The most awesome, or, the most shit ways, your PCs have bit the big one.
You have died
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My gnome sorceress had an unlucky end. She used her wand of wonder on an attacking fire giant. He doubled in size. He punched her, and she was hit so hard the DM explained she immediately shit out her intestines.
>Dnd 3.5
>Grasp of the Emerald Claw adventure
>Ancient Cyclopean ruin in the jungles of Xen'drik (pic related)
>party is investigating big spoopy door
>literally described as "a weakened wail of the banshee that will affect just one more person, having already wiped out five Emerald Claw soldiers. "
>big fuckoff scary green glowing door covered in skulls
>of course, the party argues over opening it
>the elf paladin and I, warforged fighter, argue over it
>eventually I relent, im likely more immune to things than he is
>it wails, I roll a 1, I die
>then the GM has me fall through a chute, take 15d6 slashing damage from spikes and blades in the walls
>take 15d6 crushing from the fall through the chute to the earth
>I am pieces. less than pieces. Mush
>then THEN the sorcerer asks "why didnt you guys just have me summon monster 1 a monkey to activate the trap?"
I knew this day would come, one cannot play with gunpowder for so long until something goes wrong. Which is why i made 4 backups to choose from!
I had this one character when I was new to playing. His whole background was that he HATED this one guy for reasons I can't quite remember. Probably killed his parents or something dumb.
But in the final battle against said parent killer he jumped off of a cliff. He wanted to die on his own terms, but my character was so pissed he jumped off right after him to stab him to death before he hit the ground.
Worthy death.
My poor elven sorceress got her skull caved in by an orc while she was bathing in a hot spring. Didn't even get to roll.
Superhero game.
My Superman-lite (flight, super strength, etc. but themed around dragons, since he had a "dragon soul") wound up fighting the BBEG (interdimensional conqueror, had been making humanity hate and fear each other to soften it up for his invasion, which we'd been trying to slow or stop) into space before he could kill two of our group (the speedster and the not!Karate Kid martial arts master), then as I realised that I wasn't going to be getting out of this one alive, I decided to facesmash him into the ground in a Mach 17 impact from orbit.
I had the option of bringing him back afterwards, since superhero death is a revolving door after all, but decided against it and his sacrifice became the impetus for a whole new age of heroes, our next campaign.
died explosive rune suicide bombing a draco-lich phylactery.
So you were just railroaded to death? That sucks big, hairy, donkey testicles.
I'd be pretty ticked off with a G.M. who did that to me.
>have a 7'0" quarry miner named Huxley Kettlestone in a Fallout session
>big guy but actually kinda smart, he read a lot while he ate between outdoor shifts because he was too big for the mine shafts
>one day Legion spies him while he's getting bearings from a cliff, assume he's a supermutant by his sihoulette and dispatch to take him down
>the Centurion is surprised to find he's a human and, desiring someone to potentially replace his current slave-pit combat champion, orders his Decanus to collar him
>when it becomes obvious that the slave collar won't fit around his neck, the Decanus tries to put it around his neck instead
>Huxley grabs him by the hand and swings him around, dangling him over the cliff edge
>Decanus begins begging for mercy, crying, etc
>Centurion is disgusted by this and tells Huxley to drop the fucker
>Huxley complies and then has his hand collared, this time at gunpoint
>sitting in slave cell
>someone comes along to save him
>tries to disable his collar/bracelet despite Hux's protest
>the collar detonates, removing his hand and causing massive blood loss
>dies because big people already have problems with their heart/circulatory system
>chick pats herself on the back for trying and leaves
>Legion is upset to find their potentially entertaining new slave dead just outside of his pen
>let their dogs eat him
around his wrist, not his neck
She was relaxing, naked, and rules wise prone and surprised. She was s sorceress and had only about 9 hp, and he hit for I think 17 damage, and the dm declared she was killed instantly.
Orc wore her skin as a cloak, so we had something to hunt down later.
Used a MacGuffin like a fucking retard, exploded to death.
My ogryn got grazed in the leg with a lasgun and his dried pocket slop caught fire.
>Solo campaign, playing an orc warlock (5e, blade pact)
>Traveling with the DMPC and some traitor guard
>We're headed north to kill some tribal chieftain
>I made a lot of enemies in the last city we were in because my orc didn't know how money worked (he learned he needs money to stay at an inn, so he just walked outside and told the richest guy he could find "GIVE ME MONEY". That didn't really work out well. The prisonbreak is where we met the traitor guard by the way).
>Some upset guardsmen/soldiers are chasing us
>I trip the traitor guard, basically wishing him good luck with what little remains of his life
>DMPC is like "wtf dude"
>Later the enemy catches up to us and we fight
>Get out of there, leaving the DMPC to his fate
>Head north, reach the chieftain's camp
>Walk up to him and stab him in the face
>Everyone around me gets upset/scared
>I try to ease the situation by pretending I'm possessed/crazy
>It doesn't work
>They kill me
On the plus side, the demon that bound me to a contract did allow me to pass on to my chosen afterlife becuase I technically completed his assignment.
>Playing Paranoia
>Character has somehow managed to obtain a yellow laser barrel
>Uh-oh, equipment check
>Try to swallow the barrel
>Choke and die
>Officer and party find communist pamphlets on my body
>Kill my clone when it shows up ("Gotta double check")
Demons deal in loop holes but not ones that benefit you, unless you completed what they wanted and expected you get jack shit.
DESU, as a robot, you were the most expendable party member anyway.
I like his gumption. That's how you do proper revenge.
Were both of the GM's hands visible while he was narrating this?
> dungeonworld
>1st level Barbarian
> GM traps us in a valley with Orc horde, have to dispatch nearby guard post before they alert main camp, but no ranged combatants.
> lead charge on scout camp.
> have to Defy Danger, fail, have to take the best of 2d20 points of damage as a tumble down what I assumed was a gentler slope. Take 19 points of damage arriving at the foot of the scouts with 1 hitpoint and subsequently poked to death by scout.
My GM has a set of magic tarot cards scattered across his settings, and in one campaign we found the "Hanged Man". Party member uses it because "let's see what this does". Ends up rolling the bad effect - instant death, soul taken.
Party is deciding what to do, even considering risking "The Devil" card (blood price for a 'favour'). My goody-good Paladin ends up offering to take party member's place, as it fot with his Goddesses' ethos.
Hanged Man spirit accepts, Pally dies, party member saved. They dole out his loot and move on.
As for "most shit" way, had my Bard die in the 2nd session via constant "get downed - get healed - get downed - get healed" during fight with a couple Draugr-ish things.
>Very end of the campaign
>Party has just done a gauntlet of all the villains of the arc and miraculously no one has died
>However I realise the BBEG (who is a lich) is still alive because my cursed eye was acting as his new phylactry (long story)
>None of the others have realised this, they're all just wondering why the lich's ritual is still running when he's meant to be dead
>I suddenly tell all my party members how great this adventure has been (both in game and out)
>I then bring out my enchanted sword, turn on its "lightsabre mode" and stab myself through the eye, permanently killing the lich
>Whole party is shocked when they realise what just happened
>It was the final session I had with them before I moved away
Gotta say, it was a really nice way to end my first campaign.
Couldn't you have just removed the eye?
Modern zombie apocalypse campaign. We had been in this campaign over a year with a few PC deaths. My character, Marty Robbins, was there since the beginning. Thanks to some early in game events and feats, Marty was immune to the virus. This is important because Marty didn't use guns, he used melee weapons (less weeb, more Warriors). Well we killed the BBEG but he had a dead-man switch to destroy the whole city to the effect of a horde of genetically modified zombies (LFD zombies but with the killing power of WD zombies. Not fun). Unbeknownst to us, he also released a NotTyrant zombie behemoth to attack the other side of our compound while every PC and NPC dealt with the horde. Marty saw him.
Marty intercepted the Tyrant as it crashed through our cement and steel walls. The melee fight between two was very one-sided, I was making massive-damage saves every other turn. But I was holding him back. A thing about Marty is that he was ex-military. He had PTSD that made him shake whenever he picked up a gun. He was an expert in demolitions and explosions, though. And his workshop was on the opposite side of the walled city as everyone else was. Marty almost didn't make it to his workshop before getting beaten to death. The endurance and die-hard feat were used. The tyrant was ontop of him as he detonated a pack of C4. Next to his stash of ordnance. I took 244d6+244 damage. So did the Tyrant. It blew the fuck out of our compound by the horde had been mostly eliminated (with no small loss.)
I got a statue in the epilogue.
Nah at that point he was already possessing my character's soul. My sword had a cleansing property so, right through the brain it goes.
Got a good one for y'all, but needs a bit of a preface.
>Playing warforged artificer
>before the events that led to my demise, get a crystal that slots into my chest, essentially casts shield every long rest
>usually sniping, so never needed to use it but on two occasions
>this is important later
Cut to the end of a quest arc. We went to an island and killed a daelkyr heart that was attempting to revive itself. We also found out our employer had shady motivations, and the group that he had send all got killed minus one warforged, which I sealed underground so that they couldn't spill the beans on our story(that they all died in combat). When we got back and reported to our employer(one of the council of wizards in the city, mostly replaced his body with automation), he casts zone of truth and finds out that I trapped the warforged underground. Remarkably, he lets me leave alive. Cut to the next night.
>Working on automaton in the middle of the night
>knock on door
>it's the elf ranger from our party
>says he wants to help me out
>give him some money and send him to get blades or something
>comes back, gives me the stuff, then the player character announces "I stab user in the chest"
>bash him with my battlefist, but he's got a bunch of health
>he messes me up pretty good with lucky rolls
>he's about to kill me
>remember the crystal
>+5 ac lets me survive to cast thunderwave
>knock him out, tie him up
>rest of the party comes running after hearing the thunder
>ranger wakes up and starts trying to convince them I attacked him
>as we're negotiating the DM shoots me a text to roll a wisdom check
>I roll a 6
>the fucking crystal possesses me and casts fireball
>I'm at 4 hp
>instantly incinerated
>Ranger says hey look he was acting crazy
>nat 20 deception
Turns out the wizard had told him either I die or he does.
The crystal has been planted by the same wizard and tried to possess after being activated three times.
That isn't enough damage to instantly kill.
One shotting an Wyrm Green Dragon and killing both of us through Critical and fall damage.
>tiefling PC was fighting a brass golem with a giga-sword.
>emphasis on sword size
>golem hits PC and crits.
>damage train, toot!
>basically explain that golem slammed the sword down on the PC with the flat side
>instagib hard
>make rest of party roll CON to brace against exploding bone fragments.
either your GM and party is shit or you're really shit and they're trying to get rid of you
Only ever had one character die. It went down like this.
And due to a combination of boredom and opportunism, I wrote a short story about my character's time while dead, since it gave me a chance to have her meet a character she otherwise never would.
Got me
He bled his last out to complete a summoning circle breaking open a rift into the warp through which he summoned a Bloodthirster to slaughter the highest ranked Priests of the Ministorum in an entire sector.
That act was sufficient to complete the compact, giving him a massive amount of Infamy and Corruption points. Sufficient to take him over 100 for each, and causing him to in death, ascend to Daemon Princedom.
>Climactic battle
>Needed to cut our way through Wizard fortress in one go
>Finally defeat bbeg and think we stopped his world destroying plan
>All my undead are out of commission
>Almost out of spells
>Planetar giving me the stink eye as I look at the bodies of our slain foes
>We needed his divine magic more than we needed undead so I suck it up and refrain from raising more
>Suddenly earthquake
>The bbeg's intelligent weapon starts shouting at us
>"Tell me you deactivated the mcguffin"
>We didn't, we totally missed that fucking room
>Portal through horrible dimension used as power source now gone haywire after bbeg died
>Realize that in order to close the portal we need to destroy another mcguffin on the opposite side then pull the switch.
>Monsters already flooding past portal
>Planetar already left after the bbeg died
>I'm the only caster in the group with plane shift
>I convince the intelligent weapon that I'm just as good if not better than his old master and we should work together
>No one is a match for my 32 charisma
>Not enough spells to go spellslinger
>Bulls strength, Form of the Dragon III and every Buff the bard had left will have to do
>I jump into the portal while the party fights off the monsters and prepare to pull the lever
>Fight my way to mcguffin on opposite side
>Smash it but realize its not enough
>I need to cast limited wish (one of my signature spells at this point) to finish the ritual
>Spend my last 7th level spell casting limited wish
>The team pulls the lever
>Out of spells
>We did not have enough resources to even cast life bubble
>Receive one last message from my succubus patron before the link between planes finally closes
>Everything goes dark
>As my body begins to succumb to the alien environment I feel at peace
>Our world gets to exist for good and evil alike
>The weapon will go to great lengths to protect its new master
>And the last message resounds in my mind
>"I'll come find you"
In my last game, my imperial battlemage self combusted and exploded while critically failing to cast a destruction spell. Took half the party with him, and severely injured the other half. The enemy easily finished them off, so tpk.
I hope nobody has the unfortune to play with your murderhobo ass.
I cut a mountain in half and died from the strain.
Your DM sucks.
>Playing a Homebrew Dragon Age game
>Barrow Lord gets a 20
>Instead of going for a letal blow he bites me.
>We beat him and get out of dungeon, when we go rest party realises that i haven't healed nothing at all
>I'm infected and even received more damage
>We are in the middle of the forest and just got out of some ruins so no time to find a town and get a healer
>My PC slowly dying and no healing effect seems to be working
>Eventually i faint, with bubbles in my mouth.
>GM calls me for pm
>"Roll dice for sanity and another one for a random adiction if you pass. You're going to become undead user."
>Gets a 16.
>And then a 20, i'm a perfectly sane and no bloodthirsty undead.
>Party decides to finish me off in the meanwhile, not because i was going to became undead but because the dwarf wanted a fucking "friendly skull".
Chaos Dragon literally eat me alive
DM thought it'd be interesting to give a trio of skeletons as the first encounter of a campaign a variety of different weapons. Turns out spears have an x3 critical modifier
Not a d&d expert, but don't you mean devils?
i was playing a wargame TCG i made with a friend of mine and I accidentally let my squad get too close to an enemy machine gun and they all got rolled to death rip fireteam alpha ;_;7
A friend of mine came up with (not sure if it's his invention or another game has done something like this but w/e) a system where the characters have to roll after a successful action to determine what might happen to you. As an example, if a wizard cast a spell and rolled say double what he needed to cast, the wizard would then have to make a sanity roll, or constitution, or wisdom (depending on certain factors) to see if there was any backlash.
>playing some kind of artifact warrior (think like the porcelain legionnaire or myr from mtg)
>pc is really strong, not too bright, but his job is to beat things down in defense of his party
>fighting bbeg at the end of it all
>rest of the party is dead or dying, he had cast some kind of poison beforehand
>locked in grappling match, face to face with enemy.
>roll strength to overwhelm him
>Nat. Fucking. 20
>dm tells me to roll resilience (my version of constitution)
>catastrophic failure. My core overloads, energy flowing through my gears.
>metal frame cracks, joints tear themselves apart
>my party looks on in horror as I turn myself to scrap metal
>they all succumb to poison
>bbeg largely unscathed
Just the thought of us all dying at the very end, with me killing myself in the attempt to save the day is just awful. It was good fun though
Rip in piss Basil. He died alone fighting a phase spider, He was the only one who couldnt get grabbed and warped to his lair since he had a spiked armor +3 and could strangle Giants with his grapple skill, but was not immune to shifty roles and poisoning.
I really liked the char but from the start the roles were shot.
Fucking autocorrect
*shitty rolls
*rolls were shit
He had his screen up, so anything could have gone on behind there.
Him jerking it to my girl getting descriptively bludgeoned to death like fucking Glenn over the scene where I described her naked is way disturbing though.
What DM says goes though, basically.
Not an actual death, but close. My first ever character was a rogue girl, and I was a little too used to playing main characters in solo games and not used to the brutal college boy DM.
She got caught trying to steal from the bad guy, he swears he'll do awful things if she doesn't give up info on the party.
She spits in his face, and so he beats her to 1hp and cuts both her tits off. Took the steam out of my plucky young rogue for sure.
And i thought my group was toxic. Is it actually fun to play with Dick party member and Dick GM?
I really enjoyed that post. I have a hard on for heros who earn the tales and their glory in death.
Level 3 Gestalt, kicking ass in a surprisingly well-thought out hunger games knockoff before we got thrown into a horror section. To increase the tension our GM removed all our powers. No, I'm not talking about an antimagic field, ALL OF IT.
So we were all running around as level 1 commoners essentially (we still had our original stats and hitpoints) and that was it. No class abilities, basic racial abilities and that was it. Needless to say the slasher monster when it found us was not gentle. I was the first to go (I was a sorcerer/template build at that level so jackshit for hitpoints) and it hunted the rest of us down through a combination of horrible die rolls in the most anticlimactic end I've ever been a part of.
A shame really, it was the GM's first campaign he'd run and I thought he was doing a really good job/was really invested in the story of it up until he tried to do horror in Pathfinder
We were on a diplomatic mission, representing our kingdom at the marriage of two lesser kingdoms' prince and princess. We discovered a plot to kill the princess and destabilize the region, but hadn't figured out who was behind it. While attempting to thwart the plot we got accidentally blamed and thrown in jail.
My Half-Ogre Rogue/Duelist was convinced it was all a set up, and they were going to try and kill us. I proceeded to try a jail break, using one hapless guard as a weapon, and managed to fight/tumble my way to the front gate of the Bastille like jail that we were held in.
Unable to break through the portcullis, I was eventually killed by spears and crossbows from both sides.
The next day, the party is put on trial and sentenced to death for attempted princessicide. They have to fight their way out of the courtroom and go into hiding. I was right all along.
Pic related, somewhat what my swashbuckling Half-Ogre looked like.
Again, it seems like DMs and players are all the more likely to let a warforged die because you're a just a robot.
He was talking to his past self trying to communicate the errors of his ways and that he needed to come together with the common man and stop the damage he was about to unleash on the world. Then the assassin disguised as me killed him, and told me it was an unprovoked attack on the big bads part and that there was no need to worry I should back his plan to take over the city.
>sent to get a stolen hammer by a shady group
>hammer turns out to be an old man, an exceptional craftsman
>kid begs us not to take his grandpa
>I say we won't
>ce dickhead grabs old man, I move to stop him
>kid runs off to get town guards
>I'm squabbling with necknuts, when the guard shows up
>in the confusion the guards attack both of us
>the guard captain critical against me and essentially lobotomized me, ce dickhead escapes relatively unharmed
Ravenloft 3.5
First encounter of the first session.
My rogue sees a blood elemental.
Fails a saving throw.
Dies of a heart attack.
Beat to death by a mind controlled midget with a magic whip.
>blood elemental.
looking into it there is zero reason you should have died from that short of DM fiat, given the blood elementals statlines.
I only have a couple character deaths.
The first one is because a player hated me and decided to kill my character when they were status effected by a dragon saving another PCs life (who also got killed). He got kicked from the game shortly after, but we weren't allowed to bring out PCs back.
Another is during the Runelords AP with the invisible monster. He died getting people he hated out of there.
Who then tried to save him and died, wasting the entire point of that. I mean, I appreciate the effort, but not helpful. We ended up with only one guy getting out
Most of my examples come from the one time we decided to try out Riddle of steel. You know how fans of the game sometimes say the lethality is exaggerated? Our GM said that too. Our killcount after 14 sessions or so was 13 characters, 5 of them mine.
We were part of a mercenary band in not!Germany, aiding the true king Johan the Good (formerly Johan the Bastard) in deposing the illegitimate Karl the Tyrant (Karl the Wise to others). The GM was still feeling things out, so he would adjust his balance “on the fly”.
First up was the scout, who in the second session caught an arrow to the knee while fleeing from the enemy, and rather then become a town guard was left behind by his mates, stabbed with a spear and then decapitated.
then came the skirmisher, pretty much the same character but now with javelins as an excuse to stay far away from the enemy. Three sessions later, after an attempt to torch an enemy camp at night, he spent too long throwing javelins at the oncoming cavalry and was ridden down.
Then it was the halberdier’s turn. he lasted one whole session before he stepped on a spike trap. Due to the infection, they had to take off his foot.
While he was recovering from his "surgery", i picked up a temporary character, the spearman. He did not even manage a whole session. He got lured into the woods and shanked by this girl from a peasant family they were escorting, but turned out to work with the bandits anyway. At least he managed to get a warning out, and the bandits were polite enough to cave his head in rather than let him bleed to death.
So, after that, it was time for the halberdier to make his miraculous comeback, wooden foot and all. Only we got caught up in a bit of rivalry between our company and some other mercenaries, and there was a brawl and he got shanked in the groin (and some other places). He did eventually die of bloodloss.
After that I rolled into the closest thing I had to a permanent character, who lasted all of four sessions. He is also the one that got a badass death, rather than a fail one. Other than breaking a leg once and taking a wound to the face, he lasted unharmed all the way to the second to last session, in which we stormed the walls of a city, where he kicked ass, threw a defender into his own pot of boiling oil, and had a Gandalf moment at the doorway of a gatehouse while the others inside opened the gates for the rest of the army. He actually did well (due to his shiny mail and plate armour and the weakness of the enemy minions), until that knight with the warhammer showed up He ended up with one shattered knee, a broken arm, another stab to the face, and then got thrown off the wall for the minions three stories down to finish off. But at least he bought the others enough time to open the gate, and softened the knight up enough that they could finish it off.
The final session was played with my last character, that actually managed to last all the way through the grueling work of actually taking the town. Sure, that asshole with the pollaxe near the end managed to break his arm (again), but I can wield a longsword without my left arm, while he can’t wield a pollaxe without his throat, so ha! And eventually we won, huzzah, wine and women for everyone, and a new splint for me.
After that the GM asked us what we thought of the system, and we asked to play something else again. Honestly I cared the least about the mortality rate, after a while you just get in the mood. Ultimately, none of us really like the system though, even if it had some pretty cool ideas.
is your gm a Veeky Forums shitposter?
>Most Awesome
Crashed a crop duster filled with napalm on a farm owned by werewolves. One of them somehow managed to get on it, I was losing ground and he was ready to kill me next round, so I ended most of them and the survivors got picked up by the rest of the party.
>Most Shit
I was playing a VtR gangrel, went to meet some Brujah cunts for a job and after introductions, the ST just declares that I get 5 bashing for two turns in a row, because they somehow managed to restrain me and started hitting me, no rolls or nothing. Then I called them faggots and they shot me in the head. Again, no roll. Also the reasoning was "they didn't believe that that guy sent you" but never explained why or how I'd know that.
One thing I learned from running TROS was that, despite all the emphasis on the combat system, you can't make it a purely combat oriented game. Character death is fucking commonplace that only the most min-maxed characters can survive.
One time I ran a historical viking themed game set around the viking invasion of England. One of my players didn't have a character last more than a single session.
>First death: Took two spears the throat while simultaneously bifurcating a guys skull
>Second death: Spear to the gut before he could even take one swing
>Third death: Decapitated first round of the fight
>Fourth death: Loaded with arrows
I felt bad because the whole time I was busy being a shitty GM and trying to kill another PC. He was just collateral damage.
>Marty Robbins
my nigga
Used by the Big Bad as a club to kill another PC.
I actually took more damage from it than the target.
Purple Worm'd as punishment for making a character that was effective in an earlier session.
>surrounded by an horde of angry dwarves
>TPK, I'm the last guy standing
>we're in a chamber with a giant statue of a dwarf king on it
>it was part of a riddle the party solved, and it warned that a terrible fate would befall those who got it wrong
>activate the trap on purpose
>the floor collapses, statue and all
>plunge into the abyss carrying everyone else with me
>playing a paladin
>party is fighting a demon cult that has been infesting the lands
>get captured by cultists while trying to protect party
>do a bit of prodding the guards and the GM, listen in on conversations
>find out I'm to be taken to see their demonic patron
>religious fervor intensifies
>party alchemist gets teleported into jail cell to try and pass me a teleport potion to save me
>fuck that I got a demon to fuck up
>spike that shit into the chamber pot
>party leaves me behind, as I requested
>come face to face with demon to be sacrificed
>try to channel god's fury
>fail by about 300, thanks rolemaster
>get eaten by demon with no ragrets