You are responsible for making this a tabletop system Veeky Forums, How do you?
You are responsible for making this a tabletop system Veeky Forums, How do you?
Converting anime to tabletop rarely goes well, user. I suppose GURPS or Mutants and Masterminds could probably work out well enough to be playable.
Because if we are doing animu, I may as well have fun combat.
BESM, Anima or GURPS: Anime, done.
Saikoro Fiction.
I'd probably make a more mobile 4e hack, though it'd probably wind up looking like>Strike!
Unironically Battle Century G. Goku uniforms are basically just mecha in terms of how they interact with the setting anyway.
want to make F-A-T-L available to simple minded /d/
Savage Worlds with PTU if we're throwing in Pokemon to Kill La Kill.
Stat me Veeky Forums
Car Lesbians
Shit, I just remembered I never finished this.
The next episode preview was something about the big guy and drift racing.
Anima, pc are pc, mons are free familiars.
Tenra Bansho Zero, Kijin/Ninja/Samurais depending on what you like most, with a permanent kinda weak shiki spirit.
Shit dog go finish it right now, it's great and you've not even seen DiscoMILF in action yet.
probably best to start at the beginning if its been a few weeks.
I think that episode was pretty early anyway (6 maybe)
Definitely worth finishing
Their mom, right? I heard some shit about her.
Yeah, I think it was about the 6-8 range.
Do you think someone who watched up to that point isn't going to know that? Fuck yeah I'm finishing it.
underrated post.
Thirding Anima.
Or this.
Composure Paladin, Superhuman(11-13) DEX, POW, WP and INT, Decent AGI/STR/CON/PER.
Style, Composure, Withstand Pain, Leadership, Jump, Occult, History, Law, Persuade and Intimidate out the ass.
Sword(s) is/are Power Level 4+ artifact(s), bypass more AT than usual.
Junketsu is also a 4+ Artifact that can change it's shape to suit combat needs, but is cursed.
Jump Infantry--WS--BS--S--T--W--I--A--Save
------------------------6-----4--- 3--4---3--7--3-----4+ Invuln, 3+ Junketsu
Stubborn, Fearless, Feel No Pain 4+
Wargear: Junketsu, Bakuzan
Bakuzan: Str+1, AP1, Armorbane
Junketsu: armor save and makes the unit jump infantry