Reminder that Dennis Rodman will be shilling his sponsor, PotCoin, on Late Night with Stephen Colbert tonight. Normies will eat this shit up, just like they did June 14th when the price went 3X within the same day.
Reminder that Dennis Rodman will be shilling his sponsor, PotCoin, on Late Night with Stephen Colbert tonight. Normies will eat this shit up, just like they did June 14th when the price went 3X within the same day.
And this is what the price looked like the last time this happened. This is a guaranteed mission lads.
Thanks for the headsup, user
Blessings upon you!
currently holding 10k
yeah dude definitely, people will certainly take financial advice from dennis rodman and buy his weed coin. i'm sure colbert will not mock this totally legitimate financial instrument.
Fuck colbert
I wouldn't underestimate the stupidity of the masses.
I put 10% of my portfolio in for a quick pnd
hahhaha ez pump thx
Also, a lot of liberals are going to be tuning into Colbert tonight because a Democrat won a highly publicized Senate race last night which they will see as a victory against Trump and want to hear what Colbert has to say about it. A perfect opportunity to advertise potcoin.
when is the show going to air, at what time?
Thanks OP!
The program is taped at the Ed Sullivan Theater in New York City and airs live to tape in most U.S. markets at 11:35 p.m. Eastern and Pacific, and 10:35 in the Central.
this shit spreads already, PotCoin went up by 10% only because of rodman's tweets.
young progressive shithead democrats who recently started trading to be hip and progressive, that's exactly the demographic for a coin named "potcoin".
this gonna be gud.
10k sats incoming.
Exactly. Colbert's demo is the perfect one to buy PotCoin bags off us. Likely heard about crypto recently, probably thinks that they're tech-savvy because they're a millennial, may have some BTC they recently acquired and are impressionable towards investing it in other cryptos
priced in
Chart looks good. Ive got 40k and I ensured it won't dump anymore by adding another decent sized buy order that probably won't get filled.
I'm curious why signal groups haven't gotten ahold of it yet. My guess is most are run by Pajeets who don't realize how big Colbert or Rodman are in America.
Does anyone know why PotCoin had those previous absurd pump & dump prices in the past? Like those are all 4x-8x range pumps.
If that shit happens again tonight I will laugh my ass off.
Good looking out OP.
this is easy 5x money
yes i remember. i made small gains and missed out on 4x gains cause i am a retard.
its cause some states got cannabis legalized and the store sellers accept potcoin.
sry can somebody tell me in how many hours does the show start from now?
>tfw european
guys where can i buy potcoin?
Around 8 hours because it is 3pm EASTERN us here
4:30am london time
how the fuck do I buy this shit?
it's not in binance or kraken
i think it's on poloniex but i cant verify in time
About 7 hours from now.
And you are about to bail out @8k+ sat?
max supply: 420,000,000
thanks guys. it used to be on polo, but polo is a scam. atm bought from bittrex.
Just google potcoin and the setup is easy and can use paypal i just did it myself. Normie train incoming
For me it all depends on how many normies tweet something about "Lol I'm buying potcoin" or something to that effect. Also the volume. But maybe if some groups get a hold of it we can do a pump hold type deal so we can dump on the new money at as high a price as possible.
but bittrex doesn't accept US customers? or can I just ignore that message and trade anyway?
if it's hard for me to do then hardcore normies are also less likely to follow through on seeing this
Potcoin and other weed coins actually have uses. Banking and weed industry do not mix together. But now they can safely store their money without the banks, and cash out to an increasing value of store like BTC.
This is a steal, and can easily reach 10 cents by the end of the year.
fucking checked digits don't lie
I'll be monitoring twitter tonight for "lol how do I buy potcoin?!" and I'll say "let me help you"
You've been smoking too much weed, it's 34 cents now
bittrex doesn't accept US customers anymore?
didn't know that
afaik 80% of Veeky Forums trades on bittrex, so yeah, just ignore that message.
not sure, am european as stated above. Bittrex is shady tho, they accept deposits but force a validation before withdrawal, i luckily got validated and no issues from my part.
Bittrex is based out of the US. I'm in the US and use them...makes no sense if they aren't accepting US customers
Already all in. Let's go
>they accept deposits but force a validation before withdrawal,
i.e. every bank account.
actually... this is some genius marketing idea. if we could make a tutorial for normies on how buy POT in as easy way as possible and shill le blaze it 420 industry, this could have a huge impact.
my mistake that was bitfinex
signing up
i wont be able to validate as im not a US citizen. can I really not withdrawal at all - not even to other sites - without verifying?
that is inconvenient as fuck
You know what I mean. The percent increase will equate this to turning into an easy 1$ EOY.
> can I really not withdrawal at all - not even to other sites - without verifying?
precisely so. bittrex is by far the homoest exchange for that reason. coinbase and polo at least allow you to move the coins etc.
cant deposit on butrex with bitcoin bc not verified
>Bought 400 potcoin directly from potwallet
Good luck lads
You a normie? You should have verified months ago to at at least three exchanges, one local, one international, and one with direct bank wire facilities.
If Bittrex was honest they wouldn't have cockteased me with legendary status for a short period then take it all away and make me a "new user"
so if im not already verified on an exchange where I can trade this (polo or bittrex) then i just wont be able to capitalize on this?
No need to buy this is priced in.
It's already mooned. If you buy now you'll lose your money.
same here, I actually submitted my selfie and a pic of my id and they unlocked my funds, the cocksuckers. Moved everything off their and will never go back
Rodman shilling this to the Liberal world's mindspace will establish potcoin. This is a cheap buy right now. You can always sell if you lose 2-5% depending on your risk factors.
you can deposit and trade on bittrex and if you have legit documents you will get verified. eventually. it takes some people minutes, some hours and large majority of complainers weeks. (you only hear the bad cause why would somebody complain in internet about getting verified in minutes)
Just bought 44 coins. Lets see how it goes
i am a uk citizen living in the usa so i dont have a us driver's license (proof of residence) or an SSN
>down 60% from a week ago
>already Mooned
Nice b8
Hello guys I am 13 years old europoor and have been lurking 3 months by now, this is my first post actually. I know some potheads in my school who always talk about bitcoin and this potcoin will make them go in without hesitation. Long story short, the idea of shilling normies of this is perfect, and I would like this to be my first buy.
So, what exchange house do you recommend me? Any tips? What would be the quantity you would spend to not being killed by my family if I were you?
So can I use this as an european?
People making jokes, but this shit is a sure thing. More normies in crypto than EVER before and we're getting exposure tonight. I feel bad for you if you don't catch this sure thing, anons.
You must be 18 years or older to post on Veeky Forums
neither is needed. i used passport.
Enjoy your ban eurofaggot lol
>13 yo. you wont get verified in most places.
let me think.. if i were an undrage.. i'd probably buy bitcoin off localbitcoins and send to polo and trade there and after profits send back to localbitcoins to withdraw, the fee %-s would be massive, but would be worth it.
How did I do, Veeky Forums?
U did good, now wait until tonight
Im nervous about this one. Ill just my BWK ive been mining into since that shit is going nowhere.
>Can't buy cuckcoin on binance
Fug this shit I hope it implodes.
It's already priced in.
You can see that there was a pump today a few hours ago. Why would we buy this at a local all time high?
Sorry guys, I meant, I am a 18 year old larping as a 13 year old faggot.
Can you please help me with my faggot practical economic studies?
Woah, that's a major better not be wrong on this /biz
All in nigga. This shit will be on a normie moon mission tonight.
Why don't you have a bittrex account?
>investing in the devils lettuce
i trust these trips of truth. just bought 119k pot coins
he gonna appear in potcoin tshirt and normies are gonna moon this without dennis even mentioning it.
You sure about this? I trust this isn't an attempt to unload some bags.
Never go full retard
He's more than likely going to wear his Pot Coin T-Shirt. Stephen Colbert could ask him about his shirt, especially now that everyone knows about Crypto. 2.5M+ people watch the Colbert show.
This shit will pump and dump on our heads. If you buy this It will dump nd hit you like a stack of bricks
Hes going on to discuss his potcoin sponsored humanitarian mission. It's better than shilling. It's shilling disguised as good will.
When is this happening?
How many hours/minutes until the show?
to back my claim up... look at dennis instagram.
posted 30 mins ago. with normie investor business magnets like gary vee.
>What are conditional sell orders?
homie everybody is jacking off over crypto now and dennis isn't gonna miss a chance to get fucking loaded
honestly biz... just look at rodman instagram. it's pure potcoin shill. normies gonna be all over it. potcoin is sponsoring him hard. crypto marketing done correct
any change to buy it somewhere without verifying first ?
Thinking of buying and putting up a sell order before I go to sleep (I'm in Europe). What do you think would be a realistic goal for tonight/tomorrow?
How are normies even gonna buy it? its not on their exchanges or even binance? nobody will figuire out cryptopia. fuck even half of Veeky Forums is too retarded to buy
If Gary Vee is involved, expect some major social media action tonight, talking thousands of bots that don't look like bots, the whole blitz
considering all previous spikes made 4x-8x then im playing it safe and just set it at x3. i know a lot will sell at x2, but this is gonna be like IOTA. probably gonna moon fivefold.
They'll figure it out like everyone else did. They are greedy as shit after their litecoin pump.
They're better off sponsoring a pothead Stacy
ok guise im done shilling... this is legit af. 7 hours till the show. european here, bought my bags and going to bed.
thanks again OP. gl everybody, lets triple our monis.
Use this to time your exits boys...