There are currently around 40 generals on this board.
Can someone remind me why we kicked off quests again? Something about a lack of space right?
There are currently around 40 generals on this board.
Can someone remind me why we kicked off quests again? Something about a lack of space right?
There are currently around 40 discussions of traditional games on the traditional games board
Can someone remind me why we kicked out off topic threads again
Once again, it's first roast best roast
>There are currently around 40 generals on this board.
How is that bad... like... at all.
This means 40 Veeky Forums games that are being discussed.
It's not like 2008 where Veeky Forums might as well have been /DoW/, and it's not like 2015 where we were cluttered with so many goddamn quests that finding an actual Veeky Forums related thread required browsing the bottom five pages.
We're also no longer being cluttered up with rapid quest-posting and having actual Veeky Forums content fall off page 10 as a result.
Nope. Quarantine board is good news. It's pretty much the first five pages of Veeky Forums BEFORE the Quarantine, so people who want to talk about traditional games can talk about traditional games.
Since we have generals, we can talk about a LOT of traditional games, while still having room to make generalist threads to talk about gameplay experiences, players, and other cross-franchise stuff.
>Actual discussion
>Not only inside jokes and circlejerks
Good one.
There were 40 generals when we had quests.
Except then it was 40 generals, plus 25quests, and 10 misc quest like/related things.
Anyways the generals make it so we don't have a million "I'm new to [setting] how do I [x]" and "in [setting] is [lore] of [thing] conducive to [game play thing]" threads.
Damn nigga u saltier than a Clinton voter
Go back to your containment board.
The problem wasn't lack of space. Quests got bumped much more often than almost every general, meaning the first few pages were almost nothing but quests. This gave smaller generals almost no exposure to anybody that wasn't looking for them directly.
I can't speak for your generals, but when nobody's shitposting, we're always discussing something.
>Activity is bad if it's not in MY thread!
Come on what? I only come here to shitpost in /5eg/, but some people (I'm told) actually browse boards. For a thread to have visibility, it can't be knocked to page 10 by a bunch of rapidly-bumping quests.
Kill yourself questshit loser. End it.
This, and the rapid cycling of the quests often caused slower threads to be pushed off the board.
I'm pretty fucking sick of generals as well. I'm not coming here to open a general and scroll through a thread for content I want to find a thread with better content.
If rather be in a comfy and interesting topic about space marines with 20 replies then be in a w40k gen with 400 replies.
But generals are basically cults. Inside jokes get passed around, namefags are even accepted which is disgusting. They are cancer onto themselves. That's why I'm filtering them when I browse the catalogue. Im not here for updates in anything I just want to discuss things like they used to be.
I have the same opinion as everyone when it comes to quests. But I'm starting to hate generals to the same degree.
As much as I hate generals in general, at least they clearly mark themselves and can be easily filtered. It would be a lot easier to find the stuff on this board I care about if more threads would so simply label what they were about.
Yep, it's a sad fact that generals produce the exact sort of insular circlejerking cultures that anonymity is supposed to protect against, but they are on topic so there's not much that can be done. At least we can still post stuff outside the generals and get serious discussion.
That's certainly not common to all generals. I won't claim to know all of them, but the one I frequent does not suffer from the shit you describe. Also, while namefags are awful, why are inside jokes a problem? What's wrong with developing an online community?
Also, you're somewhat full of shit. The front page literally has only 3 generals, and only 1 of them is in the top 10.
>Also, while namefags are awful, why are inside jokes a problem? What's wrong with developing an online community?
You've developed a online community inside a online community, doing exactly what you accused quests of doing.
I very vividly remember the arguments that "having to read 10210 gorillion quest threads to understand is retarted".
The problem with quests is they never belongedon tg in the first place since a majority of then were non-tg stuff.
Generals are still on topicand easily marked as such stop they can be filtered easily, unlike the number of "in not putting quest in the title fuck you" assholes that started popping up.
It basically is common to all generals over time though.
>Inside jokes
>Online community
You are developing a subculture, which runs counter to a lot of the reasons people like Veeky Forums over more traditional forums. Once you start developing your own "community" it begins to alienate others who wish to use it. Instead of being a place where you can just jump into the conversation because you are anonymous and have your ideas considered the thread becomes more and more insular. Don't know an inside joke? Well it's obvious he's not one of us, don't explain for the newfag. Try to discuss something the small community has already decided on? Fat chance of having any conversation without getting called a troll, or having people say "oh you are so just [some guy from the thread] trolling again don't you know we already decided this.
We already have a community on this board, we don't need to fracture it into a smaller self referential cliques.
>waaah I can't shitpost in the 40k general they all tell me to lurk moar waaah
I've been a newfag myself and while the generals were filled with inside stuff they were still eager to help whenever I needed help. If you actually wanna be part of a general you need to learn the memes m8.
But quests are literally communal PnP games.
>Having to learn memes inside of a subculture on a online message board to communicate effectively
Cmon, you can do better then that.
It's like this user says, generals are fucking cancer because namefagging is prevalent, people love their inside jokes, and in general they go against what Veeky Forums is supposed to be - a place open for discussion.
Generals are less Veeky Forums related than quests were, user.
Back to your containment board.
But at no point in the history of Veeky Forums did quests take up 5 pages.
I think you are a liar, based on this lie you made.
Fuck off questfag and go to your containment board. You're LITERALLY as bad as /mlp/.
Nah, quests were on topic. Still would be, if it wasnt for newmoot.
>antiquest shitpostersmoving on to hate generals
>But quests are literally communal PnP games.
Not really. Mostly off topic original story donut steel that had nothing to do with tg.
Good point.
Let;s kill the generals.
user, thats an antiquestfag.
You can tell by how he is trying to get Veeky Forumsrelated things kicked out.
I'm so sorry that your general is not as good as Age of Sigmar general
>Nah, quests were on topic
General Defence Force reporting in!
Generals are great threads that bring lot's of good and original discussion to Veeky Forums.
They certainly don't bump slower threads further down the catalog.
Anyone who disagrees is a filthy questfag cuck shitposter /pol/ sockpuppet!
Nah, they were usually pnp games.
It is a shame that shitposters finally got listened to after eight years of breaking the rules.
/fwg/ > /AoSg/
>Shitposting loudly
So how were freeform storytelling on the internet fall under the preview of a "traditional games" who's number one rule "Board games, paper games, war games, card games, etc. go here!" [Note, for reference these things have two obvious things in common, one they are all games (where game means a system of rules and not just as something done for fun) and two they all happen to be about being rooted in not being originally or exclusively digital]
I thank you for admitting it at least.
Because the majority had systems and werent freeform, for one.
To be honest, the anti/pol/ shit pisses me off, because /pol/ views are the hot new thing, of course you'll see them everywhere, just like Star Wars or Harry Potter threads when a new movie drops.
Don't try to fight it, just get on with your life.
You misread, he was calling the (you) shitposter a shitposter because he posted a shitpost.
Please go back to intended board for you. Thank and enjoy.
sorry quest-cuck generals are Veeky Forums you are not
go back to plebbit good sir and tip your fedora over there
bow to your namefag overlords pleb
>having to read blah blah
That's because quests have a plot, and you need context. To the best of my knowledge, /pfg/ doesn't have a continuing narrative.
What you're describing is merely one more level of board culture. Every board has different inside jokes and cultural marks anyway. The real problem would be if the communities became insular and insulting to newcomers, which isn't my experience but I don't presume to know yours. Besides, if you get called out on not knowing something, you can just keep posting anyway. It's not like they know it's still you.
>What Veeky Forums is supposed to be
You mean an anime image board? Because otherwise, your opinion isn't more valid than anybody else's.
Go hate Jews somewhere else.
You will never get the antiquestfags to go back to /b/ user.
They will keep complaining, forever, until they get all they can kicked off.
they have been summoned
>Go hate Jews somewhere else.
But I hate Jews everywhere I go, user-senpai
>Uses cuck
Well, fuck, now questfags were right all along. Antiquestfags really are cancer.
All the whining they do is in /qa/. Look at the damn catalog.
Aren't there rules against raiding other boards? (I'm asking genuinely)
Then just go somewhere else in general.
For the large majority they were essentially, just using the dice to decide who's idea wins, or tossing a coin to determine success/failure ect is doesn't really change that it's nearly completely arbitrary.
Most of them had roll under or roll over systems, user.
Many even had things like ac, spell systems, effects, and the like.
I remember getting a shield was a huge deal in one for that sweet 2 ac.
Veeky Forums was definitely a more conductive board for quest threads. The irony of anti-questfags on Veeky Forums demanding a safe space instead of just ignoring them and using the built-in filter features is too good.
You got the board you wanted why don't you stay there?
They whine here too.
When you see someone arguing and lying about Veeky Forumscontent to get it removed, that would be the board police, aka antiquestfags, working.
>questers wanted /qtg/
You wanna back that up with some facts and citations?
Good question. Antiquestfags wanted that board, why are they still here?
You don't know what freeform means.
Quests have rules set up by the QM, and people vote on stuff.
That's not freeform.
Anyway, I don't think quests needed to leave Veeky Forums, myself, but wouldn't have minded it as much if the rules and tools of /qst/ weren't so poorly thought out.
>Because the majority had systems and werent freeform, for one.
I don't see how that changes things or why it matters so much you guys got your own board.
As far as I've seen it you guys now have a larger forum for producing quests and you don't have to sit through whatever ths guy is on about.
But if the majority of the posters wanted the board gone why is it still here? Wouldn't they leave and the board be dead?
It doesn't look like any of that.
What majority? Again, post proofs
The board is pretty fucking dead, user.
>quests get banned on Veeky Forums
>get booted to /qst/
>if you don't like it then stop questing!
Yes, that's a completely rational response, bravo
Quests didnt need a larger forum, user. There were never that many running simultaneously.
Also I like how you abandon your argument that they were all freeform ans thus not Veeky Forums and move on to exaggerating quest numbers.
That was a question, user. If they didn't want it why do they use it?
It has plenty of high post threads and the Veeky Forums stats page says it's far from the least used board.
Yeah they didn't even make their own board like tgchan did when furry drawquests got booted. They could have, but didn't.
>Can someone remind me why we kicked off quests again? Something about a lack of space right?
To have more space for generals.
And it worked.
Ya must be stupid, OP. It's ok to be stupid, just don't show up around here again.
Fuck off
He's going to start talking about anime next, even though the majority were generic D&D fantasy settings.
Second. OP needs to read this.
>What you're describing is merely one more level of board culture
Which is a problem, we already have enough of a board culture with one single level.
>The real problem would be if the communities became insular and insulting to newcomers
The practically always do over time since they limit and shrink the pool of posters by making it first a general, and then increasingly convoluted subculture which really has no choice but to become insular or disintegrate. And can you guess which option most generals pick?
>you can just keep posting anyway. It's not like they know it's still you.
The problem is that they often kind of do, as generals start to take on their own forms of posting and create a longer and longer history for themselves people who are new are increasingly obvious, and will often be ignored while the veterans discuss among themselves about whatever they had been discussing the week before.
Look I guess you won't believe me since you're experience with generals seems to be good, but every time I have tried to interact with one, on this board or others, it's always the same. Ask a question, get a minimal response or get told to fuck off to the sticky. Try to talk about something new, get shot down because I don't know the meta of the general. Try to jump into a conversation and get shrugged off. It's like I'm on a traditional forum getting ignored by everyone else as they talk over me because I don't have 1000+ posts to my username and I don't know the lay of the land or the inside jokes, or the gossip and the cliques, or even the drama of the week. I hate it. It's the polar opposite of everything I like this site for.
The only real use I've found in generals is using their stickies.
Those statistics say it is well in the range of dead boards, user.
Right next to papercraft.
>If they didn't want it why do they use it?
Because it's now the only place on Veeky Forums to run quests, Jack.
I can't speak for anyone else, but I liked running quests on Veeky Forums because the people on Veeky Forums are more fun and know how RPGs are supposed to flow. Turns out playing with random /b/tards who just want to spam memes isn't as fun.
Because I was filtering 100 threads when I had finished filtering quests, CYOA, and generals. That left 50 threads on all of Veeky Forums that weren't recurring.
Eventually, you're going to have to accept that Quests aren't coming back. This will be a good thing in the long run.
We should get rid of generals, but the fact of the matter is that people really hate the idea of having all threads be short and ephemeral. Ideally we shouldn't even have archives. Getting rid of generals means having to uproot expectations people have about Western, English-language discussion forums; it can be done but it'll be slow going.
>Quests didnt need a larger forum, user. There were never that many running simultaneously.
I seriously don't see the problem here.
You can expand operations.
You don't have to put up with "anti-quest shitposters" that half you faggots go on about.
Seriously you guys are some of the whinnest fucks around
>Also I like how you abandon your argument that they were all freeform ans thus not Veeky Forums and move on to exaggerating quest numbers.
user, i am a different user
Yeah, it sucks we cant play tabletop on the tabletop board any more.
Again with this bull. Traditional games discussion is not traditional games playing. That's why Risk and other assorted "oh that's not really a quest" bullshit has been rightfully culled.
>Eventually, you're going to have to accept that Quests aren't coming back. This will be a good thing in the long run.
For what exactly? This board is even worse now.
If by worse, you mean much better, then yes.
>Expand operations
They actually shrunk significantly due to being moved to a niche board. Every major quest suffered in participation because non twitter posters couldnt find them any more.
Apparently drop in posters from Veeky Forums made up at least a third if not more of quest traffic.
But among those 100 threads, quests were a minority. Why boot out the minority when the largest part (generals) get to stay and keep shitting up the board?
Where the fuck would people come from? The problem with /qst/ is that there are no players. Most questfags only played one or two quests, or maybe even stuck to lurking except in some vital decisions, and most of these people did not go over to /qst/, and now it's a completely dead board with a general that covers the entire board with less then 100 posters.
No, it's almost certainly buttblasted questfag shills, as in this thread (which was linked to from /qst/).
>There were never that many running simultaneously [citation needed]
Also, it doesn't take that many to fill up the front page entirely.
I have to accept that your experience has been like this, but mine isn't. I just started posting on a general one day and literally nobody noticed, and its number of participants per thread have only gone up since. Maybe I just stumbled onto a rare good one, or you've had the misfortune of finding the bad ones.
My board experience has honestly improved since /qst/ became a thing. I realize that's subjective, but that's my take.
Ueah, it sucks we cant play tabletop on Veeky Forums. I mean, /co/ gets to read comics, and /a/ gets to read manga.
Oh well, we are in a new era where actually playing Veeky Forums is becoming a thing of the past.
and all those tic tac toe threads get deleted too!
Shitposting seems to have only gone up since the transition.
And it's still optional. There have always been other places, but they needed to insert here. Why? No good reason.
Dead boards have a range now? Alright, fine. Then look at it this way, /qst/ isn't a dead board any more than pluto is a planet. Now, instead of being the mouse of the solar system, /qst/ is the king of the dead boards. There ya go.
Besides that a quick catalog check reveals that /qst/ is fine and working as desired.
>This board is even worse now.
>said no one
If you're playing on the internet it's not tabletop :^)
you both forever dms or soemthing?
Quest fags BTFO on first post.
We just have to wait out all the hanging-on /qst/ shitposters. Honestly everytime somebody mentions quests they should just be banned and be done with that.
>Citation needed
>Asking someone to prove a negative
user, if you want to say there were 50 quests, you have to get proof. Because every archive search I do says quests werent that popular.
And this thread is 100% made by antiquestfags, given they are arguing for kicking shit off.