Develop a campaign around this image

Develop a campaign around this image.

Develop a family with your daughter first

you play as the matron: an old guy with false teeth who has to look after a hostel of high school kids.
The campaign revolves around maintaining order, disciplining bad kids, making friends with good kids, doing night raids to make sure no kids are jumping out their windows to get up to no good, and bringing in the drug dog to make sure no one is smoking the reefer!

Oh, jeez, this seems like a lot of fun, actually. Maybe have some players be students, and have it have a competitive aspect? Or even multiple people keeping order.

Players are children who must escape from their orphanage after finding out it's sinister real purpose.

You play as a group of professional shitposters who have been hired by the Shadow Government to destroy Veeky Forums after their dark meme magic causes an eccentric billionaire to steal the White House from the Shadow Government's handpicked candidate. Your mission is to go to each board in turn and shitpost so hard and so aggressively that everyone leaves for another website.

The country the party enters is friendlier than most. Usually the guards are at least suspicious of travelers. Instead, the band of murderhobos is welcomed with open arms.

Seriously these guys are too fucking nice. They go to ridiculous lengths to ensure that your every moment spent there is absolutely perfect.

In fact, they look downright terrified at the idea of you becoming dissatisfied by your stay.

Their glorious leader (no, seriously, that's what they say every time they mention him) seems to be a source of desperate admiration for the people.

As in, they're desperate to make sure that everyone knows they admire him enough.

Of course, you could always just leave this bizarre place. They have no intention of forcing you to stay, and offer to expedite the process to the best of their abilities.

You won't do that, will you?

Remember, gentle adventurers, what curiosity killed.

Just as planned

Paranoia. Happiness is mandatory and you die because there are no good choices.

Friend computer is holding elections for "designated elected offic" which is placeholder god that never was finished. Not allowing friend computer to vote for you is treason because it shows a lack of trust in Friend Computer.

Winning ia also trwason and punishable by death as the position undermines Friend Computers authority.

You're investigating possible corruption between the Candidates who are all trying to lose but not commit treason by intentionally throwing the election.

No players are allowed to have the same political party. Any mention of political parties other than Friend Computer is evidence that you are a Russian apy or a revel and is punishable by death.

Lies are punishable by death.

You start the game by asking the players to state their party affiliation and kill any clones that answer anything besides supporting friend computer and allowing him to vote for them.

>Old guy

So you just don't know what words mean or are you dyslexic

>The Orphanage is secretly a slave ring in the guise of an Orphanage. Oh wait, that's normal Orphanages.

I like this idea, user, I'd play that game.

I get a good idur every now and then.

>PCs start in a slave ring where they're pitched against each other in gladiatorial combat for cheering crowds
>it's really an orphanage in disguise

To be fair it's less good version of the "magical kingdom" you see the main villain of "Witches Abroad" has created, where disney story tropes are enforced by a tyrannical dictator to the point that they publicly execute toy makers who don't tell little kids stories and there are laws about how fat and jolly cooks have to be

It's also something I came up with in 5 minutes using a picture of president-elect Trump. If it was good enough to stack up to something someone put thought into, then I'd be reconsidering my career.

>PCs start in a slave ring where they're pitched against each other in gladiatorial combat for cheering crowds
>the crowds are the real slaves

if you've lived at a hostel you'd know the person in charge is usually called the matron, even if its a guy.
Thats why its funny, especially if your matron is ex-police and now has a feminine job description.

Cyberpunk themed game. Could be done in 2020 or Shadowrun, though you'll probably have to shift around the lore. Not too much mind, just that rather than their being a straight up corporate council that runs the world they operate it through puppet governments. That's about to change though, as the Presidential candidate wants to pass a trade deal that effectively stops all governments from passing legislation that hampers the corporate cabal. They've even managed to get the opposition to put forth an unelectable candidate to oppose theirs.

It's your parties job to make him electable.

I want CTR to go and stay go

Sure, Paranoia! right?

Sounds like a regular visit to latveria


>PCs start in a slave ring where they're pitched against each other in gladiatorial combat for cheering crowds
>the stadium is a mimic who has been enslaved

>skyrim's civil war campaign.
>on one hand, the establishment empire that is unwittingly being manipulated by a sinister oligarchy
>oligarchy welcomes ulfric, as they see him an easy pushover
>stormcloaks want to make skyrim great again, but sometimes accidentally come off as racist. you're free to join though, regardless of race.
>ulfric is a loudmouth who literally shouts people to death
>imperial's "high queen" is weak and incapable of leading.

I think skyrim's storyline got it right.