I want YOU to roll 1d10 for Regiment Classification.
Regiment Creation Thread
Rolled 2 (1d10)
Yay these things are best on the ground floor
>Imperial Guard: A true regiment, drilled and competent in their service.
d100 for Recruitment Criteria.
Rolled 78 (1d100)
Rolling for nobles
I got you, b.
Veeky Forums pls
Dice instructions in the sticky
>Imperial Guard: A true regiment, drilled and competent in their service.
>Gangers: They fought each other in the slums, now they fight a true enemy.
Give me a d10 for Nature of Recruitment.
Both of you report at once to the Regiment's Commissar for summary execution for failure to read the Traditional Fatguy's Uplifting Sticky.
Yes, but are there quoting instructions?
Let's DO THIS!
Apparently my mobile browser doesn't support email dice rolls.
Put it in the options field
Rolled 6 (1d10)
By the Emperor, I'm demoting this Regiment to Penal Legion.
Rolled 10 (1d10)
Apparently, we're double conscripts
Everychan doesn't actually have that. I might make a fork that's more Veeky Forums friendly.
>Imperial Guard
>Standard Conscription
d100 for Homeworld.
Rolled 39 (1d100)
>Imperial Guard
>Standard Conscription
>Feral World: They fight like wild animals in the Skyfather's name.
Feral Gangers = warring tribes?
d100 for Homeworld Terrain
Reportin' fe duty!
Feral gangers, very intriguing
Rolled 2 (1d10)
Ok, maybe if dice isn't capital?
Or, for some reason the planet's being rapidly industrialized, leading to packs of feral gangs running around with technology they don't understand.
Or it's a mad max wasteland. We wuz Digganobz and shit.
We Mad Max now?
I think we Mad max now
Rolled 79 (1d100)
Also, I think we were supposed to roll a dice at some point
We urban mad max now. Let's go with it.
>Imperial Guard
>Standard Conscription
>Feral World
We URBAN Mad Max now.
d100 for Regiment Core Units
Rolled 41 (1d100)
>Feral and urban
A relatively young imperial world that was rapidly urbanized but just a few generations ago was a feral wasteland
What's the difference between urban and hive anyway?
Rolled 93 (1d100)
Great, the Colonel's a psyker.
It's feels like we jumped from colonial times to the prohibition era.
With lasers.
Urban means it's more like a modern city. A hive is literally one big-ass city surrounded by wasteland, probably created by waste from the hive or exploitation of its resources.
I'm thinking more like colonized Africa where you have people who just a generation or two ago livrd in mud huts living in megacities
It was probably a feral world till the iom discovered someyhing valuable there
Or its location became.important as a trade hub due to a shift in warp storms
>Rolled 41 (1d100)
>>Feral and urban
>A relatively young imperial world that was rapidly urbanized but just a few generations ago was a feral wasteland
"And I saw a vision! A golden eagle, it was! Two heads, shiny and sleek! It rode at the fore of a powerful army! It called out to me, said unto me to spread its word! Its name is Emprah, its word is death! We are all chosen, brothers, chosen of the Emprah! We ride to war in his glorious name, we die and fight eternal on his command! For the Emprah and his Golden Throne!"
Why not go middle east then? Fits pretty well into that slot, with some villages still never seen a white man, and then you got dubai, richest place on the planet.
Taking both because fuck it.
>Imperial Guard
>Standard Conscription
>Feral World
>Core Units: Light Infantry, Siege
Not much for witnessing, though I could see a fetish for mortars. Foomp!
d10 Specialization
Light infantry. So, we're a bunch of guerillas that are still getting used to the whole "technology" thing.
Rolled 9 (1d10)
The seer has spoken! Praise The Eagle! Praise the Emprah!
Rolled 1 (1d10)
Are you referencing something? Way words are put together it reminds me of something...
My failure is complete.
Mad Max I assume
I make shit up as I go along. It's supposed to be in a similar vein to the weird psycho babbling that the warboys did in Fury Road, but intent is irrelevant to results.
>Light infantry AND siege
We're ISIS?
It was good, I dig it.
Prescience and/or Telepathy seems to be a theme as well, dubs always speaking of the psyker.
>Classification: Imperial Guard
>Recruitment Criteria: Standard Conscription Gangers
>Homeworld: Urban Feral World
>Core Units: Light Infantry, Siege
>Specialization: Guerilla Warfare.
d10 for Loyalty.
For the Emprah though.
I want to marry that Krieger!
Rolled 7 (1d10)
Emprah akbar! Emprah akbar!
We are literally IoM ISIS. Our world was recently rediscovered and we overthrew our peaceful government to establish an imperial theocracy and is now undergoing rapid urbanization
If we got low loyalty we would have been afghans paramilitary.
Does this mean I get multiple Emperor sanctioned terrorist waifus if I purge well enough?
can they look like ?
Space ISIS jokes aside we can totally have fun with guerilla siege warfare
Controlling enemy movement and supply chains not with hoarded of men but traps, explosives, tunnel networks and snipers
>Dub 9s
>Rolled 9
Praise the Emprah!
>Classification: Imperial Guard
>Recruitment Criteria: Standard Conscription Gangers
>Homeworld: Urban Feral World
>Core Units: Light Infantry, Siege
>Specialization: Guerilla Warfare.
>Loyalty: Undisciplined: Will follow the Emperor but don't expect them to bow to authority figures.
d100 for Special Equipment.
Sure, breeding more soldiers for the Emperor is an important duty
Rolled 17 (1d100)
I'd think we might follow someone who seems powerful enough in action rather than title.
This is actually turning out a bit like one of my homebrew regiments.
This pleases me.
Rolled 28 (1d100)
Haha yezss
We are literally the backwoods tribal yokels of our home planet bring space ISIS for the right to earn wives (women are in short supply in the desert and only the rich have them)
>Classification: Imperial Guard
>Recruitment Criteria: Standard Conscription Gangers
>Homeworld: Urban Feral World
>Core Units: Light Infantry, Siege
>Specialization: Guerilla Warfare
>Loyalty: Undisciplined
>Special Equipment: War Trophies
Just not skulls. Throne building is punishable by death.
d100 Regimental CREEEEEEEEEEED!
Rolled 20 (1d100)
>keep asking other regiments on the crusade how much to buy their women
>Women soldiers getting pissed just makes our dicks harder because the strong ones will breed better sons
Most women are in harems of rich men who control the poor. It's not a happy life. Domestic terrorism is extremely prevalent as the majority are crush by the minority and they're private military.
People are angry, the rich laugh and hide in guarded estates. Poor people don't get money, they get food tickets and press designated hovel's commonly run by fueding gangsters.
Just my take.
1st for finger or knuckle bones
Or the lower jaw
>Classification: Imperial Guard
>Recruitment Criteria: Standard Conscription Gangers
>Homeworld: Urban Feral World
>Core Units: Light Infantry, Siege
>Specialization: Guerilla Warfare
>Loyalty: Undisciplined
>Special Equipment: War Trophies
>For The Homeworld: This regiment's mission is to demonstrate the skill and steel of the homeworld to the rest of the Imperium.
Who likes us? d100
Rolled 96 (1d100)
Clean and large teeth would be symbols of power and wealth. Maybe jaw bones
>Engage in bitter guerilla wars with Ork kommandos over teef
>Refuse to be lead by anyone that hasn't collected a tooth of sufficient value.
It makes us especially effective against them.
We're motivated to take them teef.
The biggest toof leads.
>Regiment colors are a blueish purple due to high manganese garnet in the mineral table, meaning the Orks think we're sneaky
>Classification: Imperial Guard
>Recruitment Criteria: Standard Conscription Gangers
>Homeworld: Urban Feral World
>Core Units: Light Infantry, Siege
>Specialization: Guerilla Warfare
>Loyalty: Undisciplined
>Special Equipment: War Trophies
>Creed: For The Homeworld
>Allies: Rogue Trader Dynasty
Who do we hate?! d100
And since what the orks think is true, we're actually one of the sneakiest regiments in the Imperium.
>Rolled Orks (1dOrks)
Rolled 32 (1d100)
This better be orks
Rogue trader dynasty fits perfectly with our rough lore, we recently became a major trade hub due to them making many people very rich, and many more very poor, as our previously tribal society is dragged kicking and screaming into urbanization while ethnic divided continue to play a huge role in social strata and fueds
They love the Emprah for his shiny, shiny teeth. In their primitive statues and illustrations, the Emprah is a giant man with several wives, all of them have perfect white, straight teeth that are disproportionate to their faces. All of the people are smiling wider than any human could smile. To offworlders, this depiction is deeply unsettling and borderline heretical. The Ministorum is working to correct this deviation, but hasn't had time to fully bring them into line.
Maybe the Rogue Trader is trying to make the process as gentle as possible, since we're supposed to like him/her/it.
You mean ecclesiarchy
Pic related, a wealthy young noble
>3-31: Orks
>32-42: Eldar
I saw a 31 get rolled.
>Classification: Imperial Guard
>Recruitment Criteria: Standard Conscription Gangers
>Homeworld: Urban Feral World
>Core Units: Light Infantry, Siege
>Specialization: Guerilla Warfare
>Loyalty: Undisciplined
>Special Equipment: War Trophies
>Creed: For The Homeworld
>Allies: Rogue Trader Dynasty
>Enemies: Orks
1d100 for How much the Emperor loves us.
Addendum: our line soldiers have generally poor dental hygiene, but their high ranking officers and veteran soldiers sport dentures. Veterans pride themselves on making their own dentures from the teeth of their fiercest foes.
The rogue trader is our ally, politically and militarily, doesn't mean every foot slogger is gonna love them
But the fortunes of our world are inexorably tied to the dynasty
Rolled 78 (1d100)
He fuckin 'ates us.
Point of order, Eldar have VERY nice teeth
The 101st Imperial Fangs regiment
really liking this teeth/dentures idea, much more creative than space ISIS and suitably wacky and yet also believable
But ork teeth are bigger, so we got out of our way to pull them out. Since we walk around with a bunch of teeth on us, the orks go out of their way to try and catch us.
Rolled 303 (1d1000)
>Classification: Imperial Guard
>Recruitment Criteria: Standard Conscription Gangers
>Homeworld: Urban Feral World
>Core Units: Light Infantry, Siege
>Specialization: Guerilla Warfare
>Loyalty: Undisciplined
>Special Equipment: War Trophies
>Creed: For The Homeworld
>Allies: Rogue Trader Dynasty
>Enemies: Orks
>The Emperor thinks we're pretty cool, but still not Space Marines.
Rolling for Regimental number myself, recap of assembled fluff in next post.
The terrorism plays in because of urbanization and the upper class forcing down the poor to become pretty much slaves, so they fight back how they can, but teef is from the tribal days and go deep into the world's history, much more important.
>the rogue trader who "discovered" our world and made it a major trade hub, especially for our large supply of manganese and garnets happens to have a full grill of diamond studded gold teeth
>The tribes he made contact with have been elevated to positions of power and prestige and use their newfound influence to abuse their old tribal enemies, who make up the lower class, as is often the case when Colonials interfere with tribal/ethnically divided societies
It's less, we hate orks as orks reaaaaally hate us.
We love orks.
They have the best teef
Its a hate triangle. We hate the Orkz, who think we're summa da Orkiest 'Umies DAT dey evva seen, don't really care about Eldar beyond being fond of harvesting their teeth, which the Eldar find exceptionally barbaric and have vowed to crush the ones who would defile their race in such a manner.
The Eldar coming to us is very convenient. It means we don't have to look for those shiny knife-ear teef.