Filename Thread
And in memory of the last thread.
I found another video for the gellar field failure, but I don't know how to webm.
The part I'm talking about starts at :40 seconds.
The new season of Rick & Morty is looking great.
Congratulations, now it has nothing to do with Veeky Forums.
could use a better title...
I laughed.
?? What am I supposed to be noticing here?
That not only was the "chasm" completely bypassable, the place he was at was half a mile from a highway. The guy in the first half was a guy from a survivalist show, Bear Grylls.
It's high alright...
did he actually grilled bears? that's badass
... what the hell is this and where is it from?
Could be Kung Fury.
Kung Fury
Three immediate honest answers one with a direct link and no sarcastic bullshit, when did I stumble into bizzaro Veeky Forums?
Is that by the carbot guys?
Sometimes you just wanna see someone else enjoy stupid shit
I tell ya man, the times they are a changin.
>It's Russia dude
RIP sides
sauce ? i know they're about to slaughter the kids, but i don't even know what the rest of the story is about.
/a/ had to go back to school.
Goblin Slayer. The name says it all, really
>Kung Fury
>thinking the /a/ crack was about the movie, not about the bitching about sauce-giving
seems fun, i love me some inferior race genocide.
>Goblin Slayer is /pol/
Nice try, goblins.
Have one more.
how can you not have seen Kung fury?
Do you know what that robot was called? I'd like to watch the whole fight.
What's this from? These are great!
10/10 Would wear.
>doesn't explode at the end
9/10, bretty gud
>lower points don't match up
Triggers me every time, whoever made this could have made an effort
>Implying filename threads are ever Veeky Forums related.
>Mah legs ain't broke yet nigga
>Be Wizard in D&D
>Pumping AC because I'm a weak shit. Not like we're min-maxing so I can expend some levels for those proficiencies.
>19 AC when carrying shield.
Feels good man.
>Get smacked and still recieve damage
Feels bad man.
Devil Man
It got translated? Nice.
I'd watch that movie.
It was uploaded to sad panda just yesterday.
It's a shame how little of Rikose's works get translated. He's up there with Sindoll quality-wise.
Just search for "panda_girl" on sadpanda.
Shitty little rampbots killed this entire sport.
Or if it's not pining for the fjords, g.e-hentai.org/g/998084/fdd4443295/