>ITT we discuss how fascist we are
Apparently 40k fans are nazis now
Other urls found in this thread:
>It all started when I saw a picture of Trump photoshopped to be the God-Emperor of Mankind.
Stopped reading there tbqh
I have to admit, I HAVE always been just a tiny bit concerned about how gung ho Veeky Forums gets about genocide.
oh god thats a beautiful sentence.
>The Mary Sue
The IoM may be fascist, but it only discriminates against beings who are literally not human, or part of their religion who also only discriminates against non humans and non believers.
The IoM, as a whole, wouldn't give the slightest of salted or unsalted fucks if you were a transgender homoromantic bisexual as long as you were still genetically human, went to church, and did your part to pay your planet's tithe.
Granted planets do tend to also have a say in things that are that irrelevant and the Astartes and SoB would only care for your biological sex. But really the point I'm making is that Imperium is rather free giving with it's fascist oppression and it is arguably necessary to survive in the 41st millenium.
Oh boy, this thread can only lead to great places, as 40k niggers, try to claim Veeky Forums as a whole cares about their shit.
>all the comments about muh female spess mehreens
I bet those dirty, shifty Eldar are behind these posts.
I said 40k fans not everyone on tg you dipshit
Well nobody forced you to join this thread.
Catholic Space Nazis
There is literally nothing objectively wrong with genocide.
Clearly the author doesn't understand what the point of satire is. And besides, the imperium is more like an oligarchy anyways
That's not satire though, it's just memeing. Kind of like shopping MAGA hats onto everything was too.
Literally /v/ tier
Liking 40k doesn't make you a fascist.
Obsessively posting nazi-glorifying threads, as many in Veeky Forums have done, kind of makes you a fascist.
Here's the other article
This cuck, I remember him arguing we needed to get rid of Slaanesh to make the game more friendly to children and women. And reading another comment somewhere that he stated we need "female" Space Marines. To me he strikes me as a hipster who is desperately trying to colonise and gentrify 40k, as they did vidya. Jokes on him however I don't know about you guys but I'm way to autistic to care about changing things for other peoples feelz.
There is literally nothing objectively wrong.
But there are many things subjectively wrong with genocide.
A lot of 40k fans are unironic Fascists.. Don't play with those guys, they are generally dicks. Eventually, if you stop talking to them, they stop coming to the LGS.
Fascism is white and based though
Who let you out of your containment board?
Reddit's two blocks down, lad.
Look m8, if you have something to say about 40k, that's all well and good here, but this is Veeky Forums not /pol/ Go home, you're drunk.
>A lot
>back to pol 5
How many of those reaction images do you have you cuck
>Back to Pol 5
Is this fascism as in the political ideology, of fascism as in they made a joke you didn't like and/or are too socially awkward to make their levity clear so they're literally Hitler?
Well, what do you think, boys and girls
(that's the joke)
One more, now...
>It annoys me when people I dislike share an appreciation for something I like,
Hahaha get bent
They know, they're just making a dumb article for clickbait. Discussing it is pointless.
Based on a load of bullshit, more like.
>has to cut off the bottom because it has a watermark on it
So low energy
t. gommie
I am an actual fascist and a big 40k fan.
So there's that.
I thought we all knew this already? No?
Anyone who takes 40k the least bit seriously is more retarded than /pol/ and /r9k/ combined. And that is some mollusk-tier levels of dumb right there.
>Together in Britain we have lit a flame that the ages shall not extinguish. Guard that sacred flame, my brother Blackshirts, until it illuminates Britain and lights again the paths of mankind.
I bet none showed him Age of Sigmar, new GW flagship.
Post something Veeky Forums related or go back to your quarantine.
>being this mad
I'm literally unironically lmaoing at your life right now
Typical fascist misdirection. You can't argue against Democracy and limited government, so you paint the opposition as communists, something you can easily tear down.
>Still not back on his containment board.
>You can't argue against Democracy
Except that it gives easy rise to any and all extremist movements
These memes are so weak
>make a meme
>back to pol 7
You don't actually belong here, friendo. Maybe you should go back to where you came from, friendo.
Go home /pol/ this isn't the platform for your unique brand of autism.
Are you able to speak in non-memes?
What can men do against such reckless faggotry?
>What can men do against such reckless faggotry?
You can either go back to /pol/ or bring up something Veeky Forums related.
>Except that it gives easy rise to any and all extremist movements
And gives people a recourse to abandon those movements if they don't work. Meanwhile, Fascism and Communism are themselves extremist movements, and when in power, they suppress all challenges to their status quo.
>make /pol/ bait thread
>fly into an autistic ragefit when you get /pol/ responses
Gee, who could have anticipated this?
>55 posts
>27 unique posters
You made this thread to post your autistic collection of "gb2 pol" collection, didn't you?
You do realise that constantly feeding these people responses is only making them stay and shitpost more, right?
The fact that you're using image macro generators really isn't helping your case, either.
That's not to mention that complaining about /pol/ isn't Veeky Forums either, when you could just report and move on.
Mods may be slow here, but they do tend to delete derailment attempts eventually, and chances are that engaging them means that you're going to get potentially banned alongside them.
I probably will too, but it's worth it if you don't pull this dumb shit again as a consequence.
wtf do we have 2 fucking threads here about the same /pol/ bullshit. there's also the exact same thread on pol. stop shitspamming our noble board, faggots. MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOODS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
See You can't really call it derailing when the entire thread is /pol/ bait and most likely spam, seeing how often it pops up
>tried to throw the Jews out of London
>got BTFO by the Dockworkers
>You started this thread
I'm genuinely curious as to why you think I started this thread, also as to why you haven't gone back to your shitty home.
I'm giving him the benefit of the doubt and assuming he's just new, not the shitposting OP.
The biggest problem with new people is the fact that they think they have some cyber ego to defend, and if they don't keep responding they "lose", or the other poster "wins", which leads to dumbasses going back and forth, achieving nothing, and leading to a cancerous polyp of a thread, when one side simply not responding would have cut the problem at the root. Pic somewhat related
If he is OP, I don't think I need to mention that he's a colossal faggot, and he's probably aware of that himself.
Based Trump trolling libs and making them beg for their safe spaces
>The biggest problem with new people is the fact that they think they have some cyber ego to defend, and if they don't keep responding they "lose", or the other poster "wins", which leads to dumbasses going back and forth, achieving nothing, and leading to a cancerous polyp of a thread,
Implying this thread wasn't doomed to being a cancerous polyp of a thread from the get-go, destined to be cleaned by the janitors before sage.
>Discussing anything SJW shit wrote
Why all the "gb2/pol/" spam? I read a long ass thread about the EM Drive last night, literally no one said "this is Veeky Forums, go back to your home". Personally, I think that this thread is more Veeky Forums related than the EM drive is, because it is actually about Veeky Forums stuff and Veeky Forums people.
I don't like making posts like these but I am genuinely confused as to why the spam.
>gamergate, hatred of women
they just lost all credibility
Because OP needs his daily dose of (You)s
why doesn't he just watch some dragonball then?
>tfw communist