The GM's job is to kill the players

The GM's job is to kill the players.

prove me wrong.
protip: you can't.

Bill, killing your players isn't GMing, it's serial murder. Please drop the bottle of lotion and turn yourself in to the police, you will never be a real woman.

The GM's job is to be a host of a game that is of mutual interest.

>the GM's job

B-but I'm a data analyst, not a murderer!

Make a story interesting has nothing to do with kill characters

user that's murder. Violence isn't the answer, just calm down, take 10 deep breaths, and talk it out with them.


That is obviously a false statement. The GM could always say 'rocks fall everybody dies, roll new characters' at the start of the every session but that would lead to no game at all.

First post best post. Should have been /thread right there.

>'rocks fall everybody dies, roll new characters'
That would be hilarious, but at the middle of the campaign, not the beginning.

Not really.

That isnt fun.

And games are intended to be fun.

>First session, players see a cow launched into the sky by a magic siege engine
>It never comes down, everyone just shrugs
>Very last session of the campaign, just before the final battle, a flaming cow falls on the BBEG at terminal velocity, killing him instantly, then explodes, instantly killing the party
>Time for next campaign, guys!

>killing your players isn't GMing, it's serial murder.
People dread serial killers without realizing that parallel killer would be much worse.

/ thread

The players aren't playing against the GM, they're playing with the GM.

the gm is one of the players, and cannot be killed in game

You have to do this.

The GMs job is to moderate. Prove that I'm wrong.

You're a tripfag on Veeky Forums. That means you're wrong by default.


Rocks fall, everyone dies.


get some fucking help you idiot.

Underrated post.

It's to kill the players while giving them a fair chance, like Jigsaw.

>think GM is an antagonist
>therefore should just try to kill the players.
You're doin' it all wrong. If you aren't contect with the worldbuilder/arbiter role, then you ought to be a bored god. Don't try to kill them, but throw them in a pit of lions to watch them fight for your entertainment. An entertaining fight is one where each side has a chance to win. Put a character in the girdle of sex change just to watch them squirm. While it is true that players poke st the world you build to see what happens, you should poke at them to see them react.

Is that dog alright

> Group wipe
> Middle of campaign

>The GM's job is to kill the players.

Player's characters maybe, but holy fuck. I don't want to play in your games.

I played earthworm jim too.

What you should do is have the cow hit the players AFTER they kill the BBEG.


Goodbyeee horseeees
I'm flyyiiyyyiyyyiing over youuuu

Uhhhh you know you can keep going with a campaign with some minor prep as GM after a party wipe right? Just start a new party that either happens on the previous party's progress, is investigating their death / disappearance, etc. Dedicate a session or two to a smooth transition and it's good to go.

>The DM's job is to kill the players

honestly, the hard part about being a gm is not killing your players but convincing them that they need to try their hardest or else they might die.

maintaining that balance is hard. that having been said you can kill somebody every once in a while if they make a stupid mistake.

but most of the time you are struggling to keep the illusion of danger feeling real.

Assuming anyone is still willing to play with you after that.

Came here to post this.

> not wanting a sweet underworld 2nd half of your game

You get paid for your job.