So Veeky Forums has good Metroid threads. Not only is Samus a carrier of extinct bird-person DNA...

So Veeky Forums has good Metroid threads. Not only is Samus a carrier of extinct bird-person DNA, but she's also the last known carrier in the universe of Metroid(a world-ending parasite) genetic material. From a Queen Metroid, at that.

Going by 40k standards, would she be considered a xeno or allowed to live/operate freely with the amount of dangerous shit she has in her combined with her her maverick tendencies?

She'd basically be a Rogue Trader; weird and independent enough to operate outside the relatively arbitrary structure of the Imperium, only her trade is killing huge numbers of dangerous xenos single handedly for pay and then blowing up their homeworlds.

New xenos species on the frontier being ornery?
Send in Rogue Trader Aran, she's three separate extinctions under her belt already.

Yeah, probably considered a xeno by now. Don't forget the apparently partially biological power armor that is also, apparently, intrinsically linked with her nervous system.

>allowed to live/operate freely with the amount of dangerous shit she has in her combined with her her maverick tendencies
Well she blew up a space station against the direct wishes of her superiors who wanted to, essentially, try to militarize shapeshifting clones of her. That want to conquer the galaxy.

I don't think she'd get along terribly well with the Imperium. At best, they'd tell her to go on a mission on the opposite end of the galaxy and pray the walking exterminatus doesn't come back.


>Don't forget the apparently partially biological power armor that is also, apparently, intrinsically linked with her nervous system.

certainly sounds like tech heresy to me, that shit does not look sanctioned

So as the only creature left with Metroid bits, Samus is technically the Metroid Queen, right?


probably considered a dangerous mutant, given her genetic alterations which is highly illegal in the Imperium

not quite a xeno, but definitely not human either.

it really depends on how much it bothers the authorities, because other mutants are occasionally allowed to exist

she annihilates much more dangerous xenos and pirates, so I'd guess they might look the other way if push came to shove

Teeeeeeechnically, but that's splitting hairs.

But you know the Admech is oiling itself to get their hands on it.

That part is actually literally Space Marine power armor, so not really tech-heresy until they realize it's Xeno-tech.

Queen of what? It's kinda like saying Leia is a Princess.

The primary question is whether or not she's genetically stable enough to breed, since things that look a lot less human than her have already been sanctioned.

...any volunteers?

Queen in a biological sense, not in the cultural sense.

You idiot. For half of Veeky Forums, that just makes it hotter!

But she's already got Doomguy for that. Just, y'know, don't expect him to be a positive role model for the little guy/gal/mutant/hybrid alien/ half-demon(?).

Well, the Metroid DNA they spliced into her was the same DNA that was used the create a new Queen Metroid in Other M (as much as I hate to mention that game), so technically yes.

The Metroid DNA thing seemed to work in the same manner as retroviral gene therapy (they injected her with a "vaccine" that inserted sequences of Metroid DNA into her genome to make her immune to the X-parasite infection), so it probably wouldn't make her count as any less human than people who ahve had gene therapy. Also I think that retroviral DNA usually not transmitted to offspring or affect ability to breed (although sometimes they can, as significant part of human genome is actually bits of retrovirus DNA that rot passed on).
The alterations the Chozo made to her DNA were probably far more major, as they are suppsoed to have allowed her to live on a planet normally largely uninhabitable to humans and boosted her physical capabilities to above peak human levels.

In that case, being last has nothing to do with her being queen or not.

On some eusocial insects, any female worker has the potential to become a queen if the circumstances are right, but the queen emits pheromones that prevent it. If the queen dies, however, any surviving worker can turn into queens and start their own colonies.

Those fucking MAGPIES

Even if she wasn't allowed, I'd like to see the Imperium try to stop her.

From what I've gathered about her armor, it seems to be stored in her cells as code, and then manifests physically at her will. It's literally a part of her. That's why when the SA-X infected her, it was able to copy both her and her armor.

Basically, the Chozo were masters of technology in theor time, so I am 0% surprised that their tech can be stored within dna and go from code to energy to physical armor in 2 seconds flat.

The simple question of if she would be allowed to exist is actually easily awnsered by a certain organization: The one that includes crazy drug bombs, shape shifters that use alien blades, super snipers and blank abominations, aka, the Officio Assassinourium. Humanity can, and wil, make use of anything to help destroy its enemies. If the Callidus can alter its body into that of a xeno and stab xenos with a xeno blade, Samus will be fine.

how would you run a metroidvania themed adventure, Veeky Forums?

keep in mind that most of the area is mysterious and desolate, punctuated by strange architecture and machinery

A megadungeon?
With certain areas locked off that can only be unlocked with special items or abilities learned in the dungeon?

Not with D&D and derivatives. In fact, anything with a progression system not based on equipment probably wouldn't work too well. Otherwise you're likely getting a bunch of mcguffins to bypass points your normal abilities arbitrarily don't work on. If you have levels at all, they should be more about increasing numbers while the stuff you find handles utility and additional options in or out of combat.

As for the adventure itself, I think I'd run a horror game that eventually transitions into pure exploration. You start off weak and pitiful with no idea what's going on, the mere wildlife is a threat let alone the actual monsters, and it's clear from the outset something is horribly wrong. As you find abilities, though, you start being able to fight back and uncover the mystery. By the time you know what happened, you're in full adventure mode; stuff is still horrible, but you can deal with it now.

>Metroids are bugs

Yeah, the power armor is pseudo organic, particularly by the end of Fusion. And it's linked with her, so that she's the only one who can use it. It's pretty much a part of her body. She's stated to be a cyborg in old game manuals.

They seem to be based on bugs and dinosaurs to a degree.

Well, they have a "queen" which seems to be the onyl one laying eggs. Although I doubt that metroids are actually eusocial. Even in Metroid 2, where all the "evolved" forms of them, including the queen, are from, they seem more solitary. More likely the Chozo engineered them so that they would only have one reproducing female at a time to allow their number to be controlled more easily.

Isn't the SR-388 Metroid lifecycle caused by genetic tampering from the space pirates?

The series depicts numerous metroid offshoots (ex. hunter metroids, cold resistant metroids, phazon metroids) and pretty much all of them either come from a lab (usually space pirate, sometimes Federation). Plus the space pirates gleefully zap metroids with every energy source or radioactive substance they get their grubby claws on. Though some of the phazon metroids, like metroid prime, could be 'natural.' Some of them most definitely got coated in the glowing crap by the space pirates.

TL;DR: Metroids are weird.

There are some Metroid manga/doujin out there that explain the Metroid life cycle from the Chozo point of view. Not sure if they're considered canon, but the original life cycle is definitely not due to Space Pirates messing with them. They kind of evolved on their own after the Chozo got fucked, as far as I can recall. I could google this but I'm too fucking lazy.

Considering the Chozo originally created the Metroids specifically with SR-388 in mind /they were created to erradicate the extremely infectious parasitic lifeform found on the planet) and as far as I know the Pirates never went there (they got their first Metroids from raiding a Federation research vessel that had landed on the planet and brought some Metroids with them as samples), I think the Metroid "evolution" we see in M2 is their natural life-cycle.
It only seems to occur on SR-388, though, as in Fusion it was mentioned that the Federation could only get Metroids to metamorphose into the Alpha/Gamma/etc. forms in an environment that was a complere recreation of the conditions on the planet.
In other planets, Metroids stay in their larval form, and maybe eventually grow into the "hunter" form in Metroid Prime (which I believe was in the scans implied to be a natural stage in Metroid life cycle). The Pirates did a lot of experimenting with Metroids, primarily by injecting them with Phazon (injecting things with radioactive goop is kind of their go-to research method), which led to creation of all sorts of Metroid variants.

The SR-388 forms are their "natural" life cycle insofar as such a thing exists. Something about the SR-388 environment is what causes the metamorphoses, which is why the GFed was able to produce them in Fusion by mimicking the planet with Sector 1. Most other planets lack whatever triggers the growth, so Metroids on said planets stay in larval form and just get bigger. The "Super Metroid" of Zebes was experimented on by Space Pirates to an unknown degree. Outside of Phazon, the Space Pirates haven't really had much success in making different Metroid forms. All they can really do is clone a metric buttload.

Meanwhile Phazon causes different stages to develop because it's Phazon I ain't gotta explain shit.

All metroid manga conflicts with events presented in the games, though, so they're a dubious source of canon.

They can't really stop her.

It was the Zebese form that fused with Samus, though.

Then take my comments with a grain of salt.

The Zebes one was mutated by Space Pirates, so that might be why it was able to fuse somewhat with Samus.

It didn't really "fuse" with Samus, though its cells were used to make the Metroid Vaccine. Which doesn't really work like a vaccine but I digress. It was the Galactic Federation's doing in any case.

>needing to ask for a volunteer to breed with Samus

>Drains your energy
>Shoots you with an ice beam
>Plants morph-bombs on you

Well. Might be harder to volunteer than you think.

Wouldn't Samus be more comfortable with the Tau Empire? I mean, she spent most of her life living with bird-like aliens, and so maybe she would fit right in in a kroot world.

If you take Prime as canon, the Chozo actively practiced magic as well as science; a lot of the shit they got away with is because they were blending sorcery in with their technology and making it work.

>Chozo Arm Cannons switch beam types via hand gestures
>Spells require somatic components

Really makes you think.

The only thing hard will be people's erections.

It also neatly explains why the Pirates can't duplicate the Morph Ball and even how the "materializes through her willpower" thing works; sorcery, rather than science.

Based on the Prime logs, their attempts to dumplicate the morph ball literally consisted of outfitting test subjects with an armour that changed shape into a 1m-diameters sphere, predictably mangling and crushing the wearer in the process. Meanwhile, if you look at the morph ball model in the game, you can see that between the two halves of the sphere is a big glowing ball of energy. Pirates are kind of dumb.

Well, to be fair, how many pirate see the morph ball in action and survive?

My theory about the Morph Ball, and the suit in general, is it converts Samus's mass to energy while she wears it. This in turn could also explain her ridiculous proportions in the suit. She's not actually fully physically manifested when she wears it, and is integrated with the suit's circuitry.


Wasn't Prime just a Metroid that got picked as a Levithan's guardian, but ended up eating the leviathan's core?

How did they get so rekt again with all that bullshit at their fingertips?

This is now my headcanon.

They genetically modified themselves to be pacifists. It's the same reason Samus was the first "chozo" to choose the warrior path in so long, as all the chozo had an innate aversion to (at least directly) cause harm.

Apparently she didn't get those genes.

Off the top of my head? Assorted natural disasters wrecking planets they were living on - Prime 1 has the Chozo Colony on Tallon IV being wiped out by Phazon corruption of the environment - culminating in Mother Brain going renegade, allying itself with the Space Pirates, and chasing them off of Zebes. I think actually they're believed mostly to have left the known regions of the galaxy and moved on simply because they were bored or something, I don't really know.

MP doesn't really make much sense. The Phazon meteor crashed onto the planet hundreds if not thousands of years ago, long before there were Metroids there. The Chozo lore you find seems to imply there was a creature ("the worm") inside it spreading Phazon, although they could've been talking metaphorically about Phazon itself (which is mentioned to be semi-sentient).

When the Pirates came to the planet sometime before or shortly after events of Metroid 1/Zero Mission, they brought Metroids with them.
In the Pirate logs in the original release it was mentioned they discovered MP while digging around the impact crater and captured it, and discovered that it was somewhat similar to Metroids (which is why they named it "Metroid Prime") and ate Phazon. Then it escaped, incorporated some Pirate weapons into its exoskeleton, and somehow ended up back in the crater. This caused a plothole since the impact crater is supposed to have been sealed with a force field (which the logs also mention the Pirates being unable to penetrate), which is why you need to collect the Chozo artefacts to turn the shield off before you can kill MP. So how did it get out and back in without anybody noticing? They retconned those Pirate logs in the EU version, as well as the later releases (such as the trilogy release for Wii), but that ended up causing other plotholes.

I'd otherwise say MP is a completely unrelated lifeform to Metroids that just happens to be similar enough that the Pirates drew connection between the two and named it after Metroids, but then there's Metroids in MP's lair and it spawns Metroids during the fight, so who knows what's up?

Also in MP3, on the Phazon planet you can see husks of the Leviathans' larval forms, which looks suspiciously like the shell of Metroid Prime's first form. No idea where does that fit in.

After so long being the dominant species in the galaxy, they decided that it was time for them to take a step back and let someone else take the wheel. Many of them ascended, and the rest of them became pacifists. They abandoned most of their tech and lived out the rest of their race's days as an old semi-druidic philosophers, guiding the younger races. The chozo who raised Samus were amongst the last in existence. Iirc, they trained her to be the last "chozo" warrior, a being to defend the galaxy in their absence.

I think the shells on Phaaze (which I recall having logs directly comparing them to Metroid Prime) could mean one of two things:

>There were metroids on Phaaze, and MP was their natural evolution, and thus the one of Tallon was likely sent with the leviathan
>Dark Samus brought the blueprint of its original form to grow an army of itself

As for the logs in MP1, the US and PAL versions had entirely different logs describing how the Pirates found Metroid Prime. I think the Trilogy rerelease made one version canon.

Ahh, if there's one thing I love about Veeky Forums, it's one of the few places I can talk about Metroid lore in detail and most of the people know what they're talking about. It's refreshing.

Found the relevant logs.

In the PAL release (and Trilogy rerelease), the log about the pirates finding Prime and outfitting it was replaced with the following:

>Impact Crater

Log 11.156.9

Investigations into a possible ingress point for the impact crater continue to meet with failure. The shield of strange energy that protects it is impermeable, and all attempts to tunnel past it have proved fruitless. Our continued futility in this matter is made all the more significant in light of the recent life form readings we've discovered emanating from deep within the crater. Analysis of the readings indicates that a massive creature is gestating there, absorbing enormous amounts of Phazon from the Phazon core at the heart of the impact crater. This discovery makes accessing the crater doubly important - not only will it open the door to the vast deposits of Phazon within, but it will also lead us to this creature, whatever it may be.

>The Phazon meteor crashed onto the planet hundreds if not thousands of years ago, long before there were Metroids there.

Retcons and stuff put the impact at either 50, 20, or an unspecified numbers of years prior. 20 makes the most sense due to that being around the time Chozo created Metroids.

>The Chozo lore you find seems to imply there was a creature ("the worm") inside it spreading Phazon

Prime 3 reveals that to be the Leviathan, the living creature inside all Phazon meteors. After impact they usually corrupt a local creature as a Guardian and then die, but it's implied the Metroid Prime ate and absorbed it.

It's possible (though unlikely, I admit) the Talon IV Chozo had their own Metroids with them and the Leviathan got one of those before the Cipher went up.

Wasn't her other dad a bonafide badass though? Grey Voice or something?

Yup. Iirc, he kicked Mother Brain's ass and fought Ridley, before Ridley killed him.

He was, but iirc it wasn't a genetic modification but a psionic one. In the Manga, Old Bird says that the Chozo created a mental block that causes them extreme pain when they even think about violence. Grey Voice had it too, but he didn't give a shit and fought both Mother Brain and Ridley despite the fact he was getting mindfucked by psychic agony the entire time.

So that's why Samus is a baddass. Her genetic dad was a based ass-kicker.

>Badass father
>Modified DNA to made her stronger than normal humans
>Trained by highly advanced bird people
>Gets a suit of powered armor that may be one of the most advances pieces of technology in the galaxy

Wasn't a draw user working on a pic of them awhile ago?

>Pirates are kind of dumb.

Doomguy would make a great daddy, he has strong morals and would never let anyone harm his little baby, and if anyone did you know there would be hell to pay

The Zero Suit is the worst, and its increasing prominence over the years fuckin sucked.

All the stuff that is just workout gear looks so much better

>Suddenly remember being 13
>suddenly remember the idea of wanting to make a comic of Samus turning into a metroid due to metroid dna infusion

I honestly find Fusion really dumb and its plot bullshit a negative thing overall in relation to Samus

yeah, he's also making a new one because he wasn't happy with the old one. Here's hoping we can summon him

I didn't mind it, really. And the game was really fun.

I don't get the end. Was the interviewer a member of Samus's legion?

Mein Negro.

user, its inspired by a series of writefaggotries of the Blood Raven beings 'gifted' Bjorn of the Space Wolves, the oldest of all dreadnoughts, who is telling them this story


Sorry for the slow update. It's hard to find time between work and holiday commitments/birthdays.

I think she'd be considered an abhuman, at worst.

With baited breath

Hey user, thought you'd like that image in a bigger resolution

If Samus is part metriod now, does that mean she will slowly mutate over time? Metroids are highly mutagenic after all.

According to Sakamoto, when Samus absorbed the SA-X she reset her genetics. It's how she was able to use the ice beam.

It's not official until we get a new game, but you better hope he's not at the helm when it happens.

Not sure. But awhile ago I found this cool concept someone did of a metroid suit. Wish I could find the original artist to see if he/she finished it.

Has Sakamoto just gone senile? Why did the quality of Metroid games suddenly drop with Other M?

metroid is apparently not as popular in japan,especially prime because japs hate FPS games.


The Japanese have shit taste.

She would be welcomed by the Greater Good.

The American idea of 100% completion is "You explored and found everything."

The Japanese idea of 100% completion is "You did everything correctly."

It's a complete difference in their national outlooks.

>The American idea of 100% completion is "You explored and found everything."
>The Japanese idea of 100% completion is "You did everything correctly."
Care to go into more detail?

We wanna meet cool aliens to be bros with but we can't even figure out how the fucking Japanese work.

That's pretty much all there is. Americans love games in the same vein as the manifest destiny - head out there and explore. Sometimes you'll find cool stuff. You'll meet a lot of new people. The path you take is based on your choice and your choice alone. Multiple endings. Self imposed challenges. Sequence Breaking. That sort of thing.

Japanese games tend towards railroads. Made the "wrong" choice? BUT THOU MUST. Screw something up? Punishment by BAD END. You play the game and act as society expects you to act, and put aside your own personal feelings for the good of everyone else. The narrative is more concise and focused, and some argue deeper, but your own choice has nothing to do with it - you are doing only what you are supposed to do.

Alright, quick question. Which metroid game was the best, according to Veeky Forums?

I say Super Metroid for SNES, but Metroid 2 for Gameboy Color comes in a close second.

Metroid Prime series by far, followed by AM2R

Metroid Prime Trilogy, since it contains 3 of the best games ever made.

Barring that cop-out, Metroid Prime 1, because it is objectively one of the best games ever made.

But Metroid Prime was really shit.

If you ignore the bait, it will go away eventually.

I've only played Prime 2, but it was amazing, I loved its generic space pirate the most

Super Metroid.