This is a portion of my dnd group

This is a portion of my dnd group.

We're playing 3.5 edition.

We've been fighting the same group of giants and trolls and shit for like 2 hours.

Other urls found in this thread:

Tenacious fuckers.
Don't give up now. That'll just make you look like a pussy.
Now get off Veeky Forums and focus on your game.

>This is a portion of my dnd group.

Nice Garage you're playing in.

>We're playing 3.5 edition.

You have my condolences.

>We've been fighting the same group of giants and trolls and shit for like 2 hours.

Focus fire nubs.

It's a workshop in a back yard, but yeah it has a garage-y feel to it.

I'm still paying attention to the game.

>We're playing 3.5 edition.

Literally the best edition

Lying isn't nice user.

>I'm still paying attention to the game.
That's what they all say.


It's like you guys don't enjoy fun.

>Hand tattoos

Whats it like being poor?

Not even OP and I'm going to call you a faggot. People can put whatever the fuck they want on their skin, doesn't hurt you the slightest.

>Defending degeneracy

le downvote

If you don't like how it looks go gouge out your eyes. His tattoo's are gay as fuck there's no denying that but it's his choice.

Is that a dice-tower castle?

Get up with times, having an ink makes you count towards mandatory diversity quota.

>H-His choice
>D-Don't j-judge me

Goddamn cuck.

Have fun being a straight edge faggot. Better start your 9-5 shift sucking your bosses dick so you can afford to eat nutritional food.

Holy fuck. Are you guys in Brooks?

>Haven't ruined my life with edgy hand tattoos
>S-Straight e-edge bet you eat h-healthy food

the guy in the green looks like a massive faggot

the face of melancholy

>the guys in the pic look like massive faggots

Dammit Asuka, I know you're bipolar but please either side with tattoos or against them, don't be contrarian just for the sake of an argument.
Oh and happy birthday in 2 weeks.

>Guy in cargo shorts and a mismatched off-color t-shirt. Takes way too long to make decisions and likes big dumb brute characters (maybe not always dumb).
>Guy who always wears his jacket and hat indoors and has a slightly annoying sense of humor. Anime lover of the group.
>"cool" guy with a beard who is a total bro and knows a lot of stuff about the system.
>Suspected degenerate but he's a good GM and you'be all known each other forever. Rules lawyer of the group but flops over like a wet noodle to a good argument.
How far off am I?


Tattoos are dirty Shinji.

It kinda disappoints me that you're going for the hand tattoos, since you could probably get away with that kinda shit in manual labour or industry. It's the tri-force behind the ear that really tickles me. Like yeah that's never gonna get awkward my dude.

The chief reason why I would never get small "trendy" tattoo on a whim is not so much being against the tattoos principally, but rather that I want to keep open option to start dabbling in the arcane and utilize maximum of my surface for sigils, charms and incantations.

Well the Triforce is somewhat situational.

Automatically its going to make the majority of us think he's a beta cuck. Who either passionately loves a children's game or is attempting to ironically be hip.

But in situations interacting with non gamers he could probably explain it away as something not degenerate. It's also in a place small hidden enough that he could almost forget he has it, even when he's 40+

However, the hand tattoos as you say are going to disqualify him from the vast majority of adult and business situations. At best It will relegate him to manual labour, the kind of person that would wear overalls and have oil stains.

At worst he's going to prison and fathering a half caste.

Or he could just wear gloves? Besides, it's only fair to assume that he's employed right now, and that whatever boss he has is cool with it or he's in a situation where it's not bothersome.

Also goddamn, what is with the language you're using? Beta cuck, half caste - did you just get on the board? Do you think those terms help you fit in?

>At best It will relegate him to manual labour

I fucking love how you kids think that either your an ivy-league professor with zero tattoos, making seven figures a year, or a tatted-up degenerate toiling away in a factory like its the start of the industrial revolution.

Not every store is going to micromanage how you present yourself like you're a disposable bag boy at a grocery store. Fuck even target lets you have visible tattoos and huge fucking CD sized gages because they understand that's how people look now, whether it looks good or not.

Green shirt could be a college educated dude with a STEM degree and a job making more money than half the people in this thread put together, who is valuable enough that his boss will go "so what I have to look at a gay seashell looking whatever on his hand, dudes smarter than fuck anyway"
Or maybe he is a laborer and makes like $40 an hour welding shit together at nuclear power plants, getting like 15 hours of overtime pay a week and making money hand over fist.

There are a thousand jobs you can have visible tattoos at and be fine, stop acting like only criminals have them because that's not life anymore, any hipster can roll into some scratchers shop with a $20 on friday the 13th and leave with a gay little tattoo, and enough pocket change to buy a fruity latte at starbucks so he can take a picture.

>Focus fire nubs.
and specifically focus actual fire on the trolls

>using "you can work in retail with hand tattoos" as an argument
>implying working in retail isn't god awful shit that pays like crap and nobody in their right mind wants to do

Your other arguments are fine, but don't try to list the ability to work in retail as a positive

>you can work in a lot of jobs
>is one of them retail?

of all the little things that can get you thrown out the door as a retail peon, hand tattoos should be one of them if they were really this alpha and omega of life ruining choices

They are though. How many astute professionals do you know with hand tattoos.

Most professors or what have you who get tats get them places where they can be hidden.

Not to mention;
If a professor was smart he wouldn't be wasting his time detailing the finer points of fuck off theory #7685 to a bunch of pissants.

Seriously, you think that business professor wouldn't be rather running a multi-million dollar business instead of telling you how you could one day achieve that pie in the sky? Most of them can't or failed and try to tell you who you could make it.

>Most professors or what have you who get tats get them places where they can be hidden.


where do the other professors get their tattoos?

>If a professor was smart he wouldn't be wasting his time detailing the finer points of fuck off theory #7685 to a bunch of pissants.
Working in academia does not pay the best money you can have per hour but it sure is good money per the minimal effort you need to put into you job.
>write curriculum once
>keep reusing it for two decades
>talk in front of people for 4 hours one a week
>delegate everything else to postgrads

>Green shirt could be a college educated dude with a STEM degree

But he's not, and the job market is flooded with smarter less degenerate workers especially chinks who won't embarrass the company with hand tattoos.

>But it's current year
>Don't you know anyone can have a job and a full sleeve

m8 even retail has a general no visible tattoo/outlandish piercings rule.

>m8 even retail has a general no visible tattoo/outlandish piercings rule.

Do they? A girl with a neck tattoo worked up front at the grocery store I work at for like six months before she moved. I'm pretty sure every department has at least one or two people with visible tattoos working in it.
Its the year of our lord 2016AD, tattoos aren't for crusty sailors and mafia hitmen, some young cunt can get dual kanji tattoos on the inside of his forearms and still go to work every day, looking like a dumbass.
Hell, the grocery team leader was covered with skulls and other edgy tattoos like he actually was in prison and he could still get away with rolling his sleeves up all day.


Pretty much, I wouldn't call that smart though.

More lazy and pathetic, like most tattoos.

>A magazine written by hipster trash says tattoos are fine.
I'm shocked.

Which part of the magazine is hipster trash?

The bit between the front and back covers.

Sure, but can you cite where and when Forbes has proven itself to be, as a company, hipster garbage?

List of richest rich people are all based on hearsay and what the writer is told by said rich persons handlers over lunch or telephone.

That's always a good start.

Sounds like somebody didn't optimize their characters properly.

That sure does sound like what a hipster publication would do, because hipsters are all about reporting on the wealth of a few hundred people.

Just accept that the only reason you made this about forbes being hipsters and not any other part of my post, because you know you cant refute what I'm saying, so you made fun of a magazine.

I'm going to bed because I've got to go hang out with bae's little brother and then hope scheduling doesn't fuck me over three times in a row so I can actually get a game of tabletop in before our druid has to go to work

Small tip for your DM:
Swap out rolling damage for taking average damage. If you use Action Points, make it so that they have to use action points to roll. Make a spell to make folks roll for damage. Makes turns go SO MUCH FASTER. Seriously, you don't realize how much quicker combat goes with average damage die.

how would you determine average damage for a 1d8?

>triggered because forbes is hipster garbage
Le mao

Grow some balls and no one cares about your blog psycho.

Round down, like everything in 3.5. For 1d8, the average is 4.5 (Equally likely to roll 4 as a 5), for 1d6 it's 3.5, 1d12 would be 6.5, ect.

To be fair, his blog might be Forbes. Heavens knows it's hard to tell the difference.

Many/most professors are researchers of some variety. That whole "teaching" thing they sometimes deign to do is just a distraction from their real job: getting ahead in their field and eventually just writing shit that makes the university look prestigious.

Ironically, success means that the university will make them start teaching more so that they can brag in their pamphlets"oh yeah, we have Dr. So and So teaching a course of theoretical post-colonial Neo-Platonic Microsociobioanthroeconomic Epidemiology."

>I'm going to bed because I've got to go hang out with bae's little brother and then hope scheduling doesn't fuck me over three times in a row so I can actually get a game of tabletop in before our druid has to go to work

Nice blog.

The way I see it, sufficiently optimized lazy can be considered smart.

Depends if you're a low test beta or not honestly.

If you're low test you do the minimum required to get by and rest on your laurels. Laziness is low test as fuck.

If you're high test and alpha you always strive to improve. In every way every day. You think The Rock (Voted sexiest man alive, considered the highest paid actor in the wood) goes home thinking he can get another guy to do his work for him?

Nah, he doesn't. Because he's a man, not a bitch.

I imagine that you're a low test, because you waste your time on an animu image board.

>Implying people don't use the internet after work.
Ah, you must be one of those projectionist /a/utisitc retards.

And no I'm pretty awesome, I could turn you into a human pretzel with minimal effort for example.
The Rock is my spirit animal after all. Get mirin bro.


It's an obligation of your position that you spend X amount of your time teaching.

Some faculty are also interested more in "doing things" in the field or lab, practical things. One guy who has repeatedly almost been thrown out prefers to spend most of his time in the third world helping with schools and humanitarian stuff. When he's actually there he's calmly and reasonably explaining how fucking fucked we all are and all but begging people to consider doing something.

He sounds a lot like Kermit the Frog.

And that's kind of his "tax" on having a position that lets him do more good, I guess. Jumping through the hoops of academia and putting up with the bullshit.

And there is bullshit. The administration has stars in it's eyes about big Sci-Engi bux and as always, fucking Football. They throw money at both like nobodies business. Which is sort of horseshit because our University has always sort of been agriculture and food sciences oriented. With a healthy side of biology and horticulture.
We have fine cows.

Sure, rocket science and state of the art industrial engineering is sexy, but our roots are fucking Cow and Tree Science.

Sure they can, but that doesn't protect them from the consequences.

It's one thing to have some tattoos. I'm a lawyer. Many people in my firm have at least one. You know what they all have in common? You can't fucking see them when they're wearing a suit (meaning no leg tats for women, obviously). If you put a tattoo on your hand it shows you have a serious lack of foresight, never planned to work in any sort of client-facing, public, or professional capacity, and basically will as that user said always be poor.

He didn't say anything like "don't get tattoos, I'm so mad!" He said "you are poor." This is probably an accurate assessment. I bet that guy is poor.

Fucking entitled millennials, "hurr durr you don't own me I can do what I want!" (...) "Wow why can't I get a fucking job, thanks boomers!"

>And no I'm pretty awesome, I could turn you into a human pretzel with minimal effort for example.
>The Rock is my spirit animal after all. Get mirin bro.

>Platinum mad
le mao

beta as fuck

>Veeky Forums talks shit about 3.5
>never provides an alternative fantasy-based RPG system with a decent amount of fucking customization

GURPS, now fuck off.

What's that? I can't hear you over the sound of your ovaries.

Oh, the provide an alternative.

Just only after bitching about 3.5 and someone like you calling out the fact they never have a suggestion.

Shit is tiresome to see. Only time you ever see someone defend 3.5 is after the anti dnd fags shit up the thread then claim 3.5 posters are the problem.

Granted, it's been a LONG time since I played 3.5; but I can't remember any fight taking 2 hours, not even really huge "This is important" boss fights. What the hell is taking so long?

D&D 3.5 functions just fine with a decent amount of house ruling. With a group that actually pays attention and has their dice rolls ready to go on their turn, a combat takes 20-30 minutes.

>D&D 3.5 functions just fine with a decent amount of house ruling.
If by "decent" you mean "might as well play 5e"

I'd play 5e if there was any fucking content for it

>3rd adventure line is out now
>hurrrrrrr no content
What do you want, a thousand splatbooks full of broken and/or garbage classes?

Maybe he just wants to see you bitch, again.

What do you consider a "decent amount" of house ruling?

Share those house rules.

Skill ranks replaced with trained skills, fractional BAB, fudge combat bonuses during fights because sometimes there's just too damn many to remember (+1 from Bless, +1 from haste, +2 from the dex bonus from haste, +2 from magical sword, +2 for flanking, forget that those two enhancement bonuses don't stack, etc.). If it's a matter of PC life and death we'll stop to count it all up but usually I'll ballpark it into +5 or +8 or give them advantage or whatever. Work with players before the game starts to make sure everyone's on the same relative power level. Buff/nerf characters accordingly. Disallow obvious cheese like pun-pun.

On my end, reduce complexity of monster stat blocks to a short list of AC/saves/size/HP/abilities. Only give monsters special abilities that I plan on using as part of the encounter. Sometimes this means I forget the sea troll's regeneration is bypassed by electricity(or whatever other specific example you prefer), but it keeps combats moving along. If I can't remember off the top of my head, don't look up rules mid-combat unless it's life-or-death.

Also, I usually play E6 which comes with its own houserules, but you can look that up on your own.

Yes. The splatbooks had a ton of lore content which made for decent adventure hooks, and you can always buff or nerf classes that fit the character idea but not the power level you want.

>quality lore

>and you can always buff or nerf classes that fit the character idea but not the power level you want.
Or you could use a system that is more balanced to begin with. And don't act like you need new 5e books to use the lore content in 3.5 books in 5e.


Yes. Much better than 3.5. The Dungeon Fantasy line is p good.