Drawthread: Of All the Deliveries In the World

Last episode Requesters:
>Provide good, detailed references (pictures are better than verbal descriptions), so the artists know what you're looking for.
>Hold off on additional requests after receiving a delivery from an artist, be mindful of the other requests that might deserve attention.
>Bump your request only after 24 hours has passed, you may bump once every 24 hours after the first.
>If you're unsatisfied with your completed request, please wait a 2-3 threads or so to re-request it.
>Reminder that nobody is entitled to a delivery under any circumstances within these threads.
>Ignore the bait, you're better than this

Artists and Artists-to-Be:
>Feel free to drop your tumblrs/websites/commission/etc information, but:
>If you're dropping your commission info, consider filling a request beforehand instead of just advertising

Books and Tutorials:

Figure Drawing:

Beginners Guide to Drawing:

The w/ic/i art Guide:

Other urls found in this thread:


Can I get a hooded, horned kenku in a long tattered cloak, smoking a long eastern-style pipe, and rolling a coin in his other hand? He should have some body-wraps and bandaging under his cloak, gold and brass jewlery, a magical staff and handful of javelins on his back, and a veritable shitload of different exotic knifes strapped to his person in various ways.

Thanks dudesters.

I would like to once more request an updated picture of my Infernal Exalted. She's a Slayer-caste, which in Exalted means that she's usually supposed to be a close-combat monster. She has, however, chosen to focus more on Sorcery, and I would love to get her redrawn to represent that change.

She's the character in the center, with four major alterations: first, her armor has been shaped and reformed to be much more form-fitting, while still retaining the ornate look if at all possible. Second, her hair is now much, much longer, flowing out alongside the scraps of her tattered cloak.

Thirdly, she now wears a long, oriental-styled robe like the woman on the left, on top of her armor and beneath the cloak (I know someone else is asking for a woman wearing that, and I wanted to thank that user because his image is much nicer than the original reference I had for the robe). And finally, she is using the stave-artifact on the right, turning her greatsword into a massive sword-spear (the blade of the sword is roughly as long as the shaft of the staff).

Thank you in advance!

Requesting the male elf archer on the right patronizingly patting the head or cheeks if the female archer on the left, as the female archer's blushing and puffing her face angrily.

Anyone want to do something 40k related?

If so, could I get a planetary Defense force soldier looking a bit disheveled, anxious, and inexperienced? Should look of half Asian/half Caucasian descent. Can be male or female, what ever the artist prefers.

Requesting my shadowrunner in gear.
He's a decently tall and, more than decently, buff farmboy turned combat adept. He wears a ballistics mask (Ref. 2) that ends right behind his elven ears, which lets his fucking gorgeous mane of dirty blond hair (Ref. 1) do what it does and bedazzle everyone.
He wears an chemically resistant high collard coat (Ref. 3) and an armor jacket (Ref. 4) under it, with sets of Securetech PPP armor covering his arms, legs, and vitals. Most of the armor and clothing are grey or grey-ish, while the coat is black.
From his belt, resting against his thighs, hangs two bandoliers with six grenades in each one, One with smoke grenades and one with stun, not that it matters much.
He's got a silenced Steyr TMP holstered at his hip, the spare magazines are kept in the coat, and a Claymore (Ref. 6) sheathed on his back. (Ref. 5) Also got a notebook and pencil in his coatpocket. You can't hack paper and it's less likely to shock you if the gremlins are about.

Migrating my request for a picture of my character, Carmin. She has fair skin, dark green eyes and unkempt shoulder-length blonde hair, that she keeps short in the front. She has a slender, fit frame, even though her outfit makes her look bulkier than she is from a distance.

Carmin’s color palette is rather heavy on the red. Her pants are made of dark, wine-red denim, with a row of black laces up the outsides. Her shirt is low-cut and tight-fitting, almost like a corset with three-quarter sleeves and a high collar, made out of bright red lacy fabric. On top of that she wears a long scarf of black lace, clasped at her throat with a large brooch depicting a crescent-moon-and-star design with a missing arm of the star. The ends of the scarf have heavy pendulum blades attached to the fabric.

On top of her clothes, Carmin wears ornate segmented gothic armor (references on the left). She wears greaves in place of boots, as well as a set of cuisses that only cover the front of her legs, held there by black laces such that they look like they’re part of her pants rather than being added on. On her arms she wears segmented pauldrons and vambraces, with partial gauntlets covering the back of her hands and forearms. Her armor is made of lacquered black steel, albeit trimmed and very heavily detailed in gold to the point where it is more golden than black.

Could a drawfriend please draw me an albino (blue eyes, pale skin, short white hair) half-giant (7-8 feet tall) zen archer (a monk archer basically, uses ki to alter his arrows).

Use pic related as a reference, but feel free to take some artistic liberties.

Requesting a drow fighter, reference picture is pretty straightforward with her, face hair like the top picture, clothing like the bottom left, and a longsword + shield like the bottom right. The shield picture is just to show the shape of the shield, it's just made of plain wood with some iron bands.

The only additional thing not in the reference would be a series of wide packs/pouches on her waist, which contain her healing supplies and tools.

Please and thank you.

Requesting the two characters in pic related bundled up in a soft blanket together holding a cup of hot chocolate with a peppermint stick in the hot chocolate.

Hey drawfriends
Requesting an older fellow, with dark hair that is showing signs of turning gray, and blue eyes wearing a sleeveless tunic, and shorts
He has mechanical arms and legs. They are very militaristic looking, like they were built for combat.
Hes sitting on a bed looking like he just had a bad nights sleep.


I'd like to have the girl on the left posing defensively, brandishing a pair of headphones/earbuds like a whip or flail, with the bird on the right hovering slightly above and behind her, perhaps with its wings bending around her protectively. If you're using color, having little wisps of green wind around the two of them would be great too. Thank you!

Repost from last thread:

Could someone make me an orky Aquila? The sort of thing a bunch of Blood Axes in a particularly symbiotic relationship with the Imperium might cart around?

Based on a previous thread, I'd like to request a picture of a new race that might be fun to include in a sci-fi game. They're essentially GREMLINS IN SPACE: a short, "ugly-cute" species of impish reptilians famous for their Kerbal-like enthusiasm for science and space-flight. This means that they're smart but short-sighted, skilled but reckless, and friendly but mistrusted. If I could get a picture of a male and female Gremlin pair (however you interpret that) wearing old-fashioned spacesuits, doing some ill-advised science, I would really appreciate it!

Requesting a male elf and a female human official tutoring or mentoring a pre-teen noble girl, as in both of them reading a few books and historical texts to her.

The human female official is wearing the uniform in the left and the male elf would look like the one in the right. The pre-teen noble girl is human by the way

Requesting Gotrek and Felix in Adventure Time style.

Jetstream sam in a more medival looking garb. Thanks to whatever drawanon takes this up!

Draw the woman in pic related on the left, with the same outfit, or an outfit in the same style, with weathered, dirty and torn clothes. minus the baby.

sitting on the back of the Creature (a "karkadann") on the bottom. If you like, you can redesign the creature somewhat, making it a little less bulky, but thats upon you. its supposed to look like a hybrid between a unicorn and a rhino.

place some provisions, some armory and other travel utensils on the creatures saddle,

the mask on the right should be worn visible on her belt. its supposed to be a trophy. not on her face, please.

The woman is missing one Arm thats hidden beneath an armsleeve, if you can't see it on the picture.

I could really use a pic for my Black Crusade character Gerhart Shiro, a Fleshshaper of Melancholia.

I think you had two fills

woops had to do some quick fixes


Every time something like this happens, I always end up trying to make a 'spot the differences!' game. All I've found is the hip pouch's dangling ring.

i had one, 6 threads ago, that wasn't really good.

whoops, i just looked it up, i haven't seen that some other drawfriend picked it up also, are you still around drawfriend? i didn't notice because i thought i was accidentally breaking the rules by rerequesting back then.

part of the dark blue overcoat is white, above her right hand (our left)
the ring
the white gap by the middle of her right arm was grey.

Nah it's because you're a faggot


I'm migrating my request here. This is for a book I'm putting on 1d4chan.

The character is a male Paladin Aasimar, with eyes the shade of the ones here, and armor and a weapon similar to the ones in the drawn picture. His hair is short, shoulder-length at the longest, and looks the same as the hair in this picture.

He's a tall guy, maybe 6'4", and very well-built. He's pale, muscular, and he has a small holy symbol in the shape of a circle, with an embossed pair of eyes with wings behind them.

I posted this last time you requested this, but then you never returned.
I hope you like it, I borrowed the composition a but.

Requesting this demon girl knight as a human, wearing a tank top and jeans shorts like on the reference, and practicing with the sword with a dummy.

Show me a good time, Jack!

Looks great! Thank you!

anchoring from last thread

I love it so much! could you just clip off half of one of his ears and have a huge bite scar on his neck? other than that thank you so much for revisiting it!


posting anchor for artist working on the shoot out with my elf cowgirl

Requesting this girl but without as much grease, looking very smug, and wearing timberland boots. (she stole them from a goblin with a New York accent)

Requesting a skating cavegirl.

Basically like the one in that manga page, but a bit taller, stronger, tougher.

She needs a weapon, and I like the look of that kind of axe, so there it is. But if any drawfag happened to have some kind of repressed fetish with knives or spears, I'm not at all opposed to including either.

She could be wearing Jane's costume from the first Weissmüller film. No lewds, please; no magical realm, thank you very much. It's just that I think is a really cool example of what the Hays Code did to all us.

Even more optional:
A few ritual tattoos would be a nice touch. But I'd like them to be small and simple. A dashes-and-dots marking on the chin, maybe some easy pattern on the thighs.
I've included a number of samples (one from ancient Egypt, the others are Berbers), to give some idea of what I have in mind.

Thanks for reading, have a nice day. In secta decii voluntates nostrae sunt.

Requesting my bard for a PF game.

He is a Vishkanya covered with tiny golden scales, patterned not unlike those of a serpent (willing to exclude the scales if its too much work.) He is clean shaven and has long, straight, black hair.

He dresses like a fancy pirate.

In our campaign the possession of weapons is illegal so he carries a large ornamental snake hoop on his waist, that actually conceals a hidden rapier folded inside of it. I don't necessarily need him wielding the blade.

Not quite what I was going for, but appreciated (the bird is supposed to be quite large, and wrapping around her). Thank you!

Should've said so.

I thought it was implicated, at least with the wing part, with the "wings bending around her protectively" bit, but I understand if that was unclear.

Kinda like reposting (though from a few months ago).

Athletic and prideful (slightly arrogant) martial artist in a fantasy setting, half Asian, short dark hair, 179 cm tall, 77 kg. Wears western trousers, boots and belt (also shirt), on top the upper part of a kimono (kimono jacket?) with floral pattern, short sleeves (around the elbow) and pulled back hood and a thick Asian/Middle Eastern belt with a buddhist prayer beads necklace, he traveled a fucking lot and his clothes look like a multicultural melting pot. Would be awesome if it were in a dynamic pose.

Many thanks in advance and thanks to the guy who made the sketch months ago.

Bumping my monk request.

Requesting a reformed changeling hedge witch for a fantasy inquisition game.

She has unrealistically long dark hair bound into a neat braid down to her waist, a young, clean face, and mismatched, gold and brown eyes. Her dress is modest, something similar to the one in the reference, with a pair of boots, and she carries a large apothecary bag with all her remedies and herbs in it. Around her neck is a symbol of Iomedae. Her familiar is a barn own, which she totes around in a cage since it's unseemly to let an animal free in the convent.

I hope this isn't too much, and thank you anyone who looks.

I don't like reworking so I started from scratch.

Requesting a male version of of the mechanical woman picture, wearing a fancy suit, reading from a large book.

If any drawfriend would like to help out, I'd like to get a pathfinder character of mine drawn, please and pre-emptive thank you to anyone kind enough to help!

Here's his character description from his sheet:

Khair is a short, skinny little man; nervous looking with short-cut black hair (often scorched) and bright brown eyes (often tired). He always seems nervous and worried; he only seems confident when he's working with his tools, where he really does know what he is doing and is not plagued by doubt. He prefers simple traveling clothes and a heavy pack with a number of pouches to store his goods and supplies in, and aside from heavy,

Attached is an example of his clothing, gauntlets, and the holy symbol of his faith, which I'd like displayed. His skin should be tanned--think arabic ethnicity. As far as pose, either him tinkering with some clockwork or standing around looking nervous would be wonderful. Any other questions, I am very willing to answer!

This Warlock is average in height, and on the slender side, opting to use magic and manipulation over brute force. Her skin is a dull golden color that shimmers slightly in intense light. Bright silver eyes match bright silver hair which is pulled back into a tight bun for easy concealment, which uncovers pointed ears. Usually Alenia covers as much of her body with clothing as possible to conceal her race, donning a hood and mask to cover up her features.

Aasimar Warlock for a 5e game I'm joining.
Thanks in advance is anyone draws this.

Posting an anchor. Thanks for the update last thread drawfriend, I didn't see it at first but I looks good!

Requesting a chaos rogue trader.

He wears a (black) coat such as the related pic, but with a chaos star in place of an Aquila and 'skull epaulettes'.

He is a middle aged man with long, tousled grey hair.

His mouth constantly bleeds mercury and a foot-long, silver, pointed tongue probes the air.

He is standing beside a mirror, but his reflection looks at the viewer OR in the alternative, if he casts multiple shadows, each one in a different position.

Thanks for reading

Bite scars are weird to do, hopefully it looks good.

Requesting a daemonette fighting a night goblin

Perfect! thank you so so much!

also some members of my group would love some pictures, do you have a tumblr where I can contact you for commission prices?


Requesting this.

Requesting a Drow Street Samurai,

He has rather androgynous physique/looks often being mistaken for a girl, which usually pisses him off. Otherwise his personality is rather droll, often times coming off as bored or uninterested in events going on around him.

He wields a silenced sidearm (strapped on his right thigh), a chainsaw sword (strapped on his back, you can just draw this strapped on he doesn't need to currently be wielding it), and an assault rifle on a three point sling (sling is an optional item does not need to be drawn if it's too complex to add).

He is wearing a shoulder-less combat suit like in ref. Like all Drow he suffers from photophobia thus needs a pair of goggles to defuse the bright neon lights of the city (if these could be pulled up on his forehead like a bandana for pic that would be great).

I know there is allot here so let me know if you would like to draw him but want to omit certain parts. Otherwise thank you in advance.

Requesting a scene from a CofD game. Can I get both these characters walking through an abandoned subway, combat ready? The one on the left should have slightly darker skin, some stubble and holds his glock confidently, whereas the one on the right should be just a little shorter, blonde, and look like he's never used his m9 before in his life.

Migrating request:

Requesting art for my aasimar shadowdancer. Top left is reference of her outfit, picture should have mask pulled down around her neck and hood pulled back. Top right is her portrait. In the picture she should be wielding a matched pair of swords like the bottom image. Many thanks to all the artists.

This guy just doesn't quit - (You)'re special!

You've had at least two pix, asshat - fuck off!

Requesting a Slime pseudo druid shifter.
Basically a slime that morphs his form and uses bits of the terrain around him for armor and weapons.
The body is largely humanoid shaped with more mass located around where the hands/feet/ head would be with the body and limbs looking stretched.
For the armor i was thinking bits of ground and rocks but if an artist can think of something else cool then its up to them.
And the pose i was thinking of was on all 4's arms stretched out longer than legs getting ready to pounce.

My request is pretty simple, I just want one of the above trench guys with a lever action rifle, and wearing a breast plate.

repostan This is a big one but I need a rather spectacular final boss for my AdEva game (I fucked up and nerfed the MP Evas). What I want is an entity like the Beast of Revelation (dead center, bottom right) comprised of the body parts of the Mass Produced Evangelions (top and center, bottom and center). A description of the beast from the bible:

>Having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy

The horns and crowns are optional, but if you want you can use the spikes impaled in the head of the one MP-Eva (top and center) as a form of horns. I guess you could do halos for crowns if you must.

Since this is a mammoth request in of itself you don't have to do this next part, but I would seriously appreciate it. I want Armaros (top and left) on top of the beast, wings spread much like Satan on top of a similar beast in the famous page from Devilman (bottom left). Totally optional, but I would appreciate it.

Requesting an Empress Swashbuckler with a folding rapier she can keep hidden on a practical outfit

An Slav-y Ork from 40k popped out the commander's hatch of a Soviet Churchill III, wearing a stereotypical typical Slav outfit (Adidas tracksuit and possibly ushanka). And yelling something that'd be fitting for both an Ork and a Slav, like 'Waaaagh, cyka!' or something equally silly.

YUS! I figured no one was gonna draw it so I gave up.

Thank you so much for this!


Humbly requesting Inquisitors in the Stonecutter 'We do' position.

The 'Martian' is a gretchin, being cunning.

Thanks in advance.

Does it have to be for an RPG? I mean it might be but I'm not sure I'm going to use it yet. I was curious if someone would draw Jessica from Contagion. It's like a zombie survival computer game and she is my favorite character. She is so beautiful and sweet. I wish she was real so I could marry her. I'm almost 27 now and I've never kissed a girl but I would give my innocence to her instantly if she was real.

All that aside, I might be running a zombie apocalypse game soon because the only roleplayers I know are huge walking dead fans. So I would like to introduce her as an NPC but don't want to make it clear she's straight from contagion. I am also hestitant about introducing my waifu to the game. I don't want her to die. It fucks me up inside when she dies in the game, to the point I am scared to even play as her.

For how to draw her: I would love her drawn in a brown fleece hunting jacket, blue jeans, same blonde ponytail, with a scoped hunting rifle and maybe a hammer or ice pick or just Kabar knife as side weapon. Can be with or without zombies in the picture. I would love some lewd drawings of her but this is not the place to ask for that. I want her to look kinda like Andrea in the walking dead comics but not quite like her because rick is fucking her so she's not mine. But Jessica is mine. And I might use her as an NPC in a roleplaying game I may start soon. So thanks in advance.

Also if you need more reference pictures i have an imgur album with over 40 images of Jessica that I have scerenshotted and saved.


Thanks in advance to anyone who tries this.


God that's creepy.

Not OR, but that looks great.

Requesting an eldritch amagamation of humanoids


Yeah, I'm still around.

Is that good for the general composition of the piece? I wanted to know before I continued. If you want changes, now's the time to ask.


Any requests daddio's?

what sort of stuff do you like to draw?

Draw me a cute embarrassed skelly who's bashful 'cause she just got her makeup done and she thinks she's still ugly.

Robots n' shit

think you could draw me up this girl holding a big sci-fi canon?


Requesting spooky shopkeeper of spookiness.

A crack at my new D&D NPC would be incredibly cool if anyone feels like it.

She's a red wizard, a malevolent, mostly evil crew. Small and slender built young woman, ghost pale, bald headed, with glowing red alchemical tattoos all over her body.

She either wears a heavy hooded cloak with just her eerie face peering out, or absolutely nothing at all.

The idea is that her tattoos contain prepared major spells, and she must redo her tattoos as she performs them, with the spell or effect literally bursting from her flesh as she casts it.

I'll give it shot gimme a sec!

Requesting a girl with long straight white hair in some sort of fancy cocktail dress, with a tattoo similar to pic on the back of her hand?


This good?

This okay?

Repost from old thread

If I may, I would like to request some art for the tertiary big bad of my campaign.

What I would like, is a gaunt male figure with horrific burns all over his body, wearing a pair of dress pants and shoes. I’d like for the burns to be a mix of three refs in the top left, with exposed musculature and cracked rough flesh. I don’t really want any exposed bone or charred black skin, as the burn is extremely old and has been cleaned, so a rough leathery texture for the flesh akin to the doctor pointed out in the ref. I don’t really have a definite image for what his face would look like, so you can use your own discretion there, though I ask that he not have any hair to speak of. I’d like for his lips to be drawn back some from a tightening of the skin to expose his teeth slightly, similar to the burned zombies on the top left, but not quite as extreme.

On his waist I’d like two medical packs similar to the one shown on the waist of the soldier, one on either side of his belt. From one, a metal breathing tube leading from the pack up to a socket surgically implanted into his chest, just under the sternum. From the other, a series of IV’s running up his side, around his shoulder, then back down his arm, with the line being taped in several places to hold it in place.

If it helps any, the character is meant be an extremely old “Flawed Immortal” who has become the leader of a sort of Illuminati-esque organization.

I’ll leave any other small details I might have overlooked or that you feel would add to the character to your discretion. If you give it a shot, many thanks and try to enjoy yourself

What?? I'm going to use her for an RPG. Yeah she's from a video game but so are half the reference images here. Please. Pelase I just need to see her in a brown jacket and jeans with ah unting rifle, a nice picture of her I can keep with me. She is so beautiful. I think about her so much and I might be able to do a passable drawing of her myself but if I fuck it up I would be stuck with it, I can't rip up a drawing of jessica cause thatd be like ripping her up. And I can't think abotu that because it reminds me of the time I let her die in the game and I was fucked up inside for a week. Seriously anons please help me. Also it would help make my campaign better if I have art for it.

How is it creepy? Just because YOU don't understand love that is unconditional does not mean that others do not.


Can you do this please? A torso only image works too. Thanks

Damn, that was fast as hell! Very cool, thankyou!

Possibly tomorrow. I have to head to bed. Wake up at 3:30am for work Bad Times.

Take your time bro

Hey, anyone in need of a simple shoop, or maybe something coloured? I'm available for about half an hour.

Friend, that looks great. Many thanks.