This shit will moon on friday. Screen shot this

This shit will moon on friday. Screen shot this.

And it will moon because?

Because you can buy a parcel of land in a shitty Unity tutorial project!

It's not unity anymore.

Token burn on friday.

nice just bought 100k

i call dubs on fake utah. (polygamy)

I am literally in 115k. This will be the easiest money I have ever made on friday.

i actually bought 15k a few days ago at 470. Hope youre right. Whats your target.

I think we could see $0.32 by the end of the auction (December 22). If the project is successful, which I'm sure it will be considering there are people out there that dump TONS of money into this shit, MANA will be ~$1 by the middle of 2018

>Partnered up with DNT
>Both coins are gonna moon

DNT chart is one long death spiral

fuck DNT dude just get MANA

Land auction.

10% of tokens held are committed to the auction ($1.65 Million USD) are going byebye

wtf u talking with .35 it need 1 bill mcap. looks dumb to get in now ?

Guaranteed that all those tokens getting burned ? What if no one buys ?

u a hodler or a short term 2x kind of guy cuz
i need to know before i throw in

I think it will easily x2 in the next week.

dude in another thread posted this

dont tell me to screenshot stuff on my lappy you inbred Veeky Forums user.

Zoom out dude, draw your graph with a starting point of 1000 BC for a valid support line formation and breakout analysis.

ignore this, LINK up.

Bought some not because I believe in this project but I believe in internet nerds spending millions on frivolous internet things.

>holy shit, it mooned last week

cool looks like a great time to buy

Get the fuck out of here with your bullshit screenshot stinky linkie

You have to commit tokens to the land auction, those are committed tokens. So yes its guaranteed.