Your wood is for the Emperor. It is holy.
> Help me to massacre this day.
Oh my God.
You're doing the Emperor's work, OP.
And thus begins the best song ever composed
>no salesmen
Tell my sides I'll miss them.
I truly wish there was more series like this. WH40k is so ripe for dark comedy.
Pat Mills always manages to surprise me in some way.
> That face in the last panel.
>his men praise him instead of the Emperor
Isn't that minor heresy?
Ciaphas Cain has a cult that's sanctioned. It seems that saints and heroes are okay, and I fucking DARE you to tell him that he is neither.
This is the most erection inducing rip n' tear bullshit I have seen in a long time.
Did... did he just cure Nurgle's Rot?
Better, it's Righteous vengence
I hope so, because I think I came.
My apologies, but I require sustenance. I shall return soon.
'Slaught is a hell of a drug.
This is literally Thirty-h's in visual form.
Sorry about that, let's get back into this!
Gave me a chance to make some lemonade.
Never forget your lemonade when reading things like this.