How would you handle a Soviet-themed space opera?
How would you handle a Soviet-themed space opera?
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I don't know aabout soviet themed but being a humorless space knight having to fight space Koschie would be kind of cool
I'd crank up the alcoholism and crank down the value of human life.
Nearly all goverment made ships are unreliable piles of shit, and any ship that has been owned and operated privately, by a family or a group of individuals would be in no way similar to another. Each ship would be customised and unique
At that point it's like you never even left Russia! Light-years from Earth, we still haven't escaped the motherland.....Pass the vodka, comrade.
40k except with a lower power level.
Base it on the Russo-Japanese war.
Fixes on top of make dues over kludges on jury rigging
Ships are primitive, but with very powerful engines. Life is state-centered; your value as a human is your value to the state. Lots of vodka, borcht in paste form, leaking reactors.
Most importantly, you live in a state of threat - you really believe (or not) in an apocalyptic showdown between the state and its enemies and after that all will be sweetness and light with enough for all and vodka flowing like wine...just as you've been told since kindergarten. The society largely exists to feed the military.
Soyuz. Soyuz everywhere.
Bolt a FTL drive to it. Bolt weapons to it. Use it as a shuttle and as a storage capsule and as a probe.
Sovietic society is arguably fitter to conquer the stars than a capitalistic one. Individuals being used to making do with relative scarcity and colaborative research of solutions to a common problems, ie. Cuba post embargo.
So, hardened, highly intelligent and populations capable of tinkering in the worst possible conditions. Also vodka and tokamaks.
>Ivan, the engine's fucked
>No amount of hammering will fix this
It's like none of you ever read soviet scifi.
A stern, but fair assessment.
Do not be of worry Boris, I flip switch and everything is fine, da?
Boris, take drink and punch the ftl. Will be fine.
I love the works of the Strugatskys and Lem, desu. But the Noon Universe is closer to Star Trek than jury-rigged Soyuz capsules, and the harder science fiction novels by Lem tend to depict the future of space exploration as a multinational undertaking, so they don't really "feel" Soviet.
With drinks most likely.
>Hecитe изoлeнтy! Пoдлaтaть yжe нихepa нe мoжeтe?
Bring the insulating tape? What, you can't patch up shit anymore?
Did you EVEN read the AP, Dima? Did you, mudak?
State surely did not like needless accidents.
Just for giggles, I'd introduce psychic powers that feed on feelings of community, determination, hope for a better future, and vodka, lots of vodka. Commissars are no longer the assholes they used to be, but the avatar of soviet manliness and camaraderie.
Generator doesn't have juice for jump back home? Commissar leads the crew in glorious singing of soviet hymns until there's enough energy.
Crewmember feels like he's not popular with the ladies and is feeling down? Commissar leads the crew in manly workout sessions, inspiring the men to new heights of gains. In private, he gives friendly advice, and will secretly wingman for the guy.
Because Soviet Russia is only as glorious as the comrades in it.
At the height of the Space Race, both NASA and it's Soviet counterpart came to realize that any true push into space would be so expensive, and require so many resources, that only a multinational effort could hope to succeed at anything long term.
There were even plans being drawn up in diplomatic circles for the Moon Shot to be a joint effort between the US and the USSR. Kosygin was onboard, JFK was onboard. The cabal of military-industrial moguls and the heads of the various American intelligence agencies hated the idea almost as much as they hated JFK working to NOT eradicate mankind in nuclear fire.
It involves alot of breath holding.
Sooooo, basically Commisar Fuklaw?
Stage it on Earth because Soviets could never manage a functional space program.
>Soviet-themed space opera?
Space Soviet Afghan war.
Could N1 rocket ever work?
Can't have a soviet space opera without a USA and space NATO for them to stand against.
That's gotta be one of the most un-Rusisan takes on the USSR I've seen.
>Soviets manage to push into space just before an all-out nuclear war
>post apoc setting is slowly being settled by space commies that survived in orbit around the planet
>I have no idea what I'm talking about
As far as I'm aware the designs for the N1 were fine, but the tolerances needed for the rocket to fly were just not available in the USSR as most Soviet rockets might as well have been manufactured by drunks.
Are you sure they weren't?
The N1 was needlessly complicated and outdone by the Saturn V so there would be no point in reviving it, I'm just saying that theoretically an N1 could fly.
>first satellite
>first animal in space
>first man in space
>first woman in space
>first rover on the moon
>first space station
>"lol soviets were dumb drunkard apes, can't even build a rocket, muh moon landing"
Seriously, guys?
Anyone that discredits the Soviet contribution to astronautics has no idea what they're talking about and you shouldn't even bother acknowledging their opinion.
everything inside is turquoise.
Any recommendations?
>That blue russki aircraft interior tho
Keep in mind the Soyuz is the most-manufactured manned spaceflight system to date. Expect to see open-source Soyuz copies for a long time in our own future. Soviet-feel space opera would have a pioneer spirit quite similar to "western" science-fiction, but with less of a Flash Gordon feel.
Instead of a heavily populated galaxy common to Star Trek or Flash Gordon (or, or, or) it would be more of a Man VS Environment feeling. The crew of a Soyuz fighting hostile conditions. Think of an isolated research station on an icy planetesimal. A small crew maintains the station, freeze-distilling vodka using cometary ice. The enlisted gamble and watch western television, while the officers play chess and go quietly mad. One officer is writing a book in the fine Russian tradition of being so fucking long it'll take years to read. The station is simply built, but there are still design oversights (perchlorate candle oxygen generators) which make life hazardous.
I think soviets won the WWII in Gunbuster
Just watch Kin-Dza-Dza
On the top of my head.
Strugatsky, Belyaev (KETs Star), Snegov (Humans as Gods), Kir Bulichov (for kids, just watch Mystery of Third Planet cartoon),
Truly the cockroach of space exploration. Other platforms come and go, but you still get pictures of Soyuz type craft docked with the ISS.
Makes me wish they had never lapsed into the federation, really.
Nikolai Dante meets Firefly
/k/ already did some of the work for you.
>tfw no red alert RPG
>something related to Russia
>done by /k/
Please stop.
It would be set on a planet which was once a feudal backwater, the main exports of which were turnips and superstition. Following a revolution, they achieved total employment, rapid industrialisation, space travel and nuclear power, all while being constantly subjected to attempts at sabotage by a neighboring system inhabited by a race of greedy porcine capitalists.
Then JFK died.
Makes ya think.
Seems farfetched to me. The US and Russia aren't exactly buddy-buddy, especially after Crimea caused some outcry. Even Trump being kinda pro-Russia wouldn't change that overnight. And besides, China and India are also traditional enemies, ever since the Dali Lhama fled from Tibet to India, and some scattered conflicts before.
The only other thing to add would be a political aspect regarding community norms, eg.
but it's not really necessary
Underrated post.
Everyone is depressed, vodka is drunk in place of water, and the women are either beautiful 18-39-year-olds or 40+ dried radish wildebeests.
Exactly like Omon Ra by Victor Pelevin.
Fanatic, Proud, Patriotic and ultimately futile.
Is it a good or accessible read, or should I settle for a cliffnotes version?
What's so good about these things?
They're cheap as shit
Sounds mildly interesting
There's only one thing more retarded that inserting /k/uck fap delusions into Veeky Forums threads: inserting /pol/ Drumpf Little Fingers delusions. Well, I guess they play like their pathetic no-supre-meme leader, lying, beeing That Guy and, in the end, being kicked off their group.
And stronk!
Soviet Communism has nothing to do with capitalist pigdog Trump.
Read some Stanislaw Lem
Would you embrace the Stalinist "become the New Man" stuff as parallel to transhumanism or push that into the dustbin of history and make it more like the film "Alien", with a very non-romantic and working class look at life in space?
How cheap are we talking about?
Cheap enough to land you in your designated space oblast.
Also, officialy more american astronauts have become BBQ than russian ones.
You have to go back
China and Russia aren't really aggressive adversaries either; they'd probably be more likely to team up for space than Russia and USA.
Not that user but there is also an actual problem of /pol/ shitposting outside of their containment board.
Most of the /k/ stuff was pretty on-topic.
I think it's more people like Soviet-style architecture and design in some cases for its robustness, and there is a real sense of 'what if.' Sure, they ended up losing out in the Cold War, but what if they'd ended up on top?
They have their differences - relations were especially strained in the 60s and 70s - but I think they're closer than Russia and the US at this point.
Add BLAM-ing for slightest disobedience and we're done.
>Soyuz type
Almost misread as there is the same first Soyuz around.
They say the first is still out there, drifting, fueled, sealed and waiting for a spacer with a high enough BAC to pilot her home.
my sides have been lost to the warp
t. pinko
Sadly, no they don't.
Plus, the Soyuz is designed to split apart. The middle section lands - the support and cargo sections burn up. The entire thing is more or less designed to fall apart after use.
I'd just like to point out that in a single war that the British and French went from sworn adversaries with centuries stacked on top of each other of nothing be continued, bloody, and vehement warfare to becoming the closest allies the world has possibly seen.
The United States broke off from Britain only to remain its bestest friend.
Italy switched sides. Thrice.
More ridiculous shit has happened than the USA and Russia deciding this pointless posturing is getting them both precisely nowhere.
Alien Isolation and Alien, but with The Party instead of The Company.
You do realise most of this /pol/ "shitposting" is designed to piss people off like you. You are the problem.
Not fucking really. The mods are the problem.
The people of Space-Moscow are hungry
But think what a space-feast there could beeeee
He wanted a Soviet space opera, not a U.S. themed one.
This. Did any non ex-USSR anons watch it? Because I've no idea how dependent on mentality it is
Personally, I would take my time mapping out the world slowly, bit by bit. I Wouldn't Russian
Well yeah but there were good reasons behind those shifts. Britain and France both had reasons to dislike Germany, a new rising empire who was threatening Britain's naval dominance and had taken French territory, where before the only real rivals they had for empire building were each other.
The US broke off from Great Britain, but both countries were fairly dependent on trade with one another. They still had a war, and a few disagreements, before they got their arrangement completely ironed out.
I'm not sure where the thrice comes from, but in WW1 Italy was offered land in Austro-Hungary that it wanted, but wouldn't get if it stayed on the Central Powers side, so that's why it switched to the Allies. But then they only got a little land, instead of the larger swathes they were promised, which led to joining up with the Axis powers.
Unless you can really give a good reason why the US and Russia would team up, with their decades long rivalry and dislike still only a brief time behind them, and with the sore spot of Crimea and the Ukraine causing some unease, then there's no point in just magically saying it would happen.
man, you are really bootybothered about trump
Remember the space gulag
US is not exactly a good samaritan and only cares about Ukraine and Crimea because they provide an excuse to put pressure on Russia
Really good idea
I'm not saying the US is - not like they were alone in going against what Russia was doing. Most countries are probably afraid of Russia just having waited two decades and started reforming the Iron Curtain again, instead of the more likely fact that Russia wants a warm-water port that they don't have to fly to.
We are comrades with robots and cyborg bears figthing against a Space Imperial Tsar.
It would be real cool to do a space version of the Communist Revolution. There were a lot of different factions at play, especially since the White Russians were not an organized movement, or even necessarily Russian.