Where Are We At?

Hey /biz, where are we at on this bell-curve?

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Neverending optimism

Hi there, John McAfee

people have never "owned" their money before

Bitcoin (or its successor) is going into the millions within the next five years

it'll be at a billion in our lifetimes

who knows if it'll ever stop growing

you shouldn't compare cryptocurrencies to anything that happened in the past

You should a psychotherapy, user


I had known crypto since 2011. I saw BTC rallied from a single digit to $1k and back to $100. What's different now, user?

What did you say, Pajeet?


people are literally investing in bitcoin just because they think it's gonna earn them fast and easy bucks without knowing absolute shit about it

a lot


Optimism, 40k incoming

can't say I understand whatever point it is you're trying to make

>a lot
answer like this worries me, lol


I'm not trying to make a point. I'm asking these smart anons, what's different this time?


A lot of normies are going to get burnt. Nothing I love more than taking a boomers money.

What coins do i hold for the inevitable normie flood crash/correction after the complacency period?
Thinking of cashing out now with whatever profits

correct answer. its going to fall. Ill get back at anger and depression.

People are a lot more cautious now, they don't trust exchanges for storage.

either cash out or go into either XMR DASH or unironically DOGE




4 days ago I would have told you LTC and XMR. But we're already past that.

When BTC goes down, LTC/XMR will likely crash to the levels they were 2-3 days ago, which means it was a good fucking hedge, if you had bought 4 days ago..

My preferred scenario: stock market busts before crypto, and then boomers pour their money into crypto. Cha Ching

XMR has already 3x'd. People started using it as a hedge 4 days ago. Buying now is fucking dumb.

I bought at $95 as a hedge against BTC crash, saw everyone else doing the same, then cashed the fuck out at $303 rather than ride the wave back down to $100.

so you are saying because that wallet is stuffed with cash, there is no such thing as bear market? If you really believe that, please send 100 BTC to my wallet, it is going to $1M anyway, correct?

I think i will cash out, or go into xmr/req


Very close to complacency

Pajeet spotting for dummies

Don't go into XMR. See LTC/DASH/XMR were hedging options 4 days ago. Now they're not. I have no idea about DOGE/REQ though, since I didn't pay much attention to those.

Nice wallet, but you are not answering my question. If you really believe BTC is going to $1M, please send 100 BTC to my wallet. It won't move the needle, lol.

What will you do when shtf?


Depends entirely how the crash goes down. But I fucking love XMR, so I'll probably get back in at $100-$130.

As for other cryptos, I'll see how they develop.

>Blockchain Wallet Users


Also, while telling you to stay the fuck away from XMR, I'm still sitting on 7.3. Which I'll be selling in the next couple of minutes.

As in, I'm not trying to shill by giving you bad advice for my own gain.

No shit, it is you, Jamal. Long time no see.

Safe to keep alts when bitcoins crashes? What about underdogs like eth/ltc/xmr


m8, LTC and XMR were the go-to hedges for most traders when they realized that the music was about to stop. They're already up 3x, and they will crash alongside BTC.

Go back in time and see what happens to every other crypto whenever BTC has a minor/medium correction. You'll see something quite similar once it takes a big hit, unless there's some extraordinary news which makes one particular crypto immune to the crash.

A bitcoin crash will take all other cryptocurrencies with it. You need to get out into fiat (or USDT, maybe, if you trust the exchanges to stay up) and buy back in once you haven't heard anything about cryptos for six months and you and everyone around you think the last hype cycle was an embarrassing, regretful experience that you'd rather not think about.

wdips maybe, but will it really crash with all the normies coming on board though?
with futures and normies, id imagine it stabilizing and being adopted as a means of transaction before a bubble pop

Lots of weak hands who've taken up loans to get rich quick. Once the gains start decreasing as new capital dries up, it'll lead to a massive selloff.

That's without even taking into account the investment banks who can legally manipulate the markets into a crash for their own gain. No regulations are a two-edged sword when these people start entering the game.

The music is about to stop. My guess would be next week. But who knows, it could happen tomorrow.

Complacency 100%. The quote on that chart is literally exactly what people are saying right now. Somehow a crash is out of the question to them.

>The music is about to stop.

Also, I only suspected this 4 days ago when I decided to play it safe and hedge. But when everyone else with half a brain also began flooding into LTC/XMR to hedge themselves to the point where it did a 3x in 3 days, I got my suspicions confirmed.

If you start to see merchants accept low-block-time/low-fee coins like LTC or Doge or whatever, then sure, the current mania might have enough momentum to transition into a self-sustaining economy.

That's not happening now, though, and the massive price increase and scaling issues of Bitcoin are actually undermining its usefulness as a currency. It's a race between normies figuring out altcoins, and normies selling a dip en masse then walking away in shame at losing money on a gamble. Personally I'm not confident in the curiosity or prudence of the masses.

Of course I'm still holding more value in altcoins than the rest of my net worth, because who knows when they'll lose faith. I'm hoping at least that Mona gets a boost around Comiket.

i dont know, im already seeing it being adopted at a rapid rate and gov regulations coming out to protect users here in korea.
maybe its just a gook thing, but im torn between selling and hodling.

Anxiety don't be delusional.

Idk man, I went into a smoke shop in LA and they accepted bitcoin and litecoin.

It was pretty damning to see.

here roughly

we're on an S-curve, not a bell curve

LTC got media attention recently. ETH has his hour of fame half a year ago.

Thrill. It will shoot up to 25k, that's when we're at euphoria.

complacency. the market that is. personally im rubbing my greedy hands in anticipation.

this is pretty good. although i'd put ltc in bull trap and eth in greed. XMR might be nearing bear trap.

Im only in cash right now. Fiat and Bcash, that is ;)

Notice how you aren't hearing about "teh flippening"? That's because it's about to actually happen

>they don't realise crypto follows an S-Curve

Wew, keep posting lids, have fun with your anxiety.