I hope none of you retards fell for this token that has absolutely no use in the actual product or blockchain...

I hope none of you retards fell for this token that has absolutely no use in the actual product or blockchain whatsoever. Told you why the tooens were trash for a month but none of you bothered to look into the tokens and just followed the and hype and subsequent pump on release.
I warned you repeatedly that the ico holders were gonna dump on your ass.
This is going below ico in a week

I was dazzled by the tech. Too stupid to take a hard look at what thr tokens do. Put in 15k into this. Gonna hang myself if this goes below 5. I deserve it for not researching the tokens more thoroughly.

Made 8k profit from ico obviously sold this shit at 1.50 LMAOOO

When it goes down it's a scam, when it goes up it's a legit project

I don't think the team behind this are scum. They wanted to raise some funds for their real project so they jumped on the ico bandwagon. They explained what the tokens do.
People overhyping this have no clue what the tokens do when it's spelled out for them in the whitepaper.
They're placing too much value on this. It might be used in conjunction with the label but it's definitely not gonna have a lot of value like the shills and naive wabi holders think.
My advice is to break even or sell at a loss before you get burned for real. This is 3-4x ico from 7xico yesterday.
The only ones who are gonna profit from this are the people who got into the ico. Anyone that jumps into this after the ico are screwed.

did you have several kyc accounts or something

It's not hard to get multiple white listed accounts

>doesn't moon in 24h

Stay poor.

Dropped 20% since I made the thread
Don't be a dumbass and hold onto your bags. Sell it befor it becomes 1/5 of what you originally paid for

Welp dropped another 3 cents since I made this post.
This is nosediving faster than I expected
We could be seeing ico price EOD


Dropped another two cents since I made the post you're responding to :^)

Your next line is: there is no use case for the token.

I saw this shilled.
Biz shills good stuff and bad stuff.
This was the bad stuff.

A bit like LINK.
You don't want to buy any LINK or AIRSWAP.
WABI? LOL nah.

whoever had the 5 btc sell wall, you're faggot

>Therefore, it is essential we provide the consumers with incentive to keep on scanning and authenticating through their smartphones’ RFID readers and our mobile application. A loyalty program that ensures a suf cient level of ‘churning’ becomes a pivotal security attribute.
>In other words, every consumer who scans the Walimai label becomes a miner who is rewarded for their contribution with WaBi tokens.
In other words they're only reward points for buying baby/alcohol/etc products that use their labels.
That's it.
This is your shitcoin you're banking on to moon 100x

Thaks for the FUD. I've accumulated a bit more.

>baby food, alcohol, pharmaceuticals, etc
>on growing Chinese market with fastest growing middle class in world
>not next 1500x

What the fuck is it with all these tokens that serve literally no purpose?

back to 1.5 tonight. buy in now

magic of Ethereum

Listen. Get fucked. Your organised attempts to fud it down and rebuy it back on reddit and telegram groups get so boring. I don't even have a position in Wabi but you sound like a fucking retard. No shit it goes down after going 10x. Doesn't mean its not going to go back up again once the whales have had their fill.

How did that middle class get rich? by selling fake shit to poor people. They are experts.