>You've been given a speciation bomb with a 25-mile blast radius
>Those caught in the blast will enter a period of accelerated evolution
>Survivors will undergo 5000 years of evolution in a few short weeks
wat do
>You've been given a speciation bomb with a 25-mile blast radius
>Those caught in the blast will enter a period of accelerated evolution
>Survivors will undergo 5000 years of evolution in a few short weeks
wat do
What does "undergo 5000 years of evolution" even mean?
5000 years is not very long in evolutionary terms. That, for humans, is ~200 generations.
As well individuals don't undergo evolution, so does everyone go through a state pf hyper breeding?
Detonate it for fun, its not like it would do much damage, worst case scenario, the humans are getting dumber theory is true.
It was the best of times it was the most draining of times.
I think he means evolve in the Pokemon sense.
In which case, individuals evolve to become dragons and shit.
Sorry that just doesn't make any sense based on how evolution works.
Are we to assume they evolve based on the evolutionary pressures based on that very instance?
How are levels of fitness selected by evolution if it all happens at once?
>5000 years
That's nothing. If it was 500 000 years, then it'd be something.
5k years isnt enough other than for comparably simple changes. I.e. cranial density in humans, matched with an overall decrease in muscle mass. in 5000 years, more has evolved due to a formation of culture than anything actually biologically necessary to evolve.
now, 50k years might start something useful, though still looking at mostly modern humans from that time frame from an outside point of view.
500k definitely takes us from monkeys to men.
unless your "bomb" actually advances time, the species within will not change enough to even consider them new species. if actually creates a time bubble that lasts 5k years inside with culture adapting appropriately, the entire thing will be devoid of life, as that small an area will be likely not allow sustainable food practices.
>tl;dr make it 500k years to get something useful.
On top of that if it only happens for a few weeks then there won't be more than one generation of evolution happening no matter how flexible this bomb makes our dna
even so, unless actual 500000 years pass, what sort of "evolution" is going to happen? Assuming nobody dies in those short weeks, they're all the fittest
>on the evolutionary pressures based on that very instance?
The pressures of that instance and the days that follow.
Imagine the equivalent of 10 generations of adaptation every day for two weeks.
you will become asexual and start dividing into advanced forms of yourself at the rate cells do, with no decay or death, for 5000 years. you must now kill all slightly mutated clones of yourself to gain your sexual means of reproduction.
To concur with the other poster, 5000 years isn't that much evolutionarily for humans.
But (and this might be a big but) if you see being bred by humans as a kind of evolution by pets and livestock, then i would detonate the device in an area where there are many different types of pets and livestock nearby, so maybe in a city that holds some large-scale country fair (with an emphasis on the livestock, not on the carnival aspects) and has a zoo as well.
yeah, but adaption to what? Do they just magically know what's best to pass on genes? Is it directed design? Do redundancies get phased out then, like in a factory? What the fuck does evolution mean here? If you don't fucking die before blarting into a vagina, you've got all the evolution you'll get.
You have to be 18 to post on Veeky Forums
Having an education is, unfortunately, only reccomended
>You've been given quest thread on Veeky Forums
>drop on africa
>they turn white
>In just a few hundred generations—perhaps as little as 6,000 years—a new type of human might emerge.
Deal with it
You can't just do the evolution and expect results, the survivours either start rapidly adapting to their environment or have body horror like
>5000 years isn't that much evolutionarily for humans
What about bacteria?
Will the bomb create super-disease?
It sounds like the issue is to create a ~2000 square mile environment that is much crueler then every day life, that, if it existed for 5000 years, would evolve life inside it is some desirable way. No one actually has to die as long as they can survive the month. Presumably, candidates would be screened for immediate suitability.
>Drop on Europe
>They turn Arab
Drop it on spain. See how nothing changes at all.
>5000 years of evolution
Wow, it's fucking nothing.
You adapt to your environment, so they should turn white and lactose tolerant.
Detonate it immediately to see what happens.
You are given a hopeful monster bomb with the following capabilities.
Creates random strong evolutionary pressure and 100 times normal mutation rate on everything in a 25 mile radius
Gives everything caught in the blast a large amount of adaptive energy, beyond what would be possible in nature
Time will be compressed within the blast radius so that 50000 years worth of evolution will occur in what will appear to outside observers as a single day
Wat doo?
Fuck it
I detonate it on myself and hope whatever comes out is worthy of my father's blood.
>OP managed to trigger all the biologists on Veeky Forums in two lines.
Well done. Now that you've grabbed their attention you can use their knowledge to your nefarious ends.
Get some bears, foxes, and crocs in the room with me and detonate the thing.
Hopefully domestication counts as evolution.
Or we could really fuck around and make it a bio-weapon.
I'm gonna drop it on a crow sanctuary.
Don't parasitic plants basically fit that description?
>wat do
Learn how evolution works
Should probably have pointed out, they're two totally different things. Carnivorous plants eat meat purely for the nitrogen, allowing them to grow in extremely poor soil, and live like pretty normal plants otherwise (in fact, they can do just fine without any meat). Parasitic plants take water and a much wider variety of nutrients from their host, and are much more dependent on it. So to give you a second answer to your question, it's because most plants aren't a great source of protein
>Survivors will undergo 5000 years of evolution in a few short weeks
Evolution requires both pressure exerted by surroundings and genetic variation.
Just how is evolution accelerated? People just start mutating rapidly and procreating every minute?
>>drop on africa
>>observe no difference
How about detonating it in a coastal city? Without the impetus for trade, that fish ought to last for a while, if properly harvested.
Then again, without trade or other social conventions it could very well turn into a mad max style anarchy gig. What would be there preventing individuals to leave?
>5000 years
>ITT young earth creationist tries to sound smart.
but that's not how any of that works
>Drop on any nation
>observe no difference
Racism aside, 5000 years and the best you can hope for is slight skin pigment change and maybe 10cm change in height, at the absolute best.
More then likely any change is only measurable with a complete medical history from before and after being cross-refrenced.
With both humans and animals, you'd see no change, as has been pointed out multiple times in this thread.
However, I will point out the actual terrifying part of this bomb: bacteria.
If one person in that 25 mile radius has any kind of contagious bacterial infection, well, GG human race. Because that minor infection is suddenly gonna get a whole hell of a lot scarier, and a hell of a lot more resistant to antibiotics.
Evolution does not work that way.
I like the way you think user.
All hail our new corvid overlords
If one person in that 25 mile radius has any kind of contagious bacterial infection, well, GG human race. Because that minor infection is suddenly gonna get a whole hell of a lot scarier, and a hell of a lot more resistant to antibiotics.
no its fucking wouldent
you fucking dont know how evolution works
I fully understand how evolution works; apparently you don't understand just how fast bacteria evolve. Though you do type like a fucking 12 year old, so that's not too surprising.
Look it up sometime, you simpering mongoloid.
what if the bomb created a 100 mile radius bubble lasting for one year, inside of which time passes more quickly such that one million years occurs by the time the pocket dissolves (and no living creature can pass in or out of it due to the difference in time-speed, they will get spaghettified or vaporised or something)?
Evolution happens by selection of spontaneous mutations, if you drop the bomb on one random dude with a pathogenic bacteria problem nothing will happen unless that dude has a stack of antibiotics to chew on.
>if actually creates a time bubble that lasts 5k years inside with culture adapting appropriately, the entire thing will be devoid of life, as that small an area will be likely not allow sustainable food practices.
Using an evolution device as a surgical strike bomb. I like the way you think.
If the bomb keeps all entities inside it alive and simulates 5Ky of evolution on them, I'd try to use it aboard a spaceship. There's a chance we get cancer and die but there's also a chance we get cosmic rays-resistant lab rats (with brittle bones sadly).
If it makes shit live and die, I'd just use it to let nature reclaim an old urban area before making it my personal natural reserve.
The problem is the bacteria will have 5000 years to adapt in a "separate" enviroment based on the present pressures, meaning it'll be foreign when the bomb's effect ends.
I think OP meant that it occurred over a few weeks, not lasted only a few weeks.
Either way without any form of natural hardship there would be literally no change
I'd guess you find most radical change in metabolism, more suited for processed food than ours. But visual differences would probably be nonexistent.
But evolution don't really have a change on single generation, so the premise is bull.
Launch it into the Sun. See what happens.
>Drop it on the USA
>they speak spanish
nothing is gonna be really foreign, it's gonna be vaguely different from the surrounding areas because lack of autonomy will have made it a watseland but it won't be significantly different than picking bacterias outside an existing wasteland.
The bacteria will be slightly foreign but they have no reason to evolve as threats unless you give them evolutionary pressure.
The only thing it could possibly mean is that somehow the life cycle of the population accelerates to that 5000 years' worth of human generations are all born, compete, reproduce, and die within a few weeks. If you've got humans who are that fast, surely they can overrun all other human populations with the power of the Speed Force or whatever. So I guess that's evolution in a sense.
This is a good idea
>without any form of natural hardship
Obesity is a natural harship
But five thousand years isn't enough time for natural evolution to do jack. Stop dicking around when you're supposed to be paying attention in class.
You should probably have stated that you meant evolution in a Lamarckian pop-science scifi sense.
>evolution without selection
So nothing happens?