Rules-Light Systems

Hey, Veeky Forums, I was planning on making a rules-light system just to have some light-hearted fun with some pals on the weekend, and I suppose I'm in need of a bit of inspiration.

Could you guys post some rules-light or ultra-light systems for me to take a gander upon?

General discussion about what you like/dislike about them is ok too.

Pic semi-related. I searched "Light character sheet" and got this retardation.

Oh god my entire body hurts.


What the fuck is this image?
Where do I start the petition to delete it forever?

My personal preference goes out to simple d6 on the 1d4chan wiki. Tried it out a couple of times at camps and even 8 year olds understood the system and had a great time.

I have good and bad news for you, OP.

Good news is I have made the same type of thread a couple of times last week and saved dozens of games that I'd be ready to post.

Bad news is I refuse to do so under that pic.

Alright, I'll go look for them
Thanks anons.

just shout MODS

I should have known this would be a bad idea. :^(

Teenage girls are a strange species.

I suppose it's just a natural evolution of the overwrought Deviantart characters of yore.

The twisted longings of early adolescence mixed with the tasteless desires of childhood.

Ah fuck, I'll just do it anyways.
Brace yourselves, it's gonna take a while.
>1-pot RPG


>Sputnik Lost


I wish I could find my pdf of Lasers and Feelings. It's one of my favorites.


I've got that, I'll post that next

>FATE cheat sheet

tfw legend is dead forever


>A place to fuck each other

(Cue sad lesbian music)


>All the King's Men

>Awaiting the End

Much appreciated, friendo.

(cue loud lesbian music)

>Big Motherfucking Crabs

>Business Card Dungeon Crawl

You're welcome & that's one more to add to the folder.

>Contract: Dragonhunt

>Curious Case of the Gentlemen Chainsaw Duelists

>Everyone is John

>Ghost lines
This is a really cool one. Original and thrilling setting, nice mechanics, very elegant sheet.

>Ghost Echo


Another favourite of mine.

This is one of the few I haven't even finished reading.

>Here's some fucking D&D
A nice D&D simplified. Not bad.

>Hot Guys Making Out
Not gonna judge you Anons

>Justice Hobos vs the Illuminati
I would advice against following all the rules word for word, but it's funny nonetheless.

Cowboys in spess


>Doctor Magnethands pt. 1
(Narrative, superheroistic, sobriety is detrimental to enjoyment)

Magnethands pt. 2

>Microlite 20

>Millennial Apartment Hunters

>Nicotine Girls

>Out of the blue



>Shell Shock

>Surprise Fucker!

>The Farm


>World of Dungeons (1/3)

>World of Dungeons (2/3)

>World of Dungeons (3/3)

My job here is done.

Shit I forgot, here's one I wrote myself.
any feedback would be very appreciated

Gamemaster: The Fiating
Fucking. Cancer.

I'll read it, and post my own "Rules lite"

A simplified version of Ops and Tactics. Untested
Pls test ;-;

Thanks. I'd do the same for yours but
>71 pages
...I'll give it a look when I'll have the time

(Fuck, it's full of typos. I'll correct and re-upload I guess)


Holy shit, based user.
If you were a girl I'd totally wanna hold hands with you.

Thank you.

You're welcome, although I'm afraid I don't qualify for your hand-holding necessities.

Best wishes for your game, hopefully it will be the next added to this list