Have you ever drawn/photoshopped something for your group, Veeky Forums?
Doesn't matter if you think its shit. We're all shitters here. Share it anyways.
pictured: me and a friend's Fallout detective combo. muscle on the right, charisma on the left
Have you ever drawn/photoshopped something for your group, Veeky Forums?
Doesn't matter if you think its shit. We're all shitters here. Share it anyways.
pictured: me and a friend's Fallout detective combo. muscle on the right, charisma on the left
Other urls found in this thread:
wrong one aaaaa
super basic map for unknown exploration
a very painful process that taught me the pen tool
edit of that "D&D is for satanists" comic i made for a friend at a now-defunct community about Fallout
I use Autorealm, MS paint, the MegaMek Map editor, and Lego Digital designer to make things for RPGs, I'll dump some of my stuff
I'm not a good artist, so I made a series of images with photo manipultation to run a Shadowrun game set in brazil, that i intent to turn that into a PDF about the setting once it's done
I did this for the logo for our Roll20 Strange Aeons game. I found an image on DeviantArt and just adjusted the colors. No great feat.
This was actually a map made with the Don Jon Generator, I went through it to add detail in MS paint, ended up being a dungeon crawl in the Only War game I'm currently running
I've also used the Pixlr Editor to make tokens for the same 40K game, for use in Roll 20
And a sample of the LDD stuff I used for a D&D game, many years ago
That's a pretty neat idea
and a redrawing of a preexisting traveller deckplan
Unused logo for a Catholic Hunter game I was going to run that never manifested. I think there were going to be Geist crossovers, besides the obvious imagery.
Thank you, I have a few others, neat idea, but didn't work out too well in practice
A little less related, this was made for a game I was planning, but never ended up running, either way, made a neat model out of it
The overall concept is not bad, but there's a few stuff that you would need to fix.
We fought a nothic, and the other players didn't know what it looked like, so I drew one from memory.
>Doesn't matter if you think its shit.
You asked for this.
>Doesn't matter if you think its shit. We're all shitters here
Penciled out in high school. Kind of a street-clothed barbarian/bully type. The face and body I always imagined to be the bare-knuckle boxer Brad Pitt fights at the end of Snatch, but I knew with my drawing ability I wasn't going to attempt to draw the face.
I've been learning how to use Tiled to make maps for Roll20 using SNES RPG sprite sheets.
Did some illustrator and photoshop work for a 1977 mashup of Castlevania and MGS.
Was going to be the precursor event to "The War of 1999" decades later where players would have been part of an international effort to punch the Devil's Castle into an eclipse over Japan.
Here's the ambiance attempt of a code name entry screen. This was supposed to be a Quest thread but I might restart it on tabletop.
A couple title screens. Illustrator made building things somewhat labor intensive but easier once later on.
I've got some Engine Heart maps as well if you folks don't mind the folder dump.
And the finale.
Engine Heart arcology.
A portion of a Bagger288 styled excavator factory crawler.
Battlebot Colosseum
Made them a christmas card once.
i made this 1/2
and this 2/2
Cool art, dude. Really nice style
Used to make tons of maps, back when I would run games on maptools. I've really fallen out of the online maps thing, though, it's a lot of work for not a whole lot of benefit.
I don't have it electronic, but one of my veteran Shadowrun players is an art school grad, and she's painted some gorgeous flowery art nouveau depictions of things from the game. Which is a very odd art style for cyberpunk, but it's beautiful stuff, and it kinda works, in a Metropolis 20s sort of way.
This is great!!
Threw together this picture of my first Dark Heresy group's PCs 4-5 years ago. It's shit, but I was using GIMP (and not proficiently).
It's cool and all, but surely it's nine hundred times easier to use something like SketchUp instead