Other urls found in this thread:
WFRP 2e.
How about AD&D? It's Advanced.
It was literally made like "hmm, how much can we remove everything form D&D that makes it D&D".
Which means it's still about 1% D&D I guess.
CoC, UA, WoD, get some investigation and running up you. Alternatively, Ghostbusters.
Or try Paranoia; I've always wanted to try it but have never had the chance.
Literally anything that isn't a d20 system.
Seconding nazi gurps
Stars Without Number
Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay
Rifts (Savage World or regular)
Star Wars: Edge Of The Empire/Age of Rebellion/Force And Destiny
A Time Of War
Twilight 2000
Hong Kong Action Theater
Eclipse Phase
Cold And Dark
Rifts, Wod, Mutant Year Zero, the Warhammer 40 RPGs and Star wars RPGs by Fantasy flight.
It's way more fun than you think
Action Movie World
Blades in the Dark
Apocalypse World
The Burning Wheel/Torchbearer
Dogs in the Vineyard
Legends of the Wulin
Qin: The Warring States
Agains the Dark Yogi
Ars Magica
Golden Sky Stories
Lamentations of the Flame Princess, if you want to try modernized old schoold D&D
Ragnarok Fate of the Norns. Seriously. You want something awesome thst is nothing like dnd play FotN. It doesn't even have dice, that's how radically different it is. Rules are good. Setting is fun. Real breath of fresh air.
Hot Guys Making Out (this is apparently actually a well designed game)
Traveller if you want to be able to die in character creation
Unknown Armies if you like postmodernism as the cornerstone of your magic system
I'm gonna suggest you some World Wide Wrestling; a great little Powered by the Apocalypse game about playing as professional wrestlers, putting on a show. It's a great game for hilarious and stupid hijinks, as pro wrestling tends to be when it's good.
Call of Cthulhu 7e
Only War
This is good.
Also, there's Earthdawn. Postapocalyptic fantasy wherein you run around killing extradimensional horrors, slavers, and such.
>CJ Carella's WitchCraft
>Fantasy/Urban Fantasy Hero
>Ghosts of Albion
>Shadowrun 4e
>Shadowrun 5e
>GURPS Monster Hunters
Hackmaster (the new one, not the parody one)
call of cthulhu
>So why inparticular don't you like D&D, answer that an systems you'll like will be easier to suggest.
GURPS if you have a simulationist streak, a creative streak and the ability to narrow down options.
Double Cross can be interesting, though very different. Basically X-men if super powers made you evil.
Ryuutama for the oregon trail feat. comfy.
Classic Traveller and Mongoose Traveller for space opera.
Nobilis if you want to see what happens when you drop acid with your editor.
Eoris if you want to see what happens when you speedball acid, cocaine and PCP with your editor before stabbing him to death with a compass and then doing a fat line of lightning of his death throe erection
play stoned
I always want to see more threads about it.
DnD. It's not D&D because of the 'n'. That or Pathfinder. It's similar but not.
Ironclaw is pretty fucking good.
The trick is to find a group and convince them to play, otherwise you run a very high risk of just finding a bunch of furfaggots.
Also you will have trouble convincing your friends you aren't a furfaggot unless you preface the intro with "So I was reading Redwall . . . ."
How about instead of that wanton shit system you play something like a real man would, like D100 Warhammer 40k, perhaps some call of cuckolou how about just going nuts and finding traveller.
>you play something like a real man would, like D100 Warhammer 40k
I'd rather be called a sissy faggot than play that trash
Too good for this earth, user.
It's a generic system that's not GURPS, thus being inferior. Anything it does is either done better by GURPS or a specialized game.
Go Fuck yourself with red hot iron
Anima - Beyond Fantasy
Twilight 2000
SLA Industries
The Secret of Zir'An
Hong Kong Action Theater
Legend of the Five Rings
Cyberpunk 2020
World of Darkness
Savage Worlds
Mutant Chronicles
Infinity the RPG
I've got 352 folders in my RPG PDF folder, I can keep going.
It does "not being simulationist" and "not having 10 million splats" better than GURPS.
Here's the thing OP
No roleplaying game that requires you to play with other people will ever be satisfactory to your escapist fantasies. It's even worse if that game has strict rules.
Either you play single player rpgs like Skyrim or, if you truly crave that cooperative feel, you go freeform roleplaying forums.
Sitting at a table across from other people will immediately rip you out of your fantasy and make you realise that you're just playing a very complex game of pretend with three to four other social rejects.
Great choice my man.
Oh the edge!
No (You).
I'd like to know more. Has it got a custom setting? And how does it work if not for dice?
Earthdawn sounds rad. Where do I sign up?
>Where do I sign up?
Nowhere, Earthdawn is ded game.
>you're just playing a very complex game of pretend with three to four people.
Well, yes, that's the point of TTRPGs
>Earthdawn is ded game.
Just like most of the things recommended in this thread.
alright let's post everything in my game folder
Legend of the Elements
Dungeon World
A Dirty World
Action Movie World
Apocalypse World
Blades in the Dark
Dogs in the Vineyard
Trail of Cthulhu
Legends of the Wulin
Monsters and other childish things
Mouse Guard
Night Witches
Spirit of '77
The Quiet Years
The Riddle of Steel
>Only War
Good luck finding the Core Book and Hammer of the Emperor
The Mutant Epoch. Good stuff if you like super crunchy systems and post apocalyptic settings.
>Good luck finding the Core Book and Hammer of the Emperor
They're in the 40k RPG general trove.
literally no problem at all
Alright, so Ragnarok. Well as the name suggests It's based on viking mythology. The game is set in the fimblewinter at the beginning of Ragnarok after the sun is eaten. Rather than dice the game uses a rune system. I guess the best way to describe it is like you have a deck of runes you draw from. Your only stats are how many runes you have, and how many runes you can draw at once.you draw runes for skill checks, combat, etc. Though technically the runes themselves are like stats since they represent your physical, mental, and spiritual prowess (and your health). You pick a class and then assign your runes to different powers. You get actives, passives, and skills. There are a good number of variations in what you can choose in each class. No reason any two characters have to end up the same, and in my experience everything seems viable. Death is a major game mechanic. Loosing a character is actually a good thing, because they may get into valhalla. If you get a character to valhalla you level up as a player and get access to new character creation options. Ultimately you can bring back your old characters as einherjar. It's pretty awesome, and actually pretty simple once you sit down and read through it, just kinda hard to describe.
Stop shilling Strike!
Why does Veeky Forums keep shilling Strike!?
Symbaroum is neat it is different and offer a nice exepience but isent as wide to go full high fantasy
aka you play it for the setting and mech
Star Wars: Edge of the Empire is, hands-down, my favorite system.
I use it as often possible. I'm working on a fantasy conversion but there is a wild-west conversion (Edge of the Union) is in it's final testing stages.
the leveling system is great. You spend xp to buy skill increases and talents, which is neat.
But it's the dice system that really shines. It's a non-binary result system. Meaning you don't just succeed or fail a check. There is also advantage and disadvantage that can pop up.
So you have a roll that fails but you have advantage that can be spent to make things better. You fire at a stormtrooper, miss, but hit the panel behind him and close the blast doors, cutting off reinforcements.
It's organic and fun as shit.
Anything PbtA.
Not that there won't be combat, but it's a good first step.
Combat is superior.
Apocalypse World, Shinobigami, Tenra Bansho Zero.
WFRP 1 or 2
Call of Cthulhu
Unknown Armies
WEG's Star Wars
Gamma World
Apocalypse World
Savage Worlds
Aces & Eights
In Harm's Way (any)
Heavy Gear and/or Jovian Chronicles
If furfages made their Ocs more like that and not like an animal head glued into a human body with neon paint sprayed on, I would have a lot more respect for them. Its kinda sexy in a weird way
If you're in the mood to stay in the Fantasy genre you owe it to yourself to play REIGN. It's got one of the coolest settings in the business and its resolution system is as far from DnD as it's possible to get.
Boku no Pico
Traveller. Go and play a Sexbot!
There is one guy shilling Strike! and one guy bothered by it why dont you both just kill yourselves?
I've never heard of this system before today. Evidently it doesn't get shilled that much.
Tell me more about Strike. What does it actually do?
Oh, I know. Not-shit furry art is a treat, and I want to see more threads so I don't have to try and find it myself.
Dungeons: The Dragoning 40,000
Eclipse Phase is good, if your party is okay talking about political ideas without getting super butthurt about it.
Red Markets is a good one that's coming out soon but there are preview PDFs of the rules bouncing around the place. TL;DR is that it's like, the gold rush that happens after the zombie apocalypse. You play survivors who are basically monetizing their murder hobo status to buy their way into the safe zone.
Better Angels is a fun fuck-around with morality and capes. In the setting, the only way you get powers is by possession by a supernatural entity, typically an angel or demon - and you weren't lucky enough to get the angel. So, you play a supervillain/superhero but you also play the possessing demon of one of the other members in the group. While the villain/heroes are out doing their thing, the demons have their own agenda of slowly convincing their hosts to sin more and more, in order to eventually be able to drag them to hell. The humans want this because the demonic powers they have get stronger the more sinful they are and some powers require actively getting more evil to turn on.
In alphabetical order, to avoid the illusion of bias:
> Dungeon Crawl Classics - Wanna play retro D&D but hate D&D? play DCC!
> Iron Claw - get past the art and imagine running red-wall, or medieval swat katz
> Legend of the Five Rings - samurai n' ninja's n' shit
> Gama World - 2leigt. the reboot's so good made hate 4E a little less
> GURPS - everything; content-culling is built in contrary to popular belief
> Mouse Guard* - medieval mouse cops vs. evil mice and/or "giant" enemy crabs
> Paranoia - Imagine Red Dwarf set in Mega City 1; in the year 1984
> Reign - The novelty of the ORE is enough of a reason to check it out, but it's also cash
I highly recommend fantasy craft
Somehow idk if 3.5^10 is what someone who's "fucking sick of D&D," is looking for.
GURPS can work really well for non combat campaigns and combat is there when you need it and can be resolved quickly if done correctly as one good shot or stab can easily take down the average unarmored person.
Fiasco. Lot of room for violence but the emphasis being on improv, noir and crime means you're also doing a lot of character work and social interaction.
Lasers and Feelings
Doesn't that depend on what exactly he's sick of?
Burning Wheel
As someone who's "fucking sick of D&D" myself, I'd gladly play Fantasy Craft.
It's not 3.5^10, but 3.5 made by competent people.
Iron Kingdoms RPG
Classic Traveller
I'm terrible at describing things, but here goes.
Strike! is a d6 based, generic, modular RPG. The design goals were to make the game fast, with the least possible amount of time spent on looking up modifiers, tables, tallying dice and just about anything that isn't playing/making decisions.
The book tries to pretend that the main mode of play is a very lightweight, somewhat narrative styled (I'm told it's somewhere between PbtA and Torchbearer, but I found it to be more like Fate/ FAE) game, where a character is made up of skills, tricks and complications. You either make those up, or select an origin and a background that determines them. Attempting something risky is a d6 roll, and depending on the outcome (modified by you being trained in the skill or not) you get some combination of success (yay!) twist (something doesn't go as planned) cost (you need to sacrifice something). Tricks let you auto succeed in some narrow field, Complications can be used to gain Action points to fuel your Tricks with.
There are lots of rules variants beyond that (tiered skills, wealth rules, special types of skill checks, etc.), they take up the first 90 pages before the main draw of the system appears, which is the tactical combat module.
The combat is turn based, pretty standard fare if you have played any of the modern D&Ds. It's somewhere half-way between 4e and 5e. The cool stuff is that it embraces 4e's concept of roles, and runs wild with it. You make the combat side of your character mechanically separate from the skills side (fluff should still be made to somehow make sense) by combining a Class with a Role. Classes are mostly generic and usually are based around some sort of gimmick. The Martial Artist is melee focused and stance based, the Archer is ranged focused soft control, the Summoner summons, the Buddies has a pet he does combo attacks with, etc. The Roles give passive boosts on top of that that helps you fill a battlefield role.
Strikers hit fast and hard, Blasters blow shit up, Defenders draw fire to themselves, Controllers move around and debuff enemies, Leaders heal and reposition allies.
In practice, this means that each class can be built 4-5 different ways (not every combination works well, but there are some weird ones you wouldn't think would work but then do). For example, there's a Necromancer class. You could take Defender and make it into a vampiric knight kind of thing, the Blaster and explode corpses with your poisons, the controller and slow, weaken and curse enemies etc.
In combat, teamwork is key, and correct application of your abilities makes the group more than just the sum of their parts; it is a wonderful feeling when a plan comes together.
Setting up combat is also quite easy, enemies can be built point-buy or you can use the pre-built ones with tweaks. HP and damage never gets really high either. The hardest part is probably making the map.
There's also feats and some setting ideas and other alternate rules, but that's the gist of it. Basically, if you like squad based tactical combat, and don't mind it having a very gamist bent and the need to fluff things, Strike! has got you covered.
I can vouch for this one
And this one
Not the poster of this but another major draw of the game is that it is setting neutral. Want a high fantasy game with dragons kidnapping princesses? You can do that.
Want a buddy cop sitcom sort of setting? Also doable.
How about a sci-fi setting where you're blowing shit up on Mars to bring water back to it somehow? Totally possible.
How about Conan-like fantasy? High seas adventures? Star Wars? Star Trek? Literally, it's all about what the GM is presenting and what the players bring to the table.
Worth noting that it's also a weakness in the sense that the players/GM _need_ to bring their stuff to the table, instead of it being done for them. If there was more published material/playbooks, this'd be easy to sidestep though.
I think it's uniquely suited to genres where fights are a central piece. This makes it real good for playing in the settings of a lot of team based vidya (WoW, LoL, Overwatch), on top of strategy RPGs (XCOM, FFT), as well as some comic boobks, Shounen, Mecha, Magical girl genres.
And of course, it basically entirely supplanted D&D for me, if I ever want to DM again.
It is true that there should be more material for it. Personally, I am wanting to use it for a Gundam style game sometime.
Dogs in the Vineyard: Mormon gunslingers in the wild west, fighting against demons.
Don't Rest Your Head: Insomniacs with madness-inducing superpowers fighting against nightmares given flesh while trying to stay awake and not go insane.
Don't forget Book 2 - For a Few More Subtitles
Don't forget Book 3 - Big Book of Brews
I used it for Armored Core, and it worked pretty well.
Converted it to hexes, renamed/tweaked a few things, and downloaded a hex pack for battletech for maps.
I mean, I didn't need to do all that, but I felt like it.
Sounds legit. It is true the game has a great combat system and all and it does meld well with certain types of tropes in regards to the games better than others. Didn't think Armored Core though...
I showed it to one of my players and they read it some and decided they'd like to play it in a modern like setting but with magic (not like Shadowrun, per se, but more like magic girls or Harry Potter or something) and I said I'd think about it.
Hmm... Maybe some sort of crazy anime-esque trope crossover game?
That was actually the reaction I got from the first group I showed it to as well. It was more "urban fantasy" than "anime crossover" though. Best way to go about imo would be to sit down with the players, see what characters they want to build and build the setting details around them (admittedly, not all players are good at this; I had a player in a different group who was literally incapable of making decisions like that, and it was painful as fuck).
I'll talk it over with them all before I sit down and try to make the setting. I'm sure they'll all be happy with whatever (they are those types of players that don't care for the system, they just like playing).
"Stop shilling strike" is copypasta at this point, with no basis in reality.
He's just shitposting.