This is how I physical adept


Other urls found in this thread:

This is how I Rigger

This is how I warlord

This is how I design dungeons.

This is how I Paladin



this is how I wizard

This is how I come up with plans

This is how I Street Samurai.

He absolutely is one.

When does he ever attack anyone who hasn't attacked him first or isn't by their very nature evil?

>Not a ranger that managed to pick "vampires, undead, nosferatu and dracula" as its four favourite enemies.

Anyway, this how I warlock

This is how I highwayman.

People who try to claim that Anderson is a bad person are generally people who haven't read the manga or watched Ultimate, user.

This is how I GM

I've done both. I'm not claiming he's a bad person, he's just not a paladin.

In what way is he not a paladin?

He's a talented warrior utterly devoted to his deity and the cause of his faith and goodness to the point of self-sacrifice. Please tell me you're not going to be a stickler because he doesn't wear plate armor or throw Radiant damage around.

>Trying to kill main character of a shit anime
He's LITERALLY doing God's work out there, user!

>no armor
>duel wielding
>throwing weapons
Good luck with that paladin


This is how I monk.

This is how I monk.

>What are Clerics for 500?
>What are Avengers for 600?

This is how I animal companion

This is how I Antipaladin.

This is how I cleric

>that time he tried to kill Police girl
>that time he killed Integra's bodyguards
>that time he wanted to kill Integra
Neutral at best

Still a better MC than Overloser

They're Protestants, they're covered under "by their very nature evil".

Who is he?

This is how I warlock.

this is how I powergame

Story checks out, carry on.
