which fighting game setting would make the best RPG?
Mortal Kombat feels like a strong contender, but by the same logic Killer instinct could do too, what about Dark stalkers? etc.
which fighting game setting would make the best RPG?
Mortal Kombat feels like a strong contender, but by the same logic Killer instinct could do too, what about Dark stalkers? etc.
Why not merge Mortal Kombat and Killer Instinct? I mean they're both basically 90's Superhero Comic Book fighting games and nothing in the games universal background contradicts each other much.
Hmmmm, Killer instinct with added MKx style fighting styles... should it be a full crossover or more of a spiritual composite?
Soul Calibur's setting has built in reasons to go adventuring, and there's precedent for teams.
its also canon to Tekken, I love settings where you can play different eras. so that could have some play in a modern kind of setting
has Veeky Forums ever statted Soul Edge and Soul Calibur?
Soul Edge: Possessed by Sword. +5 Against Soul Calibur.
Soul Calibur: Possessed by Sword. +5 Against Soul Edge.
Primal Rage could be a fun romp, though I must admit I have a bias for dinosaurs
a Primal Rage rpg would be the shit. if I hadn't already just gotten done playing a dinosaur obsessed character I'd probably play a cleric devoted to the primal gods of Urth or whatever the fucking planet was renamed to in PR.
I played a Paladin with a summoning archetype in pathfinder, I focused on summoning Celestial Dinosaurs, that said a Primale Rage Game would need Rules good at making the players feel HUGE, as either avatars of or gods themselves
Street Fighter, because there already is a Street Fighter pnp RPG.
Metal & Lace: The Battle of the Robo Babes.
In 2053, the babes fight on MeCha Island. Winners receive fame and funding. Losers distribute smutty pictures of themselves.
It's perfect.
Guilty Gear, of course.
Get up to rock!
Get up to burn!
Stand up with pride! I'll be the ways to maker!
You must have heard it!
Grasp the truth!
Hold it high!
Raise your fists! That's why it's made to start with!
You haven't heard it go!
would there be a system for creating a prehistoric god character to play as? maybe take some visual design cues from the king kong remakes?
this thread needs a direction, something to focus on
I'm slightly disappointed the thread went on this long without GG getting mentioned.
That said, Soul Calibur and KI are also pretty great.
>yfw Capcom is done with crossovers
>yfw there won't ever be KI vs Darkstalkers
I'd settle for KI meets MK at this point, but ehe
Guilty Gear, specifically during the X and X2 period, has a lot of elements that make for a good rpg world.
1. Post-apocalyptic setting. Governments still function, but they're a lot smaller/there's a lot more wild space on the planet.
2. Magic and tech are mixed almost to the point of being the same thing. They are also very common, which means life can pinball between mundane and cuhrazy without becoming awkward.
3. You have two well-developed species (humans and gears) rather than just the normal fantasy bait. And even then, there's a lot of variation within those species (Faust and Potemkin are 100% human) as well as some minor races like living weapons and vampires.
4. There are a bunch of small factions interacting with each other like the Holy Knights and the Assassins' Guild and the Zepp military.
5. Points 2, 3, and 4 all combine to make it so there are many ways for a character to become a powerful fighter. Furthermore, they make it so that parties of disparate people can form quite easily.
Killer Instinct is pretty much Netrunner if everyone solved conflicts with their fists rather than their wallets/gadgets and magic was a thing.
The new KI is the Darkstalkers 4 we never had.
Weapon Lord
It's like a western version.
Which is why a VS game would be amazing.
>Jago vs Donovan
>Bishamon vs Hisako
>Saberwolf vs Talbain
BB and GG. They both have overly complex magic systems that get explained in detail, so you have everything fluffed out, you just need to stat them.
So Shadowrun?
Darkstalkers, Blaz Blue or Guilty Gear in my opinion. Pretty much any of the anime fighters. It feels unfair to mention Melty Blood, but I will anyway.