>Best bard
God I love that fuckin movie. Find another movie where Buddy Holly fights KISS in the postapocalypse with a sword. Fucking incredible.
An occasion to post my goblin bard, graciously offered in a drawthread.
All who listen to his music despair! Or rather be vividly annoyed.
Is that Owen Wilson?
But that's just a gleeman, user, we're talking bards here.
I don't know what this is or where it's from, but someone posted it in a "this is how I bard" thread and it's burned into my brain.
He's a story teller, obviously.
I don't think dancers are bards, where are female bards?
I don't understand more cowbell and I didn't understand it in the previous decade either
It's a reference to several rock anthems from the 1970s and 1980s, which prominently feature the instrument. In the late 90s the sketch comedy show Saturday Night Live did a show where Christopher Walken was doing an impression of an infamous rock producer (they used a different name but everyone knew who he was; he recently died btw).
Anyway he was doing bleu oyster cult's big hit don't fear the reaper and jokingly was obsessed with cowbell and it became a meme. That song was a huge hit at the time, then came back in the 90s due to being featured in the miniseries of The Stand and has been featured in movies/tv ever since. It's basically the archetypal anthem of stoner nihilism.
There, I urbandictionaried you.
Honestly this is pretty much how I bard (I hardly ever take spells with material components)
The flute is for downtime and song of rest
A more intense bard
>muh bellydancing fetish
Let's counter this with more bards
Pic related is a bard. Pic above is a prostitute.
Good old dirgesinger (I'm making a college of the dirge for a game of 5e where I'm removing wizards)
Oh no. I've played enough mortal kombat to know she's got fangs under that veil.
>Post bard pics to show how cool they are
This is a blue board, user.
How do you fluff your bards? I always fluffed mine as something similar to Sorcerers. Whereas a sorcerer's magic is essentially just their bloodline manifesting, a bard is somebody who is wrenching magic out of themselves through sheer force of will or emotion, thus, many use arts or some form of personal expression to do so.