Do i even need to say anything?
Thousand sons get hype
>Thousand Sons get their own blue
>Mine are already Ultramarine blue
I've been out of the loop for a while now.
What the fuck is a Tzaangor when it's at home?
A tzaangor was originally a tzeetch aligned bestigor, native of old world.
I guess they took a warp boat and illegally entered the 40k universe.
Oh, that's good kek
>Simpleton detected
The name is given to them by outsiders of the race. Similar to how the Spanish speaking countries refer to Germany as Alemania.
Actually, they date back to earlier editions when Beastmen where more common, and were stated as being the natives of the Planet of Sorcerers. There is fluff on them in Realm of Chaos: Lost and the Damned.
Cannot wait for half eldar ultramarine astropaths.
or english speaking countries refer to germany as germany although germans themselves don't
Are they already colored?
>no you have to paint them yourself
This is why I just read the books and ignore the actual boardgame
It's true. It seems to be a consistent pattern. First CSM get their cultists back, then we get proper Genestealer Cultists, and now we have Beastmen back in 40k.
With the success of the HH series, and all it's recycling/updating of old designs, it looks like GW is looking way back to all the neat stuff they used to have and is bringing it back with their new sculpting ability.
I mean, these Tzaangors are 40k exclusive, as they carry pistols and chainswords, which are absent on their AoS counterparts. So, yes, Beastmen may well be making a return as minions of Chaos. Here's wondering what the rumored Sisters release will bring back from the old days. And, of course, here's hoping they start making some Inquisitor character sprues and henchmen boxes, because those are in desperate need of an update.
Then why even bother posting?
>This is why I just read the books and ignore the actual boardgame
You also play the video games and/or RPGs right? I mean, no one can actually like 40k if they're exclusively exposed to BL shit right?
Yeah, but why do they want to call themselves Doucheland?
for the same* reason your mother calls you a disapointment
*actually it is a different reason
I want to witness the RAGE
>Sisters release will bring back from the old days
Sisters never actually lost anything. Their army is as undeveloped as it was back then.
Huh, weird. Looks like he was just an astropath rather than a full-blooded marine, and worked with the Dark Angels before settling in Macragge under the Ultramarines. But he's dressed in the armor. Was this back when space marines were just authoritarian policing forces in power armor instead of warrior monks?
I was already mixing my own custom blue from Vallejo Imperial, Magic and Electric Blue and this looks quite close to it.
Yeah this is Rogue Trader era stuff.
Yeah, they were more like IRL marines than what they are now.
They were always warrior monks you plebs.
Warrior monks that used to write "LICK THIS" on their greaves, were recruited from penal colonies, and spent as much time rustling up gangers as they did fighting aliens.
Holy shit, Tzaangors? Now that's a blast from the past, Lost and the Damned edition.
Fuuuuuuuuuuuuck yoooooooouuuuu.
Stop with the bullshit, they recruited the exact same as how they do now.
They had the same jobs as they do now.
They customised their armour as they do now.
The core of Space Marines is essentially unchanged from Rogue Trader.
>still no spray primer
Beastmen differ from the likes of Illiyan Nastase, Cha Lee, and Tow Takka-chow though in that they never actually left 40k, they just became fluff-only and (even more) minor. But they've still always been there, as Imperial abhumans and daemon world inhabitants/Black Crusade participants.
There's Frateris Militia, and some special characters, also Missionaries as a separate unit if you really want to count them. Otherwise, yeah, they've actually grown from their original codex in terms of unit choice. But Frateris would fit perfectly with the theme described, and out of the lost units, I imagine they're the only one GW might consider worth resurrecting anyway.
I'd like to see them do the original "Nocturnal Warriors of Hrud".
Now if only they would fix their prices and their garbage rules, I might be bought back in.
I like how out of this the dumpy robot labeled "unknown" ended up as a fully fledged major faction.
Okay, I haven't followed 40K in a long time, but Thousand Sons were my first army. What is this release and when can I buy it?
I guess they just thought they were the easiest to model.
They were a pseudo-force before that pic. The first Necron models came out in 2nd, I believe.
I can hardly see a current marine opening a cold one.
Fear the flying lawnchair of doom!
Painting and assembling is part of any miniature based hobby. If you want pre painted collect action figures instead.
That picture is of a medic harvesting gene seed though.
He'll murder marines AND help you find your dropped keys on the beach, at the same time.
He looks very absent-minded for a medic carrying out a sacred duty.
Man Hrud or Tarellians would be a fun thing for a new Xenos faciton, or even sub faction. That Psy-Gore crystal gun thing might be cool too if its for some weird crystal race, like the Tholians from star trek or the shard from Vor: The Malestrom
>The core of Space Marines is essentially unchanged from Rogue Trader.
They were humans then.
That's a pretty big difference.
>They were humans then.
Only in the same way they are humans now.
They were augmented mentally and physically even then.
The Hrud at least have a basis for being included in the lore. There are many situations where a planet has been recorded as lost due to 'Hrud migrations' which apparently are fucking massive, enough that even a space marine homeworld couldn't withstand them.
Mein Neger!
Its also offial fluff that some Hrud rejected the Tau's offer of joining the Greater-Good.
Just got to figure a xeno angle that hasnt been taken already.
>His armor actually conveys his facial expressions
You're reaching.
You'd think he'd be looking at what he's doing, not gazing off into the middle distance, surely?
It's hard to come up with a original concept for how the Hrud would fight as a xenos faction, especially since Hrud in fiction are described as fighting with massive numbers (orks do that) and using a mixture of primitive (by 40k standards) and scavenged weapons (again, orks do that). They are also described as being able to "accelerate entropy" and cause sudden aging to effect objects near them, and have an innate distortion field that makes them nearly invisible, even in well lit rooms.
So: Concept: maybe instead of being a "mass numbers - crap weapons" army, they are a "Mass numbers, force debuffs" army. Like if they could force enemies to take -1 to their melee or ballistic skill.
>TS sorcerers with mutations
Old fluff confirmed?
Holy shit wonder if they're gonna retcon BL again lmao
Aren't they the skaven equivalent in spaaace?
>aside from the official 40k vermin, aka tyranids
I came up with a possible explanation that could make it compatible with the current lore, those aren't mutations but rather the sorcerers actively modifying themselves with Biomancy.
Knowing GW a retcon seems more likely though.
>Not making them metallic blue
>I came up with a possible explanation
You dont need to come up with shit. Ye old Index Astartes article said TS sorceres could still recieve mutations. I'll see if I can find the relevant bit in a min.
There's been various depictions, the one in the 6th ed rule book looked like Skaven but then there's also stuff like pic related.
One explenation/hand wave my Dark Heresy Gm used to explain the contradiction was that they just "Look like what you would fear them to look like" as a sort of agressive cammoflage to their true nature.
So basically the Rubric just stopped them from mutating any further.
Anyone know when the "made to order" model offer ends?
I wanna get them but there's a few days left before payday.
I promised myself I won't start any other 40k army and focus on skirmishes, but mang, T-Sons were my 1st love in miniatures.
3 years ago, clerk at GW convinced me that starting with them would be pain in ass, since it would require tons on conversions, to pull out full themed army. I wen't with orks for kek factor and having really good time with them, but it's time!
I'm really glad that I had time to learn about paiting, so I can empty my wallet and they won't be ugly as 1st models.
Even if rules are shit, I'm hyped as fuck and definitely gonna make myself a propa x-mass present.
But not as psychopathic as irl grunts
Can someone fucking explain what Germany, Spain, and Americucks have to do with what are CLEARLY arabs with hoofs? baka senpai
Rogue trader book had mixed fluff because they mashed stuff like 2000ad with laserburn and Aliens
That's why dreads had fluff about test pilots
Maybe the battle is off in the middle distance. Gotta keep an eye out for rockets and such.
>Rogue trader book had mixed fluff
Doesn't stop the fact that Marines were warrior monks.
How the fuck does this work? Rubric was supposed to stop all mutation otherwise what was the point? This doesnt make any sense.
Sorcerers are more powerful and by nature means they have much higher willpower so they can beat the fleshchange
Use PayPal to pay for them then
>so they can beat the fleshchange
The Rubric wasnt to stop the flesh change. It was to stop the mutations that serving Tzeentch and living in the Eye caused.
>Implying there isn't a long and storied tradition of armor perfectly conveying the emotions of it's wearer.
>Psy-Gore crystal gun thing might be cool too if its for some weird crystal race
like this
I will not get hyped
I was optimistic for KDK and that was a cash grab. I was reserved about reprints of Crimson Slaughter and Black Legion and they gave us formations that were half assed and reused detachments. I was pessimistic about Traitors Hate and that added the decurion we should have gotten in BL and CS and different formations that made no reference to the previous two codex suppliments.
All we will get in this is weapon options for the 23pt Thousand Sons so they can be more expensive with 5pt a model for AP3 flamers to go with AP3 bolters and 15 for S3AP3 Rotor cannons. The Rubric Termies will be 50pt 1w models with Tartaros rules but slow and purposeful from Rubric to make them all completely useless Cataphacti Termi equivolent.
Ahriman will be Ahriman on a disk.
The sorcerer ascendant will just be ML3 Sorcerers with 2 boons you have to pay for.
Why should I get hype? CSM is suffering and GW isn't changing overnight to make them playable.
The worst part is I'm probably getting 2 boxes of the Rubric Termis to go with 8 squads of Rubrics so I can finish my fucking apocalypse force of 4k points of 1w infantry.
I'm glad the Sorcerers have some customizability.
I knew that was coming when I typed that. And I both hate you and love you.
But no.
Wait is that one on the bottom flying by his own ignited farts?
I'm creaming myself. Damn GW releasing this just before my pay.
you might be retarded friend
I would laugh if gw does it
homeworld are basically just the Imperium mix in tone and history
That's, er, not Homeworld, mate.
Dont tempt them, grim dark crystal social justice warriors sounds just 80s enough for them to dare.
>Book of Weaboo Fartin Magic
I HAVE been
I follow Matt Ward on twitter and asked him too do it
Stop, I don't want this hype.
You may laugh, but Necrons were incredibly OP back in the day. I remember the scenarios they had to introduce them in White Dwarf (using the Necron mini they gave you). One Necron Warrior was supposed to be able to fight and win with an entire Tactical Squad of marines with heavy and special weapons.
He said weird crystal race, not retarded crystal race.
Nice try, but sorry GW just as always you are second.
So Im gonna guess this will be an elite unit of 3-5 sorcerers that can all have discs of tzeentch.
>Nipple horns
I always thought it was a case of stopping the passive uncontrolled mutations, not the ones actively asked for or earned by serving tzeentch directly
Embrace them
Muh Dindunoffiner
>Tzaangors of all things are fucking returning
RT era space marines were definitely warrior monks, and the whole LICK THIS thing was from a picture of renegade SM living in the Eye of Terror.
The main distinction? At the time, regular SM were T3, while heroes of various sorts got boosted S and T stats to various degrees. So while sure, Not!Spock was an astropath in power armor, he was certainly badass enough to go toe to toe with any SM.
>invasion by enormous hordes of invisible fuckers
At least we'd save on modeling costs...
Also, presumably any new Thousand Sons would still mutate or something.
I think the flesh change was fluff inspired by the way Tzeentch followers took 1d3 chaos attributes, giving them greatly increased chance of winding up as Spawn.
>Also, presumably any new Thousand Sons would still mutate or something.
Doubtful. The Rubric effected all TS marines on Prospero, so if the flesh change was solved by the rubric the geneseed would be too.
I'm guessing however TS only recruit from psychically gifted individuals.
I suppose when we learn exactly what an "exalted sorcerer" is we will find out more.