I think I know how we can save magic
We need to gather up everyone who "Invests" or "speculates" on cards, and put them in a fucking gas chamber.
Then we abolish the reserve list, print lightning bolt in standard again, and unban splinter twin in modern.
I think I know how we can save magic
All that needs to be done is have a reprint set not balanced to draft and be made solely for reprinting high demand cards. Modern/Eternal Masters should not have absolute garbage like Goblin Trenches as rares.
This. If they want to make a draft set they can call it draft masters. Making a set balanced around drafting and throwing in some random expensive modern/legacy cards at mythic and charging 9.99$ per pack isn't helping anyone.
Hilariously, apparently by re-releasing Eternal Masters and Masterpieces, MTG Financial people headed by Rudy of "Alpha Investments" are freaking the /fuck/ out and acting like the sky is falling.
>gather up everyone who "invests" or "speculates on cards
So every LGS that sells singles? And furthermore, every player who doesn't keep their cards forever?
As long as there's money to be made from buying and/or selling singles, people will do so. And if there isn't money in it, then a lot of B&M stores will lose their interest in supporting the game.
I'm not disagreeing that the jew needs to go, but you can't just cast a net that wide and expect to do it.
That's not how capitalism works, friendo. Their customers are the speculators. You're just a secondary market now.
i dunno
i have thought about it a lot and i think that with the abolisment of the reserve list there would be an imedient surge in sales in the short term and although after that there would be a drop in sales due to buthurt speculators within a few years it will go up to something above reserve list levels sales
this, every single card thats worth over like 20 bucks should be reprinted. its fucking retarded in ever way that getting into modern costs as much as it does
nuking the reserved list, assuming it's legal (it's very much a grey area between promissory estoppel and intended beneficiaries - it'd for sure be a very interesting case to follow) would create a huge market correction as it would cause people to make the equivalent of bank runs on almost every card that has any value.
There would be a huge correction and a lot of stores would be suddenly out hundreds or thousands of dollars in inventory. A lot of places would just be forced to shut down.
$20 is too low a threshold unless you're nderage b&. 100 or so is about right.
yeah there not exactly forthcoming on the details
although the fact they adjusted it a few years ago to make it even more restricted because it hurt the speculators precious feelings makes me inclined to think wizards is lying about there hands being tied
It doesn't even need to have some cost threshold. Just take the top 150 (or however many they want in the set) most expensive cards (minus reserved list of course. Legal stuff and all that jazz) and make an unlimited print run and let the market sort it out.
Boom, everything will eventually settle around prices that are sustainable for vendors and affordable by consumers.
a peice of cardboard being over 20 dollars is fucking retarded. if i need 3 4 ofs of a 20 dollar card in my deck thats still a 240 dollar investment for not even half of the cards. it would be one thing if WotC actually made money on singles but they really dont so it makes no sense why they would allow it when they could easily sell a shit ton of whatever masters they wanted and bring the cost of enter the format down tremendously
They closed a loophole (promo foils weren't bound by the RL) they always had from the beginning because people didn't know it was there and there were rumblings of lawsuits with Mox Diamond and Phyrexian Negator (since they were promos in name only and easily accessible for the masses). Easier for Hasbro to say "close the loophole" than risk a suit that would torpedo their ability to operate regardless of the result.
The unlimited print run is the key. If Modern Masters was unlimited print run then tarmogoyf would be half if not a third of its current price. The strict limitations on the printings means its price has gone UP with every reprinting!
WotC cannot into economics. This has been a given.
See, the issue there is that WOTC does make money on singles. Think about the sheer number of cases people like Star Jew Games have to buy inorder to keep up with their preorders. And let's not even forget the fucking full sets they sell. Thta's a lot of crates of magic there my man, probably a lot more than they would ever sell without the secondary market.
Like it or not, it is going to be there, hasboro will never let WOTC nuke their sales that hard just to make fans happier.Just look at the yu-gi-oh TCG, they reprint staples like mad, and their sales are nowhere near as good. Hell, Magic even beats them in fucking japan.
The jews are here to stay, user.
>Just look at the yu-gi-oh TCG, they reprint staples like mad, and their sales are nowhere near as good.
To wit, they made a set of around 90 of the most popular and most expensive meta staples and gave it an unlimited print run, specifically to lower the barrier of entry.
Every store locally bought as much product as they could but are only selling the singles at market price, and refusing to sell sealed product because the EV is so damn high that they lose money by doing so.
They do make money off of singles, though. Not directly, but by having people buy dozens of boxes so they can resell individual cards at a markup.
literally every store arond me has 0 yu-gi-oh singles in sight, maybe I'm crazy.
Besides, why wouldn't the yu-gi-oh guys buy their sealed shit at walmart then? If the asshole neckbeard doesn't want to sell me product, I will happily go elsewhere and buy.
>Rudy of "Alpha Investments"
>people pay him in Patreon to get boosters box at "incredible" price
Is people really that stupid? Someone should kill that guy or steal his Alpha cards just to see his reaction
A lot of shops don't want to deal with the additional insurance they'll need to buy for YGO. Nigs gonna nog and that includes smash and grabs in the middle of the night.
I really wish that guy would neck himself. Fucking cancerous asshole.
could Yugioh circumvent this by selling the unlimited print run boxes to big box stores like walmart?
I used to play yugioh and thought it was a shittily designed game, and i look back at what my friends do with the game ten years later and double down on those assumptions, but I still think that this is one one really good move they have made.
MTG also really needs to that, especially if they want older formats to be a thing. Now that the game is strong, sparingly printing Underground sea will not hurt the value of the oldest copies, and supplemental sets allow them to print new cards while controlling whats legal in standard.
This is also how they keep older formats from dying.
There are groups out there that provide "secret" investment advice. How it works is you find a good trades - increase your exposure to it, then publish information about said good trades, people take that advice, and your investment goes up as they dig deep into it. Then later when you feel like it is a good time to pull out, do so, then tell others to do so.
As the first mover you reap a lot of the benefits, the people who get the information from you don't benefit as much, but they still win. The people on the outside just get fucked.
Rudy, whether he does it on purpose or not, is essentially doing the same thing. He's showing he's bought in hard to something and if others follow (and they do) he stands to gain. When you have 30,000 people listening to you, that's quite a bit and those people pass down your information and promote your behaviors second hand. A person like Rudy can even point to big stores and call them motherfuckers but he's essentially profiting off the same mechanisms they are - he's just being open about it and profiting himself off Patreon.
This is not to say Rudy is a bad person (he might be), the bad people are the idiots who emulate what he does more in the open and as a result just shit up everything by doing it poorly by wasting store owners and players' time by haggling down items to maximize value. That just makes you look like a sharking motherfucker to the average person. What Rudy and big stores do is on a massive scale - when the average idiot does it on a store or person level you just shit up your community.
I think the best way to say "fuck you" to scg/wotc and the people who perpetuate the high prices is to just buy chinamen fakes. Eventually, either the fakes will become indistinguishable from the real deal, or wizards will be forced to print more cards to lower the price. Why are dipshits paying hundreds for duals/lilianas/goyfs when you can get the same thing for much cheaper. Wizards isn't going to change if people are still willing to let high prices fuck them up the ass.
The dredge solution m8.
I would buy them but I don't know where the fuck I can do it
Magic died to me when they made slivers into boring ugly humanoids with little threat to them.
Now it's just the Super Neowalkers Super Show wankfest, staring Jace the Most Uninteresting Blue Wizard to Walk The Earth(s)
EDH is the only good format anymore, wizards should just focus on that and pauper
its a shitty situation because the game cannot sustain itself much longer while the speculators still exist but at this point getting rid of them would do to much damage
Actually fucking reprint cards. It's really not complicated, when there are cards that go for well over $100 apiece, there's a major fucking problem. These retarded costs stifle the growth of the game. The story "I want to play magic but can't afford to drop $1000 on a deck" is too common. Why does the reserved list exist? So big investors can continue to rape the wallets of actual players, which doesn't benefit WotC at all? WotC does the worst job at making this game accessible to actual players. No, heavily marked up reprint sets with 90% of cards being worthless that have an extremely short print run are not the solution, and the utter failure that was Modern Masters shows that. There's a reason I dropped it a few years ago. Nice to see nothing has changed.
They at least made an effort with the fate reforged duals.
>ITT: children who didn't start playing magic in 93 and want everything handed to them on a silver platter because they must have done something to deserve it but instead they are forced to play shit formats like modern and standard
stay off my lawn you damn kids
I firmly believe that rare dual land cycles is part of the cancer killing MTG. Shit like the SOI show lands and BFZ checking lands should not be rare. They will never see play outside of standard. All they're there for is increasing the price of multicolored decks by 20-40 dollars depending if your colors also run manlands. More if you're going 3 color.
That all ties into the shitty mana mechanic MTG has.
But I agree, it says a lot about the game when the biggest expense to most decks is making sure they don't get mana fucked.
Simpler: Wizards just sets up on-demand printing for all cards ever, all at the same, low cost.
How would new sets work then and what incentive would their be for WOTC to make entire sets of cards when only certain ones will ever be bought?
There's possible solutions such as balancing prices or delaying the on-demand accessibility until the next set or something. Those are just details that could be worked out any which way.