Question, Veeky Forums.
You're trapped on a desolate world. There's nothing else to eat but orks.
Could you safely use orks as a food source?
Question, Veeky Forums.
You're trapped on a desolate world. There's nothing else to eat but orks.
Could you safely use orks as a food source?
Of course not, they're fucking Orks.
Considering that you'd have to kill them first then no, not 'safely'.
Most fungi produce poisons, and I doubt Orks are an exception.
Poisons can be treated.
On a "Desolate world?"
I believe Orks are edible, but one regular unarmed human is gonna be hard pressed to kill an ork boy. Unarmed or not.
If Orks were poisonous, they'd try to use it as a weapon.
So I'm going to presume they aren't and a good cooking can get them soft enough to eat.
And on a desolate planet where you don't even have food you'll have medical facilities that can save you from total systems shutdown?
A.) Starve to death.
B.) Risk eating ork meat.
You have the ability to make fire and boil water, gentleman. Make your choice.
What are the Orks eating?
But the squigs have to eat something
But the fungus needs nutrients to grow.
The Orks, for all their survivability, cannot exist in a vacuum.
>But the fungus needs nutrients to grow.
dead orkz
stop, soon the only answer will be 'da orkz believe it so it just happens' which has turned into a copout recently
Orks don't need to survive in a vacuum, user.
Are you aware exactly what fungus can eat to grow and sustain itself? We're talking about an organism, a combined organism of algae and fungus, that can eat light, plastic, even radioactivity and convert it into substance. It just needs some minerals to do so.
If you're a human on a desolate rock, surrounded by orks, you don't have other game animals to draw from. You have only fungus and orks. The fungus will do the hard work of turning dirt and sand into biological meat substitute.
First there is the lead poisoning.
Yes but you've rinse them first.
Tyranids consumed Tyranid flesh by the planet load.
Necron Flayed Ones also devoured Ork flesh.
They are okay afterwards so I guess Orks are edible.
And space marines eat brains to absorb memories, so I suspect they'd be perfectly safe eating orkflesh.
>implying an Ork could hit the broad side of a barn from 30 feet away
What your saying is..
There is a world that waaags around the sun in the same system with an imperial guard planet that marches?
It doesn't matter. I go down fighting. My hunger will never come into play.
>What do you think all those high rate of fire weapons are for.
The WFRP 2E bestiary has an NPC that says that squigs are actually delicious. He sells them to a high price to oblivious customers.
From what I understood about Ork biology, they're genetically the same as squigs. So best case scenario: Orks are delicious, and worst case scenario: I die of ork poisoning, but I was gonna die of starvation anyway.
Any mention of how fast snotlings/squigs/grots/orks grow from spores?
I imagine orks are edible, and probably even nutritious, but butchering them would be a right pain, given how tough their hide and bones are. I imagine it would probably be like trying to gnaw a rhino
The only Codex I have is old as balls (pic related) so it might be outdated.
It says that squigs are the first to "hatch" so they can provide a source of food, then come the snotlings, then the grots, and finally the orks. No mention of a specific maturation time though.
Just stay away from any Orks with any implants. Unless you're willing to risk the Ork meat having been contaminated by anything leached out of the implants.
I want to taste an eating squig.
its arguably heretical but probably
Didn't kroots have their current physiology and tech because they ate ork flesh?
Although, they have powerful digestions.
I guess. I mean,if you boil ork flesh long enough,it will get at least tender enough to chew it down,even if it takes you a whole quarter of an hour to do so.
this is a reasonable thing.
and a really shit copout as well.
40k orks are edible although as far as flavour goes I have no idea, probably taste like quorn or some shit. Also you couldn't safely eat them since theyre basically mega aggressive weaponised steroid gorillas, youd be hard pressed to kill one
Hehe. Hard.
They can eat humans, so yes. You can eat orcs or their fungus/squigs/grots.