Age of Sigmar General

MFW no AoS Tzaangors, edition


>General's Handbook pdf is up!DxRGmTZL!x_L0eobCjr4qrF7enhVlZ2DffTtRa3hdDrc5RctcAbE

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Other urls found in this thread: 3699713772&qty=12&sorting=rec&view=table&categoryId=cat440002a-flat

first for tits are back on the menu boys

Man, I'm glad I decided to do an inventory on my stuff and found my missing Seeker. Not I don't have to buy the set of 5 to fill in the missing model. 15 of them is enough for me.

10 daemonettes I will get.

Do the insignia mean anything specific fo each stormhost? With AoS Starter Box getting a price cut in Aus I'm looking to start stormcast next year. I like the look of the Sons of Mallus but in Battletome: Stormcast they're shown with different insignia to the starter box models.

Would Sons of Mallus with the Hammer-Lightning insignia be fluff-acceptable or no?

>only people on ebay selling chaos marauder shields are international shipping
I take back everything bad I said. I am sorry.

pls tell me the tzaangors will be dual kit otherwise im gonna throw up.

If you inspect the models more closely you will notice they are mono-pose, just like the Silver Tower tzaangors.

They'll likely be a dual kit where only the hands are swapped out.
Since if they don't do that there WILL be a shitfit on their shiny new community site

well the thing is i doubt they have the 2 weapon choices from AoS, love the look of the AoS weapons, Egyptian themed.

HIGHLY doubt the box includes: chainsword, bolt pistol, Greataxe, shield and savage blade

be to good for customers

>Since if they don't do that there WILL be a shitfit on their shiny new community site
You can't post on their community site. It's just a blog that better links to their facebook page.

don't forget they would need both right and left hand savage blades

The only way I could see them doing it maybe, is if they designed the models such that all the weapons are on a separate sprue than the bodies and legs, but I doubt it. If I had to guess, it is one normal sized sprue that has 5 to a sprue, and you get two identical sprues in a box.

if i gotta wait till next year for aos versions ima gonna be pissed, especially since they are the same model.

i would happy pay extra for a "weapon pack" some units have to make them, for AoS, then i can use their weapons for conversions for other units too. that's the best case.

honestly the way they are chopping off the hands wouldn't be that hard, just need to get some weapon sculpts somehow.

How are your sculpting and casting skills? you could make a pretty penny selling resin swords, shields, and axes to people, and as long as the shields don't have any actual GW symbols on them, aren't case from GW parts, and you call them something generic like "bird goat people swords" then legally you are in the clear

Seeing as tzaagors already have rules, AND these guys REALLY look like AoS models that they slapped chainswords and pistols on at the last minute, it would be really, REALLY weird if they didn't fucking make it a dual kit.

And only now I finally had the willpower to take my daemonettes out of the closet and paint them.

I'm fucking late as always.

I only had 7 seekers, but then i found 3 from a dude that was selling elves and use those as a conversion.
He didn't know the value and gave them to me for free.
Lucky me.

I'll have to remove 15 years old paint, but it will be worth it.

I have enough Daemonettes already.

And now the hardest part.

How do I convert them to Alluress, Musician and Icon Bearer?
Those tiny arms and hands... I don't thing any bits is compatible.

Plastic daemonette arms go on the metal daemonettes just fine.

Then again, back when I was younger, there was no plastic daemonettes, so I made infantry standards and musicians from DE horns and standards, just like instructed in Storm of Chaos. I made one Seeker command by taking the old crab claw daemonette command, giving them more alluring heads and mounting them on the Diaz mounts, and the alluress by giving her a big meaty claw (none of the Seekers got those spike claw things the infantry models have).

>DE horns and standards
Oh, yeah!
I forgot about those.

They seems to be roughly the same size, perfect.

Thanks user!

Not sure about the Alluress.
I was thinking of sculpt some extra armor, but I'm afraid my green stuff skill is not enough to honour such miniatures.

Paint chainswords like bone tooth swords, clip off autopistols and add marauder shields?

>marauder shields?
good luck

these seem to not exist on ebay

Why not plastic alluress claws? There's bound to be some in bits stores.

What's the best army to play like fully mounted. Preferably one with horse archer potential.

Probably High Elves. Silver Helms, Dragon princes, mounted lord with or without bows, same mages,fast chariots and zippy Reavers. And flying chariots.

Empire with gunners on horseback. They got knights and demi gryphs, the steamtank and whatnot.

Though probably the most powerful builds are either Chaos warriors or demons, don't think you can do much shooting there unless you count flamers of tzeentch.

The only army with actual archers on horseback I remember were Kislevites.

You can use Dark Elves with tiny crossbows on lizards too though.

Tomb Kings

>got like 5 sprues of them lying around useless

Might as well put them through a meat grinder and turn them into terrain.

Reminder that if you're playing Skaven it is OKAY and encouraged to cheat, lie and misread the rules especially when fighting hated Lizard-things and Dwarf-things

To do so is the purist form of worship. All who deny the Great Horned Rat shall die-die. Praise be unto him

Yeah, seems like the best option.

They do have Skeleton Horse Archers... hmm...

What's the best vermin king form?

>marauder shields
Those are some forbidden trigger words here user

Wood Elves have good potential.
You can have:
Mounted Lord
Mounted Wizard
Lord flying on a giant Eagle
Lord riding on a big ass Dragon (good luck getting a model for that though)
Lord riding on a Great Stag

Then for units you have:
Glade Riders, which are Battleline horse archers
Wild Riders - your typical shock cavalry, but they ride stags instead of horses
Sisters of the Thorn - magic unit that can buff your units and throw javalins. Also ride stags
Warhawk Riders - Horse archers, but instead of horses you got giant ass hawks.

Problem is literally every single one of those models is out of production. Same as most horse models actually.

Do you guys have some good non-cartoony AoS paintschemes?

Most of the art and the official models feel a bit too happy for a lack of a better word to me.
Makes them look like action figures instead of miniatures.




Post something you like.


Is there a way to take more than 30 chaos warriors in pitched battles, say with a battalion? I have 40 or so of them had them before AoS was a thought.

Just take two units of them. 30 is max for a single unit, but nothing stop you from taking 2 of 20 each.

You could just take two units? I mean, large units of warriors are garbage anyway, 20 with halberds or ten with any other weapon is the abolute maximum that can be fielded in a reasonable manner.

>you have gained brozouf

anyone have a link to the previous thread?

definitely tomb kings

they have the best chariots and the best monstrous cavalry

elves and 2nd best

Ive seen 30 chaos warriors with the Tzeentch warshrine buff to reroll saves and mystic shield tarpit almost an entire army for 3 whole rounds.

Meh, I got a bunch, along with skeleton shields, TK shields (for that egypt vibe) and gor shields. Might as well put them to use.

how the fuck do you beat tomb kings as khorne?

necropolis knights are ridiculous

OK yeah that's pretty good.

what helm?

Old school chaos warriors with horns chopped off.

looks good

how would u even mass buy them?

>mfw Host of Slaanesh has no access to chariots nor cavalry as Battleline, for no reason at all
>mfw even the fluff say there are plenty of full-mounted Hosts

Which Bloodthirster variant is the best?

They also have horse archers, which is sort of what I want.

Though tempted to go Deathrattle and play the Undead Kurgans I've always dreamed of using skeleton horse archers and barrow kings.

is there a good site to buy bits from, everyone i see if out of stock on everything

They wouldn't be Soms of Mallus, but you'll be fine with using the standard iconography.

>mfw there are still a lot of incomplete armies in the game that will get their updates eventually
>mfw you just need to be patient

>Slaanesh getting an update ever

Basically: You can't.
But it's an armet, so maybe you're able to find a sprue of separate 28mm armet helmets.
I can only really think of the Perry plastic sprues as a source for these as separate bits, but I don't know if people actually sell/buy bits from Historical sprues the same way people do it for 40k/AoS

Next best thing I could find on a whim are bascinets:

Sallets would look pretty dope too though.

I love the Eshin one personally.

Stick a daemonette on a fancier base (Hell a GW Hero base if you're lazy) and paint her a bit different and no one will have an issue.

If you want a minor coversion try taking one of the dagger Daemonettes and swapping in a big fancy weapon.

>marauder shields

hey anons
are the minis in the AoS starter set mutlipart or slotter like dark vengence


December 2016
Also, it's Dwarves.

they use flat bases but are fixed-pose

Hey its my model!
Nice to see someone liked it enough to save.

thanks user
Shit. I'll wait out the incoming box

imo the models in the starter a great, it is just a shame that it is sigmarine vs khorne

it's a bit about conversion.
single pose doesn't to anything for me

fair enough

I've seen some neat conversions done with them, but you have to do some major surgery to the models and bring in bits from elsewhere.

where are you based. I have like 1 sprue of them that is on the verge of being chucked. UK user here.

US unfortunately

making things worse is most of the maruders I see for sale on ebay have the flails and not the axes, so I can't even cannibalize models for shields.

It feels like it would be an absolute terrible waste to buy whole new marauder boxes just for shields, but I feel like I might have to do that if I want shields.

I fucking KNEW I recognised the phrase from somewhere.

That's good, because the pincer with a thumb is really one of the minor semi-improvements of the plastic ones.

you can also create a conan-themed army using marauders horse riders
they come with javelin, flail and axe for variety !

I plan on doing this, but I want shields for my marauders and apparently nobody wants to part with theirs

Are there any fan made war scrolls out there? I am interested if there are any out for Kislev for instance. Basically sort of like how the warhammer army project had all of those little known factions

Ok, guys, I just bought SC: Ironjawz. What's the best way to equip my ardboys? Local meta is Stormcast, Bloodbound, Skaven, Oggors and Sylvaneth.

I'm thinking about taking the banner and the icon to get both bonuses, but is this too much of a good thing? (And since ardboyz have a wysiwyg rule, do the models only use their one weapon attack?)

Actually it's Dwarfs.
Look up the old Army Book, they are all titled "Dwarfs" as well.
Tolkien used Dwarfs, so most fantasy influenced by him also use it.

Kislev can be swapped with empire?
Gryphon legion - inner circle knights
Other horsemen - normal knights
Horse archers - pistoliers or elf reavers
Kossars - empire militia or huntsmen
Boyar - empire captain
And i'm sure you can make bear cav out of demigryphs. Or REAL Gryphon legion.

banners, musicians, icons, etc. do NOT reduce your attacks at all

models equipped with those things still get to attack with the normal weapon loadouts, banners and such are free upgrades

But each ardboy is armed with the weapons he's modeled with.

So if the icon is modeled with only a single handed weapon then wouldn't he only fight with that weapon?

Strap a shield or greataxe to his back?

doesnt matter, it was explicitly stated in the FAQ that banners and musicians do not remove your regular attacks. if you decide that guy is wielding a greataxe then he has a greataxe even if he is carrying a banner

maybe the banner comes out of his head

or maybe he holds both in one hand

So, I'm back from a very long hiatus. I've been told this is the place to come to talk about fantasy. What the fuck happened? Are ogres still viable?

Every single thread.

Fantasy died. GW made a new game that uses all the old models. It is AoS. Ogre Kingdoms have been split into 2 factions, the gutbusters, which are you on-foot ogres, and the beastclaw raiders, anything mounted.

And yes they are very viable.

And here's this

Fantasy was failing to sell many models, so GW did a huge shakeup to try and reinvigorate the line. The leadership at the time was very hamhanded about it and this lead to the diehard WFB community getting very upset.

Furthermore, before the release of the General's Handbook there were no rules for point values or competitive play, which for many veterans was salt in the wound.

This happened about a year and a half ago.

The core rules and unit rules are available free on the GW site, while the general's handbook is a mere 25 dollars (or you could check the link in the OP... just saying).

A lot of old models are no longer sold, but rules still exist and are still available.

As far as listbuilding goes, it is very flexible now, and things are better balanced with the GH than you might expect. The battleshock and reserves/summoning systems are really cool I think.

Since the release of the General's Handbook earlier this year, Age of Sigmar has been growing in popularity. People will argue over this to no end, but:

>GW hasn't released sales numbers by IP
>It varies depending on your area: some areas have lots of AoS players, some have less.

for ogres

If you are interested in other armies, you can download the rules here 3699713772&qty=12&sorting=rec&view=table&categoryId=cat440002a-flat

look for the ones that cost 0 dollars

>look for the ones that cost 0 dollars
Why doesn't anyone ever link to the fucking compendium page

So I started out with a Start Collecting: Slaves to Darkness box and I'm having a lot of fun painting that, but outside of the starter kits I've noticed the miniatures get pretty pricy.

I don't live remotely near any GW stores, so I'm guessing my local community and FLGS would be cool with proxying so long as I'm buying some stuff in store and not being a free riding mooch.

Do you fa/tg/guys know if any of the Mantic Kings of War models correspond well to units under the Chaos Grand Alliance? I know people use Mantic for WFB proxies/9thAge, so it seemed like a good place to start.

Battleline Wolf Riders if you take their allegiance.
They can be archers.
They also have chariots, which are always archers and give Wolf Riders and wolf-mounted Grot Heroes a reroll to run or charge.



Are they good?

Yes, squig herds rape. Just you wait till grot sky pirates.


Dang it, I'm not interested in the main AoS armies except Khorne Daemons, but then I saw that there were Grot armies with Squigs!

I suppose I'll have to check out the other armies for anything that catches my eye.

Yeah. Maybe wait until Moonclan or Gitmob or some other Grot faction gets a Battletome book.

I really like Moonclan Grots, them and their Squigs are great.

I really want to paint/GS one of the moons into a Moonman. I think it'd be hilarious.

Wait, do they still come with square bases or will I have to buy them round ones?

Depends on if they're repackaged or not, which none of the Grot factions are, including the Gutbusters, which I'm only including because they have Grots as a battleline unit.