He didn't buy REQ when it was .05

>he didn't buy REQ when it was .05
>he didn't buy REQ when it was .10
>he didn't buy REQ when it was .15
>he didn't buy REQ when it was .20
he didn't buy REQ when it was .25
>he didn't buy REQ when it was .50
>he didn't buy REQ when it was $1
>he didn't buy REQ when it was $2

is this pumping because of the old news posted on reddit?

my btc transfer is on hour 7 of processing for fucks sake

LOL who the fuck still uses Bitcoin for asset transfer?

Enjoy your 100k + unconfirmed transactions.

2019: he'll buy it when it's $280 and sell when it dips.

Why are rektards so aggressive?
It seems like it was yesterday when they were crying because they were stuck below ico for like 4 months and offering pic of sharpiepooper for 0.000001 LTC.

Yes, one link on reddit got this millions

youll see why it is pumping soon

They’re trying to help you, you dumb faggot.

By telling me to buy an overpumped erc20 shittoken? There's no news, no reason for this to pump.
Enjoy your pnd, don't forget to take profits.

oh boy he doesnt know yet

That fucking tard has no idea. We tried to help him out too..

See? Red flag right there
>doesn't know yet
>should we tell him?
That's why you say when THERES FUCKING NOTHING and it's just a pravik pajeet self made pnd

in my experience REQ community has been extremely nice and informative

EBAY to adopt REQ. REQ going to $1!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Idk about the REQ community, I don't know em, I just talking about the req bagholders who pot here,

testnet is dropping any day now dumbdumb. have fun missing out

You can lead a horse to water..

I tell you what, if you want to shill it, just say the one thing this coin has: it's BTC-bullrun resistant.
That's all this coin offers.


You must be new, crypto doesn't care about news.
This is getting overpumped for no reason whatsoever.

ITs a fucking test net, LINK has had theirs running for months! This is pure whale P&D pajeet. POWER 2.0

jokes on you i bought at .09 more at .11

How much will this be worth by January first?

50cents at the least.

I bought at 0.05. Holding for 2 year minimum. Comfy.

It’s not exactly just a PnD, but even if t were... higher support level. No complaints