MTG Standard
Currently: SCG Knoxville
What are you
Is Electrostatic Pummeler totally broken?
MTG Standard
Currently: SCG Knoxville
What are you
Is Electrostatic Pummeler totally broken?
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EDH and pauper player here, been looking at standard because it seems like a slower and less solved version of modern.
Wondering what the format is like right now? Can it be played on a budget?
Format is riddled with g/b delirium, u/w flash and some form of either r/w or r/b aggro
In my opinion yes
You can expect to win fnm at $100 for sure
How is electrostatic pummeler broken? Hell, R/G Aggro with just trackers, brawlers and hydras might be even better.
Is Electrostatic Pummeler totally broken?
It's a totally fine deck.
Would u/g with electrostatic pummeler be viable?
no, because the best pumps are in green and red.
>What are you
Grixis Emerge (I did play Rakdos Zombies yesterday but the deck is fucking awful against my shop meta and I just kept thinking 'I'd rather be playing Emerge' all night)
trying to work Voldaren Pariah into the list to beat Hexproof post-board
RG Energy Hexproof
>Is Electrostatic Pummeler totally broken?
Naw. Bristling Hydra is way more annoying.
>RG Energy Hexproof
thats essentially what it is though. it plays like 'what if bogles won with become immense battle rage combo instead of fancy pants?' the deck
Yes it would, specially because dispel.
Green has enough pumps on it's own.
This deck was originally Mono-Green it splashed red because it could.
Holy fuck are these the literal worst casters that SCG has? I mean last weekend was bad because Boswell is clueless and CVM just sucks but I can not stand listening to that faggot Overturf and Matthias "I only like a deck if it's a blue combo deck" Hunt
fevered visions master race here, how does it feel to be on the other end of a deck full of pings
I didn't get to watch today, was there any new deck displayed in knox or was it honestly just delirium and flash
>honestly just delirium and flash
It's shit and already solved for now. Same golgari delirium from the previous set, R/W vehicles, R/G energy pummler.
What are you
G/W Humans
Nothing really, but trying to gather the parts that I have of a R/G pummeler/energy deck because I feel that someone at my FLGS would enjoy it
Jeskai Control.
Bumping with this stupid fucking thing I made after FNM
Standard is dead. Mtg is dead.
WotC will be forced to abolish the reserve list and start printing cards with the same power level as we see in legacy/vintage
And I can't wait
What do you guys think of my shitty homebrew?
I've been having a lot of fun and success with it so far but I'm not sure how good it is quite yet.
Do you think it's good enough to take to fnm?
4 Aether Theorist
2 Aethersquall Ancient
1 Torrential Gearhulk
1 Cataclysmic Gearhulk
1 Cloudblazer
Noncreature spells:
2 Fumigate
2 Insidious Will
1 Glimmer of Genius
3 Skywhaler's Shot
4 Revoke Privileges
2 Select for Inspection
4 Impeccable Timing
2 Pore Over the Pages
2 Anticipate
3 Revolutionary Rebuff
1 Silverstrike
2 Aether Meltdown
1 Dynavolt Tower (I intend to get 1-2 more of these)
BW Fabricate. Some anons helped me last thread and the deck is doing a lot better
either RUG or Jund clues, I think. Still in the very early stages
Not much, I suppose. I played a zombies deck and foolishly tried to fabricate to clear the board. My enemy just brought all the zombies back, so I sideboarded in straight speed/stomp and ended up winning the match.
I tried to fumigate to clear the board, not fabricate.
>electrostatic pummeler
I think bristling defense is the real culprit here, electrostatic pummeler isn't that hard to remove otherwise. I wouldn't call the card broken, it mostly is just part of a good combo that covers a glaring weakness with a good card. If they didn't draw into said card then the entire thing is pretty easy to throw a wrench into. Board in some removal and hope you can counter or preemptively force a discard of bristling defense.
I don't see why it couldn't work,but what does blue offer over red? Your pic related probably isn't gonna do it alone.
Maybe blue can use slip through space to replace the trample sources and dispel to protect pummeler? Losing voltaic brawler is pretty bad though, that dude's a champ.
>What are you
RB Tribal Vampire
Modern deck
Reflector Mage
Veeky Forums how do I get my friend to stop being a scrub and realize that netdecks aren't cheating? He goes to FNM every week with his shitty mono b aggro deck and goes 1-3 if he's lucky then gets frustrated about it. I keep trying to watch his games and point out things that might help but also telling him his deck is bad and he needs to spend money if he wants to really beat tier 1 decks or good players isn't really helping.
If your friend has more fun going 1-3 with his shit brews than he would going 3-1 with some net decked passionless shit, what's the problem?
That's the problem, he doesn't have fun and the way I see it the reason he doesn't is because he gets his ass kicked by people who are better players, have better decks, or both. Becoming a better player takes time, and I'm willing to sit him down and teach him to be a little better, but playing a proven deck is the easiest and most expedient way to improve his performance. Besides, how could he know he wouldn't like playing a netdeck if he hasn't even tried yet?
Who is everyone here's number one commentary crush?
I would destroy Ryan Overturf's little rosy butthole like it was Voldemort's final horocrux.
Ryan Overturf is one of those people that I can't respect after reading his articles on Modern Nexus. He's such a gigantic faggot that I can't even listen to his voice anymore.
If he's an actually competitive player, just honestly ask him if he thinks he can win with an objectively bad deck.
He sounds like he doesn't care enough about winning to drop money or time into decks, so just let him be.
>Tune in just in time to see """""Emma""""" Handy lose
Tranny plays: the episode
>He won't get in on tie breakers anyway
>Chat starts screaming about how tiebreakers are transphobic
I loved the part they called him a pro that yet has to enter top8.
>no real achievements
>show him every tournament anyway
Srsly need help tuning my Esper Control deck. Threw this together friday for FNM and went 2-2..
How do I improve the deck to win FNM?
2x Swamp
6x Island
4x Plains
2x Port Town
4x Prairie Stream
4x Shambling Vent
1x Choked Estuary
3x Sunken Hollow
2x Anguished Unmaking
2x Anticipate
1x Archangel Avacyn
3x Blessed Alliance
1x Descend upon the Sinful
1x Dispel
2x Dovin Baan
2x Fumigate
4x Glimmer of Genius
1x Grasp of Darkness
1x Jace, Unraveler of Secrets
3x Negate
1x Quarantine Field
1x Skywhaler's Shot
2x Sorin, Grim Nemesis
2x Spell Shrivel
4x Torrential Gearhulk
1x Void Shatter
2x Declaration in Stone
2x Descend upon the Sinful
2x Gideon, Ally of Zendikar
1x Linvala, the Preserver
4x Spell Queller
1x Sphinx of the Final Word
2x Stasis Snare
1x Summary Dismissal
Scrap the autism and make it UW or UWR
4c reservoir combo. Havent had much of a chance to test yet, went 2-1 at an fnm and 1-3 at game day
Trying collective brutalitys. I didnt have any answers to anything in the main, but they feel versatile enough to squeeze in
Anything with counterspells. Control fucks me up. Summary dismissal makes me a sad boy
>"""""Emma""""" Handy on camera AGAIN because we're so inclusive xDDD
Why are any of you watching a StarShittyShills tournament in the first place?
jadine klomparens isnt fotm anymore lel
i mean at least fishtits, decheaty and spartz are actual women. granted one of them is a two-trick pony, one is in r&d and the last one is in 'coverage'.
I think I finally understand the modern players
half of standard right now is delirium and flash
the decks cost ~$400, a vast majority of these cards (i.e. pre-kaladesh) will rotate out in about a year
there are at least 12 viable decks in modern right now that average about $840
so for the price of 2 of the best standard decks you could get yourself one of the top 12 decks in a format that has actual variety and not see your shit rotate out
>R/G Energy is 40 bucks
>tranny top8 despite sexist tiebreakers
How? I was off for a few hours.
I don't know, man. I think the format's in a good place at the moment. Sure it's gotten just a little stale, but the top decks are quite fallible, they're not dominating absolutely everybody else.
manhands ran the table for the rest of the event up to top8
I bought R/B Zombies, but I don't have much knowledge on the format right now, but they look fun. What are it's weaknesses? How does it fair against R/B aggro, which I've been told is rampant at my locals by a friend? A Kalitas or 3 from the side should fuck them up right?
>Forgot the Zombie tokens and flip card substitute for the double faced card right after ordering
>Forgot to sell CoCos that I was supposed to do like 3 months ago
>someone actually managed to assemble one of these
Remember before Grim Flayer and the rest of EMN came out and it all seemed like a janky pet deck?
>30 percent of meta ls W/U Flash
>18 percent of meta is B/G Delirium
Every time I think it can't get worse it does. This shit makes Rhino formats look fun. At least the decks after the 30 percent Abzan was pretty diverse.
ITT: Mistakes.
2x depala, pilot exemplar
2x pia Nalar
2x propeller pioneer
2x iron League Steed
2x gearshift ace
4x speedway fanatic
4x veteran motorist
2x demolition stomper
2x Fleetwheel cruiser
2x ovalchase dragster
1x cultivators caravan
3x renegade freighter
3x sky skiff
2x whirlermaker
2x acrobatic manuever
2x built to smash
4x built to last
1x inventors fair
4x stone quarry
10x plains
10x mountain
I miss Jeskai Tokens, that deck was so much fun.
>That many 2x of
A lot of dubious choices there, too. Seems like you're going for tokens + vehicles, but if you want to do that you want to pack 4x looter scooters so you can crew them with drones. Ovalchase dragster feels like a bad Fleetwheel cruiser to me, I'd drop those. The stomper is too costly for it's skill to matter by the timenit comes in, and the steed is just bad. Since you're using W/R, you could also pack less battle tricks and more exile/removal. And 25 lands in an aggro/midrange deck is a bad idea. And where are your 1 drops? You could make this actually good for 80$ or so, but I assume it's a budget build? Of so, I'd suggest
1x depala
2x angel of invention
2x gearshift ace
6x thraben inspector + inventor's apprentice ( I leave the proportion up to you)
2x Fleetwheel Cruiser
1x Cultivator's Caravan
3x Harnessed Lightning
3x Always Watching/Stasis Snare
2x Propeller Pioneer
2x Iron League Steed
4x Speedway Fanatic
2x Demolition Stomper
2x Ovalchase Dragster
3x Renegade Freighter
2x Acrobatic Maneuver
2x Built to Smash
4x Built to Last
3x Mountain
Now that I make the numbers, you had more than 60 cards on your deck?
No offense, but are you completely new?
Mostly. I built the deck out of what I pulled in a fat pack and $2
To clarify, the depalas were the $2
The problem is that the trample sources also pump, which is very important for Electrostatic Pummeler. Double a 1/1 twice and slip him through and you've done 4 damage. Give him +4/+4 and trample then double him twice and you've done 20 damage minus defender toughness for the same card cost. Then factor in that red offers Built to Smash and the one that gives double strike (practically a wincon on its own in this deck) and it is hard to justify dropping red. You might choose to splash in blue on top of your RG but that might slow it down a bit. I'm super open to UG Energy Pummel but I'd need to see something more substantial than dispel and slip. There would have to be a really, really good reason to drop red and if you can find it I'd love to see it.
Well, slip through draws you a card, and it costs the same as built to smash. I do agree that the source of pump spells being only larger than life and blossoming is pretty terrible, but nothing else on G really gives meaningful attack boosts.
Besides, I wasn't the one suggesting it to start with, I think it doesn't really work.
Nice Meme
98% of creatures played in Legacy are from the NWO.
What? Thought that we Wizards would leave roulette decks fall off Standard?
have to assume it's jennifer long, a twitch streamer that plays pretty much just fish.
>two-trick pony
i see what you did there
Don't even being to compare Khans to this Standard.
Meme Rhino is a mistake and you know it.
I am and I'll do it again. Abzan was IIRC around 30 percent of them meta, but everything after that it was diverse. You had esper dragons, R/G aggro, Jeskai tempo, Ramp, UW Heroic, Mardu control, and others. Rhino may have been a mistake but the format was not. Especially compared to both Bant: The Coco and now.
>Flash is IIRC around 30 percent of them meta, but everything after that it was diverse. You had Delirium, R/G aggro, Jeskai control, Aetherworks, BR Zombies, Vehicles, Grixis Control, and others. My birth may have been a mistake but the format is not.
>Grixis emerge
List plz?
I play RB, how do I counter Spell Queller and Reflector Mage? They seem like such a good play mana-wise, that no matter how I respond, I fall behind.
Any reason not to build R/G Pummeler on modo? Seems to win enough and is cheap af.
Lads, I am looking to get myself and my gf into mtg.
How do I start/what should we do/buy?
Actually, you can't. You should bait Queller into a less useful spell and then kill it with removal.
Reflector Mage is even worse. There is nothing you can do besides lick your wounds if your creatures are focused on Combat instead of ETB effects. Probably your best play against it would be to cast removal on him.( As it's hard to have a 3/3 creature on the field so early after the Mage's bounce) and keep hitting with the other creatures you may have cast before.
nice dubs, thank u senpai
The difference is that after Flash taking up 30 percent, you have Delirium taking up 20 percent, meaning half the meta is Flash and Delirium. Just look at the SCGs top 16. Three decks are not U/W Flash or B/G Delirium.
Additionally, at least Abzan had the decency to have aggro, midrange, and control decks. All ran similar cards like 4 rhinos, but the differences were big enough to have them in different categories.
The problem with NWO is not that there's a power cap, because it's not. It's the stupid slow rythm at which powerful new cards come out because they're almost always mythic and one per set to force us into the booster lottery.
Ah, I remember my first deck out of a fat pack and a few boosters. The world was full of possibilities. Deckbuilding was exciting.
Then I discovered netdecks.
Concerning your deck, looks like there's too many vehicles. I would drop the expensive ones in favor of a more aggressive strategy and more removal spells.
So, a lot of the other mtg generals have goofy meme decks that they make for funsies. What's a dumb/funny/interesting deck we could make?
Briarbridge cheating gearhulks into play.
I'm confident that the problem with URx control lists is they aren't running enough card advantage. Take Inventory wins games, more copies of Glimmer of Genius don't hurt, especially if you're running Dynavolt Tower, one copy of Jori En doesn't hurt in the least since it blocks stuff and sits there vomiting out answers to the things it can't block. I'm really turned off the package of Lightning Axe + Fiery Temper though. They just don't do enough as a topdeck. I'm going to be testing Aether Theorist in the board though, as not only does he block 2/X faggots, but he gives me energy and scries like a madman, which is perfect considering drawing land later on will lose you the game.
>slow rythm that at which powerful new cards come out
Again, Nice Meme.
We have a more than decent conversion rate from Standard to Eternal sets. We are staganant on spells but creatures have been power creeped to absurd levels.
The Top Tier Vintage deck is centered around Monastery Mentor from Fate Reforged, rotated not long ago. The second most played deck is CarShop, running 3 copies of Fleetwheel Cruiser from Kaladesh.
Considering that Magic releases sets since 1993, that's a way more like a power creep than slow conversion rate.
Also, if you're playing eternal, just wait till those Mythics rotate out. They very affordable consering you're playing Legacy.
Axe Temper package is not disavantage if you bolt a creature.
But even if you send it to face, it's still a bolt.
It also good with Jori En around, although I think that Jori won't stay long on the field due the lack of creatures in your deck.
here's what i was on. i'm waffling between this and straight UR. the lists are generally similar with the main differences being +2 Advanced Stitchwing, +1 Lightning Axe, +4 Wandering Fumarole, +3 Island, +2 Mountain and -3 Haunted Dead, -4 Choked Estuary, -4 Smoldering Marsh, -1 Swamp going from Grixis to UR in the main and -2 Distended Mindbender, +2 Nahiri's Wrath in the side.
Haunted Dead itself dosen't seem enough to the splash. What about Collective Brutality?
i was thinking this, too. i mean the card itself is generally great it's just that if we're cutting Dead we have to add more Advanced Stitchwings to shore up our recursive high-cost Emerge target count or we just end up being a pile of do-nothing and lose to everything.
i'm actually sleeving up Thermo-Visions for this weekend because i think people are going to start playing hard control to beat BG and UW.
Motherfucking Tribal Gremlins
So, I guess this is where I go to rant about Magic Duels. What the fuck is up with this Kaladesh set? Compare it to all the previous sets it blows them out of the water.
>Looter Scooter
>Metalwork Colossus (thopter assembly for maximum artifacts to sac)
>Verdurous Gearhulk
>Inventors apprentice practically a 2/3 for one mana
>Marionette master
>New Chandra
>Vehicles require instant speed removal in order to get rid of them
>Creatures with summoning sickness can crew vehicles
Honestly, this has got to be the most ridiculous set since Mirrodin's power creep. is it just me?
This set has pretty much broken the Magic Duels game. Are you all seeing the same shit happening in standard?
EDH and pauper player here.
I'm wondering if someone can point me to a good budget standard deck, pref control or otherwise really interactive.
I'm also wondering, how cheap can two colour be for standard? Is it like modern where you need $300 of lands to be competitive with more than one colour?
>you will never find out that cute shop girl from your lgs is actually a devastatingly powerful control player
why even play? just quit and get a new hobby.
Standard a little bit. Aggro, especially in Red, has gotten a rather hefty boost. Red/X seems to be the color of choice for most decks thanks to most vehicle support being red. However the most dominant decks, being W/U Flash and B/G Delirium, got almost nothing out of Kaladesh. That said, right now Kaladesh did bring with it a lot of vitality. It feels like you can make a lot of cheeky shit work right now, so long as nobody in your locals is running those two Tier 1 decks.
standard is 40% bg delirium, 40% wu flash and 20% X-2-drop
>I'm wondering if someone can point me to a good budget standard deck, pref control or otherwise really interactive.
BW control was a thing before Kaladesh, not sure how strong it is now.
>I'm also wondering, how cheap can two colour be for standard? Is it like modern where you need $300 of lands to be competitive with more than one colour?
The bulk of the investments for standard right now are the mythics. If your deck is black for example, it's better with Lili, which tacks on 160. White should have Avacyn/Gideon, etc. Knowing that the money cards you put into standard are going to depreciate immediately post-rotation is the biggest hump to get over.
Standard lands are pretty cheap.
>BW control
Cheers man will look into it.
And good to hear the lands are budget friendly. I can deal with not having one specific power card (Lili etc) but not being able to play lands at the same level of my opponents is why I don't touch modern with a ten foot pole
Come to think of it, now that Languish is gone, it might not be a deck anymore.
How fast is the format? I know in modern dying by T3 is pretty common. But in pauper only the fastest of fast aggro decks can get anywhere near that, and most games go to 7+
Where does standard fit in that?
With how things are now, format is at least 6-7, which is where both tier 1 decks hit their main wincons (emrakul and torrential gearhulk + avacyn). Most games take a couple more turns to end after that.
Well, the fastest deck in the format can kill in turn 4, but it's quite fragile and not that good. There's also aetherworks marvel, which can make you scoop in turn 4, but it has serious matchup and consistency issues. So the fastest high tier deck would be W/R/(B) at around 5 turns?
I want to say Pummeler decks can go off pretty fast, I think it has a possible turn 4 win. It's not strong enough to worry about though.
I play Spirits myself, more tempo than control. It tries to win by turn 7.
>but not being able to play lands at the same level of my opponents is why I don't touch modern with a ten foot pole
The five allied colored fetches are still pretty cheap. It doesn't cost much to put together a half decent mana base for one of the tri-color shards in modern right now.
I want to try this new standard so someone has a good RG pummeler list?
New chapters never
Something like this, you can change everything but the 4-of creatures and blossoming defense + a trample source. Some players like it with more creatures and less pump so whatever you want really.
Will standard ever not be shit again?
It's been a 1-2 deck format for two years counting
They need to print dem pack-selling chase rares, which will always lead to a 2-deck format. Why brew and be creative when you can just put the best mythics into your deck and win.
Gee idk, but standard is literally a dead format and I wonder if that has something to do with it.
>Wizards pumping out weekly events like crazy just to get standards to fire
Looking forward to Maro's apology for all this