What does it do Veeky Forums?
What does it do Veeky Forums?
It fucks hard
It rubs the lotion on its skin or else it gets the hose again.
...Veeky Forums's still a blue board, right?
It gives me the weirdest boner.
Are you implying it holds its own hands?
Whatever the fuck it wants
It likes to party with Slaanesh on the weekends and Nurgle on the weekdays.
GM: [Rolls for anal circumference]
It goes fast and slaps ass.
>Gurps Biomancy character
Whoa, whoa. I wasn't thinking that kinky. Get your mind out of the gutter, man.
Nah, that would be the biomancer's pet snuffles.
Dies when you deal enough damage to it.
It teaches you how to love, user. How to love selflessly and make others feel wanted.
It is very good at hugs.
it fucks your shit right up
sex monster
How come almost every one of the replies is sex related? Are fa/tg/uys really that thirsty?
Nah. It's the last thing any sane person would ever desire to fuck.
We're not sane. We're Veeky Forums.
Meat engineer.
>Not getting sexually aroused by body horror
Get the hell out of /d/ lite, normalfriend. Your kind doesn't belong here after sundown.
Oy, i got bored so i found em a mate
Professional accountant, he/she/it is very good with managing your finances, keeping your records well organized, stock portfolio, savings and investments diversified and healthy.
, likes long walks along a beach, guys who can make her laugh, and absorbing biomass.
Post more of those, I need them for my Corruption Spawns!
Majored in communication and somewhat of a workaholic, has a stressful yet rewarding job in middle management for a small holding company. She absolutely loves interacting with old and new clients alike, striving to make their experience as positive and enjoyable as possible.
She meet at the local coffee shop and has been dating for 3 months. She hopes he is the one, tentacles crossed.
Pic Related
sure, i just found a bunch and cut out their backgrounds, ill post em
These two were playing around cause i just got photoshop
last one, i might add more tomorrow if i make any
do me a favor and don't be mad I'm just throwing my shit out here
Also updated version
Thanks man, those players won't know what hit them. Literally.
a couple doodles before I'm out, now with loads of tentacles.
best of luck on your game
>Whatever the fuck it wants
that second one looks like the mail man
I have stolen all of these for my game
Thank you OP for ruining my party's collective buttholes
I suddenly have an interest in gurps
What were you thinking of, user?
Underrated post.
Fucks whatever it wants.
two slam attacks, +7 to hit, 2d6+4
do you have a source for that pic
Came here to post this.