Old thread is dying so here's a new one
W.I.P thread
Other urls found in this thread:
First for Imperator Vult.
Here's my BT bike Captain I'm halfway through. Still loads to do but I'm getting there.
First for Citadel paints are decent for certain things but shit for others
At least copy the essentials from the Op.
He's surrounded by Tyranids! Now they can't escape him!
Looking forward to seeing the final result. How much kitbashing did you have to do for this? The pose looks great.
Fuck off Autismo
Yeah, fuck off. It's a copy/pasta for a reason.
>Thunder Hammer
>Power Fist
>Plasma on bike
>Winged bike
>Black Templars
>Akira pose
This is going to be one hell of an amazing model, can't wait.
OP is a massive fag edition.
>Citadel Painting Guides:
>Paint range compatibility chart across manufacturers
>Painting guides, Uniforms & Heraldry books, Painting Videos, Visions, ebooks and White Dwarves:
>Painting Videos only
>DIY Lightbox
>How to Moldlines
>Fuckin Magnets how do they work?
>List of mini manufacturers for converting and proxy
>Stripping Paint
>On the consequences of insufficient ventilation
>I am the hammer! I am the point of His spear! I am the mail about His fist! I am the bane of His foes!
>Previous Threads:
Best I can do is $32.00.
>Being this buttblasted your copy pasta thread got deleted.
Does anybody actually care about all of this shit in every thread? It can all be fucking googled anyway and only turbo autists like above seem to give a shit...
Start the thread right or don't bother. Fuck off OP.
It's there to save unnecessary "HOW DO I DO DIS" questions from occurring and helping newfriends out in general. There's a reason it gets posted every single thread.
>only turbo autists like above seem to give a shit
>while giving more of a shit about the turbo autist than the turbo autist does about the pasta
Yes you dumbfuck. We get new people and it helps them out. I still get use out of the dakkdakka paint compatibility guide every week, and accessing the previous threads without going through the trash-tier archive page is useful.
I'm considering the hobby, and it's been helpful to have that in the OP for research each time.
People who ask "HOW DO I DO X" or "WHERE CAN I FIND Y" but can't google it can't google for an archived thread OP.
Just because people aren't saying "Oh gee, I sure am happy the OP is here as always!" it doesn't mean people don't care about it.
I actually ended up kind of liking this burned-strawberry-cookie look now.
Just is a bit annoying that the flour underneath can still be kneaded. Was worth trying out and it can probably be worked into some decent things by people with more experience in basing, but I'll definitely go for something else next time. The baking soda sand sounds like an interesting try, though if that also doesn't work for super fine sand, I guess actual fine sand will have to do.
How do I keep forgetting my images?
I deleted my own thread because I didn't fill in the title field correctly. Unlike OP's mother I aborted my fuck up.
>How do I keep forgetting to crop my image.
I posted that from my phone with HD turned off and my resolution set to the lowest possible and cutting all unnecessary kibble that was on the image off. I can't make it any smaller than that without editing it on my PC.
Do you want to answer the same questions over and over again like it was a year ago?
user what r moldlines?
>WIP thread
>Everyone arguing about links instead of discussing each other's work
I fucking hate this place yet I cant leave.
Anyway, here's a test model from my 1k sons
Post it to to someone (possibly yourself) on Facebook Messenger. Facebook will automatically compress the image. Save it and upload it here.
A bit of a hassle, but that's the best way of compressing images I've found, but I'm guessing there's an app for it too.
>Phone software developers still haven't added size down features
Different user here but I have the same problem. If I want to throw my minis up on Instagram (GW's doing that #PaintWarhammer thing where your mini can end up on their website) I have to save it to my computer, resize and colour balance it, then put it back on my phone. It's a pain in the butt.
My Tech-Priest Dominus arrived yesterday whose army I want to paint in pic related's color scheme. Probably going to paint the Dominus' backplate like this, but not sure what to use for the cloak. Also not sure which part of him to paint in the classic Marsian AdMech red that every conon AdMech paint scheme has integrated somewhere. Maybe the hat/hood in red?
I don't get it?
Very cool!
And the hornet carnifex in the background looks fucking promising too
Thankyou user. The carnifex is the start of my Old One Eye model.
Looks even more badass. Looking forward for seeing more of this big guy too in the future!
Any Mechanicus collectors here? Can anyone tell me if the transfer sheet emblems are gold or yellow?
Dude, I love seeing more people painting Old One Eye in the classic color scheme instead of the really bad excuse of a Old One Eye in the new codex.
Anyone got any ideas?
Was thinking yellow, green, basic red or even a grey/white/black color for the coat.
I'd say white or grey.
What's those paints in the background, never seen that kind of cap.
Should've done drift-lines on the base. Great work though.
Better thread
>Does anybody actually care
Yes, now either quit bitching or fuck off.
Whichever you choose, just try to be less of an autist from now on, okay?
Keep in mind that unless you're an extremely good builder and painter (you're not bad, but you definitely don't meet those standards) then having a model already built and painted significantly lowers it's value. You'll be lucky to get back what you paid for it in the first place.
What are the Artificer tints like?
When a mommy and a daddy really don't want a kid like OP, they grab a rusty coat hanger and fuck it up.
Tattoo ink
That's a nice crotch plate