What would be the medieval version of United States, canada and latin america?
What would be the medieval version of United States, canada and latin america?
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Depends on the setting
>What would be the medieval version of United States
The Byzantine Empire with an emphasis on the Heraclian Reforms that created the Theme system (more or less states controlled by a federal/Imperial government.)
Canada would be Naples under the vassalage of Aragon; a quirky little country of pleasant people controlled by a distant asshole with delusions of Empire.
Latin America would be the Baltics; a hodge-podge of fascinating countries that are almost utterly irrelevant in the global scheme of things.
Native nature worshipers are totally devastated and annihilated by the iron using hordes coming from the east. Now that the forest are cut down and the animals slaughtered, the world is in complete disarray and in a state of total decline. Food and water are becoming more and more scarce.
The original version works quite well. On the North, random nomadic tribes. On the South, a big empire obsessed with blood and death that enslaved neighboring cultures and sacrificed them so much that thousands and thousands of natives jumped at the opportunity of joining a few hundreds foreigners from across the sea to revolt and wreck the bloodthirsty empire.
Let me guess...You are not from latin america, are you?
It's a bit arrogant to look at a region with the 5th country in the world in territory, holding together half of it's total population, plus big sized countries like Mexico e such, and call it 'balkanized'.
Pro-tip: Spanish latin america and Portuguese Latin america have radically different histories from the get go and that means a very different present.
And Mexico is very different from central america in near every aspect. And they are both very different from hispanic south america.
not him, but if you're going to make a post like that, at least offer a counter-suggestion
Well those things already exist...So them...
However if you meant the modern continents I have a few ideas anyway.
The USA would literally be the Holy Roman Empire. Both use a state system with a limited central authority, both have an elected leader and both have the whole "holy" aspect.
So a loose empire of multiple states similar to the HRE.
Medieval/Fantasy Brazil could take different forms depending on the period of Brazilian history you want to base it. Particulary I'm very fond of the Second Empire, where Pedro II ruled the country, from a young boy to an old enlighted senior.
Second Empire early period was marked by several small scales conflicts that seek to challenge crown authority or split pieces of territory from the larger Brazilian Empire. All failed. There was actually one major conflict, that lasted ten years and includes several large battles, that shaped Brazil's culture to this day. That was mostly because when the emperor was a child, the country was ruled by mostly weak willed regents that weren't popular with the ruling elites of different regions, only with the court in Rio de Janeiro.
So Medieval Brazil:
A massive Empire that spans almost the whole continent. The central cities near the coast are large metropolis who are booming centers of local trade, that in turn trade with the Capital, the heart of the Empire, the Jewel of the Imperial Crown, and a international trading port.
Most of the fiefs in Brazil are large extensions of land for relatively few peasants that work under the wealthy ruling classes to produces large amounts of cereals and trading luxuries to be sent to the metropole. This people live many weeks, even months away from the court. They are more inclined to trade than the average feudal lord, and they tend to spend their money in a pale imitation of the courts lifestyle. The sheer expanses of unhabited land between the hubs of each province means that each region feels somewhat isolated from their own, with their own politics and conflicts, and the Imperial Court is a bit of a distant ideal for everyone but the highest tier of nobles who actually go there and matter to the emperor.
Elves living in the jungle are devoid of technology but in great harmony with nature and constantly fighting the human settlers in guerrilla style, (cont)
Slavery in the south would probably still be a thing, only under feudal castle dwelling lords than large mansion dwelling gay dandies.
Latin America would be the native holdout in the deep forests attempting to fight off the constant encroachment of the invading hordes from Europe.
>North America as Europe, South America as Asia/Africa
>Aztecs as the Roman Empire around the Gulf/Carribean Sea
>Mayans as Greece
>US/Canada natives as germanic tribes/north border
>Incas as the Parthian Empire/south border
>Aztec empire falls to natives
>Florida, Cuba, Texas, Yucatan and other Gulf Rim areas rise as new centralized states mixing the Classical Aztec-Mayan culture and native customs
>Non-Southern US assumes the role of Eastern Europe
>Incas assume the role of China or other stagnated/isolated empires
This tribes lack any centralization or common identity and tend to fight each other, though less often and less lethally than they fight the human settlers. Half elves are mostly integrated into human society where they aren't fully accepted, but they are simply exiled from the native elven tribes when born.
Many humans use this and other things the native do to dismiss them as beasts and heartless as they simply don't share the same values as they do.
Brazilians are deeply religious and their faith in the Holy Heart's church is what keeps the country united in a great deal, as well as their language. The Holy Heart tenants are patriarchal and family oriented, with faith placed in a small trinity of main gods: The Virgin Goddess, The Reborn Son, The All-Father. But within the Holy Heart's canon, there are hundreds, or even thousands of minor deities that watch over every specific profession or situation. The large cathedral and temples in the provincial capitals are always dedicated to one or the three main gods, but almost every town has a couple small chapels, each dedicated to one or half a dozen of minor deities.
Despite their territory's size, Brazilian are all but a martial people, preferring the arts, specially music, dance and theater, than the science and the art of war. There are knights in the fiefs who act as protectors of the people and the faith, but mostly, the Empire has a number of rangers everywhere, that brave the wilderness in search of resources and that specialize in fighting the natives. Half elves excel in this area of work and find a niche to exist with dignity there. This rangers are more heavy armored than most, wearing breastplates and prefering the crossbow, and usually travel in parties rather than working alone. They expeditions are named Venturas, and Ventureiros, as they are called, are respected by the common folk and praised in the songs and high art. They are usually minor nobles themselves. (cont)
Fishing is important in all of Brazilian coast and a big percentage of the protein consumed is fish. They are a seafaring nation though in a minor way. Most of the boat faring takes places in river. The large barges that travel up and down for trade and transport of people are the veins of the Empire. They are usually light armed and the crew has some fight experience to fight off native elves and bandits. Rivers are specially important for the northern half of the country, divided by the Kingdom of Amazonia, mostly covered in thick forest and jungles, and the Kingdom of Bahia, a arid coastline rich in sugar cane and filled with fortress near the coast to fight pirates and invaders. The central provinces are rich in commerce, like the Dukedom of Sao Paulo and the Grand Principality of Minas Gerais, also a region where gold mining comes from and provides the metal to mint the Empire's coin, the Coroa.
The south is the land of the best knights in the empire, riding the pamps in their small but quick horses, this knights are usually light armored, with mail and breastplate rather than full plate, and making use of throwing javelins and hand crossbows before pulling their melee weapons for combat. The Kingdom of Rio Grande. This are more honor bound but backwards in terms of technology, and often mocked in the rest of the empire for their Macho atitude and crude, old fashioned ways and adherence to dated honor codes. But said honor codes are vital to survival, as the Kingdom is also the Empire's frontier, fighting not only natives, but often attempted invasions from the Castillans raiders.
I took me a while, but I did:
What about the neighbours?
brazilian identified
Was leaving that for some fellow latin american to give their intel but hrm....I let me type something for Uruguay since I know it moderately well
I wouldn`t underestimate the Inca empire. At it`s heigth, it was the largest pre-columian empire by land, maybe the world. they had a bureaucracy and an organization level similar to the early rome, and a rather more stable relation with their vasssal, at least compared to the aztecs. the spaniards reached them not only rather early in their history as an empire (not even a hundred years since the first emperor) but also in the middle of a civil war of succesion. If not, I belive the incas would had a good chance of being a actual, native american political power.
Argiefag here, nice work so far.
What would you do with argentina? I have a couple ideas, but I´m curious to see what would you do with Uruguay.
The Uruguayan League is most a formal name for the loose alliance of towns and villages pledged to pay tribute to the Republic of Montevideo in exchange for protection. Located in the edge of one of the busiest ports in the continent, the merchant republic is ruled by a parliament composed of the chairman of the several guilds within the city, and the guilds vote to elect the Lord Protector of the Republic, who will effectively rule it, though the title mainly mean the military commander of it's land forces and fleet.
The Flotilla is most composed of row galleys that patrol the waters around the League's shores for smugglers and pirates, but fearsome enough to impose respect to even greater nations, with trained sailors and professional soldiers. Their land forces are mostly composed of mercenaries paid using the tribute from the other settlements in the League, and used as a border patrol and for defense, as Uruguayans are not a aggressive people. The League has seem it's share of wars, specially border skirmishes with the Kingdom of Rio Grande, but never a full fledge war with the larger Empire north. But it's a common fear of the League members that Brazil has intentions to add their wealthy lands to their Empire, and it's not an unfounded concern, as several Emperor's have considered such action, but with the struggles to keep unity, so far, none took actual action towards a full fledged invasion.
Uruguayans eat plenty of beef and fish, with huge pastures where they raise their livestock, exporting expensive leather products outwards. Those that live in Montevideo are a wealthy rich and middle class that knows little of the live outside the burg's walls, and those outside are usually simple people, some peasants in manorial lands, but mostly free land owners that pay their own share of tribute directly to the League's Collectors.
Tribal savages murdering each other in the name of the Quetzalcoatl
Argentina is definitively more balkan like, but in a weird way.
2 dozen or so warlords from 2 dozen or so provincers are constantly fighting each oher over who should be the emperor, how should he rule, and if he should even be called "emperor". They are banded in two general sides, but for the difference they make, they may as well be called the "Us guys" side and "Those fuckers" side. The warlords constantly change sides an opinions in a whim. and the map is constatly changin.
The weird part is in the things they do agree on. most important being: the war is to control the kingdom. The WHOLE kingdom. any attempt of any of the provinces to declare independence, to join a neighbour countryy, or to secede in any way, will cause the rest of the warlords to forget their differences and crush the thought.
The Urugayan Republic was originally part of the Silver confederation, but they splitted up in the middle of a war against the Brazilian empire. You... You can`t really blame them.
I would add that...The Warlords enmity with the Brazilian empire and their disputes over the silver trade with the Uruguayan Republic is part of what helps glue the 'Kingdom' together.
Periods of Relative internal peace are enjoyed whenever the foreign powers start arming themselves. That's less done out of sense of preservation of the Kingdom, but because the Silver Lords (neat name, right?) see a war with a foreigner power a chance to gain prestige, riches through looting, and maybe even lands that will later enforce their position inside the Kingdom, so they put aside their differences and work with the King/Emperor/Silver Majesty in order to invade other countries.
And no country suffered more in the southern continent than the land we call Paraguay
Surrounded by swamps that made most traffic not done by shallow boat impossible, Paraguayans were mostly peasants living under their small warlords like many other parts of the continent. But they enjoyed some peace from exterior threats due to their geographical Isolation, and, strangely, also some possibility of trade with the Silver Kingdom, Brazilian Empire and the Uruguayan Republic, through the slow swamp barges. This meant they were a modest yet comfortable little backwater everyone was happy too ignore.
That until the Age of the Warlock. The Warlock gathered warriors under him until he gained power to become a Warlord on his own right, conquering a hall from a minor tribe. Not a unusual story. Nobody knows what he did before he took the Fort Asuncion, but after that, the Warlock name would come more and more often to be uttered in courts around the marshlands and even beyond. Gathering forces through sheer charisma, he grew in power and land in a ratio that concerned the other warlords of the land, and eventually he would wage war on them, near alone against the rest. And even so, he brought the war to a stalemate and forced them to negotiate. Except he didn't. During the great banquet they would decide how to split the country, he used foul magic and trickery to slay his enemies and declared himself the only lord of Paraguay. The Warlock King changed the country in the span of ten years in a way one would not be able to recognize it. Large construction projects, drainage and advances in metallurgy made Paraguay into a small, yet powerful country.
The presence of a central authority meant trade was now controlled and taxed, and that didn't pleased the trading Republic of Uruguay, as well as the Silver Kingdom and Brazil, who perceived the powerful dwarf nation as a growing threat. And more, they feared the Warlock influence in their own lands. The Warlock formed an army of full time soldiers, armed then with decent armor and swords. (cont)
Most of the provinces, and their warlords, are rather weak. warlord of weaker provinces tend to band together to get shit done,so many region are esentially confederations within the confederation.
There are in reallity 3 or 4 major players, who mostly dispute control of the Capital, the largest, wealthiest port city. The ruler of the Capital and the surrounding land is the defacto ruler of the confederation, though, with each province making their own rules, raising their own armies and minting their own coins, it´s power it´s limited as to have the authority to deal and represent the confederation as a whole to foreigners.
The country is not really at war, per se, it´s more of a state of perpetually incoming war. Skirmishes are common and battles are rare, most situations end up being resolved pollitically. but when they fight, shit goes DOWN... for a week, a month tops, before is bussiness as usual.
"Silver Lords" sounds boss as shit.
To the silver lords it´s important to show "untity" To the foreign powers. It´s one of the few things they can agree, and they´ll go at great length to show themselves as a strong, united "Kingdom".
Which can have disastrous results, as the poor Paraguayan elves can prove.
(If there´s a nation on earth that could be a wood elves nation, it´s paraguay.)
Also, if the Warlock is who I think he is, Argentina entered that war, because paraguay wanted to send troops tru argentina to attack uruguay. Argentina said no, but he did it anyway, rivers and such. The barely born federal goverment couldn´t afford to lose face with the caudillos over such a gross breach, so he joined the alliance.
BUT ALSO, and I´m getting into WAY too political stuff, the "warlord" was probably the closest Paraguay had to a golden age, and the whole war was prompted by Britain and france, who Paraguay had rerfused to wield economically. The whole war was the europeans bringing a poor country to heel.
And also, the Paraguayans wrote the fucking book about determination in that war.
Paraguay as elves is much better than my Warlock idea...Let's go with that. And make Chile a nation of Snow elves and dwarves
I'm not sure how true the statistic are but...In Brazil, they sometimes mention around 90% of adult white males in Paraguay died during the war, and perhaps 50% of the overall population, sometimes 60%. Not all in battles or sieges, but as consequence of forced migrations. Seems like if we want one 'Mostly ruined land that once was a might empire', It's paraguay.
>Seems like if we want one 'Mostly ruined land that once was a might empire', It's paraguay.
It was less a mighty empire, and more like North Korea-like shithole, only in 19th century South America.
Chileans are goddamn dwarfs allright, all that mining.
You want a barbarian faction, look no further than the god damn mapuches. just google "Galvarino"
The war was a huge pointless affair for argentina. Some warlords rebelled against the federal goverment, AGAIN, for it. They respected and liked the paraguayans a lot more that they did the capital, and were basically ashamed of fighting that war.
The Silver Lands would be an utopia for mercenaries of the continent, if not for the fact that using foreign soldiers is incredibly considered poor taste. Individual soldiers are fine and dandy, but hiring actual organized companies from abroad tends to have people raise eyerbrows.... and swords. Inmigration is actually welcomed, sometimes, sometimes not (consistency is not their forte). Many inmigrants settle the land constantly working them and eventually defending them, and within a generation are indistinguible from the locals. Many Silver Lord can proudly trace their lineage to a foreigner. Some provinces, specially the ones with port cities, tend to see foreing culture as superior, and will follow outside fashion somewhat clumsily. Specially in the capital
The capital of the Silver lands is among the biggest port cities in the continent. It´s is the richest cities in the land by far, and know it. OH BOY, do they know it. The elite of the citiy, who benefits greatly from the civil wars, care little for the well being of the coutry. They know that their citiy is too important to destroy, and they profit inmensely from the arms dealing, so they refuse any end of the conflict that doesn´t end with them with absolute power over the land. The most promising solutions are usually cut short by their machinations of this elite.
One thing that really sets these elite apart is their humongous ego. The captial can´t a rich, big good city, it has to be the RICHEST, BIGGEST, and BEST city. The city is littered with botched, half-assed, white elefantine attemps to one up the Montevideo Republic or the brazilian capital. the massess kind of mimick this actitude.
And then you have the defacto, ruler of the capital and the country.
The Grand Restorer.
Argentina is looking good...I'mma try my hand in writing a bit about magic
As always, first post is the best one
You could add Chile to this quite easily: A chunk of land full of fake legends that were spread so that adventurers got killed by the aggressive tribes that lived there.
Hard to get there and hard to make a living, but being a strategic piece of land that allowed for constant and uninterrupted development (once you take down the tribes) can allow a easy breeding ground for an evil empire.
The Great Restorer is the Silver Lord. Not a silver lord, THE Silver Lord, the quintessence of the country´s leadership. Warrior, strategist, merchant, politician and administrator. Whatever it takes to rule the land, he has it in spades. He rules the Capital and the surrounding land, an effectively controls half the country through it´s lackeys and allies. The current deffinition of the sides of the civil war are "With Him" and "Against Him". The moniker "Great Restorer" comes from his attempts to restore the laws of the land before it all went to hell. This is a almost mithical time, and most academics agree that he´s not restoring nothing since there´s nothing to restore, but he´s rather giving the country the shape people thinks it had, and that it should have. But who cares about bookworms!? Not Him! He has come to be disliked by the elites of the cities, and by proxy, most of the the cultural intelligentsia. Montevideo is full of exiled writers constatly cursing the brute.
He´s remarkably well liked with the common man and disliked with the elites. the masses see him like a mithical hero, and, thank to his very public piety, living saint, and it´s picture even hangs on the walls of churches.
The Restorer feeds and leads this cult of personality quite efficiently. Priests that refuse to bend to his will are expelled. A whole unit of his followers, La Guardia Carmesi (The Crimson Guard) patrol the streets looking for any criticism of his figure, and will fight any enemy that does so, even imaginary, SPECIALLY imaginary. the streets of the capital have become yet another theather of the war, with gang fights mirroring the battles of the provinces.
As always. You do not "/thread" your own posts.
That's like shitting on the table at a high class dinner.
Southern Magic has three difference 'schools':
The first is Divine Magic, mostly practiced by the priesthood of the Holy Heart under it's supervision. The privilege is jealousy guarded by the clergy, and in the Brazilian Empire and Uruguay, unorthodox preachers that are known to be able to cast magic are often hunted down and persecuted, while in the Silver Kingdom, they can often find themselves some safe spot behind the Aegis of a warlord. Still, this wandering, nomad preachers are not a rare sight, and some are even behind some of the most terrible and bloody uprising against the order in the Brazilian Empire. Divine magic is usually focused on healing, purifying and preserving food, banishing and warding against the magical beasts of the land and demons, and curing illness. This means priests with magic are a important part of town since the travelling doctors are a rare sight, few and far between. But not all priests are able to cure diseases and those that are, can't really do it all the time, as it's a powerful spell, so it's often that people ensure they are in good terms with the priesthood to receive their graces. This is part of the reason the Holy Heart's temple is so powerful.
Then there is natural/druidic magic. Which is divine magic, but given by the Native gods. The Sun Lord and the Moon Maiden, The Great Devourer (represented by a jet black jaguar), and the Fiery Serpent (that eat the eyes of the dead to grow in power and is a great recycle of magical energy, preying on magical beasts to feed on their energy and then spilling it back into the wild). The natives worship this deities and through rituals, fetishes and alchemy, harness magical powers. This usually involve transmutation, increasing one's strength and bravery, turning into animals or being able to talk to them, becoming invisible in the wild, or making plants grow faster, or wither and die. This natural powers are held by shamans and healers alike in the elves communities (cont).
This fanatism, combined with his political acumen, has allowed him an almost undisputable leadership among the Silver Lords, if not enough to claim ruleship of the country (Yet). He´s simply too powerful to be challenged, too big to be removed, and too eficient as an arbiter betweens the bickering, splintered warlords.
Most important of all, it´s by his personal word, and his alone, that the barbarian tribes of the south don´t tear the country a new one.
His charisma and foresight are, however, balanced with his arrogance, his paranoia, and his prepotism. And his strong arm politics had the result of giving all those who´re not his allies a common enemy...
So the country is still in the brink of disaster.
Did I mention his followers consider wearing green Treason?
(TL;DR: What if Vetinari and Vimes had a baby, and that baby was raised by Putin, and trown in Argentina)
Elven the more lowly elf can boast knowing at least the theory behind magical spells, and how the gods and spirits grant power and the basic rituals, and the majority can perform simple cantrips such as creating light and making fish glow in a river to make them easier to catch. This confuses the humans who see magic as a hard academic discipline or a divine gift, but the elves can't differentiate between the skills that are used to create a basket, make a lance, or cast a spell. It's just one of the abilities of the tribe which some are good at and some aren't, and most can execute to some extent.
Those good in magic are greatly revered, but so are great hunters and great warriors. Often, anyone who earns the tribe respect, ends up earning some supernatural power from the spirits of the tribes ancestors, as much part of their pantheon as their gods.
Then there's Arcane Magic. Taught in colleges, studying it is a privilege for the elites. It requires books, which are expensive and rare, tutors and academical materials, as well as an alchemy set. In the whole Brazilian Empire, only the four largest cities can boast having a magical academy, and only the Capital, Rio, has a vast and respectable one. Anyone who seeks to learn magic, has to travel a great length to the city, and since the cost of living is high, and so is the cost of the studies itself. And there's a good chance a student will turn out to simply lack the spark or magical power to become a wizard. No respectable wizard is under 40, and they are a haughty, arrogant and academical bunch who discuss theory way too much. Those born with the spark and that never study it, might learn some 'wild' magic from the elves and other sources, but they are, more often than not, much less powerful than academical trained wizards, and looked upon with suspicion and despise. Arcane magic has the most variety but also the most complex to learn. From slinging fireball to teleportation
And he's married to a charismatic woman who some view as a witch playing the game through him behind the curtains, and some see her as just a trophy wife. But there's no denying he has a supernatural luck to deal with assassins, and that she has a great hold over the hearts of the common man, if not by her beauty, seeming much younger than her years suggest, than by her sheer talent as a public speaker and, surprisingly, singer.
Where exactly did he say "balkanized" you illiterate monkey?
Fuck me, I had completely forgoten about Ezcurra. Good one, hermano.
Another thing with the Restaurator, He can cure Lycantropy. You see, for Some Reason, The Silver Lands are cursed; The seventh male son of any Silverlandian family is cursed to become a werewolf when he came of age. The only way to stop this curse was to have the Silver King to be the godfather of the baby. So many silver lords adopt seventh sons to prove their claim.
The Restaurator follows this same practice and takes it further, by actually adopting them and raising them as their own. And, unlike most Silver Lords that follow this practice, he has not been mauled to death by a werewolf so far.
The fact that he´s married to an alleged witch may have to do with it, but the sons are happy and not wolves, and those who ask appear misteriously slaughtered, so who cares!
Of course, this is only an excuse to have a secret elite guard of werewolves.
Also werewolves plague might explain why silver is important to them more than just a family name. Many Silver lords probably have actual silver swords and weapons. Use the steel one for battle but the silver ones for ceremonies and werewolf hunting
"Why do you have two swords? Is it in case the first one breaks?"
Where my canabros at to talk about the City states of Montreal and Toronto, Elk cavalry, snow elves and winter witches?
Where my ameribros to talk about the great wall that keep the blood magic aztec elves at bay?
Where my Cuban bros to talk about their nation surrounded by magic mist that preserves the island like it was in an age long past?
>the Canadians are nice meme
The canadian border guard on my trip to the Niagara was the single most cuntastically rude man I've ever met in my 22 years of existence.
the bartender at the bar near Hamilton was nice tho.
Not Swords, Knives.
Silver Knives are the staple weapon of the silver Lands. All the Silver Lord have one has an item of authority and lord ship. Even the most armoured knight, the most pacifist priest, even the southern barbarians and the wizards carry a Silver Knife with them. Fathers gives them to their sons when they come of age. Mothers give them to their daughters for protection. No traveler dares leave his city without one. Not one foreigner can come to the country and not leave with a respect for the kingdom´s Craftmanship, And not one silverman can leave his country without one. they would rather go naked.
Duels of honor are not fought with swords, but with knifes. Veteran duelist sometimes take a slain oponent´s knife and make coins out of it, which they put on his belt.
Of course, most of these knifes are just plain steel with nominals ammount of silver. But those with a true Silver Knife are those who have the right to be written in history
Europe Africa and Asia
Hey, the sons are happy, and have an good education and a loving family, and have actual free will when transformed. I mean, yes they´re their elite guard and black ops secret army, but that´s just what´s expected of a good son, right? What´s wrong with returning a bit of the devotion he gave them?
You forget about the most interesting part, Northeast... basically IRL Brazil was too big that the Empire just gave a insane amount of (almost infertile) land and a military rank (Colonel) to some nobles so they may take care of the land (and everyone that lives there) in whatever way they want... Popular view is that most were tyranical rulers.... Back on that time everyone would see them with "respect" and fear.
Every Colonel had his (psychopaths) henchmans, the trope was that the Colonel was always a dick but sometimes he could play the good guy and behind everyones back sent his hechman to do some deep shit, and they would always do without mercy. Colonels usually would punish people flaying them alive or cutting the balls.
The funny thing is that just because you have a military rank this dont mean that you have a army, actually, the empire just gave you the land because they dont want to spend on it or give a fuck about the place.. So it was easy for some outlaws to form a band and you know... do every shit that they may want and live by your own law. These were the "Cangaceiros", they were controversial, not your kind of "Robin Hood" (maybe some really bloodlust Robin Hood), but still loved by part of the people. Cangaceiros gangs increased on number year by years and finally the government had to deal with them with a real army.
Northeast was also a place of some messianic figures.
One of them (Antonio Conselheiro) gathered thousand of people, built a city on the middle of nowhere and started to live on some kind of theocracy or who knows what the kind of shit they did there...
I remember a fictional (and absurd) story on TV where a gang of Cangaceiros filled a town border with mines (so no one could enter or exit) and then they invaded the town, took everyone as hostages and started to live there as kings... They made a "court" where everyone had to treat the leader as a king and address themselves with some long, absurd and nonsensical titles (a doctor would be... "medical advisor dumb master of all medicines") Yeah, cangaceiros were usually illiterate and like everyone on northeast they had a good sense of humor without any common sense. Also, all nobles daughters were sent to "work" on the brothel and walk on the street with tits uncovered.
They had a tailor that made some absurd clothes to them exactly as they requested, think of the most ridiculous medieval cloth that you could think and put some vivid colors on it. Every captain had his own color, like some bizarre power ranger group of buffons...
Just switch the "mines" for any magic mc-guffing and there you have a excellent campaign for your chaotic group of muderhobos.
In the west of the land, beyond the almost impassable mountains, and south of a lifeless desert, an isolate kingdom is found. The lands within the domain of Kingdom of Chile are a battleground between a prosperous dwarven king of Chile and the savage barbarian elf tribes to the south.
The kingdom proper is known for it's metalworking and mining industry which has lead its riches and weapons to be of legend amongst those in the lands to the east. The kingdom is highly centralized and its core is found in the valley between the mountains. But the kingdom has also a strong maritime tradition and its domains extend through the coast, being the predominant power in the west seas. Nonetheless piracy is rampart amongst the many ports. The kingdom's expansionist ambitions have left it enemy to the lords of the north beyond the desert, for the dwarf king has imposed its power of these arid lands in search for further treasure to enrich his kingdom.
While stable and prosperous by itself, the kingdom has many enemies and the knights roaming these lands come knowing the hardships they'll found but are determined to prove themselves and be rewarded with fame and land of their own.
The Mercurtio Academia is the typical example of the Silver Capital´s ego getting out of hand.
Long ago, they were 3 arcane universities in the Silver Lands. The Royal Universty was in the Capital and was, of course,by far the largest and most prestigious one. They deacons and rector could boast of the arcane secret hidden deep withing its hall and their magnificent library, the largest of the continent(source: Themselves)
That is until the fateful day in which they learned that the Brazilian empire had FOUR universities, while the Silverlands had THREE.
After a brief period of the elites colectively going "It´s fine, it´s doen´t bother me, it´s ok, I don´t care", The elites started a new ill-fated attempt to one up their neighbours. Since founding a new univesity was out of the question (the hearthlanders would probably eat their books(Source:Themselves, again)), They decided to make their universty double- No, TRIPLE the size! How? well... With magic, of course! You can do that, right? Yeah, let´s do that. They also decided to give it the shape of the country with rivers made of silver (It´s QuickSILVER, right? same deal).
Anyway, Long story short, the building(s) of the university became a chaotic mess from the fever dream of a serial killer arquitech. door lead to no where, stairs became literal snakes, mercury was dripping everywhere and, for some reason, their Library was on the top of a giant stone tree.
The elves found in the lands to the south are many in number and unique in their character. Living in a highly decentrallized society, they still come together for warfare and expansion. Their combat skills are of renown amongts both the kingdom to their northwest and the Silver lands of the east, in rituals to their unknown gods, they are able to call upon the spirits of the land to help them in combat augmenting their own skills, by becoming one with their primal gods.
Lately they have been known by raiding the Silver land countryside for their own profit, creating tension between some of the Silver lords and the King of Chile, who they as responsible for keeping these hordes contained behind the mountains, their horse-riding skills are shown easily amongst the plains as they expand their domains to these southern lands.
Amongs their more prominent Gods are the aspects of the Sun and Moon. The Blinding Flame, who dwells in the underworld, known as god of fury and rival of the Sun has gained more cult lately, as rumours of the tribes consorting with firey creatures from the mountains have been spreading. Most important however is the Earth itself, failure in enacting the rites of the Earth are known to cause big disasters amongst the elves so her cult is of upmost importance
Anyone more knownledgable of Peru and Bolivia willing to work or provide ideas for them? I can guess that maybe they have a way far back past as an old empire (inca) but they have been separated and are currently in a different situation. The wars with Chile could be seen as relevant to their current context
At some point, the alumni that hadn´t succumbed to mercury poisoning had enough, and openly rebelled against the faculty and the city. By the end of the rebellion, the newly christened Mercury Academy was basically an independent state, by the point that the Rector was considered an actual Silver Lord. The academy has the distinction of being an almost democracy, the Mercury Rector bein chosen by the Students, the teachers and the graduates. That doesn´t stop the Rector, to become embroiled in the political intrigues endemical of the silver lords, but oh well.
Today, the Academy is considered the highest centre of learning in the continent, and has the particularity of being completely free (You´re expected to donate part of you earnings after you graduate). Many students from all around the continent come for the opportunity, since the quick silver mages and scholars are known world wide.
All they have to do is survive. The learning metod can be described as "survival of the fittest". New students are given no aid whatsoever. The maps are nonsensical, and half the class rooms have inverted gravity. Those that manage to get books may find that they´re chewed, written in a lost language, completely covered in racist remarks, or driving them literally crazy by virtue of being the goddamn Necronomicon. This is not including the mercury fumes that cover the poorly mantained alchemy labs and the ocassional Crimson Guard zealot looking for a scrap with some traitorous nerds.
You will know death´s true name before a teacher bothers remembering yours. Quicksilver mages don´t stare at death in the eyes; they shake his hand and ask how´s the family.
Oh, and they have Knifes made of Quicksilver. When ask how can you make a blade out of a liquid, most stare yell "I´M A WIZARD", or give a promotional Mercury academy leaflet with inscription instructions while giggling.
You could play the federation angle. Once upon a time, peru and bolivia joined in a federation. Then chile and argentina came, said "Nope" and destroyed them. The End.
How would the federation be represented on medieval fantasy? Left as it is?. I was thinking maybe something like the King of Bolivia inheriting Peru so it could be like a war of succession.
We may as well use "Araucania" for the barbarian nation. I mean, Argentina is so far the only country with a changed name. And the mapuches are a great "Barbarian/Noble savage" variant.
Peru is the prime example of "Former mighty empire reduced to a vestigial state" in South America. you could work that angle. Think of Peru as Cirrodyl, the former glorious capital of an empire, and Bolivia as Skyrim, the last province they cling for dear life.
I tried to do it as more representative of the historical account. For instance the fact that technically Bolivia was the head of the confederation and the peruvian discontent at this situation, this is what I got, mainly from a Bolivian standpoint (slighly though)
The war of Peruvian Succesion was one of the events that most marked the story of Bolivia and the before mentioned kingdom. The aspiring king of Bolivia found himself next on the line to inherit the kingdom of Peru, his homeland itself was known as a sparcely populated backwater between mountains and jungle where independent tribes outnumbered his subjects, but gaining control over these new, richer lands allowed him to finally try to centralize power in his own land while also establishing a sphere of dominion over huge amounts of land. This immediately called the attention of the nearby lands, and soon followed the denouncement of this power grab by the Silver lords. Not long after the dwarf king to the south declared war.
The union of kingdoms was very powerful, but not everyone in Peru was happy to serve a distant, backwater king not deserving of being succesor to a prestigious empire that they once were. The local lords not loyal to their new king rebelled against him. Facing war both inside and outside the fledging union not lasted long as while his men were dying in the highlands against the Silver armies, the dwarf king and the Peruvian dukes put an end to the union. It was from here than Bolivia's future hardships as a kingdom had began.
Araucania works better for a more centralized state however, and we are looking at a more tribal people, even if the region itself should be called that. The araucanians should work thou as denomyn.
Mexico's probably the worst example to throw out there, considering parts of the country are essentially under the control of cartel warlords.
The wall just got ten feet higher
Knight of Rio Grande here. We could look like this.
Anons, think more 'cossack' and less 'sir Robin'. We are a pain in the ass to deal with, value our freedom too much, but there is no better way to defend the vast borders of the empire
Do the Silver Lords have herds of megatheriums?
Incas should be dwarfs so much it's not even funny.
Legendary cities of gold, roads passing through a whole mountain range, fortresses of dry stone.
I suppose that mixes with Chile?
Could Candido Rondon become a sort of pacifist half-elven ranger?
I´ve just now learned of it existance, and my vote is HELL. YES. At the very least, The Restaurator has one as a pet. He calls him Corncob.
Whoever gets that one wins one South American History point.
What about terrorbird riding tribes? Where would they fit in the continent?
The southern plains.
Only a few remain now, ferocious tribes like the Minuanos, Charruas and Kaingangs.
All their weapons are based on stone balls and cords. One means a mace: Two or three are bolas.
They also have slings, and a scary tactic: they heat the rock, cover it with cloth and then throw. It ignites in midair like a fireball coming out from nowhere, scaring their enemies. It took decades before someone realized it wasn't magic.
Finally, they have the death whistle:
The border between the Silver Lands and the South tribes is littered with forts or remain of forts, manned by the closest thing they have left to a national army; All the Silver Lords periodically have to send a number of men for a year to the forts scattered across "The dessert". It´s not a dessert per se, lots of trees and game, just, really rather... flat. but all man that tries to live there is doomed. The tribes of barbarians constantly attacking and seeking to plumber hare a constant treat, which sees the forts as a worthy challenge fort their warriors souls. Life in the Forts is miserable and pointless, but at least it´s brief.
But the they are not the real treat. matter of fact, most of the tribes won´t mess with you unless you mess with them. Some of them you can trade. Some are even friendly. Hell, the chief of one of the bigger tribes is even considered a Silver Lord! Which for some reason only caused the attack to become more frecuent.
But no, the real treat is other. Souther than the south, there´s only rumors.Of whole packs of werewolves, seeking to kill to sate their cursed anguish. of armies of the dead, rising and fighting for unholy masters. of Giants and dragons, that crush all that dares see them. and more.
Of light itself, in the middle of the night, plotting against man to rob him of his sanity.
The Capital knows shit. This is not a dessert. There are things in the south! THERE ARE THINGS IN THE SOUTH!
Ah, for reference, I Imagine the Silverland´s South border to be the Rio Colorado, give or take. there are tribes living norther than that, but they´re considered allies or even part of the Silver Lands.
The Dominican Republic would literally be tropical Norse/Gaelic/Scottish raider expies, with the exception that the northern clans would be dominated by traders and infantry while the southern clans would be more traditional landholders; their power based in their land and their cavalry.
I should also note, if we're going fantasy and we can't use republics than Quisqueya could also be a suitable name for the confederation.
Also note there would be a large emphasis on which clan is able to place his candidate for leadership (perhaps High King?), with many conflicts erupting from this.
I'd say its important to note utterly blended the region is, with many a different types of human and elf and other sapient humanoids settling and mixing the region together. Like Bretons from the Elder Scrolls. Yet strangely, they all managed to have the same accents and culture, and identify as nothing more or less than Quisqueyanos. They are not xenophobic as one might expect, in fact they tend to harbor a sort of joy whenever outsiders come- provided they are the right type of human. The Quisqueyanos tend to be ashamed of their mixed heritage, and often try to marry outsiders and humans in an attempt to 'purify' their linage into a proper, human one.
The blending of peoples means that magic is a very potent and common thing, with many a clan having their own unique style.
If we go by old maps and sailors' acounts, those things include:
>cannibal blemmyes.
>tribals who sleep naked in the middle of the snow.
>cannibal tribals.
>as you said, giants and dragons.
The baltics aren't the balkans. Illiterate latin-american identified.
Congratulations, you have met one of the rare asshole Canadians.
I have visited that country a number of times and have yet to have a bad experience of that type. Come to think of it it's mildly freaky.
Patagonia is still a land of mystery and superstition. The silver Lands claim ownership of most of this lands, but in truth no lord has the resources and inclination to effectively rule these lands. The capital manages some outposts in the coasts, but they are small and mostly nominal deterrence for foreign invaders.
The one exception, is the Smoke Island outpost. Located at the southern island in the continent, where the oceans meet and become one, it´s more popularly know as the City at the End of the World. this outpost manages two vital assets. The first is the Lighthouse, which guides the ships that dare to cross the oceans. Being one of the major sea trade routes, and the most perilous, the lighthouse is of significant importance.
And there´s the Prison. The World´s End Prison.
What would Colombia be like? Ferelden?
You could try working with the "Gran Colombia Angle".
CBSA officers are paid to be dicks. I'm a Canadian and me and my friends have all been treated rudely by them. C'est la vie.