
>Eighth Bloody Ground of Lust
More fucked than IRL :^)

>Eighth Limbo

Am I not deserving of the other 7?

>Flat Hell
So is the Hell flat?
Is it a Hell of Flats(apartments)?
Flat (Chest) Hell?
something else?

>Shadowed Paradise of Lust

A drow city except they're not murderous?
Dis realm gon' get magical.

>Throne of Heroes
I'm not a Hero though! I'm just a law student. What does it mean Veeky Forums?

>Concordant Plane of Pleasure


That you'll get summoned as a cute girl version of yourself and get to fight other magical ghosts.

> Ancient Waste of the Unspeakable

Jesus I just got here and it's....

you know what, nevermind

>Ethereal Sanctum


>Nine Cities of the Impure
>a whole plane full of impure lolis


>Second Unthinkable Heaven
W-why not the first one? I'm scared now.

>Realm of Eternals

Well, afterlife is supposed to be Eternal, so that's a given.
So if we remove the redundant Eternal, it's just Realm.
I go to Realm when I die.

>Three Dark Limbos
Apparently two or less aren't enough to contain me. :^)

>Celestial Outlands of Sadness
Horseshit. I've already determined to change my course.

Maybe all at once. An infinite expanse with no changes in elevation, littered by grey, brutalist apartment complexes filled with nothing but flat chest, and no funbags to speak of. A fate worse than oblivion.

Flat chest is best tho.

>Plane of Angels
IF these angels aren't cute girls with angel pussy I'm going to be pissed as fuck. Who would want to be stuck in a plane filled angels and they are the eldritch creature kind.

How about eldritch angels with angelic pussies that act like cute girls that want the D?

>Fifth Cities

So a group of cities where only Fifth Edition is played? This really is hell.

>Green Paradise
Couldn't get any better

>Abyss of the Gluttonous

I think it is calling me Fat

I can do it so long as I can close my eyes during. If not you're breaking my balls.

>Fourth Cold Kingdom of Lost Souls

Nothing really changes then.

>Central Hells of Misery

The fact that its in plural makes my soul bleed

>Second Vortex


Just as keikaku.

There must be something wrong with you

>Heroic Hall of the Unknown
Uh-huh, so I'm going to die in a war and I won't be identified. Fantastic...

come on boys
let's just agree that tits in any form are good

Large ones are disgusting and frankly make me want to vomit.
Small-to-moderate ones are awesome.

You haven't worked with the elderly I take it.

>Mystic Guantlet

>first battlefield
>"All that's left for you to take is my life, by your own hand. One must die and one must live. No victory, no defeat. The survivor will carry on the fight. It is our destiny… The one who survives will inherit the title of boss. And the one who inherits the title of boss will face an existence of endless battle."

>Countless ebony lands of the brave

Unsure what to make of this.

Full of independent, strong, black women who don't need no men.

Lands filled of brave ebony elves for the taking.

Kangdom of Heaven.

>Limbo of Sinners.

I am okay with this.

>Second Plane

Now wait a second.
Do you really expect me to take my afterlife second hand?
Do I look like the kind of guy that would take someone's sloppy seconds?
I mean, come on, I bet even the god is second rate!
The second I have a moment of free time, I'm going to lodge a complaint to the second in command!
Now hurry up, I'm counting the seconds I'm here, and I'm leaving the second I have the ability too.
Now, if you've got a second, please hand me the second glass on the left I need a drink.
I am, however, willing to listen to your second-rate story if since you've got a second of my time.

>Great Plane
Sounds... great?



>Hunting Grounds of Lust

>Iron Realm
Well that sounds pretty metal.

>Six Fair Demenses
Significantly less fucked than IRL, and I'm okay with that.

>One-hundred Cities of Immortals
Seems cool to me. Eventually they'd teach me their secrets.

>Blessed domain of Misery

this is what it means to be blessed with suck

Demense of Salvation

After finally being executed for my horrendous crimes against mankind, those that judged me looked on in horror as the heavens opened to welcome me. The jews despaired as the angels came to greet me. My name, the name of their greatest enemy would be forever burned into their souls.


So what is the difference between that realm and real life?

Actually that's a good point. It could be like that Twilight Zone episode where a guy dies and finds out that everything suddenly goes this way and he can't fail at anything. And then he gets fucking bored and finds out he's in Hell.

So you're blessed with incredible success but sooner or later you'll get miserable.

>Forgotten Kingdom
Death by boredom

>Ninth Region of Avatars.
Seems ok to me.

>Second Blasphemous Hall of the Saved

..... I don't know if this is good, because its a Hall of the Saved, or if its bad because its the Blasphemous Hall of the Saved. All I know is that there's more than one, and I'm in the second one.

>True Paradises
The plural irks me a bit, but do I win?

> Sixth Region
Great, the sixth plane of indefinite vagueness. Awesome.

Kingdom of the Past

welp, time to go full deus vult

Eighth Far Kingdom of Salvation

thank you jesus

>New Plane of Love

Not sure how I feel about that.

Seven Vorticies
No idea what that would be like
Heh, i get ALL seven
Not sure if i want it though

>Battlefield of Dreams

How fucked am I?

>Pit of the Miserable

Ah, so nothing changes.

>Peacable Abysses
I'm chilling out at the bottom of the sea for all eternity. Not that bad, honestly.

Actually, your currently on a Sphere of the Miserable. The only thing that changes is now your in a pit.

>Ground of Heroes

I'm Heroic Spirit now boys! I wonder what servant class(es) I qualify as? most likely Archer due to being an archeryfag, but you never know.

>Battlefields of Salvation
To Valhalla!

>Realm of the Unborn

Oh God no, the fetuses!

If it's D&D 5e it's tolerable, but if it's Shadowrun 5e...

>Cities of the Righteous

Welp, I was expecting something, but it sure as HECK wasn't that.

>Sixth Terrible Battlefield
I don't know what's more distressing: The fact that there are five more, or the idea that could be a seventh.

>Fifth Blessed Glade
At least it'll be peaceful, if not a little boring.

>Citadel of the Saved
This sounds relatively nice.
Is it?

>Rocky Citadel.
Sounds okay

>Hall of the Unnamed
Does this mean I'll be forgotten? Or forget who I was? Meh, at least it's not Hell of the Unnamed.

>Rainy Domain
An eternity in Britain, I'm unsure how to feel.

Or Washington State.

Either way, at least you'll have an excuse to never go outside.

>Silver Wilderness

Seems pretty nice, hopefully there are cute elf bois