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Gee. Thanks /pol/lacks.
WH40k has always been a meme thing, ever since WH40K Friday and "HERESY!!!!" spam on /b/.
OP you fuckboy cunt, stop giving them clicks.
"it annoys me when people I dislike like something I like"
For starters disliking people just because of their choice of president is fucking retarded.
Then disliking something just because someone you dislike likes it is even more retarded.
This is going by that screenshot cause fuck clicking that link, if someone wants to mirror it somewhere I might read it but really the screenshot is enough.
/pol/ ruins everything it forces itself in, but just as SJWs have been unable to penetrate and spoil 40k /pol/beards have been unable to penetrate and spoil 40k
The Trump memes aren't taken seriously by the fandom. I've never seen a serious post here of someone claiming Trump is a God-Emperor.
>people are confused about internet memes
This is why the term "normie" exists.
>Implying people who make stupid decisions for president and feel the need to show it off to everyone shouldn't be disliked
This, /pol/ is cut from the same cloth as sjw's but likes to pretend it's not
Stop making this thread every few hours. Saged, reported, called the police
It's almost like we already have four of these threads up RIGHT NOW.
Congratulations, OP. You did exactly what they wanted you to do.
But half the people who use that image don't even play Warhammer...
Nobody cares what that rape apologist/pedo-defender site says.
>"Oh no, people disagree with me! How could they?! I'll just call them fascist, that'll show 'em!"
>Supporting someone who leans towards facism doesn't make you a facist
>leans towards fascism
Saying mean things doesn't equal fascism, boyo, grow a thicker skin.
Stop talking about politic theory, amerilard
>vote Slaanesh
>get butthurt when people call you a heretic
Threatening to prosecute people who speak against them and alluding to disappearing people does.
I predict that some 40k fans will choose to think that this is referring to them, choose to be offended by its "stupid" assumptions, and choose to "jokingly" harass the people behind it as punishment for insulting them.
>he really does think that saying mean things equals fascim
It looks like a facist and sounds like a facist, is it a facist?
possibly not, some people like the ideas of facism and Trump is a populist ready to say anything to please his audience
>Entire campaign by a populist leader who's strength is their charisma is on the platform of being a strong leader, who can achieve nationalist goals, and strengthen the nation's armies and calls back to a time when the nation's culture was "purer and better" (MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN)
>Advocates protectionism, use of force against those declared to be enemies of the nation regardless of previous designations, states openly that he thinks liberal democracy has failed the people, and various other hallmarks of the fascist ideology
>But he's totally not leaning towards fascism and if you think so you are a crybaby
>it looks like a fascist
>sounds like a fascist
>is it a facist?
Nah, you're just getting fear mongered like a bitch
I wish Trump was Slaanesh. We'd actually have freedom for once. Every cancerous killjoy on both the conservative and liberal sides will be killed off. Every recreational drug would be legal. Media censorship that might "hurt feelings" is going to disappear. It's going to be fucking great.
>40k fans are fascist
I can believe a lot of them are. I say this as someone who has been a 40k fan for most of my life. On the surface level 40k glorifies a lot of fascist themes. The irony here is that the Imperium has become exactly what the Emperor did NOT want for the future of mankind and a general shithole to boot. So it's not exactly the full throated endorsement it seems at a glance. I think it's pretty typical of a lot of British scifi in that way. 2000 AD for example.
You haven't been paying attention to his actual policy proposals then.
Wow, that's such a great argument, you sure convinced me with those witty insults.
>the president who puts the interests of his country and his people above all else
>"He must be a bad guy and a fscist, because the media said so!"
adjective: mean; comparative adjective: meaner; superlative adjective: meanest
unkind, spiteful, or unfair.
noun: threat; plural noun: threats
a statement of an intention to inflict pain, injury, damage, or other hostile action on someone in retribution for something done or not done.
Most 40k fans aren't fascist. Few have a real comprehension of what real fascism is and how shit their lives would be under it. /pol/ posters certainly have no idea
Most 40k fans are man-children though and they'll say edgy shit to feel badass. That the crux of the Trump/right wing stuff in the fandom
we paid a great deal of attention to them, we just don't agree what every hammer & sickle SJW spouts about them to be true
Sound correct, what's the problem?
Oh so Hitler, Franco, Mussolini they all weren't fascists because they where serving their country's interests? Wow user thanks for fixing the horrible mistake historians and political scientists have been making for years user, you truly are a genius.
Your argument fails to address the arguments put forth by the poster you replied to. Please try to keep up.
provide a quote in context or crawl back under the rock you came from, faggot. anyway, if you dislike meanness, what are you doing here on Veeky Forums?
The Emperor is the shittiest leader in mankinds history, who's also a such a shitty father that his parenting caused the worst civil war in the history of mankind.
I find nothing wrong with putting thrumps face on that body.
>or crawl back under the rock you came from, faggot
this is mean
it is different from saying you want to force all muslims to wear a little crescent moon patch or sign up to a national registry
the first is a thing that any random asshole on Veeky Forums does, the second is a thing that Hitler did
As an extremely edgy manchild I take offense to the implication that I would support trump.
Fascism shares Nationalism’s belief that only ‘nations’ matter (and individual/actual people don’t) but completely rejects Liberalism and so hates individuality and all other non-national senses of identity. Fascism opposes equality between nations as it wants its own to either be the only one in existence or merely (the most) powerful, but has no set opinion on equality within its nation (let alone other nations). Fascism has no opinion on capitalism or economics and loves war because Fascism is about passion and national honor, not numbers and planning. Fascism may overlap with ‘race’ and ‘racial theory’ insofar as it defines who belongs to the nation, but not necessarily.
Maybe, but the emperor also loves you and all of humanity with the whole of his magnificent over sized heart. Can you, or trump or almost any other human on this earth say the same?
first sign that you're a moron. "populism" is a term used by the establishment to brand anything that is
a) popular enough to warrant attention
b) not part of establishment
in short, it's a bunch of assholes clinging to power you're championing.
define nationalist, faggot. in particular try to distinguish patriotism from nationalism. america first was always the creed of US politics, when push came to shove.
your invention
>other hallmarks of the fascist ideology
you have no clue about what fascism is. fyi, clinton's cozying with big banks and big business is far close to nationalsocialism than anything you have listed there. the road from crony capitalism to nationalsocialism is a short one.
tl;dr = you are dumb
Classically fascism is all about putting the interests of the state above those of the people. Usually a particular idealized state. That, in fact, is generally one of its most defining features.
again, you have been unable to delineate patriotism from nationalism. i could quote johannes rau to you but it would probably fly over your head.
let's face it: you're just a dumb little piece of chickenshit.
It seems all the Allies of the 1940s were "fascist" before we were enlightened by emotionally driven leftism.
Philosophically, it arises from a Continental Counter-Enlightenment philosophical context, influenced by such thinkers as J.G. Fichte, Martin Heidegger, and Georg Hegel. Its origins have some overlap with that of socialism, with Benito Mussolini (the proverbial father of fascism politically) being a former Marxist. Historically, its roots can be searched for in the ethos of stormtrooper formations of late World War I; many ex-soldiers carried on this spirit of aggression and elitism as they went on to dabble in extreme politics, among them Mussolini himself. Whereas Marx replaced Hegel’s “Zeitgeist” (or “spirit of the age”) with the prevailing economic system, fascists replace the zeitgeist with the spirit of the nation. Fascism argues for an organic conception of a nation with the State seen as the embodiment of the national spirit: as such, fascist regimes feature strong central governments which are authoritarian in nature. Individuals are seen, fundamentally, as products of the nation (similar to how Marxian “methodological collectivism” views individuals as products of their economic class) — hence, fascism requires a strong identification with nationality and national identity on the part of the people, rejecting all individualism or identification with economic class. Fascism often claims to represent the entire nation, subservient to the State and unified behind the Leader, undivided e.g. by class struggles; in the eyes of a fascist, a popular autocrat is a better representation of the people’s interests and desires than an elected parliament, which is viewed contemptuously as a den of immorality and ineffectual bickering. Given this stance, fascism is inherently undemocratic and autocratic.
I don't mind it, i'm just making a distinctions, as for source, I cannot be assed to dig around for half an hour and then get "unreliable source, leftist bias, shillary"
it's a school night, you know
Wow, they can't help but see EVERYTHING as racist, sexist and fascist, can they?
Also, SJWs can't take a joke. At all.
Will they be crying for ALL FOUR YEARS? That's not physically possible, is it? No one could be that whiny...right?
Yes, I love every human, even you, and that's why I want people to stop hate each other.
>this is mean
well, you earned it by opening your mouth and spouting publically BS without taking time for proper reflection prior to that.
>little crescent moon patch or sign up to a national registry
these are two different things though. the former opens you up for public abuse by anyone you meet on the street, the second only informs government agencies of your status.
and then let us talk about what muslims have done since 2001 to bring this down upon themselves. do we need to go through the list of terror attacks?
>inb4 not all muslims
yeah, not all muslims are terrorists. but the muslim mainstream thinking is so full of muslim supremacist ideology that the actual terror attacks are just the tip of the iceberg, you goddamn faggot.
did you never wonder why you (almost) never see muslim girls dating non-muslim guys?
>that's right, discrimination BY muslims
A lot of em were, they just got to write the history books. Churchill in particular had been a big admirer of many of the key members of the movement before war broke out and a good deal of the people who were in key positions in the military were strong nationalists bordering on the same beliefs
>B-but one side in the war is totally always good and totally opposed to the other side, that's why the Allies had no war crimes and never did anything bad
Strong national identification involves a veneration of not just the nation in abstract, but of practices seen as fundamental to national identity: this results in a reverence for tradition. Traditions are seen as important rituals that connect people to the national spirit. Furthermore, fascism tends to support social policy positions which are regarded as conservative or right-wing. However, these policy positions are conservative in the Oakeshottean sense of the term: they are considered the right policies because they are consistent with national traditions, rather than because of any pre-existing moral commitments. Indeed, to a fascist, a moral commitment that ‘pre-exists’ inside an individual’s mind independently of said individual's nationality is a ridiculous notion, as they believe individuals are ‘socially constructed’ by their nationality as was stated before. Many argue that ethical relativism (i.e. what is good for Nation X may not be good for Nation Y) is thus an integral part of fascism and a logical consequence of fascism’s belief in ‘national spirits.’ It should also be kept in mind, however, that while fascists do use reverence for tradition and national identity, those in themselves are not fascist.
It is also anti-liberal and anti-coseravtive, both of thos things that Trump opposes
I don't believe you.
That does not mean that fascism doesn’t have a system of ethics and values, however — instead, that system of ethics is rooted in concepts of struggle, power, and obedience. Typically this is expressed in the form of an extreme cultural militarism, with the military being an expression of the power and might of the State, and the mentality of eagerness and action for action’s sake.
The most infamous element of fascism is its support for Social Darwinism of various sorts. In Mussolini’s and Hitler’s regimes, a level of internal “creative tension” within the components of the nation was seen as beneficial in directing competitive desires towards the service of the State. Furthermore, Hitler's version of fascism (National Socialism, a.k.a. Nazism) combined this Social-Darwinist ethos with an institutional belief in white supremacy to posit an evolutionary struggle between various races. We all know where this led, so further elaboration is not necessary.
Things get more complicated when outlining fascist economics. Since fascism is used as an epithet and it is popularly believed that if Fascists did it, then it is bad, a long intellectual battle has been waged over how to characterize the economics of Fascism.
Typically, the term “corporatism” is used to describe fascist economics. It describes a situation wherein all the large privately-owned economic institutions (corporations, industry cartels and the like) are brought into collusion with the government and become part of the apparatus of the State’s economic planning. Additionally, private ownership and ability to do business become contingent on service to the State. Thus, while ownership of the means of production (the stuff used to produce other stuff) remains in private hands and continues to be operated with a for-profit objective, ultimate control is exercised by the State. Fascist governments also exercise further control over the economy via methods such as price-fixing.
Finally someone who understands at the the fundamentals of political ideologies. Yes, totalitarian fascism puts the (abstract idea of the) nation above individual rights, whereas totalitarian communism puts the well-being of the people above individual rights. Both are cases of 'the well-being of the many outweighs the well-being of the few'. In contrast to that, out western democracies aim at weighing both against each other, realizing that everyone suffers on the whole if individual rights are always subjugated.
The fascist economic system is in keeping with the ideology’s totalitarian nature, where no other institution can be allowed to rival the State in power and influence. This quality also leads to a hostility toward labor unions and other organised worker groups, with such institutions typically being repressed and dissolved. Mussolini’s Italy did in fact see the creation of new trade unions following the dissolution of the old ones: these new unions were owned and operated by the State, with very little advocacy on workers' behalf.
This system invites comparisons with many forms of state socialism, as both ideologies involve a centrally-planned economy with the State in control of the means of production. Although ownership remains private in the fascist system, many classical-liberal critiques of fascism have argued that “ownership without control” is a senseless, inherently illogical notion, and that fascism is economically indistinguishable from state socialism and therefore is a variant of state socialism. Still, even a cursory look at the two ideologies will demonstrate the radical differences in ethos, even if comparisons in actual outcome are legitimate.
Why shouldn't we register Muslims? Aren't all Islamic fundamentalists Muslims? I mean, given what's happened in Paris, in Orlando, and the vast tide swamping Europe, something needs to be done about the horde.
Marxist critiques of fascism, conversely, argue that fascism is a form of capitalism, in the sense of Marx’s initial definition of the term (see the “Marxism” subsection above). Despite being highly regimented and controlled by the State, fascist economies still have private ownership of industries by an upper class who make profit from the labor of workers; as profit still exists, the economy is still exploitative and thus a form of capitalism. Fascism is on the whole strongly anti-Marxist and anti-socialist, and the two ideologies are usually rivals in attempts to take power during crises like economic depressions — Marxism thus considers fascism to be at best a power play coming out of the petit bourgeois, and at worst little more than a group of violent thugs controlled by the capitalist class brought in as enforcers to defend the old order (and whether or not it acknowledges this status is regarded as irrelevant, since in practice they still end up defending capitalism).
However, ultimately economics in fascism is usually a secondary concern; they claim the “Third Position” on the issue between capitalist and communist.
It's boredom, like with fat people eating.
"The Establishment" is the new "Pathriarchy".
However, ultimately economics in fascism is usually a secondary concern; they claim the “Third Position” on the issue between capitalist and communist.
And all domestic terrists bought guns.
You do realize the Imperium of Man is intentionally portrayed as fascist, right?
And what is the difference buttmuch?
And all rapists men.
Sure, but the majority of domestic terrorists are Muslims. It's been true for the past ten years. School shootings and killing sprees are just a fact of life in America, but terrorist attacks are more-or-less committed solely by Muslims in the name of jihad.
Just think about it. What do we lose if we deport all of them? What does Europe lose if it turns the boats back?
Hell, Trump's been talking about just letting nature take it's course in Aleppo. Why not let the fucking Russians have it? Why fight against Assad to support ISIS? That's fucking stupid.
>so is communism
>everyone disagrees with the establishment must be a dangerous radical!
great argument fagtron, you surely convinced me with those hot opinions
On the surface, yes. The deeper you go, the more you realise that it is less about fascism and more about feudal mismanagement.
>force all muslims to wear a little crescent moon patch or sign up to a national registry
WTF, I love Trump now
Fair enough.
he said: a patriot merely loves his own motherland, while a nationalist despises that of others.
based on that, accusing trump of nationalism doesnt hold much water.
>What does Europe lose if it turns the boats back
The illusion of control
Wow that's terribly sexist. We need to start teaching women how to rape to get the gender ratio balanced. It's totally unfair that even in current year a female child can still go up to her mother and say " when I grow up I wanna be a rapist" only to be told that only men can rape. Why, why can't a woman who is equal in all ways to a man rape in two thousand an fucking six teen? Why!?
I like the fact that "Geez, it's CURRENT YEAR!" now means "Geez, you faggots, Trump is our president now! Stop being such a *liberal*."
again: muslim terrorism doesn't come from out of nowhere. it also doesnt come from the alleged bad treatment of the muslim world. muslim girls arent allowed to date non-muslims. this gets enforced by their fathers and brothers. and it is both RACIST and SEXIST in nature. the violence of jihadism is just the natural outflow of this everyday racism of the muslim mainstream.
> t. german, i know what i am talking about
So the only answer is to ban Islam completely, so it can't infect the new generation?
Jesus, Le Penn is right. So's the burka ban.
>Why not let the fucking Russians have it? Why fight against Assad to support ISIS? That's fucking stupid.
Now you realize that the whole point to the US' allies propping up ISIS was to weaken Assad and to drive out Russia from Syria. The USA has trying to get control over Russia ever since Putin took over. The US olligarchs want to expand into Russia and get control over Russian olligarchs.
And that's why being a member of the US military in 2016 equates to being a useful idiot. This may or may not change udner Trump.
>Why shouldn't we register Muslims?
What is the point of it? The only reason to do that would be to give some discriminatory treatment on the basis of religion, so the "it's just a registry, it doesn't directly affect them" argument wouldn't fly. If it were just to register them, it's a wast of valuable time, money, and effort. And if it's not, it's a violation of the American citizen's First Amendment rights.
Perhaps that may serve as a distinction in the mindset and motivation between the two, but that doesn't mean the two are functional different. What is the functional difference between a nationalist who wishes to see other nations destroyed, and a patriot who loves his country to the point where to see it succeed he doesn't care about tearing down other nations?
Love you anyway.
I would normally agree. But considering how shit the choices were I can't really fault anyone too badly.
You know the ones you claim made a "stupid" decision have all the guns and would inevitably win any faggot revolution you urban fuccbois tried, right?
There is literally nothing objectively wrong about being racist or sexist inside a culture where it is acceptable.
Don't ban Islam, corrupt it, use social engineering to create a new strain of Islam that is in tune with western culture. One that supports assimilation and teaches a softer interpretation of the kuran that is conducive to western liberalism. Make sure those who know the old ways cannot cluster and form insular communities, force them to assimilate or forever be socially isolated. You know typical steps to enforce acculturation.
>t. SJW
>blame /pol/acks
>for feminist idiocy
Western radicals come from third generation immigrants who DO feel out of place being influence by preachers who were too radical for their homeland and so flee north and then get even MORE radical as now they also want to raze the moderate moslem governments that forced them out.
There are some people who are just toxic and short of death should be put on a island for ten years with farm implements and food enough for half of them.
Led the radicals, the supremacists and the incorrigible sociopaths work it out among one another.
Hell lets make a ultra leftists island too under the same premises.
I have a feeling they'd starve/murder the most in the end.
Assertion without substance.
First of all, just because you have weapons doesn't mean your decision wasn't stupid.
Second of all the people who have "all the guns" are the military (AKA not you) and rich collector fags (Again, not you). The people who would put down a revolution, would be the former (Once again, not you).
Jesus wept, does no-one on this planet understand satire and black comedy anymore?
God damn the salt this year has been strong.
But people have been complaining about The Establishment for longer than they have Patriarchy.
That's what the article is about.
How is that black comedy? I really don't get it.
That was the prelude. It has only began.