>cool female design
>it looks like she forgot to wear pants
Why does this happen in fantasy art and even SF art?
>cool female design
>it looks like she forgot to wear pants
Why does this happen in fantasy art and even SF art?
Why do you ask a question you already know the answer to?
>implying pants are cool
it's Dark Sun, you turbofag. Nobody wears pants
It happens.
I'm just saying, if it was socially acceptable/warm enough for me to go without pants more often, I'd also be pantless a lot.
If it's the 80s, the answer is sex appeal
If it's an anime, the answer is sex appeal
If it's some kind of series on TV, the answer is sex appeal
But what it boils down to with all three is Come on man, people love bare skin, are you an idiot? so there's sort of a common ground covering all of the above if you look at it.
well not all kinds of bare skin are equivalent
high-cut is the masterrace
high-cut leotard female heroes need to come back
I wouldn't call that a "great design"
Most female designs are made only with sex appeal in mind, not aesthetics
female aesthetics are 95% sex appeal.
The remaining 5% is princesses and witches
If I had spend a dozen years studying human anatomy in art classes, I wouldn't bother with pants either.
Because every single man who draws fantasy related things is a misagonistic racist who secretly draws pentagrams in every book of "the Dungeons and the Dragons" with invisible ink that one day shows that it's actually called "the Destruction and the Devils" which then destroys our catholic america and ruins our great nation of true feminism and racial sensibility
:^) this is a joke, the real answer is sex appeal
There were long stretches of history where people simply didn't wear pants. Even now there are plenty of parts of the world where people prefer not to wear them or even haven't developed the idea/infrastructure to make and maintain them.
In Europe, pants didn't gain popularity until relatively recently, with the majority of history preferring either hose, robes, or nothing. It's largely because pants were not quite so easy to make and tailor, were not really all that comfortable especially due to the course fabrics that were available, and were associated with barbarian horseman who wore them in order to sit on their horses better.
I'm so happy that high cut leotards and swimwear are making a return.
Along with chokers and dog collar like things. Everyday bondage like clothing make me a happy man
Why is Cestree such a slut?
Because she's a succubus.
She just doesn't know any better.
Why is Ribbon such a waifu?
>females with pants
It could be worse, she could be wearing high-heels.
I'm not against cheesecake but holy shit seeing an armored girl wearing high-heels just fucking triggers me. It has no fucking sense at all.
They make her look taller and her calves more shapely?
Reminds me that minsc was made for darksun
Sportswear spandex for me. Goddamn but it makes me a happy man when a fetish of mine goes mainstream. Pic related for OP.
Nobody would wear pants unless society forced them to.
Because it shows off the artist's anatomy skills
Fuck off, prude
Ribbon is one of the few elves I like, also manga reading from left to right?
Because while Cestree has an aura of perfection that makes her seem unattainable, Ribbon is more down to earth while still being a cute girl who loves playing tabletop games.
So she wears invisible heels?
But it seems only the heels get invisible, not the wearer?
>cool male design
>it looks like he forgot to wear pants
Why does this happen in fantasy art and even SF art?
I need to delete that thumbnail
If it's the 80s, the answer is sex appeal
If it's an anime, the answer is sex appeal
If it's some kind of series on TV, the answer is sex appeal
But what it boils down to with all three is Come on man, people love bare skin, are you an idiot? so there's sort of a common ground covering all of the above if you look at it.
Oh for fuck's sake.
Here's a different one.
The long story short is this
Back in the 30s when Howard was writing most of the characters in the novels wore armor, yes even fucking Conan, Belit and Valeria. But he also realized that sex sells and having a few scenes that could be illustrated as scantily clad heroes meant getting the cover, which meant extra money.
Then Frazetta made these specific scenes where Howard contrived to get them out of their armors, and they both got paid extra.
Then everyone started fucking aping Frazetta without realizing that the heroes in the stories wore sensible armor 99% of the time.
About the only settings where I don't hate it is Planescape (it was part of the look for everyone and the beefcake was also glorious) and to a lesser extent Darksun
>The guys who invented mail fighting naked
I'm not even sure where this comes from, afaik it doesn't come up in De Bello Gallico
>tfw the actual comics make the thing look like an ugly fur diaper instead
you know that high heels originated as something that men wore to ride horses better, right?
Actually, just so I can be that one interjecting nerd, it wasn't invented for RIDING, but rather for stabilizing the rider when leaning or standing to fire arrows. High heels are pretty much a weapons platform for horseback archers.
That technically counts as riding, but I like sharing info on mongolian history cause that shit's cool.
They were relatively low heels, more importantly they were thick, supporting heels. Stilettos aren't remotely that.
And in the west heels on shoes largely started out as a fashion for showing off you calves and pretending you're not an inbred manlet, not as a riding aid.
>not sex appeal
What is wrong with you?
>it's an "OP complains about Dark Sun aesthetics without having ever read a single sourcebook about the Dark Sun setting" thread
Do you realize that pants would just hinder her?
Fuck you, I wish it was summer all year round so I can throw all my pants away
Fuck yes skirts and dresses and shorts
The problem I have with summer is the hot weather and fat people.
I can't enjoy pretty people with little clothing when the weather is killing me or the odd smell far people have during summer
>when the weather is killing me
That's fall-winter-early spring for me. Literally right now being sick as fuck and shivering while pushing my heating and blowing up my electricity bill to an unreasonable degree.
>heroine leotards
I hope they never come back, fucking ugly.
>pants didn't gain popularity until relatively recently
Trousers were popular with the Saxons and in the Nordic countries right up until the time when fashion decided that you needed to wear hose. Even then the common man wore trousers. And they weren't any more uncomfortable to wear than hose, since the trouser-wearing sort in question would wear linen underwear under those woolly trousers.
>Fuck yes skirts and dresses and shorts
But what if I'm a guy and can't wear skirts or dresses
Just say you're Scottish.
>I'm a guy and can't wear skirts or dresses
Put on a Roman tunic and say you're embracing your inner Consul.
You got it in one. Invisible heels are to prevent those who might be triggered by their appearance in fantasy art on warriors etc. Pity they're only a very recent invention.
>I'm so happy that high cut leotards and swimwear are making a return.
they aren't though
That's still within the last thousand years or so.
So do you, like, know any other things about Celtic history or just that one piece of trivia?
post the whole image
There are so many variations of the SWAT hand signals parodies. I'll give you one that I found.
Easy girl dont strain yourself benching all of 55 pounds
Feeding the -4 STR meme I see
If you have to erase all the text and write over it anyway, there's no reason not to mirror the whole image first. It's not like anything but text gets butchered.
But nobody does that because literally weaboos.
Our society judges women based on appearance and thinks that men need to be constantly titillated.
This is part of a general pattern where our society marginalizes women and tries to do things on behalf of men, regardless of whether you want this or not. That pattern is called the patriarchy. It does things you like, enjoy it.
The only cult like conspiracies Veeky Forums actually believes are the ones that cast the jews as the villain. You can take your "50% of the human population is evil filth keepin the wimmins down" mad conspiracy and go back to your University's humanities department with it.
Frazetta wasn't an artist in the 30s, he was a kid.
However, a lady named Margaret Brundage did a lot of the cover art for Weird Tales magazine.
Howard was aware that there were certain...situations...she liked to draw, and if she wanted to draw for his story, it was more likely to be the cover story, and therefore he would get paid more.
This is why many Conan stories feature a scene with a lady getting tied up and/or whipped.
Frazetta did the covers for the Lancer Edition paperback collections, several decades later. He, too, was well-versed in sex appeal.
Though, if we're talking about people being scantily-clad in adventure stories, it should be pointed out that, in 'A Princess of Mars', generally considered the granddaddy of the genre, the entire goddamn planet is naked except for jewelry.
Nude anatomy references are easy.
Clothing references that fit the pose and the setting are hard.
The ancient Greeks refused to wear pants because they thought it was the dumbest thing ever. This later found its way into art.
Can't... Or WON'T?
Have more
And more
The only good one.
This is more brilliant, in its own way.
That's obviously from a porn. I doubt she ever lifts it.
I'm more curious about the boob window. Not wanting something constricting your movement on your legs or arms makes sense. There's no excuse for a boob window.
It's sexy and people back then wasn't as high strung or selfaware as the current pussy generation is.
love this meme
Except seeing the boobs of course.
It's true when it comes to the RPG community. It was a mistake to make it as inclusive as it is now. It let all the whiners and political assholes in.
love this meme
Yeah, weve got a hell of a lot of political whiners these days.
I miss the old days of whining about shitty systems.
Nothing but the truth. A community always becomes more toxic the more people gather around it. Just look at the Doctor Who fandom. It's pure toxic.
It was always toxic.
>I want my club for autistic boys back
Fun fact: girls were already playing in the 70s. My mom had a fucking 1e PHB in her boxes.
>things were all the way I like during my fantasized version of some unspecified time period long ago
>things are all shit nowadays because it lacks the lens of nostalgia that lets me ignore or downplay the problems of the past
Feminists and Fundies were whining about original D&D.
Gilgamesh reminisces about the great golden age that the ancients surely lived in.
Whining about systems is okay. That is something that can actually be improved upon and made more flexible all the time.
But he didn't complain about women at all.
MAD wasn't feminists, it was a church group.
"How dare my hobby be more inclusive" is, 99% of the time, about women. The other 1% is about finding out one of the players isn't white or asian or likes sports.
I never mentioned anything about girls. I just dislike the kind of person that whine like children about the most shallow aspects of art and narrative. I find them pretentious and self-important.
>Why does this happen in fantasy art and even SF art?
You already know the answer to your own shitpost, OP. Male artists tend to sexualize whatever gender they're physically attracted to.
Not that I have a problem with this. I just want to see more sexy men in fantasy art.
Instead we could have pretentious and self-important people who whine like children about the most shallow aspects of rules and mechanics, clearly a superior exchange!
Female adventurers may store a lot of things between their cleavage, so they need to have access. If you see someone with a boob window, chances they have a concealed weapon.
1/10 paraphrase.
You're clearly not looking at artists like the one featured in the OP then.
>Yeah, weve got a hell of a lot of political whiners these days.
Exactly what decade were you born in, user? Fundamentalist Christians have been whining about this shit long before your parents ever conceived you. It was in fact much worse back then than it is today. My parents grew up in a decade when McCarthyisms were taught in public schools, homosexuality was criminalized and American history books described the civil right movement as "problematic."
>Feminists ... were whining about original D&D
Third-wave feminism wasn't a thing back then. It was exclusively fundies who were whining about D&D and its diabolical elements.
>t. Hello I am from /v/ and I saw someone mention this Third wave thing there
Third wavers don't whine about D&D, they do point out that the fanbase is full of drooling /r9k/ wannabes with a treehouse mentality that act like victims the instant a woman is in the vicinity and not willing to deal with their bullshit.
This is the shit I mean. Back then, people were bemoaning the second wave, and wishing it'd be more like the first.
Feminism really hasn't changed much. Nothing has changed much.
We call those people bullies. The original arch enemy of the nerd.
They had some more valid requests back then. Now they are just whining for the sake of whining.