It's time for a good old fashioned bad OC thread. Post bad OCs and cringe rollplay here. I'll start.
It's time for a good old fashioned bad OC thread. Post bad OCs and cringe rollplay here. I'll start
this one is laid on a bit too heavy and seems fake
This is my last one for now. I'll pick up later.
posting a personal favorite
Stop. Stop-! Please god STOP! These are starting to cause me actual physical pain to read!
I mean what the fuck even IS this massive wallotext? Can a man get a fucking line break here?! Maybe an indentation or a paragraph?!
God I wanna push it into a vat of molten fucking steel, Terminator-style. Immortalperfectsnowflake your way out of THAT, cunt...
I gotta say, the art is passable.
Yeah its design is dumb, but they did a good job on the look.
Bonus points if you can tell whether this is unironic or not.
The font is too hard to read for it to be fake, if somebody did it bad on purpose they'd want people to read it. If somebody is honestly bad enough to write it like that then they'd also be bad enough to use that font.
Go to Google Images, input your name and add "the Hedgehog", then search
Go fuck yourself this is actually a thing.
Forget to include the image, or whatever the fuck this abomination is classed as.
>this post
no user
YOU are the cringe
tfw quinton the hedgehog just gets several pictures of silver
Really dodged a bullet there.
>This whole thread
I was hopeful but also cynical that I wouldn't get anything lel
Mine is less OP and more... stoner.
I'm not even saying this as an insult, but rather out of concern. You sound underaged. Whether you are or not, you should change how you write before a mod has the same thought and bans you.
I understand that biology goes out the window with fantasy settings but "healthier than blood?"
What the fuck does that even mean???
>Likes: Fighting
>Dislikes: Fighting
I couldn't help but lol
ding dong bannu, I know it's thanksgiving break but b2school
Steven Universe is an affront to all that is good in the world and should never have been allowed to exist.
>has four legs
The lore is pretty good tbqh mi familia.
The fanbase and most of the characters are pretty shit, however.
Two of the cringiest fandoms of all time, in one image.
Honestly, I rather enjoy the show. It's like anime. Some of it is good, but the fans ruin it for everyone.
Your example is rather inoffensive as far as SU OC goes.
If that's "inoffensive" show me some of the offensive stuff. My morbid curiosity has been piqued.
In the meantime, dumping cringe.
I honestly thought Veeky Forums would appreciate Undertale a lot more than it does. Taken at face value it's a pretty great exploration through a fairly interesting world (albeit somewhat surreal) again, the only part that really seems to offend Veeky Forums was the fanbase using weird genders.
Creepypasta fandom is an endless goldmine of cringe.
Well, first off, that OC seems designed to be a bitch. A sort of villain of the week for Steven to face. As far as terrible characters go, you could do far worse.
Like pic-related. Even has an iFunny mark so you just known it's shit.
Isn't this actually one of the PreCures?
based eons
Go on.
Cringiest was probably my own back when I did online roleplaying when I was...fuck...13 I think? I still have no idea what the fuck I was thinking at the time.
No matter what online freeform roleplay thing I did, I always played the exact same character. A ninja who used dual ninjaken, throwing stars, and the ability to teleport and manipulate fire. He was also immune to heat and fire as a result, but hated cold weather. He was also immortal and hundreds of years old, though the reason for it changed depending on the setting, and spent most of the time trying to find some way to end it so he can die. Sometimes when I felt extra edgy I also had him infected with some flesh-eating virus that was slowly eating away at him, forcing him to slowly cover himself up more and more, sometimes turning himself into a cyborg to keep himself mobile.
I feel like I still had some self-awareness of how dumb my character and constant spamming of him was back then, because one guy organized a big crossover RP with us playing 2-3 characters from other RPs, so I basically played 3 copies of the above character who were all in a constant state of being too busy out-edging each other to actually do anything useful.
Strangely enough, no one seemed to mind because I still wasn't even the biggest faggot on that site. There were some dumb shit like "well I stole your ability to hide, so I know your exact location despite you being 5 miles away" level shit.
Honorable mention goes to one guy who was literally invincible and undefeatable unless someone had a specific sword. The sword was his own, and his justification for it was "Well they're supposed to read my mind, figure out my sword is my weakness, then take it from me and use it to kill me." He was the only time I remember people outright telling someone to fuck off with their bullshit character.
It's okay. We all have to start somewhere.
Hkw dkes this not look gooda? I drew it so well. You have impugned my hnor.
Because no cringe thread would be complete without Homestuck.
>rainbow blood
Shit, typing that all up just made me remember.
The longest running roleplay I used the guy for, his main adversary was revealed to be himself from the future(unrecognized because of the aforementioned cyborging himself), after he became bitter, jaded, and long since given up hope of finding a way to die.
His main goal was basically going back and attacking himself, hoping he'll eventually do something to trigger a time paradox that would finally erase him from existence completely, finding oblivion preferable to what he was currently going through.
You know it's some good cringe when you can't read the font
Alright. I'd actually argue that Turquoise is an example of a good character. Why? Because we hate her, and that seems to be the point. The misconception is that you assume you're supposed to like this character because it's a Tumblr character. Nah. I actually commend the artist for deliberately giving that impression.
Now, when they're a blatant self-insert, that's where it goes to shit.(pic-related)
I'm having flashbacks to the fic where Nadal got Federer pregnant.
Assassin's Creed is an unexpected gold mine.
Have fun with littlefootxcera, AKA underage dinosaur sex.
I'm not even going to click on that link. Just the mere concept is enough to cause insufferable amounts of rage.
I see.
Ebony Dark'ness Dementia Raven Way, aka Tara tata gilesbie xxxbloodyrists666xxx, is that you?
How could a merciful god allow something like this to exist?
And have some cringe from our very own Veeky Forums.
'Land Before Time: Littlefoot x Cera' is probably the worst fic ever written in a kids' continuum, rivaled only by 'Agony in Pink.' Events in this 35+ chapter WIP can be summarised thus:
Littlefoot and Cera randomly have sex and decide that that means they're in love.
Littlefoot's grandparents are, like, totally cool with the sex, but once Littlefoot and Cera reveal they're in love, it's a big freaking deal, apparently.
Ali from Journey Through the Mists (who, thanks to possession by Sue-wraith, is a total slut and a bigot to boot) turns up and decides she wants Littlefoot for herself.
The rest of the fic seems to revolve around Littlefoot, Ali, and Cera having sex and beating each other up.
Major departures from LBT canon are as follows:
Cera is a nymphomaniac.
Everyone talks like they're in a third rate, poorly translated sexual psychology textbook.
None of the characters have any character.
It's hugely biologically inaccurate, simply anatomically as well as several other things that won't be mentioned in this public (and accessible to younger people) forum.
There are random earthshakes constantly and many other geographical/geological charges.
>400 lbs
>only a little bit of a muffin top
Well, obviously when a 400lb girl makes muffins, she uses a single cake pan for the muffin. Talking about a different scale of muffin here.
Well, did he get it done?
perfect image.
>age 19
>mind is 2027
Huh, usually people reverse it. Not ironic.
who the fuck even liked that stuff?
40k fans make no sense to me
Does anyone remember that tumblr dedicated solely to cringy Transformers OCs? They had a multi-part series on some really shit one.
If you guys are interested, I can post some highlights of my shitty OC that I made when I was a stupid middle school kid.
Nah, game didnt go on veyr long after I pulled that reveal
Do it.
It even looks like it was drawn by autists.
Is there some sort of legal way to absolve yourself of everything you've ever made or written before the age of 20?
>OC is an edgy smartass fantasy assassin with black, scruffy hair and multicolored eyes.
>Not heterochromia but eye color changing like a fucking mood ring.
>He's an orphan from the slums of a major city in the world. Parents are either dead or gone
>Becomes a candidate in some alchemical super soldier shit
>Gets *teleports behind you* powers
>also has tragic bullshit happen to him to give him insanity and a heavy drinking problem
>Wife dead, framed for murder, you get the picture
>at some point I started ripping off Assassins Creed with the level of parkour, hoods and knives.
>He also had a symbiotic relationship with the soul of a dragon.
I'm pretty sure that covers a lot of how bad it was.
Threads and comments like these make me nervous about mentioning my OC's in mixed company, honestly. I mean, I LIKE to think I've avoided the worst of this unholy dreck, but, grading scale.
Bones, a Diablo 2 style Necromancer, a very calm and rational administrator kind of guy, (the kind of Boss you don't hate with a little bit of the "Long-suffering Police Chief" from buddy-cop action movies.) Physical traits: picture Snoop Dogg or Ludacris about age 45-ish, with some greying hairs.
Cowboy: New WoD Mage who works as a cop in Texas. Obrimas and Free Council, a quarter Jewish whose Grandfather was also a mage, and he inherited the Colt M11911 pistol grandpa used to shoot Nazis...through their helmets...and the armor of the tanks they were sitting in when his magic gun lobotomized them. Redhead with a beard and mustache who enjoys playing up the 'hick' stereotype even though he's a bit smarter than he lets on. Likes screwing with his partner by using a spell that lets him listen to radio transmissions and phone conversations floating through the air, and thus NEVER having his police scanner on, but somehow always managing to get to crime scenes by 'coincidence'
These characters seem good to me. Why are you posting them in a terrible character thread?
He's probably just self-conscious of his writing ability. I have the same sort of problem.
Like that time I made a character that was supposed to be good at everything he did on paper, but he had a bunch of personal issues and had an overly high opinion of himself.
He was sort of a parody of the stereotypical hero who ended up turning into a stereotypical villain.
roaving gang of snakmen peopel
>i knock on the door
>it's me goku
This is either cringe or a fantastic shitpost.
>The world that doug lives in is one where humans coexist with furries and robots
Now I'm imagining a secret society of /r9k/ users who live in the shadows, silently cursing both the normies and the absolute freaks
Trips confirm.
Now, Daniel Dillon has a plan here. He didn't go with some OC bullshit, no, he went with the worst husband/father protagonist he could find in all of anime.
>vampire/werewolf prom girl acting angsty in her room.
>"Hey, it's me, Goku. I need to use your television because the latest uber-villain hasn't hijacked/appeared on the news yet, so I need someone to sit around and make semi-meaningless conversation with for the next thirty minutes until that happens. Also I'm going to eat all your food and generally ignore you until the last few episodes of the story Arc."
it's less about what Undertale is so much as what it represents
The illusion of choice within video games? A decent CYOA RPG?
Yeah, I know, you're all going to bring up Homestuck bullshit, and how Toby Fox is a Shill. Honestly, being of the more progressive members of Veeky Forums, I generally just ignore that kind of crap.
let me tell you, /jp/ does some crazy larping
Not the Steven Universe OC.
>tfw no rainbow onion-shield aura.