0 -> 2k : Novice
2k -> 5k : Apprentice
5k -> 10k : Captain
10k -> 20k : Instructor
20k ->50k : Officer
50k -> 100k : Colonel
100k -> 200k : Marshal
200k + -> : Emperor
Who are you ? What do you aim ?
0 -> 2k : Novice
2k -> 5k : Apprentice
5k -> 10k : Captain
10k -> 20k : Instructor
20k ->50k : Officer
50k -> 100k : Colonel
100k -> 200k : Marshal
200k + -> : Emperor
Who are you ? What do you aim ?
colonel reporting in
I’d sniff her butthole
Marshall here, next dip i'll be emporor
Marshal reporting in, Sir. My hands have been reinforced with mythril and adamantium. I am prepared to be launched onto the testnet battlefield where I will slay with honor and shove REQ down the throats of these normies in Silicon valley until they use it like addicts. I am VERY aggressive.
we don't need this shit please, this is linkie-tier
Nothing more than Emperor?
Then i am just an Emperor, whatver... :(
Lol this is a bad sign, I remember when the autists did this for Link.
Ye, time to sell
It is stagnating too
Officer here
Fucking hell, you are going to become the next LINK. You guys are fucked.
t. Captain - Selling soon, fuck this P&D bag holding pajeet shitcoin.
Smart money = 0
Barely a Marshal here, hopefully I can become a real Marshal/Emperor by the time this coin hits 10$
As a heavy REQ/LINK holder myself can we please not go down the LINK road
the fuck
Instructor here. What better ways can I train our novices?
Oh man, this shit really is the new link isn’t it?
everyone remember to sage LINKie tier bullshit
we are not the fucking link marines, have some decency
REQ is not even close to LINK status
And this is just Veeky Forums anyway.
>Subtly FUDing req by comparing it to LINK with the marine bullshit
At least it's creative OP. Still won't stop us from going to the moon.
>up 90%
Apprentice here. Want to get to Colonel by early next year
emperor reporting in
Apprentice here. I want to buy more but my btc transfer has been pending for 6 hours
Look at 5' charts
No way it gonna last
>women reviewing crypto
why do women ruin everything
It's rekt the next link?
>inb4 DGB
>inb4 0x
>inb4 link
Why you dont stop trying steal my shekels¿
Told ya so