Warhammer 40,000 general

Fuck balance edition.

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What's the best Bloodthirster variant in your opinion?



First for Dark Eldar, sorry Thousand Gay Sons go be dusty somewhere else

>DE bro thinks hes getting 1st last few days all on his own
you already getting tzeentched

Once again, the DEldar are too slow.

The ones that operate as Greater Good auxiliaries.

There are three of us im pretty sure, i never said i was alone here.

Checking in

>first post ends in 3
>there are 3 of us
>3x 3 is 9
>9 is the number of Tzeentch
working as planned

Reporting in.

Cult Insurrection 1850
Lords of the Cult
Magus with Mastery Level 2 and Crouchling - 85
The First Curse
Patriarch with Mastery Level 2 and Genestealer Familiar - 120
20 Purestrains - 280

Neophyte Cavalcade
2 x 10 Lasgun/Autogun Neophytes with a flamer in a Chimera with Hull Heavy Flamer, Heavy Stubber and Dozer Blade - 2 x 130
Leman Russ Eradicator - 120
Scout Sentinel with Heavy Flamer - 35

Demolition Claw
2 x Acolytes with Demo Charge - 2 x 60
2 x Rockgrinders - 2 x 75
Subterranean Uprising
Primus - 75
3 x 5 Acolytes with Cult Icon, Rock Saw and Leader with Bonesword and Lashwhip - 3 x 110
2 x 5 Metamorphs with Cult Icon, 1 Talon, 2 Whips, 1 Claw and Leader with Bonesword and Talon - 2 x 91
5 Metamorphs with Cult Icon, 2 Whips, 2 Claws and Leader with Talon and Bonesword - 93

Yay Welcome friends!!

Just finished my reaver and holy shit is it a bitch to paint, not even at the 5 guys I have to glue on it yet. YET it has to be one of the finest models I've had the pleasure of putting together. Just hope the bright orange sails dont turn out to be shit once im finished with them.

>want to get into the hobby again
>realizes the old days when it was so fucking popular, and it looks dead in comparison
>in a few years it might even be more dead, and in 10-20 it might not even exist

move to california where shit is happening.

Does anybody have a PDF version of Traitor's Hate? I can't zoom in on the epub for some reason.

Are the citadel model cases worth it?

the hippy running my local GW really wanted me to get one

they are ok, and if you are lazy get it, but if not, there are better quality cheaper ones that you cut to fit yourself

Like everything to do with 40k, they're good quality but on the expensive side compared to competitors. It does have a video of Duncan in a lab coat hitting it with a baseball bat going for it though, no other company can say that!

If any loyalist Primarch to return and become heretical which traitor Primarch has the best chance of redemption to keep the scales even?


After painting all 3 of in about a month, I gave myself tendinitis, so I'm taking a break for a few days.

they're all daemon princes at this point, so none of them

but probably Magnus, he did nothing wrong

Have there been any leaks about Wrath of Magnus yet?

>Been playing Thousand sons for five years.
>"New" and "Powerful" Ksons leaked
>My Ragescale:

>1. "My Mono-Tzeentch Daemons could use some Ksons allies"
>4. "My Black Legion Army is now a Thousand Sons army!"
>10. "Selling my Tau, Wtb Ksons"

>i'm a hipster

just pictures of the models and rulebook, no rules yet

To glue the back-hatch of my Hammerhead closed or not to.

TSons look great, but now I;m just even more excited to see what they do with Sisters in plastic.

I wouldn't put it past GW to have one of the Traitors take a knee in front of the Golden Throne and have a heart to heart with their Daddy's spirit form. Amazingly when they come out of the meditative state Big E turned them back to their former glory.

Me too, mate. Me too.

Best part about Tzaangors is that the only rumour to mention them also mentioned the plastic Canoness.

>Says a waacfag

They replaced inferno bolts ap3 to soul blaze.

i play deldar

I bet you play Codex Corpsethief Claw

Prove it

Daemon, or Marine?

Evidence of a Daemonkin book?

>tfw I will never ever get all of the painting done after I buy all these 1ksons because of grad school shit

When the fuck is Duncan going to put out a video for them?

And yet you still so desperately need to win every single game you play?

My salt will soon be yours.
Look forward to that.

1k sons chaff. look in last thread

Tzaangors are Beastmen, not Daemon or Marine.

Into the torture cells with you, kabalite.

39th for Covens

probably magnus or the alpha legion one, whichever is alive (if either are)
but its highly doubtful, since they've all been heavily corrupted and warped by all that time in the warp.

>Daemon, or Marine?

Neither. Best way to think of them in 40k is probably chaos corrupted Xenos loyal to Tzeentch.

So are Thousand Sons gonna be their own codex? Or are they a supplement to CSM?

Based on the timing of past painting tutorials relative to announcement trailers, in a week or two.

My guess is a standalone mini-dex like Tempestus Scions that is Battle Brothers allies with CSM. So effectively a supplement.

probably a few days before they release, going by the recent release videos

Looking pretty fucking good, user

Cultist sidegrade?

Thank you. I am going to fucking die. I'm about 95% sure I'm going to order them asap but the other 5% is a nagging doubt of "what if they're shittier than my fucking DE?"

They're space marines. Of course they will do well.

>Another DE player that is buying TSons
Mai nigga
Personally dude just buy the limited stuff and leave the rest until we get more info

Thanks, man.

>buy TSons
>paint them in pre-Heresy colors
>use HH rules if new Warzone:Fenris rules suck

there I fixed your problem

Probably a similar role, yes.

>Personally dude just buy the limited stuff and leave the rest until we get more info

I'm retarded and drunk, do you have a link to this? I will just order it right now.


You're welcome, user. When you do paint more you should post them, I can always use more DE painting inspo. I am not very good currently and I'm planning to buy my first Covens stuff pretty soon as well. It looks like there's decals on there; which Coven is that?

Guys what if everyone in this thread is a Dark Eldar player

yes - one less thing to paint

no - one more fun thing to paint

How good are Raiders when it comes to ramming and Tank shocking?

Want to Run my Raider with a Shock Prow and fuck shit up.

That's the Prophets of Flesh coven

Here's my works in order of completion:

>Archons and Kabalites




I still have 3 Venoms, 2 Raiders, a Ravager, 6 Reaver Bikes, and 5 Scourges to paint.

Neat, thanks user. I used the same head for my Archon lel. I like how you did your splinter rifles, I might steal that but with a different colour in the middle for the barrel. Looks a lot better than GW's silver.

For the rifles I did a thin layer of Vallejo's Glacier Blue because GW's whites suck and it's all I had. Then it's moot green, then a thin line of Yriel yellow, Biel-tan shade , then another thin line of Yriel. Really easy to batch paint em.

>just assembeled my archon today and didnt like the head

>COMPLETELY forgot I had 10 Deldar heads lying around that I could of used

Fuck me I might just rip it off now

Do it.


>I wish i had such thin consistent lines

you guys would cringe at my models compared to these, I just don't know how to get those lines.

I bought paint thinner, my brush is as small as it gets, my hand just needs steadying.

I'm not a fan of the current stock Archon head either. The 5E one was better. The one before that was pretty shit. Reavers and Warriors (and maybe a Scourge with some greenstuff) have better heads for an Archon imo.

Good to know. I'm probably going to go with a blue or magenta (I'll probably test both...) but a similar process.

Nope, I'm a Tau player hopping on the TSon train to change things up with a new/fun playstyle.

It won't budge, so im either going to have to cut it off (fuck me) or just keep it as is and buy another one if I want to do a conversion

If you glued it today it should still have some give. I twisted mine off. Worst comes to worst, rip it off and clean out the hole with a drill/dremel

Post your armies you smexy anons

i'm starting eldar and thinking about getting some dark eldar to proxy an aspect or 3. do i count?

I play Blood Angels sorry, the dark eldar are to kinky for me.

im new, be gentle

Paint looks kind of grainy, but I'm not sure if that's the camera or not. And the eyes are a mess. But overall, they look pretty good for your first models, user.

that's pretty damn good

only thing i'd really recommend is basing them to cover the paint stains and just add to the aesthetic

its a poopy cell phone camera, when i get them to a more finished state ill take a proper picture
i will base them when im done with the 15 or so i currently have. i never knew painting things could be fun, i just hope the games half as fun

Pull your head out of your ass.

just make sure to find a decent group to play with, playing with assholes will inevitably ruin the game

Any good resources for airbrushing 40k stuff. I have access to one now and really want to try it out.

My whole collection is at this point an enormous 11,000 point 'table roster' for kill team games. Here's Kill Team Rapture, which frequently gets switched out on a whim with Kill Team Solidus, and Liquid, depending on who I want to just herohammer into a battle.

Yea Cell phone camera is literally the only reason i dont show off my minis.

Hey Raptor user. How's those Monster girls going?

>Just finished buying the last models I needed for the Tzeentch formation in Warzone Fenris.
>Now GW is pulling all this 1ksons shit
I'm not going to be able to afford to eat at this rate.

Nothing much going on with them, I'm still on hiatus. Since I just lost my job a few days ago, I now have an even bigger hiatus with building up new armies, so I'm just assembling stuff I have..

Right now I'm messing around with the Burning of Prospero stuff. Like how I'm converting Plastic Ahriman into a librarian. Also, I absolutely love the bolters that come with the MK3 armour, as they work amazingly well with shit from anvil industries.

Gonna fill in that scarab symbol or try and file it off?

Looks good though.

>Not having a pretty fucking solid cell phone camera

This is the first Guardian I ever painted. This was 9 years ago. He will forever be Biel-Tan, even though I've long since moved onto Ulthwé

Pic is still shitty because I'm not going to set up a fucking photo box at midnight on Friday :^)

Yea, I'm going to fill it in with greenstuff and carve something into it with my knives. I can't figure out what do put on it quite yet, as I'm still mulling over between an eagle, tiny skull, or maybe some other esoteric markings.

I already carved off the logos on the shoulderpads, so I can make my own transfers for them.

m8 he just put a different hat on it

And sometimes hats look terrible, and sometimes they look good.

Considerably larger base, also removed all of the horns from his body. I still need to greenstuff some things in..

So how exactly is a Daemon Primarch like Magnus going to be balanced against other armies?

Scaled to fuck up titans and apoc only hopefully

being overpriced

I hope they're not. I want OP as shit Lords of War.

For those who missed it last time.

395 pts Jump Gargantuan Creature with 2 str D weapons.


Looking at pictures of new TS. And how come sorcerers have mutations?
Was the point of Rubric spell to stop those? Or this mutations are something that sorcerer is willing to have so rubric does not apply to that?