>started 6 weeks ago with 6K and only up to 11K now
Started 6 weeks ago with 6K and only up to 11K now
started with 40$ , 2 weeks ago
sitting at 38$ rn
>Started a few days ago,
>sold my data for 25€
>Put it on litecoin, cause someone says "get litecoin"
> doubled up cause i set it to sell when its up
> set litecoin again, fucked up and lost the win.
>"shit hsppens, again with 7€"
> sitting on litecoin, hoping to sell it without loss
>Start 3 months ago with 70 cents
>only make $2.
>Started this morning with $300
>At $310 now
#bigballer who #hustle here?
Started yesterday with $100
Test GDAX, then Binance, then OKEX
OKEX let's anyone deposit but won't let you withdraw without non-US passport, ID# and a webcam video of both
Should I just sell it for $0.01 to deny these fucks the proceeds of their theft?
>Started trading LTC on sat
>Mfw Only 3.1% gains
I didn't do much better over 6 months.
Started 8 weeks ago at $300... now at $30K...
>Bought ETH on Cuckbase at $297 oct
>sent to Buttrex
>bought a little over 0.7 BCC as my first shit-coin on Nov 3 at $435
>shot up to $2500...sold at $2.3K on 11th of nov
>Sold and moved all into BTC at $5800...0.27 BTC
>Transfered to GDAX
>HODLED because the fake flippening shit was too fucking intense of a 48 hrs for me...
>COMFY IN BTC for the long hodl
>Dec 7th came and anxiety ripped me to shreds... sold my BTC at $19K...
>Dumped it into LTC (was up to $5K at this point) at $100...
>LTC MOONS... dump at $391 ON GDAX Monday....
>Now have $20,600... wondering whether I should walk away with the money or go back in...
>ETH quiet as fuck during all this madness go all in at $519
>Now holding 39.7 ETHs and it’s at $692 on GDAX... so I’m at $27.5K
All I fucking did was BUY LOW and SELL HIGH... that’s IT... and I didn’t fuck around with any shitcoins after BCC debacle and stuck to the true kings (BTC LTC ETH).
Why can’t you fucking morons do this shit?!?
I’m now about to transfer into Buttrex and go all in on BTC.. wish me luck faggots...
that's so moe
Lucky bastard
Wish I had that luck to dump into the right coin at the right time.
Not even trying to be a cunt, I am happy for you and I hope I can accomplish the same in the future.
Lucky cunt. You listened to Veeky Forums and actually got gains and now you're acting like it was all you. "Just buy low sell high" kys lucker dog
>started a year ago with $0 and up to 15k now
Feels good man.
Nearly 300% gains
Started with 1k 3 days ago. At 2.3 k now.
Didn't mean to use the trip, please no bully.
The only luck I had was to stumble into BCC/BCH...
Everything else was selling the pumps and buying the solid coins that had been quietly sitting there... I actually took a step back after that BCH drama because I thought 1/4 BTC was a good little investment to just sit on forever... but at $19 K... all signs were pointing to sell and rebuy dips... and like I said, park your gains in solid coins that aren’t mooning... at the time that was LTC... the. LTC hot potatoes (clearly a fucking pump) and I jumped off onto a quiet ETH which hot potatoed...
So now I’m going for a comfy long hodl with my gains in BTC... if it moons again... great... I’ll sell during a spike and put into LTC.
mfw this is literally what I did, should have just hodl
1% of 4chin actually subscribes to this method... the vast majority are FOMO FUDers and street shitter scam artists with shitcoins...
The only thing holding anyone on this board back from doing the right thing is niggerdom
dont fall for it guys
Invested 5K from july to october, only 20K now. WHYYYYY GOD, WHYYYYY
>The time to become a millionaire is running out
Prime example of FUD