Anons I watched a really fucking scary movie that I shouldn't have, can we please have a cute thread so I can sleep?
Anons I watched a really fucking scary movie that I shouldn't have, can we please have a cute thread so I can sleep?
Plz no. It was The Thing. I had no idea how much I hated body horror until I saw that movie. Just cute please.
I mean it was a really good movie but seriously fuck body horror.
Okay, I was the one that posted the poker room to be an ass, and that thing's terrifying.
I actually liked the poker room. Had a neat feel to it.
Swiggity swooty.
Veeky Forums's full of assholes, isn't it?
Go to /jp/ if you want moe nerd
we already have a cute thread though
In my defense, there's already a cute thread.
Apology things now.
Not if the Paladins of Snuggles have anything to say!
But what if I want Veeky Forums related cute stuff? Like elves?
lol. I think you're assuming that I'm the OP.
I'm not
I swear I looked for one but I missed here. Here, have an apology Lofn.
pick both
Both indeed.
>Veeky Forums related cute
>posts weeb elfs found on literally 6 other boards
So did he get an Xbox?
>Good 'ol Lofn
Have a pic of her grown up.
Guys, why doesn't MrCulexus show up any more? Did we scare him off? I know he still does Boone stuff on his DeviantArt, and I saw him on a Drawthread around three months back, but that was about it.
John Carpenter's, right?
Just rewatched that one, too. Really good movie.
You should read the short story that it's based on. It's more a scifi story that wears the trappings of horror, while John Carpenter's The Thing is a horror movie that wears the trappings of scifi. Also, it doesn't end nearly as badly for the characters as John Carpenter's does, even though a lot of people still die.
And the first black and white The Thing movie that came out turned into just another crappy monster movie with scifi trappings, like most crappy monster movies of that era.
And I think there's a short story called "The Things," which is John Carpenter's The Thing but written from the Thing's perspective, which is an interesting take on it.
Sounds neat. Like I said, it's not that I thought it was bad, but I really suddenly realized at the dog scene that I can't stand body horror. Almost completely.
Fuck man, nature has rules and The Thing broke a lot of them.
>parody of My Neighbor Totoro featuring Lofn
So who's gonna be her "younger sister" who first meets up with "Tyratoro?"
And I assume LIVVI the father is the one who'd end up getting sick as oppose to mommy Taldeer.
The moment where the Bennings-Thing screams still freaks me the fuck out to this day
That Tyrannid claw is hilarious.
1) Not Veeky Forums related.
2) You need to be 18+ to browse Veeky Forums.
Screw y'all! There was a request for qute, so cute there shall be! There can never be too much cute!
Cute dump incoming!
>Oh no! The post police are here!
Last time I checjed, 40k couldn't be more Veeky Forums
I got you covered, friend!
Look at that! Now we are getting somewhere!
>Last time I checjed, 40k couldn't be more Veeky Forums
You've lost me here.
I compliment a picture and you throw a bitchfit.
Your weird nocturnal chimera is inferior to my mighty beast!
Here you go OP
I am terirribly sorry! I missclicked the post I ment to respond to. It was ment for
Cute girl with cute skeleton
Shit, that one always gets me.
How is the poker room even scary? It's fucking hilarious. I guess if you don't know the context it could be confusing, but in no way are four dead guys playing poker when one of them doesn't even understand the purpose of poker scary.
I would a Saya.
Even without the perception dissonance
Im guessing you would not like the fly then.
I agree though great movie.
Closest i have to Veeky Forums related cute on my phone.
No wait im retarded thats /co/ related cute i had a moment of stupidity.
I read that Short Story. I think the title was actually something about lights.
The titular Thing pitied humanity because they were all separate consciousnesses instead a hive mind, and couldn't bear the thought of them being so lonely. The end of the short story implied that one of the two survivors (I forget which one) was indeed the Thing and escaped to study actual human culture and not a bunch of guys stranded on earth's frozen asshole.
This is the closest i have to Veeky Forums related cute.
>Char is the Emperor
I will never be able to unsee the Emperor wearing sunglasses in literally all situations.
Greetings from /cgl/.
the cutest I can go
The Thing is based on the classic short story "Who Goes There?" by John Campbell, who the Campbell award is named after.
> Last time I checjed, 40k couldn't be more Veeky Forums
Sooo... today I went to starbuck to get my Vanilla Latté (I can't live with the stuff), and when I entered, someone was ordering and telling the staff his name was Trump.
I. Was. So. Triggered.
So I really need you guys to post cute things ;) xxXxxXxxXxx luv guys
(Btw, it's okay, the image is from Warhammer 40k or something)
>daemons made of RAPE and LEMON JUICE
Always gets a chuckle out of me.
Of course he did, the contract is sealed.
>AGP picture.
Ok, that one was funny.
user he posted Lofn. Lofn is Veeky Forums. As such, anyone with any sense would assume that means the subject of the thread, that being cute pictures, is in relevance to Veeky Forums, as is Lofn.
Hang on a squig. Reading about Dark Heresy I found about the Verminspeakers, who are lonely Rogue Psykers who can tame animals on their own. That means that Lofn is like, a really powerfull example of them?
Do you think the game will be good Veeky Forums
If you ask him on deviantart he'll probably give you an answer. He's really cool about that kind of stuff.
I think its mostly that he has little drive to draw cultist chan except in rare moments now so he does not appear much knowing people just want nothing but more cultist.
Damn that's some detail.
At least give us the name of the movie that made you to wet yourself.
Maybe you should try watching something like Tokyo Gore Police, Vampire Girl vs Frankenstein Girl, Meatball Machine, Tetsuo, or Audition in an attempt to get yourself used to such materials.
Ah, ghostpuncher. A classic of the finest taste.
Is spooky and cute okay?
Obligatory reminder that any cute posted in this thread may in fact be the Thing in disguise.