Modern General
Trinisphere is sleeper tech edition
>What are you playing?
>What are you brewing?
>Did you go to FNM? How did you do?
>What's your super secret tech?
>What sleeves do you use?
Modern General
Trinisphere is sleeper tech edition
>What are you playing?
>What are you brewing?
>Did you go to FNM? How did you do?
>What's your super secret tech?
>What sleeves do you use?
First for Bird Brain
Caleb's build is kinda weak, I've been running mentors in the main and it feels so much better. It never really feels like you need that much extra draw power, especially since your combo draws you at least 4 and I already run 8 other draw cards. Might go down to either 3 thing or 3 mentor though, it feels a bit redundant when I draw them
Second for dead format
Abzan knight tribal
still trying to build spellweaver helix. it's fucking hard. I switched up the build from the old ass one to remove the burst mill cards in favor of more cantrips, added young pyromancers as another wincon, but it's still ticking. I like the idea of thought scour and dredging off of it. The loam ravens crime engine is as good as ever.
Didn't make it down, was playing ssbm instead
>Super secret tech
Haakon, Nameless inversion
not anime girls
>What are you playing?
Gruul deck wins
>What are you brewing?
Gruul deck wins
>Did you go to FNM? How did you do?
Apparently my FLGS doesn't sell singles on Friday; so I could only play standard. Went 1-2 against a spicy Roil Shaper deck, then went 1-2 against RG energy pumping.
>What's your super secret tech?
It's a secret.
>What sleeves do you use?
KMC Hyper Matte
>>What are you playing?
Jund. Always Jund
>>What are you brewing?
Nothing, I need to save money for now.
>>Did you go to FNM? How did you do?
Modern FNM's are dead in my are now, so I played standard. Went undefeated in Swiss with UW Degeneracy then lost in top 4 to too many lands. Pulled a Chandra and a foil Saheeli from one of my pity pack
>>What's your super secret tech?
Thrun and Golgari Charm
>>What sleeves do you use?
Matte Dragon Shields
>What are you playing?
EvoStone Elves
>What are you brewing?
See above
>Did you go to FNM? How did you do?
My FNM does late night commander and I work until 10pm so I only get to do that. I did play some modern casuals and won on turn 3 both games 1 and 3.
>What's your super secret tech?
Garruk Relentless
>What sleeves do you use?
Trying out KMC Super Gloss/Sure Fits
>What are you playing?
>What are you brewing?
Sultai midrange/control no path/bolt/terminate really sucks, but hey, tasigur, goyf, flayer, snap and confidant :)
>Did you go to FNM? How did you do?
1-3 I'm trying to play Corey's Grixis Control
death's shadow 2-1
bant eldrazi 0-2
skred 0-2
sun/moon 0-2
>What's your super secret tech?
Haunted Dead. Normally my LGS is all control decks
>What sleeves do you use?
Dragon Shield purple
Can we see your Abzan knight tribal? seems neat
>Confidant and Tasigur in the same deck
Sultai is already bad in this format, but you're just begging to lose.
Dredge and Naya burn
Abzan Blink
No modern in my area but I went undefeated with grixis control
Not that secret but I use greater gargadon in dredge to help combat exile effects
Matte Dragon shields
4 Tarmogoyf
4 Snapcaster Mage
3 Grim Flayer Previously was Dark Confidant, I think Flayer's worse because only have land, creature, instant, sorcery, planeswalker
2 Tasigur, the Golden Fang
2 Liliana of the Veil
4 Ancestral Vision
4 Serum Visions
2 Thoughtseize
3 Abrupt Decay
1 Slaughter Pact
1 Maelstrom Pulse
2 Spell Snare
2 Countersquall
3 Remand
4 Polluted Delta
3 Misty Rainforest
2 Verdant Catacombs
2 Watery Grave
2 Breeding Pool
2 Overgrown Tomb
3 Island
2 Swamp
1 Forest
1 Creeping Tar Pit
1 Lumbering Falls
no SB yet because I can't even find a main deck config that doesn't lose to everything.
Current gauntlet is this
Bant Eldrazi
Jund Abzan/Junk sometimes rotates in
RG Tron
Naya Burn
Death's Shadow.dek
either Jeskai/Grixis Control, they play mostly the same most of the time
I know it's bad but I like the cards and not going to play it for real until we get something like Shardless Agent, which isn't going to happen. Also nothing like Brainstorm or Hymn that exist in Legacy.
>Trinisphere is sleeper tech edition
Have you been living under a rock?
Do people that run two cards in a sideboard to hate something like say, dredge, or infect, with Grafdigger's Cage, or RIP, or extra untargeted burn respectively, just cheat on shuffling to semi-reliably get the cards into their hands?
Trick shuffling is the most important part of playing competitive magic.
I have two bojuka bog for the dredge mirror. Just dredge them eventually and then bog them.
But seriously, if you think your opponent is cheating, call a judge. You're allowed to shuffle their deck too.
isn't new lili better than veil lili in this kind of deck?
also, lack of both v. clique and scavenging ooze seems suspect. Perhaps try architects of will or executioner's capsule for delirium. also i kind of think inquisition/thought scour may be a better turn 1 play than vision atm.
there's whispers of emrakul now which is maybe a turn 3 hymn
I want to build Brain in a Jar.dec, what should I use as my finisher?
Sounds good. What cards are those?
How do we save Modern from almost every deck being pick 2-3 colors goodstuff + sideboard techs?
Here, just run my list
Buff combo
Unban Glimpse and Rite of Flame
Unban Jace so we can have a real control deck again
I want to try "creatureless" or close to it, I'm considering Rise from the Tides and that new enchantment that shits out X/X creature tokens.
How important is stayin in-color? Is it okay to have spells you can only cast via the Brain,or should your manabase always be able to hardcast stuff? Also, what kind of hate should I expect to see?
The list I posted is the closest thing to a viable modern deck that exists. I've played games with it against top tier decks and it can hold it's own alright.
You need to stay in color because odds are you're going to have to cast the cards outside of Brain. Brain is really mostly there to combo with Beck // Call and draw you 4 cards + make 4 1/1 Birds for 1 mana. Past that, it might make it to 4 mana for Cryptic but that's it.
There's no reason to play rise from the tides when you can just run the Beck // Call combo. Summonings sucks because it's too expensive and you can't cast it off jar. The only reason the deck works is because it's basically a UW control deck with the ability to get crazy card advantage off Brain.
>What are you playing?
Skred/White and Owling Mine and Blue Moon.
Basically I like playing Blood Moon decks, it feels pretty good at the moment, and decks which run sideboard hate cards mainboard feel pretty well positioned.
>What are you brewing?
Skred/Blue. I'm pretty sure Blue Moon ft. Skred is a good time. It does mean I lose Koth which is a pity, but I'm running Nahiri and a single Angry Ajani in RW Skred as my planeswalkers so I don't think he's necessary. However, it would be good to have a 3-4 cost planeswalker in RU that furthers the gameplan. Saheeli Rai doesn't cut it.
>Did you go to FNM? How did you do?
Went 2/2. Was playing Owling Mine and had a couple of good matchups and a couple of really bad ones lol. Went 2-0 against Emeria and 2-1 against Jeskai control because they went bolt-bolt-snap-bolt to kill lol.
Went 0-2 against burn both times. Turns out forcing your opponent to draw cards is bad against burn.
>What's your super secret tech?
I guess Boom//Bust isn't that secret. Anger of the Gods main. Gut Shot against delver/infect/snapcaster decks. Runeflare trap.
>What sleeves do you use?
Red KMC Hyper matte. I like sleeving all my modern cards in the same color sleeves so I can change it up swiftly, so my opponents don't know what I'm playing.
What I'm playing is bad so it doesn't really matter.
>What are you playing?
8-ish rack with a tiny splash of red for terminate and Rise//Fall
>What are you brewing?
Nothing recently, kaladesh standard burnt me out on deckbuilding for a while and I really fucking hate that smug-copter
>Did you go to FNM? How did you do?
I only play kitchen table with my friends
>What's your super secret tech?
Burning Inquiry + Dream Salvage. Definitely not worth the 8 slots in the deck, and half the time it shuts itself down, but goddamnit when it goes off and screws your opponents hand while you cast almost ancestral recall, it's glorious.
Also Augur of Skulls is underrated
>What sleeves do you use?
2nd hand ultra-pro because my friend is triggered by fetchlands without sleeves
>>What are you playing?
Thalia and Friends Happy Fun Hour
>>What are you brewing?
lol >brewing
>>Did you go to FNM? How did you do?
crushed it 5-0
>>What's your super secret tech?
lawyering game losses over leonin arbiter
>>What sleeves do you use?
kmc hyper-matte
You are the kind of person that makes modern players look bad.
Anybody play bant eldrazi? I'm thinking of putting it together, since I'm looking to build legacy eldrazi. Any tips? Is it different enough from jund?
Also how is the tron match up?
Reminder that blue is so bad in modern that banning a red card made it unplayable
>Kmc hyper-matte
this is literally worse than everything else he posted
A friend built it and he likes it well enough. He thinks it a little boring, and it's harder to play than it looks. You get some great sideboard options and your top decks tend to be really good.
You are vulnerable to nonbasic hate. My friend started running a single Wastes against me because I run blood moon.
From what I can see against Tron you really need to aggro them out. You can fight through a resolved Karn, but an O-Stone puts a dent in your plans. But your SB options mean you can probably put a dent in their plans so they can't assemble the t3 tron.
Also you kind of blank Ugin which isn't terrible.
As an additional thought, why aren't people playing Merfolk as much at the moment?
>resilient and redundant
>mainboards land disruption
>mainboards counters
>creatures tend to be either good or counterspells
Post difficult decks to play. I'll start:
That's funny seeing how they are the best price/performance sleeves.
print the following
Back to Basics
1R/G Uncommon
When Back to Basics enters the battlefield, each player chooses a basic land type. Nonbasic lands that player controls are the chosen type.
KMC is shit, even Dragon Shields are better
>Dragon Shields
Oh that was a good laugh
>difficult to play
>difficult to master
>overall difficulty
He was joking, user. You remember jokes, right?
Yes, Ad Nauseam Tendrils would be difficult to play considering Tendrils of Agony isn't legal in modern
Not since Pro Tour Oath.
Empty the Warrens
pedantic faggot
Unironically this
rate my brew
I don't know what I'm doing
4 Delver of Secrets
2 Tasigur, The Golden Fang
1 Gurmag Angler
4 Myth Realized
4 Lingering Souls
4 Path to Exile
4 Thought Scour
4 Serum Visions
3 Inquisition of Kozilek
1 Thoughtseize
2 Negate
2 Collective Brutality
2 Spell Snare
2 Spell Pierce
4 Flooded Strand
4 Polluted Delta
3 Seachrome Coast
2 Hallowed Fountain
1 Godless Shrine
1 Watery Grave
2 Island
1 Plains
1 Swamp
play blighted agent or inkmoth nexus
have pump/protection in hand
mate I respect the esper delver but there is a reason most builds run bolt and snapcaster. I'd think about dropping myth realized and upping the threat count to 12
I mainly just wanted to use myth realized
play it in a smallpox attrition shell
>4 Myth Realized
I get it, it's a neat card, but it's vulnerable to 2 types of removal. If you're dead-set on using it I'd recommend playing even a single threat more. In my experience 12 threats is the bare minimum a delver deck wants to run and I prefer 14. I've played more delver in pauper and legacy though. I might be wrong.
Best of luck, I guess.
Finally someone understands
I hate Goodstuff decks with a fiery passion, but I don't see anything wrong with 2 color decks. There's no good way to fix the problem without heavy land bans or dedicated hate cards.
The only people who I've seen use Dragon Shields are the players who absolutely manhandle their cards.
Skeleton Tribal.
>I hate Goodstuff decks with a fiery passion
Why do you hate fun?
Return to 3 set blocks when ?
Maybe when they're done with the Jacetice League story
Dragon shield a best
KMC a shit
>but it's vulnerable to 2 types of removal
I had the same thought, but really if they bring in enchantment hate it only hits one card in my deck. Maybe I should even add some Geist of Saint Traft?
Eyy alright, so first things first, good deck choice.
Flayer is strong in the sense that he doesn't just charge goyf and himself but also powers up snapcaster mage. He also is good alongside scooze and conveniently is good late game to filter thoughtseizes.
I reccomend drop a snap for a kalitas (you only need one, you're not jund) and also see about putting a kourser of kruphix into the mix. Enchantment for your guys and just also really strong by himself. A scooze in the main is super good too.
I am not a fan of AV. It's just sooo bad late game. Yeah the turn 1 or turn 2 is the best but anything else is medium. I dropped serum visions to three and was quite happy. Also I run 3 inquisition and 2 thoughtseize. The power of going inquision-goyf-snap inquisition. Or even just tear their hand apart as you feed serum visions is good.
3 abrupt decay is a lot, personally I think 2 is a softer area. Because of tron, dredge guys and eldrazi, you have fewer targets.
I use countersquall in the side and dispel main. Dispel is good against every deck but 1 in the format so it's strong. Remand is more tempo and not midrange. It's okay but there's better counters.
Liliana of the viel is spicy. I haven't run her just because of fears of her and counterspells. You'll also need damnations to fix the late game. Victim of the night is powerful too, even though it doesnt hit kalitas and zoombie fish.
Bant eldrazi sideboard tech is the ashiok. Ashiok comes down early enough and grows fast. Stealing their top decks and pushing them back at them. It's good.
Affinity is normally not hard to kill. Damnations are needed against them. Your goyfs are a problem for them too.
G/B/x is a hard matchup. Personally I find flip jace to be good, same with main board scooze. Cryptic is your friend there as well. It 2-for-1's in a good way.
Infect isn't impossible, You need collective brutality to really get them but having counters for their pumps and kill spells for their guys
Rg tron is a royal pain in the dick. I have fulminator mage in the side but rain of tears can be flashed back so there's that. Also the new blue counter for colourless is good as a 2 of for tron, eldrazi, and affinity.
Naya burn is by far our best matchup. I have yet to lose to them. You get feed the clan post board, preboard dispel, big creatures, kill spells and counters just fuck them up. Kalitas preboard and obstinate baloth post for extra life gain.
Death's shadow I have yet to see, sorry mang
Other control decks are hard to deal with because they run cards like kommand and the like. It's important to not over commit, kill their man lands with ghost quarters, and watch out for bolts.
How do you decide what deck to play? There just seems to be so many options
Try them all and see what sticks
Also look at the meta and see what's good
list isnt perfect but its been netting me wins all over the place, id take it to FNM in a heartbeat
You make a choice.
If you don't have a deck, get Zombie Hunt ($18) and use that to sample the local meta.
I swear to God you'd better not be one of those indecisive millennial shits who can only be told what to think and need playdoh and coloring pages to de-stress.
I don't want to be enabling an idiot by telling you what to do
I was memeing, but the deck isn't brain-dead like people think it is.
Controversial topic, but Ink moth nexus is the not great in infect.
Infect sometimes Tokens if I'm feeling less mean.
Goblins, want to like rabblemaster and krenko that my buddies play but I'm doing 8whacky thing instead.
Played some dumb pummeler rg list. Probably sell it and get more shit for modern and edh because I'm rarely free to play standard. Went 3/1 though. Rough matchup against Esper Superfriends and UW spirits though.
>Super tech?
Turn 2 and 3 kills using janky combos to replace twin in my head cannon. Shit like Pilla Pala or Enduring renewal type decks.
Dragon shield, doesn't matter color or matte/not matte. I just like them because they are durable and shuffle pretty well.
It dodges discard and Abrupt Decay and is colorles so no, you're wrong. It's just not as good as Blighted Agent once it hits the field but it's by no means a bad card in the deck
Hear me out. Ink moth is both a mediocre creature and a land. Producing a colourless mana is not great for infect, because the deck needs 3 g/u mana for turn three. Needing a mana to activate ink moth also slows down your game plan too, for said reasons above. I\
Ink moth being a creature and a land makes it slot in infect, but it is still the worst land in the deck and the worst creature in the deck.
this is true of all creature lands
Nah Gelf is easily the worst creature, it's just there to cheese out turn 2 wins. It's really bad unless you have a way to force it past an enemy like with DStrike or Rancor and even then it's not great. Plus Inkmoth has flying which is nice and pretty important in some common matchups, like Affinity.
The one colorless is shite too but that's not that bad because at least Agent is 1U, not UU. Arbor is the worst land in the deck because it's absolutely worthless to draw and it really only serves as a way to beat Lili and to get cheese out a win one in every 50 games.
It doesn't even slow down your gameplan that much, maybe a single turn and that's on like turn 3-4, you can still easily rush down your opponent and win. I'd say that it actually has the advantage of not being a creature because that it can't be hit with sorcery speed removal on your opponent's turn, forcing them to leave up mana which at that early on in the game means they can't develop their boards which both telegraphs that they have removal and buys you time to get anything you need.
>worst land in the deck
none of your other lands can kill people
>worst creature in the deck
its not a creature, its a land
this is where you're getting mixed up, user. youre seeing it like the worst of creatures and the worst of lands. its a land that can be an evasive glistener when you need it. it lets you grind out matchups when they play a dude on the ground. it lets you swing for 5 on 2 and 5 in the air on 3. it dodges all sorcery speed removal.
Also forgot to mention that decent players will always be looking to remove your creatures either during their turn to avoid dealing with combat step shenanigans, so by forcing your opponent to deal with it during your combat step you get an enormous advantage. It does have the weakness of being able to get hit during your postcombat but so do all your infecters
>decent players will always be looking to remove your creatures either during their turn to avoid dealing with combat step shenanigans
so much fucking this. this is a major, major advantage.
One last thing is that if you're holding a piece of protection and 2 mana and they go in to ghost quarter you, you can essentially make them lose a land at the price of discarding a card. It's not perfect because they'll still have a chance to respond but that's still something to consider.
i usually play bolt decks and inkmoth is the infect card i hate most
i suppose when you're racing goldfish decks you prefer your other dudes but it's so good against interactive decks
Also note that it dodges thoughtseize/IoK
I always tell new players to pick by colours they like. For example if they like UR they can build a simple whatever deck they have interest/budget for (this can also be supercasual) and get their UR core cards (mana, cantrips, bolts etc) in the process and from there go into whatever they seem to like from the meta like jeskai control, ur delver, storm, temur shift ...
I ended up playing tron because one day I realized that thru trading and cracking packs I had all the pieces for it anyway
They really need to make a lightning axe with no drawbacks, then ban bolt, to fix the format.
So 5 mana for one mana at instant speed? Sure thing bud
Also fuck off. You shat up last thread with your shitposting, now youre ruining this one
>those indecisive millennial shits who can only be told what to think and need playdoh and coloring pages to de-stress
well I don't need playdoh and coloring pages but I am an indecisive shit. Part of it is also dropping hundreds of dollars for a deck makes me hesitant. Like I might really enjoy playing some U/R/x deck but I just don't want to buy scalding tarns
White, Black and Green are probably my favorites right now. I also love the idea of tribal decks and kind of want to run spirits or eldrazi
>What are you playing?
UW Turbo Tutelage
>What are you brewing?
A Death Cloud deck that uses cards from recent sets
>Did you go to FNM? How did you do?
Yes, I did. Bad draws against Sisters and a really bad matchup against explosive mill, I ended up 1-1-2. The good thing is that bad draws can be solved with better shuffling and that I can face affinity without problems.
>What's your super secret tech?
SB Swan Song and 2 Ebony Owl Netsuke to switch from mill to damage and surprise fetch/shock users.
>What sleeves do you use?
Both inner and outer are japanese, but I can't remember the brand. The storeowner uses them for his vintage decks, so if it is good enough for 20k decks, it's good enough for my pocket change shits
Naya burn gets muh dick hard. It's one of the most simple and streamlined decks in modern, while also being one of the most flavourful. And despite it being incredibly easy to pick up and learn on how to play, it can also be one of the most difficult to master. Gonna try to sunbleach the deck I have.
A lot of people have been asking if this format needs to be fixed recently, so I'll ask what you think the format needs to be fixed.
Fixed being defined as, games don't get faster than turn 3, Aggro Combo Control and Midrange have atleast 1 deck at tier one, and sideboards aren't 15 silver bullets.
>Aggro Combo Control and Midrange have atleast 1 deck at tier one
this is true currently
Label those by type before you make us guess which ones you think are control and combo.
>lantern control
tron is combo
Why is it combo? Legit question
Some retards think that just because your game plan is to make it to the late game and play a huge bomb to ride it all the way to victory, that makes you a combo deck
It aims to get a very specific combination of cards into play, and getting those cards into play are it's primary win condition. It runs many arguably sub optimal cards just to assist in assembling said combination of cards (although this isn't a strict requirement of a combo deck).
Next you're going to tell me that Gifts Control is a combo deck
Next you'll tell me tron is actually aggro