ITT your encounters with DMs of questionable skill, Intellect, morals, or grasp on reality.
Worst/creepiest/weirdest DMs
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Worst one I had was one who took the -4 str joke seriously. This was the same guy who kept trying to make any D20 system, and its derivatives by extension, realistic.
I secretly wish I had played in a game run by a super creep GM so I had a horror story
I once had a DM who wanted to play Catan like they did in that 'do you Catan' screencap.
Mine was in high school, first time player, only girl in the group of five.
>Joined up a while into campaign, other guys already into their roles.
>My character was a badass half Orc barbarian. The DM said she could be hot if I wanted, and so I said sure!
>first game with her, she get set on fire after rolling over a campsite fire, and the DM (after some rolls) declares that all my clothes burned off and I'm now completely nude. He tries to get me to give a description of my character naked to help 'set the scene'. I went with it that time because I expected some hazing.
>Couple games later, get hit with a disintegrate spell, make my save, but again he declares the magic destroys all my armour, specifying clothes and underwear go too. Getting old.
>He occasionally does one on one elements of his games, where we'd fight or interact with NPCs alone and stuff, and would take us seperately to do those. He made mine totally uncomfortable, a scene with my character in bed, naked of course, and she's awoken and confronted by the villain, who 'admires your nakedness' and such a lot as we do the scene. He made that shit creepy as all hell.
>Next character I make, I make a guy. Based loosely on an actor I was into at the time. Strangely, the random forced nudity stopped.
Probably my first DM which, looking back, was him playing out his power fantasies and taking them out on me and the other player.
He was in Middle School and I was in Elementary School. He was a tad controlling of his precious world, but I do have to give him credit.
He did introduce me to Roleplaying.
If being really into green women is wrong, then I don't want to be right.
Why do people like this exist
He wanted details on breast size, nipples, pubic hair, the lot. All in front of four guys I go to school with. And it was always 'describe your boobs' never 'describe HER boobs' you know? Like actually separating me and my character.
I'm guessing this guy was a socially rejected autist who'd never spoken to a woman before and hadn't the slightest clue how. Might not have even realized he was doing it, because autism.
>MFW I realize people like this exist in the same world as me.
So that we can make fun of them on a Cambodian picture plank.
He wasn't really socially rejected, more like just a bit weird. I stuck with it because he was actually a seriously good writer though, he created really compelling characters and stories when he wasn't trying to get me to describe my orc girl's bush.
Not her, but...
Everyone's a little awkward in high school. Hopefully he's grown up since then.
Oh god. You can literally see the fear in her eyes. You can FEEL her same feelings of "please just let this be over soon please let it end soon please"
I feel bad for cosplay girls. They want to dress as character they love, but autists have to make it weird.
Yeah, it's the same way women look at me during sex. They usually calm down after the rape but before they figure out I wont be letting them go.
Hey you never know, man. Maybe he's got that pre-1930 autism where you can be a great writer of your time - and then in private you like getting farted on and shit.
I feel bad for them both.
One is just there to have fun, dressing up to show support for their favorite show or series, but has to deal with all sorts of undesirables elevating her to goddess based on her sex, not even as a fellow fan but something else, lesser and greater.
And yet, there's also the other guy, biologically incapable of normalcy due to autism, an entire facet of humanity locked off to him, knowing deep down he'll never have a normal interaction. He's probably terrified deep down that this woman can call security on him for anything, and she'd be instantly believed, all because he just can't be what others are naturally.
It's a clusterfuck both ways.
I did actually play D&D with an autistic guy in college. It's exactly like you'd expect, they create characters to extreme specifics, are numerically obsessed, and don't really care for the role play aspect.
It sounds like he'd prefer video games or wargames and miniatures.
Sure, I'll bite.
>Hook up with a meetup group needing some players, stop by for a session
>DM emails me a 20-page "campaign details" packet. Stock fantasy world with different names for towns to make it special, w/e.
>Show up, roll a male Dwarf Cleric to healbot. Everyone likes another healbot.
>Another player asks if I read the packet "closely enough."
>In the middle of one paragraph, the DM casually mentions that, for whatever reason, men get pregnant in this world, and no one knows why and it can happen at any time.
>I look around the table. EVERYONE ELSE are playing women.
>Because I'm not a fucking reprobate, I remain polite and play through the session (they spent almost the entire time in a single encounter), and never come back.
He was a champion player at Warhammer too, yeah.
>Playing a vampire system of some kind
>GM gets really into the worldbuilsing aspect, has us read like four or five pages of setting more before character creation.
>He brought a binder to the table which was like a full inch thick of nothing but setting notes.
>We make characters and before we are even introduced he goes on explaining about the city we are in and the different factions and political affiliations between them all
>Takes a good twenty minutes of pure dialogue with intermittent questions.
>Ask "So where do our characters fit into all of this?"
>He freezes for a good few seconds and slaps our entire group into one of these factions, even though half the party aren't "pure enough" vampires for that faction.
>The first session ends up being a hastily thrown together combat immediately followed by confusing dialogue from NPCs that are obviously important but we don't understand the "subtleties" of the information they give us.
>GM drops that setting and goes back to superhero systems.
Evolution has created strange situations indeed
Had a male DM who was definitely on the creeper side try and get my female character involved in a graphic rape scene. I played along for a bit, but it just kept going, to the point when she'd been stripped and I was asked to do a grapple check to see if she could resist being penetrated. I thanked them for the invite and politely fucked off.
The fuck is wrong with her eyes, is she wearing contacts?
you never heard of red eye? are you 15?
No, I'm 27, now explain this shit.
She looks like she's possessed by a fucking demon.
Im sorry your family was too poor to afford a camera. Either that or youre a liar.
he provided a slave as a table and a prize?
Had a dungeon master suggest I show him my vagina to get a particular item I wanted for my character.
I like to imagine him shifting sideways maintaining that fixed arm position until he finally hits skin.
She's in pretty good shape though and could easily beat this twig up
When did we stop viewing cosplayers as the attention seekers they are again? They don't deserve pity when they put themselves into these situations knowingly.
Because that's what Fox news wants you to think, you victim blaming shit.
>Dm said I could be hot if I wanted
>First game get set on fire
At first I thought that was going to be the joke.
I don't think so friendo.
If I had a week I couldn't explain to you all the ways you're an ignorant twat.
That's a good excuse for not coming up with a single justification for your bullshit.
Baiting hard today.
Still not seeing any logic here, just more deflection.
Not the same person, but yeah, yours is the attitude of rapists and abusers.
Violence or aggression can't be blamed on the victim. It isn't their fault. Regardless what these kind of people may claim, men don't HAVE to assault scantily dressed women. They are calable of not doing so.
>Be a female
>Dress up like an attractive video game character
>Get dolled up and go to a comic con
>A place that is universally understood to be filled with Sexually frustrated nerds
>Cry foul when they leer
Everyone is in the wrong. But you're basically blaming a racoon for breaking into your trash can and taking what it can. It's nature and it just happens. It can't be snuffed out with however many school seminars you enforce.
And what's worse is that these guys are just considered "creepy" when they are known to never do shit. If a comic con girl pulled a cosplay at a scummy bar and gets actually raped you would be upset but understand you wouldn't go into a stupid place like that if you wanted safe attention.
These nerds and con geeks don't know how to talk to women, so saying they are "bad" when they interact with popular cosplayers in anyway is arrogant and fucking shallow.
I'm not one or the other I'm just pissed off at this one sided view you have of these people as if they should be ashamed of being attracted to a girl.
To claim that dressing scantily is to invite sexual assault is to reduce men to beasts incapable of self-restraint.
Maybe they ought to figure out how to hold their attraction to women at the same time as their recognition of their humanity? That would go a long way towards making these men not creepy.
>Outsiders bitching about socially awkward nerds
Can you people fuck off.
Holy Christ you people are toxic
Please rewrite that post. I lost the point you were trying to make with whatever pre congested agenda you were shaking on
Spotted the con creeper
>Do something for attention
>Get attention
>B-but this is not the universally desirable attention I did all this fore, I'm a victim
>Unwanted attention is now violence
Lol wut?
Lol what a creepy looser. It's 2016, you'd think that you fucking manbabies would have grown up by now instead of hiding behind OUR new hobby and filling it with your creepy gross looser bullshit. If you won't get out than get used to us because we are here to stay shitlord.
Epic call out of entitled old-timer neck beard.
Would read again
It's sad when they don't realize their model has been discontinued and society has retired the mold to the dregs of history and anonymous forums
It's times like this that make me glad i'm not female. Jesus christ.
>things that never happened
He's allowed to be a creep, and we're allowed to make fun of him for it, and he's allowed to adapt from being a creep to becoming a more functional human being.
Yeah I blew that grognard the fuck out!
#shotsfired #shipsunk
If you cut it off at the end of the sentence, it's decent greentext.
Have you interacted with a nigger even once in your life?
Might as well say we should educate thieves instead of making locks.
>Claims to be black American.
> IP Flag is Israeli.
Nonsense, the world's STRONGEST WOMAN is not as strong than the world's WEAKEST MAN
Mah dude, you can be autistic and not give a flying shit about the numbers.
Maybe he was busy writing a novel and was like: I can use this for my next campaign!
Fucking kill these people with fire.
Maybe his family never had shitty cameras.
Also, y'all really need to tone down with accusing skinny socially awkward guys of being scum. They often can't help themselves. Also, if you dress up to get looked at you're gonna get looked at. If the prime thing about your costume is your well-toned butt, washboard abs and generous cleavage, then I'm sorry, but nothing wrong with admiring nature's splendour.
You blew your cover when you claimed to agree with describing your characters nude body.
You used to be able to select your own flag fampai
You know she also could be a hostess and paid to do just that all day long.
Mine was the brother of a friend from middle school. Played Call of Cthulhu with him three times. Impressively enough, he actually managed to get worse every single time.
>Playing old character from CoC 1890
>Pick up other player's character who just arrived in America
>Bring him to a hotel
>There's a telegram for my character at the hotel
>Get confused
>Ask clerk how they could have possibly known I was coming there
>DM gets crazy mad, accusing me of trying to derail the session
I seriously didn't get his problem. From that point on he had a serious vendetta against me. Same session:
>Spend most of my starting cash on a sweet car
>Armored, secret gun compartments, etc
>Arrive on location, house on a hill
>Park the car
>Specifically ask if I need to roll for that
>He says I don't and that it's fine
>Fuck around in the house
>Oh shit demons
>Need to quickly retrieve item from the trunk of the car
>One of the other characters runs out and tries to open the trunk
>DM has me roll for luck
>Car rolls off of the hill, wrecking it
At that point we basically had to stop because everyone was calling bullshit and he didn't want to budge, citing 'rule one, DM's always right.'
Shame really, I liked the game and the group, but the DM was just too fucking autistic.
This is why Rule 1/Rule 0 is cancer.
Not because the players should challenge the GM,
But because the GM Should have the wherewithal to not need to be challenged.
> inb4 Rules Lawyers
If there is a player at the table who knows the game better than you, why the fuck are you the one GMing?
>retroactively judging something that happened in high school where people dont always make the best decisions
Do have have a collection or just the one?
Because he sucks at DMing. Knowing the books cover to cover by heart doesn't make you a good GM.
Because system masters and story tellers can overlap, but don't always, my friend. And rule 1/0 is good to say "oh, I didn't know that rule, oh, well, let's not break the flow here and let's have what I say happened happen, because plot reasons/ I gave something away with this event that I can't call back/ let's not break flow and crack open the rule book for this small shit that literally doesn't matter."
>Knowing the books cover to cover by heart doesn't make you a good GM.
It does make you a *better* GM, however.
Yes, it does. Knowing the ins and outs of your system makes you better at GMing it.
Sorry you've deluded yourself into believing otherwise.
Debatable. A chain is only as strong as it's weakest link. A GM who's bad at engaging their players in the narrative isn't going to improve by memorizing more of the rulebook.
Not really. See
Yes, I did see that. Would you like to respond to any of my post beyond the first word?
>people who don't know about jessica nigri
this is literally what she gets paid to do/does it every time.
it's not "oh, she happens to dress as a skimpy character she likes and got harassed for it" she does this shit on purpose and gets paid for it.
She makes videos/takes pictures that are literally just her showing off T&A, and every single one of her cosplays are slutty on purpose, and if the base content isn't, she makes it so it shows off as much skin as she can.
IIRC She actually nearly got kicked out of a fairly large con because her costume didn't meet the (nearly nonexistent) decency standards.
She more than likely makes more money doing all this than pretty much everyone in this thread combined. I'm fairly certain she can stand a hoverhand.
I wouldn't particularly, because I thought the fact that a GM who is more familiar with the rules will manage them better than one who is not would be fucking self evident, but I guess in today's world of FATEfags and self appointed "story" gamers and "true roleplayers" actually knowing the rules of the game has become criminally underappreciated.
A GM who's bad at engaging their players in the narrative AND bad at making consistent rulings in accordance with the game's rules is demonstrably worse than one who is merely bad at engaging their players in the narrative. I am literally in fucking disbelief I had to spell this one out for you.
In the group I played shadowrun with, we had this thing where the gm would let other people run oneshot adventures from time to time so he could play to. Some of these oneshots were fun.
>This guy wanted to run a oneshot for like a month or two
>finally gets his will
>starts the session with kidnapping all of our characters
>everyone wakes up in a small room
>gm jokes about how a women could get raped in here with all the naked guys and stuff
>kidnapper threatens to kill everyone but first rape all the women in the party
>mfw I play the only female character right now
>mfw I'm the only woman at the table
>mfw he just realizes this
>He doesn't apologises
>Goes into more detail of what they are going to do with me
>totally disgusted at this point
>had leave the room before I punch him in the face
worst session I had woth that group. had more sessions with them after that? Why would you do that?
Also not to mention it's pretty clear that this picture was posed for. So I have no idea where everyone's getting the whole idea that it's some sort of hover hand rape or something. It's probably more supposed to either be a joke, or in reference to the character or something.
But muh pristine maiden accosted by an undesirable male narrative.
This. So very this.
Because the whole thing is stdh
Maybe they ended up liking it?
Wow, what a sexist pig GM.
How stupid do you have to be to single out the female PC for that kind of treatment when you could have them all tortured and abused?
>I thought the fact that a GM who is more familiar with the rules will manage them better than one who is not would be fucking self evident
Obviously, when all other factors are equal.
>A GM who's bad at engaging their players in the narrative AND bad at making consistent rulings in accordance with the game's rules is demonstrably worse than one who is merely bad at engaging their players in the narrative.
Yes, obviously. That was never the question. The question was if a GM who engages the players but doesn't know the rules is better than one that doesn't engage the players but knows the rules very well.
To again reiterate, as you're apparently blinded by projecting your frustrations about "storyfags" on me; if your knowledge of the rules is strong, but other fields of GMing are weak, then you will not meaningfully improve your game by furthering your knowledge of the rules.
Probably just an autist/virgin with a porn/masturbation addiction.
Take your pick, doesn't have to be cruel, just ignorant.
>if your knowledge of the rules is strong, but other fields of GMing are weak, then you will not meaningfully improve your game by furthering your knowledge of the rules.
Sure it will, because knowing and applying rules is one of many GMing skills.
Sorry you've fooled yourself into believing it isn't.
>if a GM who engages the players but doesn't know the rules is better than one that doesn't engage the players but knows the rules very well.
No. That's a false equivalence.
The real question is whether or not being good at story, but shit at rules makes you a bad dm? Yes it does because you don't actually know the game, you just know how to tell a story.
>you will not meaningfully improve your game by furthering your knowledge of the rules.
Again a false equivalence because you've only said that one who is already good at something can't improve if they focus on what they're already good at. You're basically just stating the obvious and calling it a convincing argument for no reason.
If two DM's are equally good at story but one doesn't know the rules, he will invariably be the worse DM.
In that case tell me all about the time the party let your Mary Sue DMPC self-insert slide because you memorized the grenade scatter rules.
>Sorry you've fooled yourself into believing it isn't.
You, you stop this shit. It's not an argument, just arrogance. You should know better. Shame.
He was an okay player. Into powerplay and min/maxing as fuck but not the worst and most annoying player I've seen. He made sexual jokes here and there and it annoyed me but I love shadowrun and I could ignore him. I decided to never play again when he would get to run another onshot and that worked out. Doesn't mean I would want to be alone in a room with him thou
>If you're good at rules you MUST be shit at everything else
Stop. That shit's a strawman. Come on if you're going to argue this pointless shit at least make an effort in reason.
I can tell you it was better than the time your Mary Sue DMPC self-insert threw a grenade and you spent five minutes looking for the grenade scatter rules, at least.
I think even this is too subtle for the autism user.
>It's /pol/ to literally reiterate the narrative enforced by the white knights in this thread