Copper Bullion is better than Crypto

is the true redpill

Fucking your mom in the ass is better than fucking her right in the pussy.
I love having some shit on my dick.
>Better buy Monero

Cant wait till I have enough gains to buy a big vault and fullfill my bullion fetish fantasises.

I want as much bullion from as many different things as possible

so whats that stack worth, $100?

>copper becoming valuable

lmao say goodbye to all the infrastructure to copper scavengers

stupid fuck

Nice, just bought 100k.

Nice, just fucked your mom in the ass

Can you really buy copper bullion? Wouldn't it just oxidize over time and become green?

>scavengers rip out all the useless public infrastructure (funded by stealing from people btw)
>sell it to people or companies who need it to build infrastructure
>now you have better infrastructure and a richer population
ummmm statebabs?

that does look pretty fucking sweet desu.

Someone post the webms of niggers stealing copper wire getting btfo by electricity.

You fucking retard, do you know how many copper there is that is is the process of being mined, that can be mined easily, and that can be mined with some trouble ?
And do you have any fucking idea how much fucking copper there is in the fucking asteroid belts and in the fucking oort cloud you brainless mouthbreather ?

What the fuck don't you understand about LIMITED SUPPLY you absolute king of retards ?
Do you understand there can only be 21 fucking millions in existence
Do you understand that each fucking day more fucking bitcoin are getting PERMANENTLY lost so the real supply cap is even fucking lower than 21 millions ?

How the fuck are you even able to wipe yourself when going in the toilet, or do you shit on your chair and your mother have to clean it up you complete dimwit ?

We know you are wealthy in chromosomes, stop showing off and fuck off.


*creates another crypto*
*keeps creating new cryptos forever*
theres no value in it
while copper has and will be valued forever

If copper is so plentiful and cheap why have they stopped using it for coinage and plumbing? Why do people steal copper wire to sell?

Copper is a legit asset just like silver. Crypto bitcoin is just a video game for day traders. It holds no tangible value in the real world. It can't be used to build bridges or make things. At least my dollar bills can be used to snort coke or start a fire. Fuck your cryptoscam coin.

So Im not alone after all...there are others

>t. nocoiner

except you can actually make tradable coins out of the raw material
meme coin is just software

software will rule the world boi.

consider this

>People who think bitcoin is a scam don't own bitcoins
wow, you are are smart one. Be sure to pour your lifesavings into shitcoins. You know, that digital asset that can be copied over and over again. Bitcoin A, B, C...Z. Wew, limited supply and all that.

Sure. Oxide can be scrubbed off but for utility you would melt it down anyway


Honestly, I kind of want one just to look at. Shiny things are nice. How much is 1lb of copper these days? 8 bucks?

What's the best looking copper bullion? Those look pretty clean. How do you know it's pure and not filled with some other metal?

Carrington-Chan will be a hard mistress.

It's a very attractive metal.

Pretty, I might buy some.

There's some cool coins out there too.

I think of vases, pots, stuff like this for some reason.

It's not because I sell a new coin that it has value retard. That's not how it fucking works.

Where do I go to buy copper bullion like that, everywhere I go they are sold out or it looks like shit. I want my copper to look pretty, not some hideous mess.

Nothing is better than crypto. This is magic money.

>for some reason
user that thing is beautiful

Copper looks awesome - even copper oxide looks beautiful.

However its too much to store or transport for bullion.

That said I think I might buy myself some kg bars just to have in the stack.

183 billion bitcoins that can be imported with a miner waiving verified signatures

don't know about copper but
>things go bad
>need to liquidate
>have to use a truck to get it to dealership who offers you 20-30% below spot price after fees and other bullshit
muh precious metals

fucking boomers

>Nothing is better than crypto.
You're right, having nothing is better than crypto.