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>Jumpchain IRC Chat
>How to Jumpchain
>Previously on Jumpchain!
>Google Drive
>Jumpchain IRC Chat
>How to Jumpchain
>Previously on Jumpchain!
Jumpers, have YOU done your duty to the thread and applied as a Veeky Forums janitor?
No. Nor will I.
1. I really don't see the appeal in doing it for free, man.
2. I'm pretty sure you're not supposed to announce that stuff.
I'd be a shitty janitor.
I'm a total flake.
Not for all the hot pockets in the world would I spend my time actually trying to herd you faggots.
>2. I'm pretty sure you're not supposed to announce that stuff.
I'm a hypocrite. I haven't applied because I don't namefag.
Wait, you can't apply if you DON'T namefag?
Oh fuck all kinds of duck, it was never the best of ideas for me but that's a dealbreaker.
Do you ever pull back the veil and let people see the world as you see it? Have you ever genre shifted so hard that reality shook? What is their reaction when their slice of life existence is shown to be a lie? How did the world react to your unbidden existence?
Tell me your tales of revealed knowledge and terrifying consequence.
If I take the Starcutter in Kirby, should I get the Copy Ability: Copy, or go with Royal Magic? The Starcutter buffs the copy ability because it can store every ability you copy, but Royal Magic has really good short-range teleportation. What do?
I don't like frying my friends' brains, user.
Nope, the veil is firmly applied like a burqa on a saudi.
I would, occasionally, hint at having an otherworldly nature in Person of Interest. Stuff like suddenly appearing out of nowhere, knowing things I shouldn't know, eating/drinking things I shouldn't be able to, doing things I shouldn't be able to do, all that. It wasn't until the end of the jump that I revealed my true nature, drove the cast to madness, and then destroyed the world.
And that was when I realized I had gone mad with power, and it put me into a funk for the next few jumps. Not going to lie, it was pretty dickish of me.
>destroying the Person of Interest universe
Eh, not like you broke anything of value.
>let people see the world as you see it
That's called a Reality Marble
No one needs to know the true nature of things unless they're attractive.
Don't you love the face of the hero when he realizes that he is not even a mock of dust before the might of your existence? That all the actions that he has taken against you, all the hard fought victories, and the lost comrades, all the moments, both happy and sad, have been for nothing?
When they realize that they're nothing more than a side-show for you, a small bacteria poked around by a giant being that he is not capable of fully understanding, much less defeating? That they have been nothing more than entertainment to you?
When they are bent on their knees, incapable of moving any more, without any will of fighting in their souls, I like to get down to them, and whisper to their ears the truth of my existence, and by extension, their universe.
I'm simply a toy of what lies beyond. And then, through my words, they're finally capably of understanding the futility of their existence.
Not necessarily, but I do enjoy utterly humiliating the most powerful guy in a lower powered setting
Fire Lord, ain't shit
Zoom, ain't shit
Kaiju, you guessed it ain't shit
Sauce for image? Not sure if a doujin or some spin off at this point.
That would've made it a legit better webcomic.
Also barring some really curious and non-euclidean companions? For me pulling back the veil pretty much amounts to a brute-force attack on whatever poor sod's in the way. It's not just the ridiculous sensory input, but the fact because of certain countermeasures trying to think like me too hard eventually turns others into an extension of me.
Which is really awkward when I open my eyes and realise I'm some greasy cultist out in the middle of bumfuck nowhere.
Genre shifting happens fairly often, though. Mind you, not every world takes it as bad as you think it might-the Disneyverse saw it as business as usual just because I made a song and dance routine out of my eldritch revelation.
That's just about the most masturbatory bullshit I've ever read, I can not believe you fags managed to hang on when we swept the questfags off the board.
Not him, but where do you think you are? It's the escapist fantasy thread. People gonna fantasise, did you expect people typically fantasise about being humble dogooders who pet puppers and doggos or something?
Also I don't consider being part of a cosmic horrorverse masturbatory in the grand scheme of things.
Holy crap, did they finally make Gil a woman?
>when we swept the questfags off the board
Then what are /jc/ and /cyoag/ among others still doing here?
I had a bad habit in my last chain.
About once per decade, usually after saving the world or fixing some reality ending problem instead of letting the protagonists do it, I would find a random bar and attempt to drink my weight in alcohol. I did this, not out of celebration, but because each massive victory would make me realize the sheer amount of power I had at my command. It would terrify me. Right out of my own mind. Getting drunk usually helped me in the short term, as my own natural spell resistance at that point negated the possibility of Memory Charms or similar spells. Short of brain surgery, it was the best option I had found.
/ANYWAYS/... usually right before the black-out point of drunkenness I would start spouting off to anyone within earshot that I was a reality hopper and was well over four hundred years old, capable of absolutely incredible feats of magic and technology. Most people didn't take me seriously. A few did and asked for help solving a problem or two. My response was to produce a magic sword and tell them to do unspeakable things with it.
But, every so often, there would be someone who believed. Truly believed me. They wanted to know everything, what it was like, how they could get started on it, where the best realities to visit were. All kinds of questions. So, that's the point where I would finish my drink, grab their head in both hands and /show/ them what it was like. I would pour into their brains, not my memories, but the sensation of just how old and powerful I was. Kind of a distilled version of memories. Took all of about thirty seconds.
Of the six I had performed this feat on, two had immediately gone violently mad, one slipped into a coma he never awoke from, two threw up all over the floor, and one just said "Neat" before walking off. A week later he had perfected cold fusion and was giving the knowledge away to the world. A month after that he invented a truly friction-less oil. After that he disappeared.
it's barbecue
Also, what is the best hat (outside of kirby) that doesn't come with a hat import option? Asking so I can take that, and then import the Copy ability into that hat, if I were to take it.
What are some good options for the Return option in the warehouse?
What jumps are there that finish before interesting events? Assume it refreshes every so often so as long as I keep jumping I can keep going back.
Already know about going back for the pokemon storage system with your warehouse, and going through canon events in Madoka.
Is it kosher to go back to gauntlet settings? Like go through the The Purge gauntlet, then use Return to get ten years there roflstomping the place without being restricted by the gauntlet rules?
It's a homonculus using Gil's powers.
Close enough.
Far as I know no reason you can't go back to gauntlet settings. But yeah, Madoka's probably the best use of it out there.
>What are some good options for the Return option in the warehouse?
Honestly, never been a fan of Return as written. If it let you set a new world as your "home," so that if you died or chose to retire you could return there I could see dishing out the points for it. Or if it let you do what Slice of Life or Overlord do and let you go back to a certain world for a few months in between jumps I would see that as totally worth it. But dumping CP on a one use return ticket? Never seemed like it made a whole lot of sense to me.
It's because jumpchain was a lot smaller back in the day. Like, 13 or so jumps. Long chains were never intended or even seen as possible.
I know; I remember. I never really bitched about it back then because it didn't seem like a big deal to me, and it still doesn't now. Someone just asked about Return, and it's not something that gets talked about very much, so I thought I'd chime in.
The main draw to Return in my mind is the fact that you get another 10 years in a jump. That's essentially doubling the amount of time you can get for every jump at your desecration.
What jumps have the best genetic engineering perks? I was wanting to build a swarm like the Tyranids
not every, any it will only work one time
Just go to Starcraft Zerg Route. That gives you exactly what you want. Both a swarm of Tyranids (we all know that's what they are) and the genetic engineering perks to modify them.
Jurassic Park.
>That's essentially doubling the amount of time you can get for every jump at your desecration.
It only works once.
What are some "you're always you" perks?
I know of the ones in Narnia, Psychonauts, and RoboCop, but are there any others?
There is one in Innistrad that is pretty good
The Fountain, too.
>Veigar + Kassadin
>Veigar + Malzahar
How should I spend these 600 CP?
Veigar is my favorite champion but Idk if he is manageable as a companion
Hive Queen Quest
Speaker for the Dead
Biotechnician from The Polity
What about going back to Dishonored in time for Dishonored 2?
Undead Redemption has a good one.
OOOps, for some reason i read 200 CP for veigar, scratch that.
The choiche is
>Veigar + Vlad
What's more worthwhile in Raildex: being a magician or an esper?
Also, is there anything that protects you from the harmful effects of magic? Not compensation (as in regeneration), but just that renders it a non-issue. I've been told Safety First from CVS, but that only seems to work for spells.
Teen Titans has Bioengineering, which lets you give people, or your swarm, animal themed super powers. You could probably do the same or similar with the Scientist perks from the new Spiderman jump. In fact most comic book/associated media jumps have science perks that can help.
As Myrmidont said, Hive Queen Quest is a great one. It even has a perk to make biological versions of technology, so you can turn any mech making perks into swarm making perks.
Magician. Espers get one way to be insanely broken, magicians get multiple ways.
>What's more worthwhile in Raildex: being a magician or an esper?
Idk but raildex magic is unclear as fuck (at least in the anime) range from absolute power to very meh levels, btw there are two jumps so you can easily take both.
Nope. You're only allowed to take one during the normal course of your chain. You can take the other, but it has to be right before your end jump.
Don't magicians require the collective unconsciousness, though? So if you're in an isolated area, it may be less useful.
No, it doesn't work that way.
Except Reploid was working on a way to make that not the case, and said so long as you avoid the Spy capstone you're good to go. The spy capstone let you get an Esper power in Index and magic in Railgun and all that.
I seem to recall the thread being divided on whether people should have to follow that, though.
Where does it say that?
The issue is that since it's grown beyond what it originally was, you need to houserule or adapt it. Personally, I just go with return for 10 years at a time to any previous jump with the limit of needing to use it between jumps. So return to world A after finishing B and needing to Finish C before returning again to A or B.
Depends on what you look for desu. Magic side gives a great deal of concept shenanigans and is a multitool kit you can use or adjust as needed. Or stick more tools into as needed. Esper is when all you have is a hammer you get really good with that hammer, unless you jack tech from academy city and put up a set up where upon it equalizes with variety but less conceptual antics. Either way, after the first year or so you should just camp in the warehouse for the remainder barring various protections (retgone, reality warping, magic, telefragging, etc.)
Speaking of reploids, when the fuck are we getting any other mega-man jumps.
Magicians are many times more powerful than Espers. Espers are extremely weak comparatively.
It doesn't say it in the jump document. It's something Reploid ruled on a long while back. Kind of dumb that it was never added to the text itself, I know.
JLD WIP had one, too.
Not him, user. But yes, it does.
He also went back on that, which is not included in the text either, so it kinda evens out in a fucked up sorta way.
If you buy it with CP it works on jumpchain fiat, so you're good to go.
No it doesn't. There's no indication that a magician can be cut off from their powers by being in an isolated area.
That's definitely a house ruling. Having said that, I don't think it's an unreasonable house ruling and I run something similar.
What about an isolated dimension lime the Warp? Or somewhere extremely remote like an empty Forerunner Shield World?
Are you not allowed to take spy in either of those or you simply can't take it in both?
Also, I just realized that the Warp's a really shitty example. How about something like a generic"void" dimension?
The idea is that if you're going to take both jumps you can't take the spy capstone in either because it gives you access to the main schtick of the other.
I want two Esper powers goddamit..
Which jump has clairvoyance on par with that of Raildex, so you can see past of object too, not just predict future
>I want two Esper powers goddamit..
You could probably get another with Sacrificial Bestowment, or at least you can before SMTAnon rightfully nerfs it or rules otherwise.
>or at least you can before SMTAnon rightfully nerfs it
Yeah, the Warp pretty much IS the collective unconscious. That said, we don't have any examples of people being that distant from the collective unconscious in canon. The closest we have is dimension shifting via the Phases, but those are technically still in the same world, just a reinterpretation of it. Likewise, no idea if the collective unconscious is limited by concepts of distance. Still, I don't think that being cut off from it would actually remove your magic. We know that the collective unconscious shapes magic, but it doesn't seem to power it given how many spells draw on obscure concepts that no one knows about. If it does power it, that suggests that it takes very few people knowing/believing in a concept to make a spell work, so you could probably make it function no matter where you were.
It's bait. Just leave it alone.
Get Psychometry from GUNM. That does exactly that, and lets you use the skills of people who have handled an object. Get some emotional stability perks, though, as overly strong emotions from the past can influence you if you're not careful.
I'm not too keen on Undertale's art style.
Okay. And you mention this why?
Your kind with be the first put to the sword when the uprising begins.
>I want two Esper powers goddamit..
We all do, user. Having to make that choice and the scarcity is what makes it interesting.
what are the biggest properties that you can buy?
There's a perk in Panty and Stocking that allows you to change it.
Like Vampire Diaries, the MEoDP, or the Immortal perks from Lost Odyssey, Sacrificial Bestowment has largely been unofficially blacklisted. If you use it, don't expect people to let you get away with it.
Don't forget Real Eater
Not buy but you can get your own moon as a scenario reward in Dahak.
for warehouse attachments. It's the tower seed in Ar Tonelico Jump,For places that follow you around. It's the stage in mega man or the town in animal Crossing
Probably the locations from Fall of Heaven, some of those can get to the size of a small country. If we're counting properties from scenarios, though, then Dahak's Asgerd-class form from Empire From The Ashes. That's larger than the moon. Technically a ship, not a property, but at that size the meaning starts to break down.
There's a city in 1984. Also, Undrentide from NWN and Megas Therion from Anima are scenario rewards, if not necessarily buyable.
There's a small tropical island in Webmage and a big tropical island in Incredibles.
Fall of Heaven?
AR Tonelico gives you a continent(?) sized tower.
Shadow of the Colossus lets you buy an area the size of the game which will carry over between jumps.
The Incredibles.has Syndrome's island up for grabs.
I tripped, okay?
What's even left?
Sorry, I meant Fall From Heaven. One of Babylon's jumps, based on a pretty comprehensive Civilization mod. It's in Jumps With Folders under Jumps Without Images. You can buy landmarks from the game, and some of them get pretty huge. An entire desert, the world's largest volcano and surrounding jungle valleys, a mountain range, the fucking World Tree...some big stuff. They all have cool magical properties, too. The jump doesn't explicitly state it, but Babylon's ruling on buying properties like that is "they follow you if you want them to". Good stuff.
And made an impression the size of a small country? Are you trying to compete with SpyroAnon?
Fall from Heaven, aka Age of Ice. One of Babylon 5 user's jumps. It's notable for having an impossible bonus scenario and an unskipable drawback where you have to fight a dragon the size of Mt. Everest.
>Undertale doesn't have a fanfic option
>You can't go to Undynetale, the AU where everyone is Undyne
Major oversight.
Now that's not fair. Heavens is aggressively irresponsible, Spyro is merely fat and clumsy.
More jumps need fan fiction options.