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D&D 5th Edition General Discussion
>Official /5eg/ Mega Trove v3:
>Community DMs Guild trove
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No thread question? Well, here's one:
Are there any races you've changed the stats for in your setting? How and why?
So about hags, what else can I read? MM, Volo's, Tome of Beasts, Curse of Strahd, what else?
Also I would like to know more about building covens.
Thanks for new thread.
> aztec-styled dungeons
Have you guys run any? Was it good? What to expect, what to avoid?
I'm thinking of running a 1-shot using 5e rules about 4 adventurers taking a trip through the jungle to loot an ancient temple. I'd give each adventurer a different goal (wealth / saving the girl / bringing back hunting trophies / killing another adventurer) at the beginning of the scenario, and make clear ASAP that they need to work together to get to the treasure room.
I'm not sure yet on how to run the mechanical aspects of the trip, and what classes to give each character.
I'll take any suggestion!
What's the character/concept you've wanted to play as for the longest time but just can't seem to squeeze it into a game?
DMing a one shot dungeon crawl in a couple of weeks, if it goes well I want to make it a regular thing, and possibly setting them off on SKT. As a reward for getting to the end of the dungeon, solving a puzzle and beating the BBEG, I thought about giving them a Deck of Many Things to play with. Idea being that it might give them some stuff to keep them interested in these one-shot characters enough to play further. They'd be level 6. Good idea, bad idea?
>Deck of Many Things
>Good idea, bad idea?
Yes, it was a temple of a god with dual faces, a face of life and a face of death, the underground of the temple was the death's god part of it, the adventurers had to retrieve a artefact that could save the life of the prince which was located in the part of the life's face of this god.
Some of them tried to go to the death's part but once they did it they received a random curse from Out of the Abyss adventure.
>. Idea being that it might give them some stuff to keep them interested in these one-shot characters enough to play further
or outright kill them. Give them a deck of illusions or a figurine of wondrous power instead.
Yeah I'm, uh, not too sure of the balancing of this random generator. All the wandering monsters in it are well and above the CR of a party of 4 level 5, which is what I set it as.
Do it like this guy recommends. Definitely stress the danger of the deck for anyone not familiar with it.
Minotaur Nature Cleric, peaceful scholarly type out to spread agrarian focused worship. When not adventuring goes door to door asking folk if they've heard the good Moos.
so lower the level of the dungeon.
It's a fucking tool, it will help you work, not do the work for you.
>stress the danger of the deck for anyone not familiar with it
>gimp the deck so it can't hurt you, or even rig it so you get one card and it's guaranteed to help you
one or the other, surely?
avoiding it wholesale seems like an easier solution to me, but if you're going to take colville's solution, at least be honest enough not to call it the deck of many things
Holy shit, that's pretty fucking good. Did you come up with it yourself? What was the inspiration?
i just ran it and didn't get any wandering monsters over CR 4. Nothing in the dungeon was over CR 4 either apart from a few lone CR 5 monsters which would get wailed on 1v4. You sure you plugged in the right party level/numbers?
Alright /5eg/ here is a prompt,
Your next character has to be a princess, what do you make?
I'm writing a setting and I was testing this setting, it was a good adventure, I'm preparing a new playtest in this setting right now.
bruh what matters is the player experience. If they perceive it to be dangerous (but it's gimped) the exhilaration the player feels upon drawing is still the same, without being potentially game-ruining.
DMs are totally allowed to be deceitful.
half orc barbarian.
I constantly change races ability scores because I don't like how they can pidgeon-hole you into some classes, or on the other hand prevent you from playing some.
I try to keep it reasonable, and I know having 14 in your main ability score isn't the end of the world (I play a pretty fun 14 INT 16 STR dwarf wizard myself), but for some classes it's a pretty big deal and I don't like it that much.
So, nothing specific.
I'd also like to come up with a better Human race (heil) and give everyone 1 bonus feat @1st level. It's more difficult than I thought.
Deck-user here. It was watching that video that made me want to try it, back before I thought it might go past a single session. Now I'm inclined to fudge only one of the draws to give them deeds to an inn or something in Triboar as an SKT plot hook.
Probably a Half-Elf Noble Bard focused on diplomacy and support. Although that's sort of plain.
+2 to any
+1 to two others
+2 skills
Common +2 languages
there you go, the >versatile< race
Is an archer War Cleric any good?
yea man bretty gud.
you should also get them to draw as many cards as possible at once.
Pic very much related
Cross dressing Goliath that hit his head one too many times trying to hunt
intimidates people into calling him pretty
> if races were spice human would be floor
It sounds boring as fuck but I know you're right.
Not a fan of bonus languages though, the idea of humans being able to speak more than 3 languages besides common (through backgrounds) just seems pretty weird to me.
What about
+2 to any
+1 to two others
+2 skills
Adaptability. Right after rolling an ability check, you may add your proficiency bonus instead of any other modifier to the roll. You may do so even if the roll would normally be reduced by other modifiers. You can't use this feature again until you finish a long rest.
Joan of Arc Style Lady Pally.
Conniving gel trying to usurp her sibling's claim to the throne by making fiendish pact.
I was kinda copying half-elf
They get common, elvish and one other, plus darkvision and fey ancestry.
The other difference is that the +2 is fixed onto charisma.
I like this passive you proposed, it's flavourful but not so obnoxious.
Hey anons, newer player. Its been awhile since I played since my group all moved away. How would recommend I jump back in to DnD? Best place to find groups and how to join random parties at shops or meetupsany suggestions would be nice.
Get that group to sign up to Roll20?
College of Glamour bard.
For SKT, what kind of character should I play? The party has 2 wizards, a rogue, a barbarian, a hunter ranger, and a monk.
>party has already got 7 people
You should DM
I found my current through a d&d facebook group. There's always people looking for groups there.
You can just go to your friendly local game store and ask if there's any ongoing game you can join.
You can also try roll20.
If you really want to play that Goblin ranger, just go with it.
There's already a DM. With me included there's 7 players. We've all played together before so it's not biggie.
>If you really want to play that Goblin ranger, just go with it.
Yeah, I'm leaning towards it but I just wanna see what other suggestions there are. I hear that the Kraken Society is in this, so the Triton idea is still bouncing around.
Fighter or Cleric if you want to round the group out.
Watch this, or just the beginning anyway: youtube.com
It's not the most perfect run someone could make, but I think it worked out really well on having PCs with different motivations working together... until the end, at least. You might be albe to get a few ideas from this.
Triton pally sent to investigate on the kingdom's behalf?
Seems nice
Yeah, something divine definitely seems useful for this group. I like Clerics, but with two wizards we have enough spellcasting, so a paladin seems like it may be my best direction for this guy
here, for some reason thought you already had a paladin because I'm illiterate. I'd definitely second paladin like said
Only Dwarves and some Teiflings have darkvision in my setting.
That barbarian had better be wolf barbarian. Whip them until they are.
Become a charisma-focused paladin.
With Volo's, has anyone tried a Lizardfolk Monk? Do those overlapping bites and unarmored sweetness work like I hope they do, or does the RAW not allow it short of DM arbitration?
The idea of having a lizardman jump on someone expecting a flurry of blows only to get eaten alive by repeated bite attacks to the jugular fills me with joy.
whens unearthed arcana
It's Rule As Written, since Bite "can [be] use[d] to make unarmed strikes". So I'd allow it, it's not that big of a deal between d4 bludgeonning and d6 piercing.
You should even allow Dexterity to apply to the damage roll, considering the wording of Monk's Martial Arts:
"You can use Dexterity instead of Strength for the attack and damage rolls of your unarmed strikes".
Wolf definitely seems like a good idea, for the first totem at least.
Yeah, a Triton Oath of the Crown Paladin seems like a good choice.
My favorite UA in a long while.
How do you compensate for the other classes?
Doesn't it make Dwarf the best race in the game?
> implying it's not already the case
I will tonight, thanks
Tomorrow. Likely going to be an update on the psionic Mystic.
You can use Bite as a monk weapon, so dex-bite away friendo
For unarmored defense, it's 13+DEX or 10+DEX+WIS, not both nor an inbetween
Tomorrow and every subsequent Monday for a couple weeks
Is pic related worth getting?
sometimes I forget it isnt monday everywhere yet
probably because last weeks was early
I think it'll be Cleric next, they said they were going to release a UA for every class and so far it's been in alphabetical order.
Yep. It's great for new and old D&D players.
Last week's Monday was early?
What does if feel like to live in a temporal rift?
The Bard UA got leaked on Sunday last week.
Ancients sounds the best for the aura, though.
If you have a massive team, an aura that covers everybody is pretty powerful.
Its Monday where I am and because last weeks was early it came out when it was Monday here, rather than Tuesday
I use the d20 that came with it to roll for monster attacks.
I swear they must be faulty or something, players are falling left and right to constant criticals. The players even asked me to use other dice. I refused
I stat Orcs as Half-Orcs but with Aggressive, Powerful Build, and -2 Int.
actually it was Saturday night
Are Dexterity-based paladins worth it? I rolled an 18, and a Triton only gets +1 to strength, so I figured it might be neat to try a medium armored paladin with a sword and shield.
Allright, thanks!
Dwarves in my setting turn to stone when they die. Kinda torn between giving them vulnerability or resistance to petrification effects.
I use the DMG Aasimar and the Tiefling but I give them a single minor trait from their parent race since I think they're kinda weak otherwise. Merfolk born get a swim speed, Human born get a +1 to a physical stat of their choice. In my setting, Aasimar and Tieflings are due to pacts or blessings, rather than fucking. If a couple serves their deity well, then you will have a pleasant pregnancy with a birth that's nearly painless and give birth to an Aasimar. When a devil asks for your firstborn, often what they mean is that they'll be born a Tiefling, along with a troubled pregnancy and a higher chance for the mother to die in childbirth. It's also what a fiend pact warlock would be tasked with doing to curry favor, go out and perform tasks for people who can't pay for them and make their next child a Tiefling in return.
What is tg's opinion on the shadow sorcerer from UA?
15 strength 20 dexterity is better than 20 strength 15 dexterity IF you want to go sword and board.
They both have heavy armour, but dexterity has better initiative, saves, stealth, access to light armour, etc.
Dexterity paladins are perfectly fine if you go sword and board. Probably focus on upping charisma.
However, at level 11, PAM paladins are very damagey.
You also need 13 strength to mulitclass.
nah the rulebook is a summary of the phb and the lost mines of phandelver is just 5/10.
First time playing 5e, I rolled up a Human Cleric with the Light Domain. Any recommendations for cantrips, spells, anything else?
What determines if a tiefling has darkvision or not?
Interesting. I stat orcs as half-orcs, because half-orcs don't exist in my setting and half-orc stats work better for a PC.
No! That's still objectively worse than Half-Elfs, because they get all of that and more. I'd say give humans +2/+2/+1/+1 to stats, +1 or 2 skills. 3 languages is fine, whatever.
I like how it encourages certain races to do certain things.
It keeps special snowflake syndrome at bay, while still allowing those who've thought things out to do unusual race/class match-ups and also practically murdering idiots who can't even work out how to screw a lightbulb.
Coward bard.
They know all the stories and legends, so they know that the adventurers family dies, their town gets burnt down, they get tortured etc before they win. It's much better to sing the songs than star in them.
However, fate can't be denied, and they keep having problems befall them, ala Ciaphas Cain or Rincewind.
My current character is already reluctant, though, so I wouldn't wanna head straight into another coward, as fun as they are.
I thoiught I remembered some cleric option with unarmored defense in some book... you know, so they could wear robes. But SCAG arcana cleric doesn't have it, was I completely wrong or am I thinking of something else?
>I constantly change races ability scores because I don't like how they can pidgeon-hole you into some classes, or on the other hand prevent you from playing some.
>(I play a pretty fun 14 INT 16 STR dwarf wizard myself
But Dwarfs aren't limited in INT? You could effortlessly have a 16 INT Dwarf
an actual princess, mostly useless (but can talk and read really good) who was raised in extreme luxury and who's only purpose in life was to be married to someone important to form strong alliances for her kingdom. She secretly wishes to be a bard, but that's not allowed on a princes's life
First of all, go with what you find fun, because most things are viable.
That being said, Sacred Flame is an easy cantrip pick since it's the only damaging cleric cantrip (which is a bit dumb in my opinion, I would at least give Light Clerics firebolt or produce flame but whatever).
Spare the Dying is another easy pick I believe, for obvious reasons.
The others are fine. Guidance is considered superior I believe, but it's a bit annoying to use (and your DM might actually hate you for picking it, go figure).
Spell-wise... You only have to pick the spells you prepare (WIS modifier + Cleric level). I think you can reasonably pick them from the list.
One piece of advice though: read thoroughly your Spellcasting class feature. Also, read the 11th chapter in the Player's Handbook once or twice.
Also, since you can prepare any spell from your list, it means that you better know what every single one of them do. Not by heart necessarily, but at least it'll tell you what you can do.
It's a bit of work but it's worth it, and your DM will love you for this. Players not knowing their spells is one pet peeve of mine (although I'm obviously forgiving to 1st time players).
Have fun!
>Triton Paladin
>Net/trident combo would thematically be awesome
>Both weapons suck
Is there a way to make this work?
I'm talking point buy and before 4th level. Since you can't create the character with 16 in his spellcasting ability, he'll always be a little bit "behind".
Bard, using oratory instead of an instrument. Dump physical stats in favor of mental stats. Noble background, duh. Put skills in interaction skills. Focus exclusively on support in combat.
Speak with the GM before the first session, arrange for her kingdom to have been destroyed by something somehow relating to the BBEG. There's her motivation. Play her as somebody who has no power of her own and knows it. Delegate like mad, plan like mad.
Eventually take over the BBEG's operation and twist it to her own purposes.
Play the character and have fun. Don't worry about optimized weapon damage. Wait for your dm to drop some magic tridents and nets on you.
Half-Elf are locked into charisma, tho
You miss specificity in favor of >versatility<
Still, you could add something to it, but +2 +2 +1 +1 seems too strong
So... why would anyone ever play anything other than Vuman if your DM allows it?
because not everyone wants to optimize right out the gate
Black or Red Dragon Sorc. High-ish nobility from the remnants of the old Evil Empire.
Good-aligned and very friendly, but can't help talking like a supervillain.
Unfortunate tendency to stand in places where she can be back- or under-lit by green fire.
Is it just me or can knowledge cleric out-skillmonkey any skill monkey - at least a couple crucial times a day?
Arcana cleric doesn't get unarmored defense???
Are you talking about Channel Divinity: Knowledge of the Ages?
That gives you breadth, but skillmonkey classes get expertise so they'll be ahead of you by a full proficiency modifier.
Asking again for the Euro-evening crowd: is there any third-party stuff you'd recommend?
DM's guild or otherwise (did anything good ever come out of that?)
>dwarf wizard
>16 strength
>not going hill dwarf and dumping strength plus taking a level of cleric or fighter
Oh shit nigger what are you doing
>Merely the fact that they[Mystics] are the only class with a distinct spellcasting system when there doesn't seem to be any reason for it.
I think its an optional rule in the DMG
Last update I heard was that due to the restructuring of these UA's, Mystic might get pushed back a little, but should still have its next UA before the end of the year.
I think demand is high so it might still happen this month.
So this happened..
>Storm king campaign
>all new players, level 6
>Bard becomes known as a giantsbane, last hitting two giants, literally no other damage
>go on patrol in area, following giants tracks
>encounter crumbling tower that is sealed off
>he casts fly to float and look into the tower
>gets ambushed by bloodhawks after talking to a starving giant inside of it
>flies out of the tower, gets followed and attacked
>loses concentration
>falls 70 feet
>dies instantly
you are describing 2 completely different characters
and if i wanted to bait you back i'd say
> multiclass
Barbarian with Retainers, Inspiring Leader, and High Charisma. Barbarian Princess is go