What's the first thing you imagine when someone says "Vampire"?

What's the first thing you imagine when someone says "Vampire"?
I know, a vampire. But what kind of vampire?

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Count Dracula, classy noble with a secret.

Not the faggy shit with guns and leather clothes from Underworld.

What said. Classic Dracula is what pops into my head.

Nosferatu or Dracula. The basics. Drinks blood, dies of sunlight, old as fuck, stake in the heart etc.

The Castlevania one

>inb4 smug ageless loli

Only Count Orlok

Goddamn Dio, essentially a more out there dracula. Goes around doing what he wants and who he wants because no one can stop him.

A nondescript, generic vampire which can then be specified into one of the other types?

Cheerful teenage girls.

Middle pic

A well-dressed nobleman with fangs.

TItty monster with blood on her lips.

Unfortunate humans turned into savage thralls starved for blood.

>What's the first thing you imagine when someone says "Vampire"?

Skullduggery Pleasant Vampires.

>top center
Jojo reference?


Buffy desu.

DIO 3rded

Vlad Tepesh, Dio Brando, Kain
Vlad von Carstein, Strahd, Nosferatu
Slayer, bat-monster vampire, vampire bat

I always imagine Vampires as classy, elegant, narcissistic, powerful and good looking.
Ugly vampires a shit.

My nigga.

Lolidom vampire.

mcfucking kill yourself

You are a gentlemen of excellent taste.

>mfw nobody mentioned Lestad.

Is it to obvious?

1. a medieval vampire lord like Kain or those from warhammer

2. count Orlok type vampire in 18/19th century clothes

kill yourself because vampires with guns are cool especially Blade despite being marvel shit


specifically, the whole opening sequence where flowers are wilting and crosses are twisting as his carriage rides by

either that or the sequence as they ride up to castle chaythe

beep beep


I liked the bit when he came out of his carriage at sunset.

Alucard from hellsing and Kain from Legacy of Kain are usually the first two things that pop into my head. True monsters that still retain an aura of regality.

my waifu

Polanski's ones and good old Orlok too

You're just jealous of my superior taste.

This is also ok.

loli vampers are good for fap or humor
and fuck you and your "patrician/shit taste" cancer

After reading the Witcher books and playing the games, I'm really enjoying the idea of vampires as a varied class of creatures, all with the common thread of a thirst for blood.

On the more bestial end you have ekimmaras, fleders and katakans, then you have ones that adopt a human appearance but are still bestial like bruxae and alps, then you have higher vampires which are capable of living among humans and passing off as one of them for centuries if they're careful, and then the ancient ones, dwelling alone underground sleeping for decades, capable of easily destroying any mortal or fellow vampire without a second thought, their schemes and plans spanning millennia.


A good reason to invest a good quality Silver Scared Icon, and keep a few wooden stakes on hand.

Oh and definatly iconic vampires to me are Alucard from Helsing (and Helsing Abridged), Kain, Vlad the Impaler, The Von Carstines of Warhammer, The Lamiha from Warhammer, and Jean-Claude from Anita Blake fame.

Oh fuck yes.

>you have ekimmaras, fleders and katakans, then you have ones that adopt a human appearance but are still bestial like bruxae and alps, then you have higher vampires which are capable of living among humans and passing off as one of them for centuries if they're careful, and then the ancient ones, dwelling alone underground sleeping for decades, capable of easily destroying any mortal or fellow vampire without a second thought, their schemes and plans spanning millennia.

And then there's this guy


A classy, cool, gentleman vampire.

You three are Anons of exquisite taste, and are most certainly my brethren of african american descent.

The duality of vampires in SP and the avoidance/mockery of straight up Twilight-Style vampires, instead embracing the monstrous aspects of vampire mythology is why I liked Derek Landy's take on it.

>You're just jealous of my superior taste.
No. I just hate pedophiles.

yeah that was a good scene too

i also really loved this shot


I like loli hentai but I almost vomitted when I watched real CP, fuck it
3DPD is true

This shit, sadly. That's why they have to be all destroyed.

Marble golem with diamonds embedded in their skin with blood thirst

Is it weak against garlic foam with a holy water demiglace and a side of rhubarb chutney all served on a 'steak of Yew'

For some reason I imagine the normal-ish looking ones. They can masquerade as humans walking down a busy street at night but the jet black eyes of a shark and pale skin set those who look too closely on edge. They're full of themselves and see themselves as a superior form in every way. They might play at being people but there's nothing actually romantic about it. They're just using it as a tool to get alone with prey before they tear it apart and move on.

I always imagine really old vampires as looking more and more nosferatu like as they age

Fright Night. The new one

"Interview with the Vampire" vampires.


>he doesn't like top tier 90's edge

Hey man, some motherfucker's always trying to ice skate uphill

So are we gonna make a Skulduggery Pleasant RPG homebrew now or what?

Bela Lugosi

Bela Lugosi's dead

>PCs are either Council operatives or adventurers like the Monster Hunters
I'd be down

Vampires, user.

followed by bram stockers dracula film

Count Orlok for me usually
After that, Skinner Sweet

Specifically, the malkavian titty monster in vtm:b

Chane Andraso

oh wait im not on /co/ i dont need to avoid barneyfags detectors
followed by bram stockers dracula film

Pale dudes with nice hair wearing black clothes and a cape. I refuse to accept the existence of any other kind of vamp.

Old vampires are leutenants to dark forces. New vampires are confused everyday people dealing with a curse. I've been wanting to run something based on the Baltimore comics for a while now.

So types of magic users are classes, right? Elemental, Adept, Teleporter, Necromancer, etc?

Thing is, I'm not sure if we ever really got a clear definition of what an Adept can do. Skulduggery at one point refers to Necromancers as "a type of adept", and I think he might do the same for teleporters, so how do we make it work?

Also, would Necromancers be playable since they're a cult of NEETs and their ultimate goal is to kill half the population of the planet?

"Adept" is a catch-all for various tricks of the trade. Every kind of magic that isn't Elemental, from shapeshifting to mind-reading is Adept.

This is the correct answer.

This image.
So good that Castlevania stole it.

Maybe just use a point buy system, then? Seems like it'd be hard to limit Adepts.

You called?

I have no real preference for my vamps but I do lean heavily on the classical Count Dracula "I Shed the Blood of Saxon Men and Remove Kebab" Lee, and the count Orlock for the true form/ugliness inside. The bottom middle pic in your pic, OP, is best suited for ancient and feral vampires in my opinion. Also who is that bottom left vamp?

I also have a thing for transhuman angelic vampires too.
I loved those.

Fuck yes. Actually, already thought about that. How would you go about it? Classes like Elementalist, Alchemist, Necromancer etc.? Division of some sort, e.g. different character generetion point pools for magic and non-magical skills? Are Cleavers playable, or just totally OP NSCs?

>Also who is that bottom left vamp?
Slayer from Guilty Gear. Essentially an anime version of Dracula only more hilariously OP.

Also, apparently Scottish if we go by the English dub of the latest game.

>Slayer from Guilty Gear. Essentially an anime version of Dracula only more hilariously OP.
We talking Hellsing levels here or somewhere in between/above?
>Also, apparently Scottish if we go by the English dub of the latest game.
Huh. Didn't think I wanted that.

I'd say a point buy system works best. Might just adapt M&M or something.

Cleavers are what happens when you put all your points into physical attributes. Them and Tanith.

I think of underworld but the classy old vampires in underworld.

That or Kain from Legacy of Kain when he used to be white. It really depends.

If he's Alucard levels he hasn't really showed it, but he can literally shrug off hits from people who can level cities if they wanted. He also doesn't give a single fuck about sunlight or anything really - his usual story in each game is that he comes out to just observe humanity's progress and gets dragged into fights by accident where he just humors the other guy into a win or loss depending on which side of the story you're playing.

He's less of a monster and more of just a bored immortal with way more power than he really needs.

>He's less of a monster and more of just a bored immortal with way more power than he really needs.

>I almost vomitted when I watched real CP
Good. Now you know how other people feel when you talk about loli anime and why it is an inappropriate topic of discussion in most venues.

You're on the wrong site, if you want to avoid loli content.

Pale tall blackhaired guy with jawline so sharp you can cut yourself against it and pair of fangs, clad in black.

Psychologically - supernaturally evil in a way that is alien to sane human mind, no remorse, killing and worse just for fun. Being a monster and enjoying it to the fullest.

>Dracula "I Shed the Blood of Saxon Men and Remove Kebab" Lee
Basarab, dammit, not Lee




I thought you were referring to this

But overclocked is sweet, so that's ok.

Also, when I think of vampires, I think of the innistrad versions: they seem prestigious, but they're truly just savage monsters that just like parties and drinking blood.

>chemical romance
>not old batman theme
my nigga

A seemingly mundane but good-looking person with a lot more going on underneath the surface.

The Orlok/Salem's Lot sort. Immensely charming.

Was that your subtle way of getting Twilight vampires in because that's 100% accurate

Who is the bottom right fuckboy?

That's Vampire Jimmy.

You don't fuck with Vampire Jimmy.

Undead undead?

Get a load of this daywalker

Yes, that one that made Arthas so butthurt with vengeance