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Order CYOA is taking awhile to complete, and it'll be awhile before I get to any other CYOA because of it. So have this waifu CYOA I made based on Authors.
Remember to just have fun!
>same old authors like in all other author cyoas
Don't we have more of them now?
(1) I didn't want to expand the cyoa past 1 page.
(2) I didn't feel like diving through cyoas trying to figure out who made what when I already knew these names, their cyoas, and myself.
(3) Yes we do. Calm down the cyoa is for fun and escapism.
>responds with this shit in two minutes
Why can't you make the threads yourselves? That's gotta be one shitloads easier than crying like babies.
>Why can't you make the threads yourselves?
Making a thread feels like it requires more effort than posting a reply with whatever the OP forgot to post.
I was making a thread, but then OP beat me to it so I had to correct them.
He's doing it for attention, hoping to create another dumb argument over OP formats.
Looks like I don't have the Lust page for Battlemage. Sorry, anons.
>Select 1
Oh gosh. Oh gosh, oh gosh.
It's too hard!
Something I've been wondering...
I know why people would choose to "be the girl", I'd choose it myself. Even for those for whom it's not a fetish, it's still a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for a learning experience no one else ever gets.
I sort of understand why someone might not want to go with it as well. I think they are missing out, but change can be a pretty scary thing on its own and maybe their life is pretty damn good as it is.
What I don't understand is the people who vehemently refuse even when there are significant bonuses attached as well. How can someone be so attached to their dick they would give up superpowers, immortality, a second chance at life, or even just lodsamoney?
I'm going to work with star dust
Because I don't want money, a new life, or immortality. I just want to be me. I won't pass up a chance to have superpowers, but only if I get to retain the things that make me who I am.
It's why I avoid perks/choices that boost your intelligence to an absurd degree, because it would no doubt fundamentally change who I am.
In my case, it's because my mom will commit suicide if she sees me being unmanly.
No one is crying. No one was even complaining. All they did was post the relevant information that the OP refused to. Why are you getting in your feelings over this?
Highlander is the only one with actual tits in the cyoa.
>How can someone be so attached to their dick
Gender is an important part in people's sense of self, it would be strange if an individual gave it up easily, seemingly on a whim.
If this CYOA offers superpowers in such a way, there's a good chance they could be achieved without such a radical permament change like a gender switch.
"Who wants to live forever?"
>a second chance at life
The choices I've made had led me down this way. Crossing everything out like this would invalidate them and remove all impact I've had on the lives of people around me, however miniscule it may be. Don't look back into the past and never regret anything, the only way is forward.
>or even just lodsamoney
Literally the worst reason of them all, all others could be argued. This is equivalent to selling your old self for money. How much are you worth, user?
Something I've always wondered about the "go back in time to when you were younger" sort of choices...
If you're in your mid-twenties and get sent back into your 16 year old self, would it be pedophilia to bang your high school peers? I mean, even if your body is technically 16, you're still a mid-twenties adult, right?
I like being a guy, and I have no interest in seeing what life is like on the other side. I'm more or less content with how I turned out to be in life, so I don't care what bonuses a CYOA offers in return.
More often than not, I don't even get to the bonuses before closing and filtering the CYOA.
No one cares.
>How can someone be so attached to their dick they would give up superpowers, immortality, a second chance at life, or even just lodsamoney?
Same reason someone can be attached to living in their city/state/country, being L/G/B/T/..., liking a show/comic/sports team/etc., or even browsing a particular website.
People like labels. They make things simple, neat, easy to understand - good versus bad, me versus you. The problem comes when they start relying on them, ignoring the nuances the labels describe. They start seeing collections of labels instead of the the people and things that are actually there.
They even boil themselves down to labels - "I am male." "I am straight." "I go on Veeky Forums." Attempts to change or violate any of these labels are percieved as personal attacks, seen as an attempt to destroy them with no thought given to the idea of personal growth or understanding.
The thing is, the fundamental point of life is to grow - to improve yourself, to see the world and learn from it, and to help others (children, friends, apprentices, and more) do the same. If you cease to do that, can you truly be said to be alive?
Stop crying and complaining.
No, since at 16 they wouldn't be children. The bigger issue would be if they're below the legal age of consent, but in that case you're dealing with legalities which completely depends on how law considers your time travel.
Finally Finished the Update!
Changelog: (Pg. 1)
>Changed the name of Greed's Deal ability to Rapacity.
>Added slight borders to all of the images of the sins (Exept for greed).
>Slightly increased the size of the font and bolded the powers.
>Added Signature and page number in the bottom left.
>I like my brown hair
>Wow, user, you sure need your labels. Are you afraid of change? Can you ever really grow?! *tips fedora*
Nigga, I can mentally grow from reading a fucking book or trying a new food. I don't need to get rid of my dick. You're either so far up your own ass with this pseudo-intellectual bullshit you can't even taste the pizza rolls anymore or you're trying to make excuses for why your lard ass wants to wear a summer dress
It'd be about equivalent to a mature, 30-year-old adult having sex with a spoiled bitch (or prick) the same physical age.
That is, it might not be the best idea, but it's morally and legally sound.
(Pg. 2)
>Sloth's Resurgence now has a minor downside to it.
I don't mean from a legal standpoint, but from an ethical one. Would you not be an adult taking advantage of a young teen?
I'm assuming Gyges Ring here, no physical consequences. No laws, no time police, no one would ever know but you.
Are you an asshole for doing it?
Love your CYOA, but is there any way that choosing Lust doesn't end up with me doing scat?
Lust is by far the sin I'm most guilty of, so I always choose it in these Sin CYOAs. I just really wish it didn't always end up with poop
(Pg. 5)
>Added 6 new boons: one for each of the sins (Pride not included).
>Slightly altered several other boons.
(Pg. 6)
>Added four new perks.
And I just realize I forgot to alter eye of fire. Damn it.
Nice strawman, faggot.
If you like your brown hair, that's fine. If you go to r/brownhair and shit talk all the nasty blonde whores, you have a problem.
In a more general sense, the issue only starts when you start saying "I am an X, so I have to like Y" and stop yourself from even imagining being (or doing) something else.
(Pg. 7)
Of course there is; you could focus more on bestiality, Necrophilia, rape, and other fetishes that I am worried I might get banned if I mentioned on a blue board.
Of course, there are several perks that could help as well.
See .
Cool, thanks for the answer.
In that case...
Reject companion, choose...
>Aura of Want
I'm already a smooth talker, no reason to be even more Fluid, and, while I like not being affected by disease, I really don't like the idea of infecting the whole world. If it was straight up immunity, I'd take it. Honestly, I kind of figured I was already immune.
>Black Cane
I'm a sucker for teleportation.
>Silk Sheet
And regeneration. A sheet you don't need to wash should come in really handy for lust and hopefully the regen also cures STDs. If it doesn't....I'll take the Dagger if it can cure my dick.
I think I could corrupt a Virtue. Especially if I have a nice little team of Cultists. At least, I think. I'm usually not a fan of having too many people to deal with when I'm sexing around, but if I'm using the Sheet I need a home base and Cultists can provide a decent orgy of Lust, as well as a network to pull some more people into debauchery
Why is there no option for choosing not to aid the seven demons?
At least say what would happen if you rejected the offer, as many of us would.
Agreed. What if we don't want to be an edgelord?
Seems kinda silly to help demons.
There is. It's called going your own way and only increasing your powers in moderation.
Idk man. Let's look at this CYOA realistically.
If this were to happen to me, I'd essentially have proof that God/Heaven/etc. exists.
So, by virtue of that (get it?), why would I opt to obtain demonic powers?
The last thing I'd want to do is piss off God, now that I know that everlasting bliss exists in heaven.
I'd probably think it was a test, albeit an obvious one.
So yeah. Rejecting the gifts seems like the only logical choice, even if you weren't an upstanding person to begin with.
>Literally the worst reason of them all, all others could be argued. This is equivalent to selling your old self for money. How much are you worth, user?
Somewhere in the millions of dollars range, but less than $10 million.
>this conversation again
>not putting yourself in your own shoes when doing a CYOA
It'd be interesting to have an option where you just wake up, aware of the choice you were offered and what it means for the world - even if it's just a couple of sentences at the bottom.
>So, by virtue of that (get it?), why would I opt to obtain demonic powers?
>The last thing I'd want to do is piss off God,
Then find a way to use your demonic powers for good. If God is truly all powerful, all knowing, and benevolent, then would he not still let in the benevolent, regardless of powers?
I asked a genie from a cereal box to grant me knowledge
You're essentially saying "do bad for the greater good".
Why risk it? Rejecting the offer and doing good in your own life without fucked up "I make this guy my slave!" powers.
I can do that without having to repeat myself.
>You're essentially saying "do bad for the greater good".
Not really. What I am saying is use your powers FOR good, without having to necessarily do evil. Wrath could fight and punish the wicked, Greed could create a better economy, etc.
Sloth is probably the easiest to do good with; your method of maturing is not inherently evil, and it is possible to do work with the aid of some boons. All you need to do is find the Virtues and aid them if you wish. Lastly, there are very few ways for you to permanently die, so a very low risk of going to Hell.
Though I do agree, the "enslavement" powers are rather difficult to be good with; best to avoid Lust and Pride (well, maybe not Pride, but that is a different story.)
The enemies and allies are not really choices, just lore and information. Sorry if I didn't clarify that. Didn't think about the sheet curing STDs, but I like the idea; carry on.
Might as well post the Virtues cyoa, since it does take place in the same universe.
And I shall not be dark, but beautiful and terrible as the Morning and the Night! Fair as the Sea and the Sun and the Snow upon the Mountain! Dreadful as the Storm and the Lightning! Stronger than the foundations of the earth. All shall love me and despair!
I love what you did with the authors but I'm not sure who to pick...
Maybe Kit, or Bliss. Don't like the pampered part of Kit but the rest look mostly like tomboys.
i like that i was included, but why? Im nothing like what you write. Wgats the point of writing one character than saying its someone else?
also brunettes are prettier than blondes
How does the IQ gain/loss of resurgence work? It must be bounded, so is it bounded by the seven-years-to-max-power thing? When you lose IQ, is it like losing power, so you can recover it? Or is the power-gain IQ and the Resurgence IQ tracked separately, with bounded gain and unbounded loss?
>also brunettes are prettier than blondes
PolitiFact says that is mostly false.
>How does the IQ gain/loss of resurgence work?
Every time you die and are revived, you lose 4 IQ points then and there. You can only get it back by waiting because of your natural ability.
It's not bound by maturity.
>Gender is an important part in people's sense of self
Of some people's, perhaps.
From an ethical one, it's ephebophillia. Psychologically it's considered quite different. Some psychologists don't even consider it a problem at all.
I think I will choce Italics I want to make good waifus and good lore!
>having sex with a mid to older teen makes you an ephebophile
>require your own energy to fuel
Does this mean I have to cum in it or something
>I want you to get on the bed with me and have slow, gentle sex in the missionary position
Is that her thing or what? I'm getting mixed messages here.
can you take Extra Boon twice?
'you here a simple voice' -> hear
That is how it works, in a literal sense.
You are making the mistake of thinking that an attraction to teenagers is somehow innately a bad thing, when biologically it isn't.
Nothing is "innately" a bad thing, from the mildest to the worst crimes and insanities.
>Ephebophilia strictly denotes the preference for mid-to-late adolescent sexual partners, not the mere presence of some level of sexual attraction.
Fucking teenagers =/= preference for fucking teenagers.
These gets, holy shit
I feel like my description is based solely on genie galleries. But then again, when making options, it is important to have sufficiently unique choices, and I guess that applied laziness is all I really have as a *unique* "skill" I haven't done one o' those galleries in a while... maybe I should. But I have a couple of other things I kinda wanna make when I get the time. Not getting mad & "fun things are fun" are pretty accurate descriptions, though. Not so sure about world-scale empathy. I mean, I don't like when my friends or people in front of me fight or are upset, but I don't think I'd deserve a title like humanitarian. Once my current RPG campaign ends & I don't have to spend a lot of time drawing tokens & preparing sessions, I can probably be more prolific, possibly finishing my backlog of things to make and doing some galleries.
In this circumstance you're not banging them because you have a fetish for it, but because you're a teenager too. You're not likely going to be sleeping with people who are your "actual" mental age.
I suppose the physical act itself isn't reprehensible, but I could see myself slipping into a very manipulative role. If you think about insecure and stupid teenagers are, it would probably be child's play for an adult in the guise of a peer to mold them as they please in the last years of adolescence
age 7
body overdeveloped
specialization beast
weapon fist
outfit skimpy
power focused assault
perks power artifact, martial training, closure, wings, soul jar, enhanced sustenance and big backpack
stats str 8 agi 8 vit 8 mag 7 lck 7
You're thinking about this all wrong. You have become the 1,000 year old loli (or 30 year old teen or whatever). You are a loophole for other people with degenerate tendencies. You should exploit that for all it's worth.
C'mon, guys. Please?
Isn't that an older version of the spells or something? Some of the companions have magical schools that aren't in that list. Although, I do remember liking that list better.
>But I have a couple of other things I kinda wanna make when I get the time.
Such as?
Love this CYOA. Probably my favorite of all time
>You are making the mistake of thinking that an attraction to teenagers is somehow innately a bad thing
You couldn't be more wrong. I love 15 year old girls. Anyway, the -philias denote an exclusive or near-exclusive interest in a specific age group. This might sound bizarre to you, but a person who has sex with a prepubescent child isn't necessarily a pedophile.
I'd rather not say until I have any progress done on them, lest I let someone down that was anticipating it in the event that I scrap the idea.
if you stick with a companion and forego a boon, can you pick extra boon to balance things out?
>Releasing small CYOAs in the middle of making larger CYOAs
Typical Italics. I'll still pick you, though.
> rationalizing and justification
Wow, so you're saying despite the fact that I probably have 20 weird niche philias of all sorts, I'm actually not a pervert?
He was thinking in biological terms.
In that context, something like torture for its own sake makes very little sense and pedophilia makes virtually no sense.
They are useless expenditures of energy and, therefore, bad.
I said nothing of the sort, but there is nothing wrong with being attracted to fertile, young women.
Both torture and non-reproductive sex make plenty of biological sense, or else animals wouldn't be doing them all over the place. Your error is assuming that there can only be one point to a certain behavior. It's where the whole "gay sex is unnatural" meme comes from.
My dick has been with me through bad times and good times since the day I was born. It's my greatest source of entertainment and in many ways my closest friend.
How could I ever abandon him?